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  1. From the album: MetinSeven.nl works

    Screaming undead Sculpted in 3D-Coat, retopologized in Blender, rendered using the Cycles renderer, post-processed using PhotoScape X Pro. Inspired by a Cy L character concept. #zombies #horror #CharacterDesign #design #artwork #sculpture #3DModeling #illustration #illustrator #digital #DigitalArt #style #art #arts #arte #artist #artists #GraphicDesign #3D #3DCoat #blender #Blender3D #B3D
  2. Hey guys and gals, is there any source for quality textures( preferably seamless) or smart materials for texturing creatures, monsters, etc.? Something like skin, flesh and other creepy stuff. There is quite a lot of stuff for Substance Painter in spsm format, but nothing for 3dcoat. Maybe there is a way to extract textures from spsm package or export from Substance?
  3. Ok, so I've decided to show some of the stuff I've made with 3DCoat. There is some work done in Photoshop( LUTs, gradients, adjustments), but overall it's all made inside 3DCoat - sculpted, painted and rendered. No retopo, no UV's just a high poly with custom shaders and smart materials.
  4. My copy of 3D Coat has "(learning)" next to the name despite the fact I have a perpetual license having chosen the rent-to-own method which I finished paying for in February of this year. Additionally, I am also receiving a message at the bottom of the screen that is telling me my license period ended on August 20, 2022, which is further adding to my confusion. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
  5. Hey everyone, I wish I could use a 16-bit alpha in 3D-Coat. Before importing the 16bits alpha to 3D-Coat, I checked it and it really is 16 bits. Remembering that I saved this alpha in Tif format. So I created a cube of 500,000 polygons inside the Zbrush and exported the obj. I imported this cube into 3D-Coat. I used the same alpha in ZBrush and 3D-Coat. The result of this alpha in ZBrush is better than the result made within 3D-Coat as you can see in the image. Does importing the alpha (even if in tif) into 3D-Coat, will the program automatically convert the 16-bit alpha into 8-Bits? I can not understand this difference that is happening in the picture. I believe there is an error or bug happening in 3D-Coat when I right-click the alpha, a menu appears with options, when I choose "edit in Ext. Editor", I realize that the alpha is no longer 16 bits and yes 8 bits in the external editor. And when I choose the "Edit the 16-bit Tif" option a reading error occurs and instead of the alpha appears (no alpha) a dark square. I have already tested on Gimp 2.10.8, Krita 4.1.7, Photoshop CS2 and it always happens the same thing. Please, I would like to know what I could do to actually have a 16-bit alpha inside 3D-Coat? I'm attaching the cube and the alpha. Thank you alpha_and_cube500k.rar
  6. Do you think it would be possible to add a function for increase the quality level used when editing in rapid projection (outside of 3Dcoat) just like BlackSmith 3D ? This mode is really usefull and work perfectly, but the quality loss is too large if the resolution of the projection remains in the screen resolution. Just to explain quickly if you don't known how work BlackSmith3D, you can choose from 100% to 1000% of the current screen resolution to work with the external projection mode, working in the 1000% mode if just perfect, because the projection has virtually no loss. I hope you understand, and sorry for my very bad English; i'm French
  7. Hello! These are free glass materials, 3 options. They are very simple, do not judge strictly. I will accept constructive criticism! Have fun! Free Glass Materials
  8. This video goes through the process of bringing in a premade spaceship using Addon Ship Wright into Blender and then converting this to a smooth detailed object. Once spaceship is created then I will be taking this into 3DCoat to use the Wrap Tool to create a rounded Sci-Fi Object. This tutorial will help to understand how to use many tools along the way to create some cool shapes. To follow along you will need shipwright however you can create another object in different means to bring this also into 3DCoat if needed. Please join me in the process. Let me know if this helps at all. Please understand this process is very intensive with the computer so there will be a lot of waiting for things. However, things you wait for are the best things.
