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Is there no way to set a custom? Invert/Subtract Hotkey?
loamroam posted a question in Questions & Answers
I've been trying out 3Dcoat today and have spent most of my time trawling through menus and forums lookng for a way to change the "invert" (subtract?) mode from holding "Ctrl" to holding "alt" like in zbrush. I thought that I was looking in the wrong place as it seems like everything else is customizable (which is great by the way) however I can't to find a way to change this one hotkey! I would love to give 3dcoat a proper go, to see if it would be a good addition into my workflow, but this one tiny thing is a bit of a dealbreaker unfortunately (thank you muscle memory ) any help would be appreciated! (also if it's not possible then I might have to go and submit a suggestion) -
Hello, I know you guys probably hate hearing zbrush this or blender that so I'm sorry in advance. I've fallen in love with 3D coat and I want it to be the best. With that said I'd like to request a tool that is super convenient for big and small edits in both the modeling and sculpt rooms. This is a brush option that will allow the user to move all vertices that lay underneath the brush. This would be insanely useful in the modeling room where the geometry is low and predictable. Allowing the user to work in an orthographic view and affect all the geometry behind. I believe zbrush does some sort of trace the size of the brush and any vertices that arent masked are moved in screen space. If this functionality already exists let me know because I need it! Here are some youtube links of the brush inside of zbrush to use as an example Example one Example 2
Hi, Me again. I have tried to import my ZBrush work to 3dcoat, I tried the fbx plugin, but it still no layers. Could you help? Thanks & Best Regards, K.
I just jumped into 3DCoat yesterday, and so far, I'm loving the retopo'ing tools (faster workflow than Maya's Quad Draw!) and just only now looking at the painting. I come from heavy ZBrush usage, and working with a drawing tablet, Zbrush's viewport navigation controls seem to make the most sense for painting in 3D. I looked through some posts and I have almost everything set up the way I want (RMB to rotate, ALT + RMB to pan), but Zbrush has two ways for zooming: CTRL + RMB, AND ALT + (let go) + RMB. For those who haven't used ZBrush, if you hold down the ALT key + RMB simultaneously, then as soon as you let go of ALT, so long as you remain holding RMB, you can zoom in and out. It might sound confusing, but in the workflow in Zbrush, it feels very natural and quick, meaning panning, rotating, and zooming can all be done with a combination of ALT and RMB without having to introduce CTRL or LMB into the mix. I see no way of replicating this functionality in 3DCoat (activating zooming if you hold ALT + RMB, then let go of ALT while still holding RMB). I'm surprised and incredibly thankful for the deep camera and hotkey customization 3DC offers, but I'm worried that this feature is so specific and precise, that there may be no way to do it. I'm skeptical but hope to be proven wrong! Any suggestions? Thanks!
Hello I'm sculpting in zbrush, exporting as .obj and then importing to 3D Coat for manual retopololgy. However, when I import the .obj in 3D Coat, what I get is like a soft, inflated version of my object. It works fine when I open it zbrush again. Any ideas? Apologies if this is a dumb question or in the wrong spot, I'm new to 3D Coat and this forum Thanks!
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- zbrush
- retopology
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Hey Everyone! I was trying to find workflow information related to games and movies. So I found a video from a YouTube channel called Flipped ... I started watching and I heard the following comment: "... so the tools you're probably gonna have to learn here are first Zbrush. If you are character artist Zbrush is to go to tool. We have people asking cannot sculpt in Modo, Blender, 3D-Coat? Technically yes, practically NO! Zbrush is by far the most advanced sculpting tool here! " "Also because it's just become it is the industry standard..." As soon as I heard this, I still tried watching the video, but I stopped and I could not watch it anymore. It's not because I use 3D-Coat, but I've had a lot of feelings about what I've heard and I'd like to share with everyone. I can speak and give my opinion very credibly. That's because I've used ZBrush for many years and I've been using 3D-Coat for a long time. So I know exactly what I'm talking about. First, I was sad to hear that they say that 3D-Coat would be the last choice of tools when it comes to sculpture. And I know that other people also say that because I've already listened. Secound I was disappointed because ZBrush is not that far from 3D-Coat in relation to the sculpting tools and Brush system. Thirdly, I was upset , because if you do not know how to use a program properly, it does not mean that the other program is so superior. And probably, these people do not even want to give themselves the chande of sculpting on 3D-Coat. They are right in one thing, Zbrush has become the standard for the Industry. In 3D-Coat, I can make sculptures as good or better than when I used ZBrush. I do not see that gigantic difference between ZBrush and 3D-Coat. If a person thinks that just because he or she will use the ZBrush that will become a Rodin or Michelangelo digital is very much mistaken! Because the program will not sculpt for you! Zbrush began to develop first and has a great team. Of course in 3D-Coat the system of brushes and alphas can be improved. In the latest versions of 3D-Coat, @Andrew Shpagin has been improving the Sculpt Room, giving us tools that neither ZBrush has. In the near future of 3D-Coat, I'm sure @Andrew Shpagin will give us an excellent new system of brushes and alphas with features that will allow us an even more refined control of Brushes and Alphas. Because I use 3D-Coat every day to sculpt, I try to show and demonstrate to @Andrew Shpagin and the whole community the features that are important and that would make a big difference to our work. Maybe @Andrew Shpagin will listen to me, maybe not. I hope so! I know that sometimes I may be annoying for suggesting features and improvements, but I always have the mindset of wanting to see 3D-Coat be better than it already is! To complete my thinking, 3D-Coat's sculpture system is very good and the detailing system inside 3D-Coat is starting to have a brightness. The artist who wants to sculpt in 3D-Coat will have the same success as ZBrush. Just learn the tool and be happy. I know there's a lot going on, but I could not shut up this time! That is my honest opinion!
