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This is very first and very basic demo/alpha of volumetric tools. It will get huge future development, it is just first step to show some principles of volumetric sculpting. You will find the icon in left panel at the bottom. The link is there:

vista.png+nvidia2.png+card.png CUDA-enabled version (requires NVidia GeeForce 8... ,9... or 2... - see full list there) :


To get it to work you need:

1) Go to


2) Choose your OS and download CUDA 2.2 ot later:

- driver

- toolkit

and install both of them

vista.png Version without CUDA support:


Both DX/GL works with VS.

If you have some problems with running DX version, download and install latest DirectX there:


apple.pngMac version of 3D-Coat 3.0 ALPHA


Vox. sculpting presentation files (ppt+video):



video.pngVideo codec (if need)

Vox sculpting gallery and description:

koala2_copy_preview.jpg+lion3_tree321_preview.jpg+inc3_moxstudios_preview.jpg+octo_preview.jpg+test4d_Jokermax_preview.jpg+many many more


edit: a short review made by Phil Nolan:

Change log since ALPHA0:


Alpha V87(RC)


Changes (detailed, all changes are posted frequently in twitter too)

- Improving and getting baking in retopo tool to work in all modes - voxels, DP, microverts

- Delete object/material/faces - getting to work

- Improving normalmap calculation in DP - leads to less seams insde UV islands

- New splash screen for V3

- Render improvments - better AO uniformness, no more black contour around object

- Incorrect Undo in Retopo strokes mode fixed

- I made possibility to edit tiled pictures. This feature will appear in invitation screen in DP section->plane. Thanks to ghib for cool idea!

- fixed suspending 3DC while opening file that does not exist (from recent for example)

- I have made "Snap to low-poly vertices" item in View menu

- Fixed - undo in Line mode for E panel in DP

- Edit all layers /projection in ext editor will check now if layer name contains "normalmap" and if so, assign corresponding colorop to layer

- Enter/exit transform tool in painting mode fixed (there was wrong pen setting on exit)

- Fixed: direct painting now works correctly after exit out of usual sculpt mode (there was problems on newely sculpted areas in dp)

- Fixed: Chinese font pattern appeared in Render room after checking View->Show displaced mesh

- Fixed: duplicated tabs in tool parameters window.

- I made common selected button style for tool parameter panel and for left tool selection panel (it was far not so quck to do as I expected)

Alpha V86(RC)


Change log (slightly more detailed then usually)

May 22

1) Checkers "In perspective", "In ortho" was inserted in navi panel to improve navigation customization

2) Integration with PS improved - no more duplicated layers, layers will be arranged in the same order as in PS, obsolete layers will be deleted.

3) Palette "space" circle - 64 colors there now

4) Redo in Voxel tools

5) Fixed long standing bug - artifacts in flattern tool. Now work of surface tool has become really stable.

6) Essential improvements in Flatten and scrape tools at the edges of the model

7) Light and grey interface themes

May 23

1) Fill and Increase tool are now dependent on Deep degree, not on smooth degree

2) Cylinder-like gizmos in Primitive tools fixed

3) Intro window

4) GL pen shader fixed (no more flipped pen preview in GL mode)

May 25

1) GL snake crash fixed in panorama view

2) Correct rectangles view on GL mode (now interface looks identically in DX and GL, so OSX version looks more accurately)

3) Seamless painting across UV-window restored in DP mode

5) Strange blue texture look in UV paint mode in GL version fixed

6) Polen encoding implemented (Central europe encoding)

7) Pick depth with V key (look this option in Pick tool)

Aplha V85[RC]


I was working over bugfixes, acutually not all reported was fixed, only what I was able to fix during the day.

Other changes:

1) Zoom/rotation speed in options

2) Pin icon in all "Space" menus

3) Retopo menu was essentially changed - I have got rid of params panel

... and much small interface tweaks...