  9. Hello and good evening. I discovered this wonderful software called 3D Coat; I love the texturing and uv mapping workflows, but I can't seem to get a handle on the baking phase. I've tried several bakes, but each time the results are the same. Could somebody tell me why my bake looks like that and what I need do? I paid close attention to both the outside and interior cages. I've watched several tutorials, but to no avail. Help, what should I do to fix this?
  10. This is an Alien Scorpion that I have created in 3dcoat and brought into Blender for rendering. This is an asset I will be using in a scene that is off world and going to be animated. This was modeled / retopo / textured all in 3dcoat. alienscorp0001-0250.mp4
  11. I have had this issue for awhile now, i have been using a surface pro 6 and surface pen on the 3D coat demo. I haven’t managed to get any pen pressure as brush strokes stay the same. I have downloaded wintab to see if that worked and it didn’t. I also contacted 3D coat support and they came back with changing tablet interface with windowsink instead of wintab and that didnt work either. how do i fix this?
  12. Hey Everyone! I'm trying to use Falloff to try to control Alpha's MidValue. I know that falloff is not for that. The result is a surface inflated inward or inflated outwards. To apply detailing on a character is virtually impossible, because there is no way to control the alpha on the surface of a flattened way, ie only the detailing on the surface without inflating and deforming the the surface of the character. If you do not use Falloff, the alpha will look rectangular step inward or outward. From what I know, there is no control to solve this within 3D-Coat. It is very complicated for an artist to use alphas to detail a character without having control of how the alpha will deform the surface of the mesh. If the user does not have a control similar to MidValue, it will be very difficult for the artist to perform his quality work within 3D-Coat and this will cause the artist to try to do his work in another program. And more complicated is the artist who has no knowledge of trying to fix the alpha in an external program just because of MidValue. Sometimes alphas textures (displacements) bought on websites when they are used inside 3D-Coat have the same IMAGE effects as I did (above picture) because there is no function inside 3D-Coat that controls Midvalue. And to be very honest with you, I do not know how to fix the Alphas in an external program, even though I know that 127, 127, 127 (gray) is the point of no deformation. I know it's annoying to say that, but unfortunately if I do not figure out a way to detail my characters inside 3D-Coat, I'm going to have to use another program for that. This makes me completely sad because I would like to do all my work within 3D-Coat because 3D-Coat is my main program. At the moment, unfortunately, I do not like to say this, but I have to agree with many other artists that I listen to that they use the competing program to detail their characters because they have the means to do so. The image bellow I'm trying to show the importance of MidValue to fix possibles problems with the alphas: I made this video to demonstrate to all of you why the MidValue function is essential and important. In the video, I show the difference of this function between ZBrush and 3D-Coat. Please watch and if you want to speed up the video so you do not get bored, just be aware of Midvalue values. In Video, in this example , when midvalue has a value of 0 in ZB it has the same result as FallOff of 3D-Coat with a high value, which results in the out-inflated surface. I already researched and I've done thousands of tests with the alphas to try to solve the MidValue problem and I could not. It knocks me down. Please, if anyone knows how to control Alpha MidValue within 3D-Coat, share it with everyone. Or point out a way to fix these alphas in an external program. Thank you for your attention and sorry for anything. I already sent emails to Andrew talking about Alpha's MidValue and whether there would be a possibility for users to have a similar function to control alpha. Please, if you agree with what I have said and demonstrated, send @Andrew Shpagin an email (support@3dcoat.com) asking for something similar to the midvalue function. This is very important.
  13. Hello all! I've created a free resource using 3D Coat (and daz for the humans). I was heavily inspired by the renaissance art movement. Here it is! (because it's kinda big, 1GB, I've hosted on Artstation - but it's free). Download link Have fun!
  14. Pixelshaded