Hey Everyone! I'm trying to use Falloff to try to control Alpha's MidValue. I know that falloff is not for that. The result is a surface inflated inward or inflated outwards. To apply detailing on a character is virtually impossible, because there is no way to control the alpha on the surface of a flattened way, ie only the detailing on the surface without inflating and deforming the the surface of the character. If you do not use Falloff, the alpha will look rectangular step inward or outward. From what I know, there is no control to solve this within 3D-Coat. It is very complicated for an artist to use alphas to detail a character without having control of how the alpha will deform the surface of the mesh. If the user does not have a control similar to MidValue, it will be very difficult for the artist to perform his quality work within 3D-Coat and this will cause the artist to try to do his work in another program. And more complicated is the artist who has no knowledge of trying to fix the alpha in an external program just because of MidValue. Sometimes alphas textures (displacements) bought on websites when they are used inside 3D-Coat have the same IMAGE effects as I did (above picture) because there is no function inside 3D-Coat that controls Midvalue. And to be very honest with you, I do not know how to fix the Alphas in an external program, even though I know that 127, 127, 127 (gray) is the point of no deformation. I know it's annoying to say that, but unfortunately if I do not figure out a way to detail my characters inside 3D-Coat, I'm going to have to use another program for that. This makes me completely sad because I would like to do all my work within 3D-Coat because 3D-Coat is my main program. At the moment, unfortunately, I do not like to say this, but I have to agree with many other artists that I listen to that they use the competing program to detail their characters because they have the means to do so. The image bellow I'm trying to show the importance of MidValue to fix possibles problems with the alphas: I made this video to demonstrate to all of you why the MidValue function is essential and important. In the video, I show the difference of this function between ZBrush and 3D-Coat. Please watch and if you want to speed up the video so you do not get bored, just be aware of Midvalue values. In Video, in this example , when midvalue has a value of 0 in ZB it has the same result as FallOff of 3D-Coat with a high value, which results in the out-inflated surface. I already researched and I've done thousands of tests with the alphas to try to solve the MidValue problem and I could not. It knocks me down. Please, if anyone knows how to control Alpha MidValue within 3D-Coat, share it with everyone. Or point out a way to fix these alphas in an external program. Thank you for your attention and sorry for anything. I already sent emails to Andrew talking about Alpha's MidValue and whether there would be a possibility for users to have a similar function to control alpha. Please, if you agree with what I have said and demonstrated, send @Andrew Shpagin an email ( asking for something similar to the midvalue function. This is very important.