Alpha V84(Release Candidate)


1 ) Totally reworked main menu by Shadow's standart

2 ) new style of all sliders

3 ) New masks by Shadow

4 ) Bugfixes

5 ) Local shortcuts in rooms for tools (main menu shortcuts are global)

Changes in tools:

6 ) Retopo (+Cap tool, better UV mapping)

7 ) UV-mapping tool - coloring and possibility to tweak clusters

8 ) Renewed previews in voxel tool

9 ) Improved ref images tool

10) prolonged trial

Alpha V83


1) Much better Scrape and Flattern tools

2) Visual shaders preview. Better shares management.

3) Antialiased fonts

4) Tweaked interface theme, closer to Shdow's design

5) Many many bugfixes. Almost everything reported is fixed. If something important is forgotten, please post to Bugs thread.

Alpha V81


1) Many bugfixes (actually not all reported, but I noticed everything from this and beta thread)

2) Possibility to assign reference image for X, Y, Z

3) Render tab - you can render any objects there (not only VS)

4) Refining interface for retopo, voxels and UV

Alpha V80


1) Critical bugfixes

2) New item in top menu - Windows

3) Several icons changed

Alpha V79


1) Custom navigation schemes. You can mimick any other package with this tool. My question to all - is there enough actions an conditions to mimick navigation for your fav. app? I can easily add if not enough.

2) 3D-Coat navigation has become more tablet friendly (now you can rotate/scale/move viewport without ALT, but old method works too)

3) Tool parameters are now dockable

4) Gradient/image based/panorama background

5) FOV control on top panel

5) Many bugfixes

Alpha V78


1) New UV & Retopo interfaces

2) Possibility to change pivot point in camera menu

3) More extended info line in voxel and retopo tools

4) Long standing important bugs in voxel tool are fixed:

- wrong transpose tool work

- artifacts during painting after undo in incremental render mode

- wrong baking and projecting points

Alpha V77


1) stability and speed improvements in new interface

2) merging models in VS issue fixed

3) Better baking VD->painting (as was mentioned by akira)

Alpha V76


1) New interface! Dockable, more cleand. But actually unfinished. There is still much work. It is just first step.

2) Baking, placing bug in VS and retopo fixed.

Alpha V75


1) Stamp mode in E panel was remade in more convenient way and works now in all modes - painting and VS (except surface tools)

2) Multiple bugfixes as it was reported

3) Subpatching in realtime during stroking

4) Fixed raw voxel export

Alpha 74


1) Use "Adjust subpatching" to visualize displacement on not highly subdivided object. Now it works after end of stroke, but I will improve it.

2) Faster import of high poly objects

3) Stability improvements

4) Fill tool, layers adjustments can work now "per object" and "per material"

Alpha 73


1) Correct work of occlusion tool (it takes texture displacement into account)

2) Show mesh with actual displacement View->Show displaced mesh

3) Corect work of handlers in othoho mode in VS

4) Bugfixes & stabiliity improvements.

Alpha 72


1) Save file size decreased VERY essentially (for DP objects). Speed of saving too. Older files will be accepted, but please don't overwrite old 3B files at least until new 3B format will be tested enough.

2) Mask and materials can be projected and applied in UV layout mode.

3) All modes - low poly view, color only, specular, relief should work fine.

4) Now it is possible to save normalmap with displacement in alpha channel.

5) Normalmap format is slighly changed to be like in usual painting mode.

6) Correct displacement export.

7) Speed of almost all voxel brushes in VS is improvesd (CUDA only). Incorrect work of airbrush fixed - lags and random backside drawing fixed.

8 ) Countless amount of bugs fixed.

Alpha 71


1) Improved strokes overlapping

2) Improved smoothness of strokes in VS

3) SPACE button works

4) Baking VS->DP improved much

5) Seamlessnes in DP improved

6) Lots of of small changes

Alpha 70


1) Dotted line in VS issue fixed

Alpha 69


1) VS->DP pipeline (not 100% done and tested but anyway) - it was most complex task

2) Many bugfixes in DP (but I still have something on plate in this area)

3) Restoring normal, non-dotted brushes in VS

4) Copy paste tool in DP

Alpha 68


1) Fully remade airbrush tool (much better work)

2) Almost all tool from standart painting are done in DP mode. At least in beta stage.

