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At least it happened. It was very big piece of work. In this version you will find:

1) OpenGL render (I am not sure if it essential for you, but essential for me, I need to check how it works)

2) Retopo tool

3) Handlers in sculpt mode

This version by default will be installed into separate folder because it is FIRST BETA and there was very many changes. Please tell me how to improve retopo tool and how to make it functional and user - friendly. Also, I want to check how this version works on GMA945.

Known bugs:

1) no low-q shaders support (will be done later)

2) my photo in materials looks strange :)

3) navigation in x-y-z direction is not adjusted

4) exit&save is not working

6) symmetry in retopo mode is very questionable - how to do it better?

7) icon for retopo tool is strange :)

Please dont beat me if you will find too many bugs :)

And the link:


*edit: link is updates to 2.10F (27.06.2009) - both OpenGL & DirectX versions are included

If you have downloaded and installed full package of 2.10 and want to update to 2.10B1B you can download and install short package that contains only executables. It should be installed OVERWRITE 2.10 B1, othervice - CRASH!

the link to patch (17MB)


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You did'nt created a topology tool to create pieces of cloth, but a full, and already usable fantastic retopo tool !!!!

here are a few request : (the other tools are simply perfect)

a tool to subdivide a single shell, instead of the whole model

a tool to relax a shell instead of the whole model

a tool to delete a shell... instead of the whole model

In Tweak vertices mode, i'd like to be able to drag a vertex to another, and merge the two

an extrude edge loop

in Split edge ring mode, when you press shift, i'd like to have a snap to the middle of the edge.

a tool to snap an edge loop to the symetry plane. When you apply symetry, the vertices of this middle edgeloop should be merged.

Id like also to be able to snap the symetry plane on an edge of the low poly model.

I'd like to import an existing topology (open .obj or Lwo file)

and i'd like to have a tool to snap the loaded mesh, or the existing topo on the reference surface.

i'd like to have a tool to create faces based on the low poly model. (a kind of brush that create/get faces from the reference mesh,

or remove faces when you press alt) It could be useful to retopo a part a a model.

an option to replace the existing model in the scene, instead of merging.

What's the difference between Merge into Scene, and merge path ?

And now, some bugs :

I can't change the size of the 3DBrush window, and maximize it again : i've got a display bug.

When i slide an edgeloop, some edges goes in the wrong direction.

When i merge a model, and if the reference model has a layer with displacement, there are some bugs on the new topo model. (pic 2)

Once, i got a 'crazy point' on a retopo model.... (pic3)

finally, i had a bug in sculpt mode (pic1)

Fantastic work Andrew.

After i uploaded the new version this afternoon, at work, there was quickly a lot people around.

I forgot : the serial dosent' work.




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It won't open. I get the 3DC splash screen, then it starts to show for a half a second then it all goes black and says "!!Crash!!.log" the top of the error window says "Cannot open log".


I ran it as administrator in Vista and this time I got the crash log, it's attached.


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I'm seeing a different problem....

I installed the 2.10 beta1 in a new directory (the installer default). When I started the program, I was in demo mode (expected.) I clicked continue and was still in demo (expected.) I choose "Sphere" and clicked OK. The load process started but when it got to the 92% point, the title bar went blank (normally it would be "sphere - 3D-COAT 2.092" (this is how the previous release worked.) 3D-Coat locks up with the hour glass displayed and the load progress bar at 92%.

I watched the 3d-coat process with the task manager and see the memory usage slowly rising -- it's 176,276K and still going. The former release uses 150,752K.

I copied my serial.txt file from the previous release to 2.10 beta to see if getting out of demo mode would change anything, but it didn't.

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When I try to run it - as soon as I have selected one of the stock objects and clicke ok on the pop-up panel - it does the subdivision and then freezes with a constant beeping sound on XP. Does not get any further.


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I was having a problem running the beta in xp64 until I turn on compatibility mode for 3d-coat.exe and set it to win98 / me. Another problem is after you close 3dc you must end the 3dxsrv.exe and 3d-coat.exe in the task manager.

I was also wondering should I post the bugs i find here or send them to Andrew.

Opteron 246

2Gigs Ram


Nvidia 7800gs

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I was having a problem running the beta in xp64 until I turn on compatibility mode for 3d-coat.exe and set it to win98 / me. Another problem is after you close 3dc you must end the 3dxsrv.exe and 3d-coat.exe in the task manager.

