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Everything posted by Carlosan

  1. no link i just asked user admin looks like the superadministrator to all forums
  2. Multilayer shader support mantis request open http://3d-coat.com/mantis/view.php?id=1036
  3. there is an unity applink http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8087 note: 3D Buzz has released tutorial videos for free http://www.3dbuzz.com/training/topic/unity?resetFilters=True
  4. khaja, do you watched ? hard surface modeling tips
  5. have an account there ? will you please add +1 suggesting adding 3DC ? http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?f=155&t=607003 http://cghub.com/forum/ ty !
  6. yeah you right i found more and more artist using 3DC, but just few post here I posted at cghub/cgsociety suggestion section... to add a new 3DC sub-section at Software Specific Forums. ------------------------------ Timur Site http://www.mutsaev.com/
  7. 3DCoat supported emissive/illumination maps is possible to do it using V4 ? ty
  8. nice! will you please share your Marmoset render/light settings ? ty
  9. There was an old post asking more or less the same point http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11255&hl=upgrade&fromsearch=1 Please contact stas3dc http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showuser=3850
  10. cool is this render 3DC internal ?
  11. Hi tuxmask75 Please look at this post http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11454&st=40 this issue is going to be resolved soon
  12. Which sets do you have at... Edit Preferences General Normal Calculation Method = Normal Maps export =
  13. off the centre try RMB over the layer To Global Space
  14. wait wait wait... Addendum about Render room: The actual render engine is a cross platform engine developed by Andrew's friend Sergey Krizhanovsky at June 2008. Source http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1099&view=findpost&p=4658
  15. Zediccus, I disagree -sorry- you are not using the same logic, because one thing is to - develop a new feature/resource and another - Finish developing an old feature/resource by conforming to standard Some 3DC features/resources/tools/rooms/whatever... are below the standard offered in other apps My POV > - First finish developing old 3DC tools making it TOP CLASS APP, - and then add new features. The another historic way... is to develop new and new and new features stopping every new one at the middle, because begin developing a new one and so on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Develop time need a Begin, Middle, End. Why 3DC tools never have an END ? Because there isnt a ROADMAP. Finishing my long post -and sorry for that - thats what we need to ask for, and thats is the source of all the tribulations. 3DC development need a ROADMAP, with high and low priorities.
  16. i got the same is a good card i can paint 4K not tried 8K larger brush radius, no difference performance fast superior that my old 9800GT
  17. 3DC is fast making sculpts if you need to show a fast model previz with hairs have sense i remember only once i need to do a worewolf... after retopo... Blender hair is fast superior to previz in my case... i prefer all the 3dc dev team focused improving the render room, render passes, SSS and light handles.
  18. http://javisjones.com/2013/training/new3dcvidlayermask-3001/
  19. http://3d-coat.com/wiki/index.php/3.6_Paint_Tools
  20. yeah, mudbox slow development is trying to dont loose the last train car but this train leave the station long time ago... to late for autodesk trying to mimic the competition
  21. Technically, each vertex of a mesh is the origin of the tangent space of each vertex. You provide a tangent basis to your shader by setting up one normal and one texture coordinate (uv) that's the normalized binormal, and one texture coordinate (uvset) that's the normalized tangent. These, together, make up your tangent basis, which is the vector that you take the light vector through to get it in the space of the normal map. You can re-construct tangent from normal+binormal using a cross product if you have lots of fragment shader instructions available. For each triangle on a face the tangents for each vertex of the triangle are computed. If the triangle is mapped (that is, has uv's) and those uvs are non-degenerate then the computation in Per triangle tangent computation) is performed. Degenerate uv's means having a 0 length vector in uv space along any edge of the triangle. If the triangle is either not mapped or degenerate, the geometric edges are used to compute the tangent. When normalized, a vector keeps the same direction but its length is 1.0 The typical code looks something like: tangentLight.x = dot3( light, in.normal ); tangentLight.y = dot3( light, in.texcoord[1] ); tangentLight.z = dot3( light, in.texcoord[2] ); normal = tex2D( myNormalMap, in.texcoord[0] ); diffuse = clamp( dot3( light, normal ) ) * lightColor; However, if you also want reflection mapping, you're probably better off bringing the normal map normal out to object space by using the inverse of that 3x3 tangent basis; either by changing the dot3 to a bunch of muls, or by inverting the matrix before stuffing it into the per-vertex attributes. source http://www.opengl.or...o-Tangent-Space
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