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  1. I'd like to use this sculpt bevel tool in 2023.17. But I could not fond it in anywhere. How can I use it?
  2. Hi to all! I wanted to display my mini library of various materials, brushes and just textures. They were either downloaded from the Internet or made by me In total, there are more than 200 items in the folder I will also ask other people to post their links to their materials) We will collect the community base) If someone will share their views, I will add them to the topic description P.s it will be updated over time, new materials will be added) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d15dS2sFyGiRTR2AFvjO4eT9bpn4u35w/view?usp=sharing There are a lot of materials (I won't put them all on the screenshots (I'm lazy))
  3. I'd like to create a brush that lays down 2 colors in one stroke. Like this image. Is this possible? If so, how? Thanks!
  4. Im new to 3dCoat I just installed it and played around for a few hours, but for some reason my Brush suddenly stopped working. My Pencil and Airbrush are working fine though Heres my current interface: https://imgur.com/a/JVLQLd7 Perhaps there is something I switched on/off, I already uninstalled and reinstalled 3dCoat but still facing the same issue
  5. Hello all. I am using the Brush labeled Brush in the Modeling Room under Tweak as illustrated in the attached image. It appears that this brush only selects polygons. Is there a way to make it select vertices. I am unable to place the brush at the center of an object in symmetry and select those vertices . Or is there another brush that will accomplish this?
  6. Hi @AndrewShpagin Please check this issue with a perfomance on PowerSmooth Tool Steps - import model, select 2K Texture, paint wtih a big radius. And you will see bad FPS = 1-3, with small radius it 70-100FPS I tested it on 3080 with 16Gb VRam and the latest build - 3DCoat-2022-46 For example in Mudbox 2023 - everything is fast, even with a very big radius... and 4K Texture. If needed - I will record a video example with it perfomance. Video with an issue: power_smooth_tool_issue.mp4 Thank you and have a great day Best regards, Andrew. Plane.fbx
  7. Hi! I recently downloaded a pack of rock/cliff brush alphas and I'm trying to use them in 3D-Coat but I'm running into a peculiar issue with how the alphas are applied to the geometry. All of the alphas appear to bulge out towards their highest points leading all of them to have very dome-like shapes. The edge of the alphas was also very harsh usually with an easily recognizable cutoff towards the edge of the form. I imported the same alphas into Blender for use with its sculpt mode and neither of these problems were present leading to a much more desirable result. These were done in 3D-Coat and Blender using the same brush alpha: I'm not an expert on color-spaces but this seems like potentially a color space issue where 3D-Coat is giving more weight to higher alpha values leading to most of the detail being pushed to the highest point in the brush stroke. Is there a setting in 3D-Coat/the Brushes panel that might be able to fix this or is there something specific I need to do with the brush alpha textures themselves to more properly prepare them for use in 3D-Coat? Thanks!
  8. I've been seeing stuff like this every time I mouse over Alpha in the Brush and Strip panels. So I recently decided to look into it with interest and try to make it myself. Looking at the wiki (link) and the existing internal alpha images, I have a few questions while making it. 1.What exactly does EraseMask do? I've looked through the wiki and tested it around but I still don't know what exactly this is. Can you give a more detailed explanation? 2.It seems that the brush's alpha source takes precedence over the strip's alpha source. Obviously, the wiki says that the Strip's alpha source is prioritized, but in reality, it seems to give priority to the Brush's alpha source. Only the color of the strip appears properly The rest of the data is ignored. Here is the alpha source I tested. Brush&Strip.psd +Edit ) I forgot to add it to the content when using it as a brush alpha. Brush Alpha works as expected. But Strip doesn't. Are the settings wrong? Or is it a bug? Due to this problem, it seems that it is difficult to express a zipper line that contains metal materials.
  9. So I have tried to use my tablet stylist to paint, but it just spins the model around. How do I use my Xp-pen tablet? I have tried changing the preferences for it, but nothing happens! HELP!
  10. Why none of the clay brushes have buildup (surface is pushed out as I move my pen within one stroke) ? Why does my brush not follow the updated surface of my mesh within one stroke ?
  11. I want to use seamless texture drawing by brush with alpha images. Snake scales over the whole body in my case. I have a number of 16 bit square seamless tiles for different scales but I can't find a way to do this... What brush to use? How to tune the brush to make tiles connected seamlessly? Texture screenshots of normal and depth maps are in attachment Help please!! Sergey
  12. Wouldn't normally post in SOS, but pushing up against a dead line and didn't expect to run into an error like this. See attached for my source image and resulting low resolution stamp. I've tried various image for mats. restarting 3dc. etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  13. With the default brush settings, the brush alpha is incorrect (Sharp shape: OFF). In the screenshot below i used an alpha with smooth edges & when "Sharp Shape" is OFF, the result is incorrect because it has hard edges even though it's supposed to be a soft edged brush. When "Sharp Shape" is ON, the brush has smooth edges like it's supposed to, but when the brush stroke intersects with itself & you don't lift up the pen, it creates weird looking corners. With "Sharp Shape" OFF, the self intersect result is correct but the edges are hard even though it's a soft brush. There is no way to get the correct result, either the brush alpha has hard edges even though it's supposed to have smooth edges or the self intersect result is incorrect. (All strokes in the screenshot are drawn with the same alpha & same brush size, using the "depth & opacity" brush)
