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  • Advanced Member
Andrew can we have a universal manipulator to have Rotate move and scale at the same time when you are in merge and add buttons with Word and local orientation.

I vote for this ability.

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hey small question here .

does volumetric sculpting will work similarly to metaballs

or z sphere process to build up chataracters from scratch?

Of course you will be able to make character from scratch. Something like Z-spheres will be a basic functionality. It is almost done via splines. Splines will be multi - rooted. Yo will be able to make any network of splines. In any point you will be able to set shape/size. Z-Spheres are partiaal case of all that.

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  • Advanced Member
Yes, just show me how it looks (universal manipulator).

my concept:

picture and video(the way like 3ds Max or other main 3d applications):

universal manipulator will be really good.

We will be still use it to Rotate/move/scale objects whatever which tools is in use.



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I tried it with a tablet (Intuos 3 6x8) and mouse with the same result. The first couple of releases worked fine.

Sorry phil, the latest update works fine for me, no lumps, and Andrew fixed the intersection issue.

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Help! Help!

I saved my voxel object and now when I open it 3D Coat merges it with the default voxel sphere. Because it's voxels there's no way to get rid of the sphere without destroy my object.

But there's no rush, Andrew. It was just a test object.

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Updated. please try.

That worked! Phew!

and here she is:


I used 'Draw with Pen' to build the entire model. Carve would've been better but the Smooth function is too weak to smoothen a carved form.

I noticed there's a bug that causes the work space to capture mouse activity through interface items. In other words - if you hold down the Move Camera button the underlying model behind the button will be modified with the current sculpting tool. eek!

I always feel bad reporting bugs so early. I'm pretty sure you're aware of most of the bugs and you're just going through fixing them. :)

I enjoyed making the horse. It wasn't necessarily fast to build, but it was definitely relaxing.

It felt like my right hand was making the horse while my brain had lots of time to think about other things. This is what I think is Voxels strongest feature. It's like doodling with a pencil and paper. You don't have to think about it. You just do it. Most other programs require you constantly think about what you're doing. When using other programs I always feel like I'm a nerdy engineer. :)

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Of course you will be able to make character from scratch. Something like Z-spheres will be a basic functionality. It is almost done via splines. Splines will be multi - rooted. Yo will be able to make any network of splines. In any point you will be able to set shape/size. Z-Spheres are partiaal case of all that.

A W E S O M E ! :)

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oh,my "Universal" is whatever tools are in use,you can still move/scale/rotate any object.

In "Draw with pen" mode I can move move/scale/rotate the object,in "Clone tool" I can move/scale/rotate the object too,whatever tools are in use,you can still use the manipulator move/scale/rotate any object.

But Juan and tree321's "Universal" means "multiple".ha,different things. :rolleyes:

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oh,my "Universal" is whatever tools are in use,you can still move/scale/rotate any object.

In "Draw with pen" mode I can move move/scale/rotate the object,in "Clone tool" I can move/scale/rotate the object too,whatever tools are in use,you can still use the manipulator move/scale/rotate any object.

But Juan and tree321's "Universal" means "multiple".ha,different things. :rolleyes:

I believe this is what it's normally called in Maya, Max, Vue, etc. A Universal Manipulator, or universal gizmo. One "device" that can control move/rotate/scale.

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