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Everything posted by chris_solo

  1. really cool work! (on the guy too!) ++Chris
  2. wow! I don't know how you got to do some parts which are difficult to access... like the teeth the inside of the mouth... and also nails also difficult to close. I always find myself in places like these trying to find solutions without the polys already that hinder. sorry my english ++Chris
  3. thanks for video, yeah great sculpt! ++Chris
  4. hey Carlosa nice work! ++Chris
  5. Nice work Methelina! I like your fighter spaceship. ++Chris
  6. bon, voilà mon Karg, tu tapes le raccourcis "s", dans le panneau des options tu regardes si le plan symétrique est bien dévérouillé, si oui, tu appuies sur la touche "Tab" et en même temps tu peux déplacer le plan symétrique! pour ta deuxième question, je crois que l'on ne peut pas, à moins d'importer un objet déjà fait ou à moins de le faire avec l'outil courbes mais ce ne serait pas évident, je pense... pour les autres questions, je ne sais pas! à tchao, bonsoir! ++Chris
  7. Amazing work Garagarape! I'm waiting the next up. ++Chris
  8. I vote Cycles too! ++Chris
  9. Thank you Garagarape! I try, I try... ++Chris
  10. Thank you Michalis!! it's always good to hear that from you, I like your work. I hope to start retopo soon... ++Chris
  11. it would rather people who promote (Pilgway) 3dcoat to report to cghub...., 3dcoat is in the list of additional software?. I always hear that 3dcoat is not enough known so on ... it would be a way to promote even if it's a detail Sometimes details matter ++Chris
  12. on cghub the interface for loading its images one might ask why there is no drop-down list of software that was used for his project there is not 3dcoat? ... Someone might ask? no 3dcoat in the list...? ++Chris
  13. new render with the 3.7.12D, I am trying to continue my alien... I'll try and make a retopo rendering in Lightwave. ++Chris
  14. Andrew, thank you for this new interface and also on work that was done on the brushes! much innovation in this version!
  15. Thanks for sharing!! great shaders. ++Chris
  16. nice work Chris, of the mountain sheep skull!! ++Chris
  17. Nice all work! Does the colt has been done in ZBrush or 3dcoat? what manipulations to get NM in coat? thanks Leigh ++Chris
  18. Happy New year from Paris(France) to Tejas(Texas) ++Chris
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