3) Many bugfixes

Alpha 67


1) Correct work with non-convex faces

2) Faster clone tool

3) Better stability

4) Correct work with layers in curve/fill tool

5) correct work of merge down/merge visible

6) All overall filters are working (HSV, RGB corrections, overall smooth/sharpen in layers menu)

7) correct pick tool (without lags)

8 ) more correct work with alpha-channel (alpha test enabled in DX version)

Alpha 66


1) Correct undo/redo.

2) Correct layer moving up/down and mering,correct work of all actions under RMB in layers palette (but topo symmetry).

3) Correct displacement import/export.

4) Fixed critical save bug (3B file from DP mode was corrupted sometimes).

Alpha 65


1) Export bugfixes.

2) Much better seamlessnes. Smooth works better and faster.

3) Smooth & sharp in color operations.

4) Undo bugfixing (but redo still does not works).

5) Correct layers blending (color and depth operations).

6) Removing different buggy artifacts.

7) More convenient import dialog.

Alpha 64


1) Several bugs fixed.

2) Improved work with multiple uv-sets.

3) Textures attached to object will be auto loaded.

4) Improved DP and VS integration (now multiple droppings VS->DP are allowed) - but seams problem in VS->DP is not finally solved.

5) More variety of textre size to import.

Alpha 63


1) Fixed most critical bugs.

2) Improved integration VS & DP (but not finally).

3) Made button to move cloth from VS to retopo tool.

Alpha 62


1) Direct painting.

2) Several VS bugs was fixed.

Alpha 61


1) Improvement of stability.

2) Bugfixes.

3) Cube manipulator tweaked but still not finished.

4) Shaders-related bugs fixed.

Alpha 60


1) New cool shaders.

2) All shaders could be easily customized using GUI (textures also).

3) Tool for creation new shaders (all in RMB menu).

4) New Cube prim manipulator. If you will like it I will clone this manipulator for all tools that use manipulators (merge etc). It is main purpose of this update. Tell what do you think.

Alpha 58


1) Cloth tool (read hints carefully)

2) Shaders system is essentially improved. Now shader maker can define own variables and user will be able to edit them (see shader Granit for example - there are comments in file Variables.xml)

3) Many important bugfixes

Alpha 57


1) New experimental brush - "Rough & fast"

2) Most brushes has got interpolated curves

3) Curves has got "Filled" checkbox - now curves can be filled inside!

4) Quadrangulation tuned, better works with symmetry.

5) Many bugfixes

Alpha 56


1) Bugfixes

2) Many new cool shaders.

Alpha 55


1) Surface tools are improved much. They are triansforming to voxels on the fly. It opens possibility to edit object very fastly.

2) New brush - Clay (in surface tools). It acts as flattern+extrude. It is good to build shapes. Supports masks and materials with cube mapping.

3) New brush - Gum (in surface tools). It acts as extrude but works very very fastly. It is good to make small details wth materials and masks. Supports masks and materials with cube mapping.

4) New tool Logo - transforms B&W pictures to voxel objects.

5) New tool - Cut&Clone

6) New tool - Split (splits objects in parts)

7) Flipped UV clusters issue fixed.

Couple of new shaders

9) All mesh merging operation produce much better quality and smoothness of voxel object.

10) Bugfixes

Alpha 54


1) Bugfixes

2) Renderer was improved, now you can render and surf internet, render to bmp or tga (with alpha channel).

Alpha 53


1) Bugfixes

Alpha 52


1) Primitives controls are essentially tuned. Read hints carefully.

2) Transpose tool select with pen bug fixed

3) Text tool improved - "Flip" is add there.

4) Small bugfixes.

Alpha 51


1) Primitives tool

2) Text tool in voxels

3) Use CTRL in copy tool to copy inwards in copy tool (only outwards was copied before)

4) Bugfixes

5) Spanish translation (slightly unfinished, but will be done soon)

Alpha 50


1) Essential improvements in drawing with 'E' panel - several profiles are there, algorithm improved.