  14. Hi guys. Can anyone explain me about future alpha and brush systems. What are the advantages of rewriting them?
  15. Hi, I think is a bug, the intensity of the smooth brush does not work, it is always at maximum, even when changing the value
  16. Hey everyone. What I would like to talk about is very IMPORTANT. I would like to share with you all 5 features (videos) that are very important and extremely essential in the sculpting process that unfortunately do not exist in 3D-Coat. In all honesty, these 5 features, with all my experience, are urgent features that could be present for artists who use 3D-Coat to sculpt and detail their work. I do not have words to describe how these 5 features would change our work within 3D-Coat. I discovered that these features already exist and work perfectly in Blender. And frankly, I am very sad to know that these key features do not exist in 3D-Coat and would certainly make all the difference in our work. I quit all my work, and for three days consecutives, after a lot of work and a lot of effort (because I do not speak English fluently), I finally managed to do the 5 videos after many failures trying. Note: I tried to leave the videos with short durations and very objective. I've done these videos demonstrating and explaining in the best possible way so that you can realize the importance of having these features urgently. These videos are sorted and numbered by what I consider to be priorities for the top 5 features that do not exist in 3D-Coat. Even after a lot of effort and work to make the videos, I know it will be worth it. I believe and I hope that @Andrew Shpagin will watch all 5 videos and realize how important it is to have these 5 important and essential features for 3D-Coat's Brushes and Alphas system for us artists. In fact, the order of priorities would be: 1.Plane Offset - 2.Sample Bias - 3.Curve FallOff - 4.Size - 5.Adjust ---> 1. Plane Offset ---> 2. Sample Bias ---> 3. Curve FallOff ---> 4. Size ---> 5. Adjust I've already emailed Andrew with these videos and I'm expecting some response. Please, if you like and agree, help me to help you too, please contact Andrew asking for the implementation of these features. Thank you very much for your attention.
  17. Hey everyone! I've been sculpting a lot in 3D-Coat, especially in Surface Mode. I tried to find here in the forum the answer to my question, but I did not find an exact answer to that. I would like to know if there is a similar function of Imbed (Zbrush) or Plane Offset (Blender) to control brushes in 3D-Coat? If I am not wrong these 2 functions are similar... (please someone correct me if I am wrong) I would like to have better control on the surface of the mesh inside the 3d-coat, that is, a very refined control in the brushstrokes that I make. Generally, when I used ZBrush, I left the Imbed low when I wanted to refine my brush strokes, thereby fully controlling the influence of the brush's deformation on the surface of the mesh. Just to let you know, I know most of you know these functions, but I will leave the explanation of these Zbrush and Blender brushes functions so some people who do not know can understand. Zbrush: Imbed The Brush Imbed will control the embed of selected brush. Brush Imbed gives a brush a definite control on how a brush will interact with a surface. This will allow slight deformation on the surface or more extreme deformation on the surface. Blender: Plane Offset: Offset for planar brushes (Clay, Fill, Flatten, Scrape), shifts the plane which is found by averaging the faces above or below. I know we have in the 3d-coat the sensitivity curve control button or the intensity of the tablet, but it's not exactly the function I'm looking for, just as we have the Edit Flatten Curve that is not the function I'm looking for either . Any similar function of Imbed or Plane Offset in 3D-Coat? Thank you
  18. I was doing some retopology and was using shift + Brush to smooth out the polys when it just stopped working. I don't know if I hit a key that did something or ??? Is there way to get the smoothing option back?
  19. I try to change normal sampling value to minimal = 5 - but it not change behavior of the brush. It begin change it angle to surface similar to normal sampling = 100 as soon as the edge of brush cursor touch the vertical surface - the brush begin change its tilt. But when normal sampling is = 5 - tilt of the brush must change when center of brush cursor will approach to vertical surface - but not edge of cursor. Only in Flatten tool - normal sampling work good I already reset Options-files in Documents/3D-Coat - it dont help( How to fix this problem?
  20. Hello! Let me present you my Brush Pack of high quality leather seams for 3D-Coat. 12 brush presets 12 alphas all baked from mesh Leather_Seams for 3dCoat
  21. Hey everyone, I wanted to take the RMB brush radius and depth slider, and assign it to something else (i want to use RMB for my rotate navigation, like in ZBrush). Anyone know how to do this? Thanks in advance!
  22. Hey For some reasons my lines are pretty jagged whenever i paint them from further away, resulting in a less-than-desired effect. I've drawn 2 strokes with the exact same brush, only difference being that i drew one up close to the model, and one further away. Anyway to prevent this? I really like the program, but this is pretty deal-breaking tbh.
  23. Hi all, i am starting to work on zbrush too and i would like to know if there is a similar option (on zbrush) for the curve stroke tool on 3dcoat. i use the curve stroke a lot on 3dcoat on pinch tool since it gives me awesome organic shapes and forms, i found on zbrush the lazy mouse option but so far i dont get the same shapes, thanks in advance for any help
  24. Is there a brush that behaves similar to flatten for surface volumes but can use a curve? Imagine, half cylinder shape, and i draw a line along the round surface to get curve/profile. Could I then use this to as a brush to scrape off excess and/or fill the surface to that curve?
  25. Hi, I encountered some odd behaviour when using the Muscle, Snake and Spikes tools in voxel mode — they all show a much thinner result than the brush size. See the attached screenshots. I'm using the Constant Pressure stroke type, so it shouldn't be a Wacom pen pressure matter. I've also tried to increase the brush depth, to no result. The odd thing is that only the Toothpaste tool does correspond to the brush size, as you can see in the first screenshot. Did I perhaps activate some option? Because until this session the tools did correspond to the brush size. I'm using 3D Coat 4.8.03 for Mac OS. Thanks, Metin
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