I was also wondering should I post the bugs i find here or send them to Andrew.

Opteron 246

2Gigs Ram


Nvidia 7800gs

I'mon XP 64 too, but with a Quadro FX video card... it works fine. until i change the 3DC window size

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Thank to all for patience and testing :)

I will upload the newer version today with bugfixes. I will include DirectX version there also for better compartability.

Wow, this retopo tool is GREAT !

It gives me a feel of speed while using it that it is amazing.

I whish to know if there is a way to reproject the detail of the Hi res mesh, to the new one.

And then, are you considering to add a "draw" topology tool, like silo or topogun ?

Well, it seems that rimasson has already reported all bugs I found :)

Great work andrew!

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I whish to know if there is a way to reproject the detail of the Hi res mesh, to the new one.

of course, press merge into scene. It will merge new patch into scene wilth all projected details and layers structure.

There is also Merge patch - to merge patch without details.

And then, are you considering to add a "draw" topology tool, like silo or topogun ?

please describe what is it?

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Wow, this retopo tool is GREAT !

It gives me a feel of speed while using it that it is amazing.

I whish to know if there is a way to reproject the detail of the Hi res mesh, to the new one.

And then, are you considering to add a "draw" topology tool, like silo or topogun ?

Well, it seems that rimasson has already reported all bugs I found :)

Great work andrew!

TO reproject the details from the hires mesh , use Merge into Scene. It will reproject displacement, color and spec maps.

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TO reproject the details from the hires mesh , use Merge into Scene. It will reproject displacement, color and spec maps.

Maybe next time I will push all buttons before making requests :)

Anyway, using "Merge into Scene", does not work here

The result is an unprojected mesh with strange artifacts (something like a checkered displace in some areas) like in your second image.

I have a 64-bit machine, with Nvidia quadro FX 5600, 4GB RAM


Andrew, you can see a video of a draw tool by topogun at this link


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Hi, Just discoverd this software and it's quite impressive, the topology tools are great for the time you spent on it.

Like bluEgo said it, it miss a drawing tool.

And a problematic area I found when retopologizing are cylindric part (fingers, legs, arms...) Being able to slice through the mesh with one clic (like in 3dsmax with the quickslice tool in Editable Poly mode) and getting your topology done like this could really simplify the process.


Here is a picture of what I thought. After you have done these three stroke (the red stroke are slice done through the mesh, and the blue line is a guide line), after that you choose your vertical and horizontal division to get your final resulting mesh.

If you want to take a look at an other good retopologizing software take a look at Cyslice, there are quite impressive feature.

Because I was able to test this software I can explain you this video.

In the first step he is drawing his guideline, they will be used to build the topology, then you connect them, but you don't have to draw each edge you want to your final mesh.

When you have finish this step, he is adding seeds on each patch (the little balls, and it's quite an annoying procces to have to put each balls manually I can admit), to be able to create the surface, If I understood well how it works the seeds help to search for the border edge around it and create the resulting surface.

Than you can subdivide the mesh created, or add edges, but it use the big line to do this, not the polygonal mesh itself (what it lacks is the ability to put edgeloop or edgering in this process).

But the real force of cyslice is that it can create typical pattern by hitting a key, you can cylce through edge pattern and choose the one who fit the best for your needs.

The video about cyslice is not there to ask you to do the same thing, but to show you what is done on other software.

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Guest Lottmedia

I get crashy-poo too. Starts up, I select one of the generic objects (thried different ones) and tell it default settings to import and after a couple passes of the progress bar (with the import settings menu stiss flashing in BG) it freezes up. Also, all the numbers in the interface seems to be several pixels outside their boxes, if that means anythign


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Is it possible in TopoGun to create closed drawn curve?

I think yes ( I don't know cause Topogun is always in beta).

Basically in topogun and Silo you can continue to draw a previous done curve by holding a key.

So you can hold ctrl for example near the end of a curve and start drawing, then you can release the ctrl key always while drawing, and re-press ctrl key near the end of another curve.

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I don't have a screenshot right now but one other bug appeared. On my laptop I loaded it up and opened my own current project. Then all of the text in the program disappeared. I also noticed both times I tried it on the laptop thst when you try to resize the window the double arrow that's supposed to appear at the edge of he window just flickers instead of appearing solid.

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