2) Many bugfixes

Alpha 49


1) Quadrangulation supports symmetry. Enable symmetry plane to force symmetry and press "Quadrangulation". Even if symmetry is partial, 3DC will try to quadrangulate partially symmetrical.

2) Improving Drawing with contours using 'E' panel.

3) 2 methods of making hulls - surface based and voxel based (importanf for 3D-printing)

4) GL shaders fixed

5) Bugfixes

non-voxel changes:

1) Improved OBJ import - textures finding method improved

2) New color opertions - replace hue and replace hue/saturation

Alpha 48


1) Quadrangulation (RMB on Vox tree) - very first attempt

2) Whole smooth in retopo tool

3) Merging unclosed meshes

4) Additive/subtractive action inside curves in 'E' panel (not 100% finished)

Alpha 47


1) Important of reported bugs are fixed - shaders related, deleting/export single object problem fixed

Alpha 46


Here you can assign separate shaders for every object (as usual - RMB). If you have chosen shader that uses current color (like "Default" shader) - you can choose separate color for every object.

Alpha 45


1) Support of PLY & STL

2) Much better export - see RMB menu. Also you don't need to press "To polygones" to export object.

3) Possibility to use some object as a patten for curves and merge tool

4) Many new patterns for merge tool and curve profiles.

5) Bugfixes

Alpha 44


1) Axial symmetry tool

2) Import point cloud (experimental)

3) Possibility to import huge meshes in VS (up to 10 M)

4) Bugfixes

Alpha 43


1) Tree-like structure (don't forget to press RMB on tree view panel)

2) Copy tool

3) Bit better "To polygones". Slightly slower but without holes.

Alpha 42


CUDA-related changes:

1) Almost all voxel tools support CUDA

2) Almost all voxel tools use masks and materials as tool degree multiplicator (clay, smooth, fill, build, airbrush, extrude, carve)

Non-cuda changes

- possibility to render rotated model (or fly around cam shortcuts)

Alpha 41


This is the very first CUDA supporting version.

Only CUDA supported tools:



Only 64-bit executables support CUDA

There is CUDA checker to compare speed. Speed growth is very noticeable on bigger brushes.

Also you can press ALT+ENTER to enter fullscreen mode. It works faster.

It is interesting if it will work without CUDA drivers:


Alpha 40


1) Less memory consumption, especially in 64-bit version

2) Bugfixes, stability improvements. Now all painting (non-volumetrix) functions work well in 64-bit mode.

3) "Invert tool action" in most of volumetric brushes - it is like sticky CTRL

4) In "Increase resolution" you will be notified how much memory is required to perform operation.

Alpha 39


64-bit support.

Alpha 38


) More accurate work of transpose (selection without holes)

2) Advanced gizmo - many new options, digital input

3) Possibility to smooth seletion using SHIFT in pen mode

4) Airbrush-style selection

5) More correct undo

6) Many bugfixes

Alpha 37


I have implemented new handlers like 3dioot described (with small altering)

Alpha 36


I have add selection with alpha, but it is slightly unfinished (undo works not perfectly with selection). But anyway I have made this update because there was fixed 2 very important longstanding bugs.

- bug that causes slowdowns after some time, cracked quads, crashes without possibility to save result. At least it was fixed. Thank to wailingmonkey who has given me so full descriprion of the bug that I have fixed it immediately

- compatibility/rener speed bug fixed.

Alpha 35


1) Transpose tool

2) Auto-simplification in "To polygones"

3) Bugfixes

Alpha 34


1) Faster work on huge objects

2) Support of all pen options: spacing, jitters for all tools - carve, airbrush, grow...

3) Support of material/mask for airbrush and extrude

4) Better/faster work of curves/spikes/snake

5) Experimental: cubic interpolation in sphere tool (I have made many experiments, not all was successful)

6) Mush more smooth brushing with airbrush/grow/build

7) Constraints for depth/radius change using RMB

as always bugfixing and optimisation

Alpha 33


1) Slice tool works in retopo with voxel models even on HUGE models ( Jokermax - for you:) ).