Hey everyone! I've been sculpting a lot in 3D-Coat, especially in Surface Mode. I tried to find here in the forum the answer to my question, but I did not find an exact answer to that. I would like to know if there is a similar function of Imbed (Zbrush) or Plane Offset (Blender) to control brushes in 3D-Coat? If I am not wrong these 2 functions are similar... (please someone correct me if I am wrong) I would like to have better control on the surface of the mesh inside the 3d-coat, that is, a very refined control in the brushstrokes that I make. Generally, when I used ZBrush, I left the Imbed low when I wanted to refine my brush strokes, thereby fully controlling the influence of the brush's deformation on the surface of the mesh. Just to let you know, I know most of you know these functions, but I will leave the explanation of these Zbrush and Blender brushes functions so some people who do not know can understand. Zbrush: Imbed The Brush Imbed will control the embed of selected brush. Brush Imbed gives a brush a definite control on how a brush will interact with a surface. This will allow slight deformation on the surface or more extreme deformation on the surface. Blender: Plane Offset: Offset for planar brushes (Clay, Fill, Flatten, Scrape), shifts the plane which is found by averaging the faces above or below. I know we have in the 3d-coat the sensitivity curve control button or the intensity of the tablet, but it's not exactly the function I'm looking for, just as we have the Edit Flatten Curve that is not the function I'm looking for either . Any similar function of Imbed or Plane Offset in 3D-Coat? Thank you
- 3 replies
- imbed
- plane offset
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Hi Iv introduced a guy into the world of digital sculpting, and Im a Zbrush user but now his demo has run out Im trying to find him the best affordable alternative, zbrush 2018 is too expensive. The reason why I didnt go with Zbrush core is they ripped too much out, one such tool its auto retopology tools Zremehser. Iv had a go inside 3Dcoat but I cant seem to adopt the same workflow, but maybe its possible with your help? My work flow is not to jump into voxel, or as in Zbrush dynamesh or sculptris pro method of sculpting. I found working from a low to med poly model helps develop of much smoother base to get the basic volumes and forms in place. During the first stage id typicaly use a Sub d method to move up and down between sub d levels as I choose, then when the form is there id use a auto retopology in Zbrush called Zremesher, this provides me with a low to medium polygon based which has way better edge flow for better sculpting usages. I do have the choice at this point to have made a duplicate mesh before using Zremesher so as to keep a more detailed version which I project onto a sub divided model in which was auto retopology processed. At this point no voxel sculpting or any type of dynamic sub d, that can be usefull later on but in the initial stages I want to keep away from this and use a more traditiional sub d method, can 3DCoat do this, and if so can you point me to training that shows it please? Thanks, Dan
Hi, I imported a high poly object into the sculpt room to use as a retopo reference. It was too small so I scaled it up with the Gizmo. Switched over to the Retopo room and built a retopo mesh over it. Exported the retopo mesh; which is now too large compared to the original high poly reference mesh when it is appended as a new subtool back in Zbrush. What is the proper workflow here to handle scale issues. The original high poly mesh was sculpted in Zbrush and is a proper size ( approx. 2.0-2.0-2,0 in tha software). Thanks in advance- I looked through the forums but must have missed the answer.
i have imported a .ply scanned asset. After working between programs and importing /exporting it has scaled down ridiculously small! I'm trying to restore the scale to match the original. I import as a surface with zero in the transforms and w/o Voxelisation. A window pops up saying it will remember any transforms for export and i click OK. I have been exporting .obj to use tools in zbrush which I'm more familiar with then importing back. The object needs to be in the exact scale and positioning for the next process but the scale, position and pivot point is completely out of wack!! Also I dont understand the reason for the bracketed numbers... its 11 million tris so it makes it harder to work with. Any help would be amazing! thank you
Hey everyone, I would like to know one very important thing if there is a feature that I am urgently needed in 3D-Coat. I'm making a character. I used the Decimate Proxy Method to be able to make changes in the pose of the character, especially in the arm. After the character was lighter, I hid the whole character except for the arm, in which I began to repair the arm (using Pose Tool, Move Brush). Finally, when I finished all my work, I pressed the button that serves to exit the proxy mode and return the character with the original amount of polygons and then I saved the file. When I realized and looked at the character, I do not know how this must have happened, but in several places of the character the mesh was distorted and displaced. These places should be protected because I had previously hidden these parts to be able to use the Pose Tool and Move Brush. I believe that somehow 3d-coat did not respect the hidden mesh and even then made a mess in those areas. At the same time, I tried to use CTRL + Z to undo all the changes to recover the character in the original state (before my work I did on the arm). But 3D-Coat just went back to the mesh proxy and stopped there (no longer allowing undo) while remaining the messy mesh of the character. In this project, I'm using Tortoise HG (I'm new to this program) to save all my modifications rather than saving multiple files as I was accustomed to doing.That means I have only one project file. Due to my desperation and the very late hour I thought of reverting the file to the previous state I had saved in Tortoise HG (which would be a file before the modifications in the arm), but I messed up and went back to a file very early , where I lost practically all the accessories and much more of this project. And to complete the tragedy, I could not undo this action in Tortoise. Luckily, I had exported the character in .3b (before the changes in the arm) and also I had exported the character with the changes in the arm in 3b. (but with the other parts of the body messed up). Having said all this, I wonder if there is a way to reproject the good parts I've made of the (messy) character to the character who has the correct mesh? I know that in 3D-Coat there is the Copy tool (voxels mode), but for me to do this procedure I will have to convert my character to Voxels and so I will lose many details that I already did in Surface mode. I know that to keep these details, I will have to increase millions of polygons and I think my computer will not support it. So, is there any way to transfer the work I did on the arm (bad file) to the correct mesh (good file)? Similar to the mesh reproject functionality that exists in ZBrush? thanks...