    First 3d coat project done in 2016
  15. Hi, can anyone help?! So I've been working on a character for a while and I've just finished texturing it in 3DCoat. I have had to work on it in 3 different 3Dcoat files (Body, Armour and Boot) so my machine can handle it. I've wanted to move it in to blender to start rigging and add hair particles, so I've been using the 3DCoat Blender app link. For the most part it works perfectly accept for some certain objects. As you can see from the photos I've uploaded below in blender, the knuckle guards parts of the skin and the belt have weird texture errors. However when you look at them in 3dCoat there doesn't seem to be any errors. I've uploaded images of my export to blender settings to see if that could be the issue. Can anyone see what's causing this error and how to fix?! Much Appreciated
  16. I exported my model from Zbrush as an FBX (Ascii, not binary) but when uploading it to UV in 3Dcoat the spherical buttons are missing their faces and do not want to automap as the other body parts have. I haven't had this issue before and when testing the buttons alone they imported fine. But when importing with another subtool, they are missing polys. I have remade the buttons but still have the same issue. I also double checked that the normals are the same way and tried a few different settings to no avail. And lastly I have tried using an OBj instead of an FBX, which kind of works, but is no were near as simple because it automapped the groups very oddly. Not sure what else to try. Thanks in advance!
  17. Hey I am using 3D coat version 4.9. I sculpted this desk in 3d Coat then took it into blender. In blender I used the applink to send it to 3d coat for Painting it, as shown in the top image, I send the desk back to blender, but the object seems to have no texture on it in the view port. The UVs all seem to be intact. I tried this method with the gun model too (sculpted in 3dcoat- taken to blender- painted in 3d coat) and it seemed to have been working fine. I have also attached an image of the shader editor. Thank you very much for your time. You may download the blend file here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11QKtjRTN-r2zBM99MPgy2g6o_bHLq2xR/view?usp=sharing
  18. Hi I have a problem with RFill tool. It doesn't fill gaps with quads properly.
  19. Hi, All, I have had Zbrush for over a year and have competed quite a few sculpts. It’s a great and powerful program and I enjoy it. However, 3D coat has been on my eye for a while now and I am about to buy. I was wondering which software do you prefer overall? I want to know the benefits of 3Dcoat. I want to sculpt both hard surface and organic 3D character meshes. I do not like the interface and functionality of Zbrush overall and I’m ready for a change. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  20. I am tying to texture paint my model but these lines appear at Vertices and Edges seemingly for no reason...https://streamable.com/wk9not https://i.imgur.com/IgOK9Ik.png
  21. Tiling Engine 'Sandbox Tiler' - Fill with Voxels ***Please support this idea on Trello*** I have had this idea of a system whereby we can create easily Tiling textures using Voxels ever since Andrew started working on the Alpha for V3. The easiest things to compare it to are Zbrush's Tiling Canvas or Corel's Painter Pattern making function where you paint and your brush will go off the edge of the canvas and wrap around to the opposite side. Therefore creating easily tiling textures without worry. The difference here being that you are using actual voxel geometry in 3DC instead of on just a 2D canvas. I mocked up 3 images using Silo & photoshop to help demonstrate what I mean by this. It should work in theory very much like the Tiling Grid from the start up screen if you've ever used it. Advantages for using Geometry instead of painting bump (the two can be used in conjunction - paint high detail bump at the end of the process) -You can get a much nicer normal map that works better with game lighting engines. -You can extract an exact tiling 32Bit Displacement map for high resolution rendering. -Visualising the placement of objects in 3d space (e.g. overlapping bricks, grout, moss in cracks on different layers etc.) -works with Merge Tool -works with all Tools & Brushes -exactly replicates states of point cloud & surface that wrap around at the extents of the sandbox. Let me know what you think as I can imagine this would be of a lot of use to artists creating Tiling textures for games/film. p.s. Just realised how 'Tomorrow's World' this request is. Maybe by 3DC V4 or V5
  22. OD_Copy paste allows you to copy and paste geometry between applications. Please somebody do 3dcoat version https://heimlich1024.github.io/OD_CopyPasteExternal/ The following applications are supported: Modo : Vertices / Polygons (incl. Subpatch and SubD)/ WeightMaps / UVMaps / MorphMaps Lightwave : Vertices / Polygons (incl. Subpatch and SubD)/ WeightMaps / UVMaps / MorphMaps Blender : Vertices / Polygons (incl. Subpatch and SubD)/ WeightMaps / UVMaps / MorphMaps Maya : Vertices / Polygons / Weights (via Vertex Normals) (Implementation by Andre Hotz) Houdini : Vertices / Polygons / Weightmaps, UVMaps (Paste Implementation by Chris Wells) Others : Looking for contributors to write implementations for other 3d Apps (see TODO)
  23. kenmo

    The Prisoner

    From the album: Kenmo's 3D Art

    Influenced by Robert E Howard's story - Tower of the Elephant. - 3DCoat, & Hexagon3D, rendered in Vue with detail added with ArtRage & Photoshop

    © Ken R Morris Jr 2015 ©

  24. Hello! Tell me, please, why, when previewing, the clarity of the texture differs from applied to the model ???
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