2) Use RMB to change depth/radius.

3) Faster incremental render, compatibility with older video cards.

4) Updated text in hints

Alpha 32


I worked mostly over stability, bugfixes, speed. Now after crashes result will be auto saved. But anyway it is worth to use autosave every 10 min.

Alpha 31


1) Incremental render! In this mode only changed parts of mesh will be rendered. It leads to big performance boost especially at big polycount. It needs some testing on different video cards because of it is slightly hardware dependent.

2) Very good quality of "Increase resolution"

3) Accurate smoothing checker

4) More smooth surface in retopo tool in "Merge in scene"

5) Mass bugfixes

Alpha 30


1) Hide tool !

2) Less memory usage, faster work, less leaks, better stability (I hope, but need testing)

3) Much less 3B file size, 3x or 4x less. But: please keep backups, file format was essentially changed

4) Improvement in carve tool - better work on thin surfaces

5) Minor improvements in corves/snake

6) Retopo & VS speed improvement

7) Faster Inc resolution and smooth all. But inc resolution still requires smoothing.

Minor UI style tweaking

Alpha 29


I worked hard over makeing airbrush and other growers to work correctly with noisy alphas. It resulted with performance improvement and many bugfices, to more correct work of brushes.

Alpha 28


I have fixed critical bugs, add "double sided" to 2d-paint, "Start form first point" in sphere tool.

One note about "Merge into scene" in retopo tool (to Juan at first) - it is better to choose resolution that is only slightly (10%) more then voxels resolution.

Alpha 27


1) Retopo tool can work directly with voxel object

2) Many bugfixes (export also)

3) [x] Grow on pen motion is add to many tools

4) Default sphere radius decreased for faster start

Alpha 26


1) Tweaking in tools, storing vox tool state

2) More powerfut grow/thaw tool

3) I hope render will work on less powerful video cards

4) Bugfixes

5) Reference meshes can be bigger now

Alpha 25


1) Multicore optimisation! There is "Multicore" and "Show info" checkers - you can compare speed.

2) New brush - Build - for faster building volume.

3) Multiple bugfixes/small improvements

Alpha 21


1) Speed improvements

2) Carve/extrude depth linked to pen pressure

Alpha 20


1) MUCH faster Carve/extrude tools

2) Symmetrical copy command to make both sides identical

3) New tool - extrude (in some way like carve)

4) First version of export (Merge as ref mesh->export/retopo). Slightly crappy but... it first.

5) rearranget tools

6) Follow brush

7) "Rings" bug fixed

Better quality of "Increase resolution"

Alpha 19


1) Carve tool uses alpha

2) Voxel pinch tool

3) Supprt of GL shaders for shadow and depth

Alpha 18


1) Bugfixes

2) New voxel tool - plane

3) Better shadow quality

4) New/improved shaders - soft shadow (2 types), wood

5) Carve tool adjuster - now it adds starting from far plane and subtracts from near plane

I think you will love new wood shadrer - it shows geometrical details much better.

Only DX shaders updated. Open GL/Mac version will come soon.

Alpha 17


I have made Move in normal direction - with shift. I think it is very important.

Alpha 16


1) Realtime shadows (only DX - select Shaders->LambLight_Shadows) - only DX now, it is easy to make GL, but had no time...

2) Move tool with pen fixed

3) Undo in curves fixed

4) Stability improved

for shader's makers :

5) DepthSampler can be used in shaders - see examples Shaders->Normals_from_depth, Depth.

Depth is packed in RGB, but there is easy way to unpack - see Depth sample.

It can be used to make SSAO effect. I have made only DX shaders - had no time today for GL.

Example Shaders->Normals_from_depth shows that it is possible to recover normals from

depth field - ZBrush - like method of rendering.

6) ShadowsSampler can be used in shaders - see Shaders->LambLight_Shadows.