I would like to know if 3D Coat has sculpt layers that allow you to perform tweaks/moves on a layer and then control the layer strength with a slider. I want to work on a head object with final topology / UVs and create a number of facial expressions. I want to make them on separate layers and control the strengths to preview the animation (similar to sculpt layers in ZBrush or blendshape envelope in Maya). This will also be useful when painting hard-to-reach areas when doing texture painting. For example, painting inside the mouth cavity or inside deep facial folds and creases. Thanks!
- 6 replies
- tweak
- blendshapes
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Hello everyone, Recently, I saw the release of zbrush 2018. In addition to fantastic new tools and enhancements, they finally put something very similar to 3D-Coat's live clay. First, I want to say that I love 3D-Coat, I bought the license even though I was a Zbrush user. When I saw 3D-Coat, I fell in love with the unique features offered by 3D-Coat (voxels, live clay and several unique program tools) that even the powerful Zbrush did not have. I may be wrong, but over time, I noticed that the Zbrush releases were very similar tools to what 3D-Coat had already had for a long time. When I started to do my work on 3D-Coat, I realized the difference of the brushes when I tried to sculpt 3D-Coat that did not have the same feeling I had in Zbrush (even many users complained about the same thing). Until there appeared brushes that supposedly would be similar to the Zbrush (Artman's brushes). I did not give up 3D-Coat and I started doing some tests trying to find ideal settings, and I started to love the way I sculpted 3D-Coat. So, I came to use 3D-Coat as my MAIN sculpting and texturing program and because I really like and care about 3D-Coat, I would humbly like to appeal to @Andrew Shpagin and the fantastic developers of 3D-Coat that, please, begin to improvise and add tools to the Sculpt Room. I know that such tools are complex to make, but because I believe so much in 3D-Coat I would very much like to see the System of layers in the Sculpt Room, Morph tools and Reprojection of details from one mesh to the other, Noise system maker, Possibility of baker of displacement map directly in the mesh (without having to export the mesh and import the mesh again), Better tools of modifiers like inflate, bend and etc, Possibility to create groups of polygons so that we can isolate and work with them at the moment we want (like polygroups). A Falloff tool or topology in the brush moves and in the other brushes so we can sculpt or move without affecting areas around the sculpture point (eg opening or closing mouth or eyes). A better integration of masks with Paint Room, because if you have a mesh with many polygons and take to the Paint room is very slow the procedure of making masks or improvise tools of the Paint Room in the Sculpt Room for the procedure to be done quickly. Improvements in the detail of the surface of the mesh, because when using an alpha the mesh gets the detailing with effect of few polygons (it is different when doing the same procedure in the zbrush, getting better). Functionalities for better control of imported alphas. As well as other tools and features that many users ask to be made in 3D-Coat. I hope you do not criticize me for asking Zbrush tools and features for 3D-Coat because I can only see 3D-Coat enhancements on Zbrush. If they do not mind putting very similar 3D-Coat tools on their system, why not implement tools similar to theirs in 3D-Coat? Sometimes I think that tools like Copy Clay (from Surface mode), which is a fantastic tool type (which is having problems with recent versions of 3D-Coat), was created and left out. Just like other tools. For a long time I have been waiting for tools and features that I have already mentioned above and never appear. I get very sad and discouraged by this. Once again, I know that it's complicated to develop such functionalities and I know of the effort of the developers to do what is 3D-Coat that we all know. I really congratulate you for creating this fantastic program and I love it, but please read my requests with love, because I would like to see 3D-Coat shining more than it shines nowadays! Before anyone tells me to ask for these features in the ordering section session, to send email to the support or something, I noticed that it does not help much, because many things are already in those places and they stayed there. I hope everyone will ask to @Andrew Shpagin and developers for new features and tools, as well as improvements to existing tools. Because I do not want to hear from many artists who make videos on youtube that 3D-Coat is not good at sculpting and detailing how Zbrush is. I would like to see many good things in the next version of 3D-Coat. It will be possible @Andrew Shpagin and developers? For those who want to see a preview of ZBRUSH 2018 on youtube, you'll understand what I felt when I saw so many things being released and improved by them:
retopology 3D-Coat vs. ZBrush auto-retopology comparison
Metin Seven posted a topic in General 3DCoat
Hi, I wrote an evaluation of the two best 3D auto-retopology algorithms available today — 3D Coat's Autopo and ZBrush's ZRemesher. Read the article here. Regards, Metin -
All environment pieces & level I did for The Burning Descent VR, for RyseUp Studios are here, the game run under Unreal Engine 4. I also helped on other fileds such as VFX art ( a little but super fun moments ! ), ConceptArt, Animation ( rigging & posing only for special purpose ) and Character's textures. I used 3DCoat for mostly everything except for stencils/Brushes creation ( PS ) with custom smartmaterials ( same used on SWR project =) ), ZBrush for all of those canyon rocks ^^ 3dsMax for all Lowpoly's and plenty of highpolys ( mostly when not organic ) MightyBake for baking. Special thanks to Anthony Daneluzzi, Fantin Gislette, Alexandre Cheremetieff, Jonathan Belot, Laurent Dessart, Guillaume Zannoni, Maxime Teppe, Coralie Bruchon, Adrien Chenet, Milen Ivanov, and evryone who helped bringing this game to life ! I really enjoyed working with all of you and I hope we'll keep teaming'up like that in the future =) The Burning Descent is a VR Game made@ RyseUp Studios in Lyon Full project here ( + viewers of each asset and some scene ) :
Hi guys, so I know this is probably a newbie thing but Ive been trying to figure it out on my own this morning and I couldnt. So I got a model in zbrush with a 4 subdivision levels and good topology, made it on zbrush, but next projects ill be using 3ds max too. In 3DC i want to: UVs on the lowpoly baking a displacement map from the highpoly Paint textures while I can see the displacement map applied (i dont know actually if that is possible, if not ill go with normal map) What Ive done: Exporting obj lowpoly, exporting obj highpoly and try things.
Hi, I'm very new to 3D Coat, and the first things I'd like to adjust to make my workspace more familiar are the viewport navigation controls. I'm very used to ZBrush's right-click viewport navigation controls: RMB = Orbit Control + RMB = Zoom Alt + RMB = Pan When I use the ZBrush-like navigation preset, the above-mentioned controls don't work. I've tried to customize the controls, but entering the above-mentioned controls doesn't seem to work. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Any help would be much appreciated, many thanks in advance. Regards from the Netherlands, Metin
- 3 replies
- rmb
- right click
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Hi, As a newbie user, i'd like to know, if is there any way to import meshes from Zbrush to 3dcoat with crease information? I generally use Zbrush "zmodeller" tool for hard surface modelling with crease information on it. Regarding creating UVmap, i prefer to use 3d Coat but when i complete UV map, i export that mesh with FBX file. Import it inside Zbrush but realize that all the crease information is getting lost. It is really painy to re-crease all that faces again. I think i do something wrong or miss. Need you advise. Thanks in advance ST
Hi, Is there a way to make a brush act like the Trim Smooth Border brush in Zbrush? Basically it uses the initial normal detected when you click, for all subsequent actions, until the mouse is released. Thank you! -Chilton
Hello people, I'm a long time Zbrush user and new to 3D Coat. I havent created anything spectacular yet but I'm trying to and thats why I purchased 3d coat. It is a breeze to experiment with hard surface ideas in it and I'm having alot of fun. My noob question is: How do I export my 3D Coat vox layers as subtools to Zbrush. I searched a bit and it seems like people usually are exporting from zbrush, not the other way around. I am way more comfortable with Zbrushes brushes and all so once I get the main idea and shapes here I would like to export to zbrush and tweak further, and then maybe will come back for retopo. I tried once merging the layers and exporting but no success. I had the object but not the subtools. Can you please show me where to look and/or what to do? Cheers and thanks,
Hi! The basic question is: Is there a way of clicking on the different retopo objects on the model it self to quickly select them or do I have to manually go and check by clicking on each retopo group until the right one is selected? ex. Alt click in Zbrush on a subtool selects the corresponding subtool. Thanks for the help! <3