Olly hard shadows implemented. Soft shadows are possible with some tweaking.

Depth in ShadowsSampler is also packed in RGB.

It is required to keep compartability with Mac (no support of float render targets).

Alpha 15


1) Closed curves

2) Sharp edges on curves

3) Profiles of curves - hemisphere, cone, arrow, spike, worm

4) Better positioning of curves (direction of details is more logical)

5) Better support of custom shaders - now you can choose different shaders sets from menu Shaders.

Custom shaders and textures are stored in subfolders of Shaders\UserShaders\...

Alpha 14


It took slightly more time...

Additional functionality:

1) curves can start from empty space

2) close buttons over popup panels

Alpha 13


1) Big improvement in curve tool. Now you can create custom patterns, make tree of curves.

Patterns can be very complex - any obj file can be a pattern for curve tool.

General requirement - part between 0 and 1 along y-axis must be tiled. absolutely precise

tiling is not required. You can make osmall overlaps. Just look at samples in VoxStamps

folder. The sample of usege:

It could be very good to create a library of sample object for quick sketching.

Objects browser is also used for Merge tool for quick access.

2) Better possibilities for shader makers - now you can use variables

float4 CurrColor and BackColor to get foreground and background colors, use custom texture


sampler CustomSampler1;//corresponds to texture Shaders/CustomSampler1.dds


sampler CustomSampler4;//corresponds to texture Shaders/CustomSampler4.dds


uniform sampler2D CustomSampler1;//corresponds to Shaders/CustomSampler1.dds;


uniform sampler2D CustomSampler4;//corresponds to Shaders/CustomSampler4.dds;

It is useful for creating sparkles, anime effects, environment mapping and many many other.

I have used akira's shader as default, just inverted AmbientColor and used current

forreground color as a scene color

Alpha 12


I have fixed several bugs and add interesting tool - Spray/thaw.

It is purely volumetric tool and even can't be represented in surface terminology.

It works as a snow growing of wax thawing in dependence on CTRL. I like this tool

Alpha 11b


Undo in move tool fixed.

But there is some more work with undo to work perfectly in all model and transactions...

Alpha 11


1) Much faster move and surface->voxels transforming. I think at least 2x.

2) Carve acquires pressure

Alpha 10


1) Voxel based move.

2) New style of carve tool

3) Clay tool

4) Much more (maybe 10x) faster transforming surface->voxels

Alpha 9


Only major bugfixes.

Alpha 7


1) Many surface tools (but still not full toolset)

2) Possibility to increase mesh resolution (object grows, I will improve it)

Alpha 6?


Crictical bugs mentionad by Juan fixed:

when I save the model an open it again, the Symmetry plane seam to be scale.

The Pinch tool it not working like it should be or mabey i doesn't notice in small areas.

It doesn't have the Smooth option like the other tools.

The snake, spike curve, and merge tools are leaving artifacts when you use it with the Ctrl key.

Alpha 5b


Symmetry was forgotten.

Alpha 5


1) Possibility to cut surface like a butter with rectangle/ellipse/curve as it shown below:

2) First results of surface approach - draw with pen and pinch tools.

It is very easy to add full set thete - it will be done soon.

But transition surface<->voxels is slighty long.

3) Many bugfixes, better look of red sphere.

Alpha 4


I have updated the link. Now:

1) Volumetric tool works with symmetry

2) Universal handlers are done.

3) Much more powerful smoothing depending on pressure.

Besides the volumetric tool, retopo tool was improved:

1) Merge in scene hull of object - well if your reference mesh consists on meny intersecting objects

2) Pose retopo mesh befor merging using universal manipulator

Alpha 3


1) Support of merging self - intersecting objects. But open meshes still not supported (but will).

2) Better snake / spikes - no dirt on self intersection.

3) Support of merging objects with smoothing groups

Bug fix, [stopped merging loaded object with default sphere]

Alpha 2


1) Save/Open works!

2) Possibility to subdivide mesh to merge

3) Better manipuating (local space in scale), not resetting while changing manipulators style.

Alpha 1


You can merge your own mesh in scene - in current state it should be closed and non - selfintersecting.

Use "Merge->Select mesh" and use pen/move/scale/rotate

in pen mode you need to click, in mrs - press enter to merge actually.

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  • Member

This looks fantastic. I think I will be a new customer in a few minutes.

One Question: I have read in the NewTek forums that you want to implement pure low-poly painting without displacement & sculpting. Is this going to happen for Version 3.0?

Greetings from Germany


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  • Advanced Member

My favorite tool so far has to be the spike tool! BTW "draw with pen" tool isn't fully working? I select different pen but get the same stroke... :blink: And i can not get my own mesh with the "multi.obj" hack anymore. Looking forward to next alpha release Andrew :)

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  • Member

Really liking this voxel stuff, but I have some questions...

Are we saying this is a voxel modeler, where I can start from scratch (no base mesh), and create a hi-res model to then retopo and pull normal maps from?

Or, is this planned as a voxel sculptor , where I have a base mesh and add detail from there?

Either way, very cool!!! Had a few minutes to play and this came out.

The Lorax


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Someone can put an image with the interface where are the new volumetric tools?

thx by advance :)

It's at the very bottom of the tools on the left side. It looks like a cube made of clay. Or maybe an ice cube.

I have not figured out what Transpose is supposed to do. Anyone?

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I want that too!!

I would be happy if I could import a low-poly model with hard corners, like a 6-poly cube for example, and have it stay a cube. But then be able to paint on displacement and possibly smooth the corners of it as I see fit.

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  • Advanced Member
I would be happy if I could import a low-poly model with hard corners, like a 6-poly cube for example, and have it stay a cube. But then be able to paint on displacement and possibly smooth the corners of it as I see fit.

Yes having both would be needed. we definitely need a way to apply smoothing to the whole surface at least for organic mesh(i won't want a blockly looking mesh). Hope Andrew addresses this issue.

More importantly, in near future update a method for me to bring in my own mesh and voxelize it, maybe thru normal load menu and press on the ice cube?

Nice work Juan, was that made from the default sphere? ;) Your very patient...i'm going to wait until i can important my own mesh before i test it.

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More importantly, in near future update a method for me to bring in my own mesh and voxelize it, maybe thru normal load menu and press on the ice cube?

That shouldn't be too hard since that's petty much they way it already works. Just need a file requester instead of replacing the included object.

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Thanks for feedback!

I have got same type of crsh many times (merge mesh). I have fixed it and updated link.

You can merge your own mesh in scene - in current state it should be closed and non - selfintersecting.

Use "Merge->Select mesh" and use pen/move/scale/rotate

in pen mode you need to click, in mrs - press enter to merge actually.

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  • Member

It's cool, and does remind me of ZBrush instantly, especially because of the 2D Draw option, which is cool!

And because it's truly 3D, i can zoom, pan and rotate like a real 3D Camera, not like Zbrush which sucks for this reason. ;)

I guess "alphas" don't work as yet and I also notice if i do a sculpt, and then click "File->New->Continue"

and then hit the 'sculpt tools' button again it will bring the previous object i was working on..

I.e it's not starting a new sculpt. (just thought i'd let you know)

It really will be cool to watch your progress on this one, please keep your blog updated.

And the demos and website too.. :) Great work, looking forward to 3.0...

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  • Advanced Member

Hello Andrew.

I was not expeecting an alpha so early.

I found a bug when a spline tube created with the snake tool self-intersect : a hole appear at the intersection.

The 2d paint is nice but you should use another key instead of the RMB to set the plane (maybe Ctrl + RMB) . each time i zoom in the scene, with the RMB a new plane is set...

With the merge tool, you should add an option to center or change manually the axis of the model.

Actually, when i import the Head4.obj model, the axis is far away from the model.

You should also consider these 2 requests :

an improved "make the surface planar tool" with an elevation, and a "sampler" to smooth the stroke.


Frantastic work, and have a nice week end.

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Thanks for feedback!

I have got same type of crsh many times (merge mesh). I have fixed it and updated link.

You can merge your own mesh in scene - in current state it should be closed and non - selfintersecting.

Use "Merge->Select mesh" and use pen/move/scale/rotate

in pen mode you need to click, in mrs - press enter to merge actually.

Andrew, great work! Many bugs with merge tool.

1. You can not undo scale,move,rotate operations.

2. Merge, select object, move mesh over sphere, press enter:

<a href="http://img241.imageshack.us/my.php?image=voxel01ry1.jpg" target="_blank">http://img241.imageshack.us/my.php?image=voxel01ry1.jpg</a>

<a href="http://img364.imageshack.us/my.php?image=voxel02fx4.jpg" target="_blank">http://img364.imageshack.us/my.php?image=voxel02fx4.jpg</a>

3. Scale, Rotate , Translate handles no do dissappear when you exit Merge tool.

4. Rotation reset: Merge tool , select mesh, rotate mesh, now select scale tool. It should not reset the orientation/rotation.

Hello Andrew.

I found a bug when a spline tube created with the snake tool self-intersect : a hole appear at the intersection.

Same here! It happens with the snake,spike,curves tool ( all 3 )

The 2d paint is nice but you should use another key instead of the RMB to set the plane (maybe Ctrl + RMB) . each time i zoom in the scene, with the RMB a new plane is set...

Totally agree. Also setting new plane with this tool only seem to work within the voxel space, it should work outside of voxel mesh( empty space).

FUN! :)

is that gradient background in 3DC? i don't see any way to turn it on... :o

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Thanks Andrew this is fantastic!

It is great that it also works on my trusty old laptop.


This is just a quick bubble bear, nothing special, I know but it really got me thinking....

Will you be incorporating a system similar to Zsphere's in ZBrush?

It would be great if you could build characters in this way and then have the form smoothed out and connected.

The smoothing tool could do with being way more powerful on the volumetric sculpting side of things.

(Don't worry, I know this is just an alpha and you are just trying to give us a taste of things to come)

If this keeps going so well It could be the only app I need to create game ready models. :)

Here is a quick monster head.


Well done, you Rock!

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Yes having both would be needed. we definitely need a way to apply smoothing to the whole surface at least for organic mesh(i won't want a blockly looking mesh). Hope Andrew addresses this issue.

More importantly, in near future update a method for me to bring in my own mesh and voxelize it, maybe thru normal load menu and press on the ice cube?

Nice work Juan, was that made from the default sphere? ;) Your very patient...i'm going to wait until i can important my own mesh before i test it.

Yes it was with the default Sphere lol am going to wait for the mesh import.

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Wow! Welcome to the future.

That volumetric sculpting is unbelievable.

I noticed that there is no Move function for dragging the surface around. I know it's only a beta version but I think I can see why Andrew may be waiting to add that function. After thinking about it I realized that it's not going to be easy to add. Dragging a surface around on a polygon model is easy because the application only needs to change the vertex coordinates. Yet dragging voxels around will be totally different. It's going to be more like dragging pixels around on a 2D image.

Still, well done Andrew!. Pixologic is gonna be worried! Maybe they'll buy 3D Coat and change their name to Voxologic?

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Wow! Welcome to the future.

That volumetric sculpting is unbelievable.

I noticed that there is no Move function for dragging the surface around. I know it's only a beta version but I think I can see why Andrew may be waiting to add that function. After thinking about it I realized that it's not going to be easy to add. Dragging a surface around on a polygon model is easy because the application only needs to change the vertex coordinates. Yet dragging voxels around will be totally different. It's going to be more like dragging pixels around on a 2D image.

Still, well done Andrew!. Pixologic is gonna be worried! Maybe they'll buy 3D Coat and change their name to Voxologic?

There will be full toolset. Really usual surface functions linke pinch, move, drag are not so easy to do, but I have concept how to do it.

Nothing is impossible!

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