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Sorry but...

Normals calculation method,

Normalize TBN

and NMaps export

Which settings do you use to export from 3DC to Blender_BI or to Blender_CY ? :huh:


Good point. This is for cycles as I do not use the BI renderer. These setting work great at least for the official 2.67b build


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Strange, I am using the Linux official 2.67b and distance is not there...

Right, my fault.

The new bump implementation exists after the official 2.67b. And a little before it, they just didn't include it. Only the bug fixes, leading to more bugs, a little disaster this time. Patience.


The existing applink brings all the textures into blender database.

The only you have to do is to add tex nodes and pick the right texture from the dropdown menu of the texnode.

As I said, you better wait for the ubershader.


they change this n_maps thing so rapidly, I can't say what's right on new builds. It's not confusing, it's chaotic. LOL

On RGB n_map, first it was the G inverted, then G and B inverted, now I can't say. Positive values for cycles, negative values for BI... etc. LOL

We'll find out soon.

You like to hear some more? Latest builds have a refresh issue in viewport cycles preview. No refresh when changing something, not always. You have to re enter a value, or restart the render preview. So, you have the view of what's happening here, when testing what's the right n_map. LOL Let's stay cool, I reported this bug already.

Yes, I'm aware of these maya-blender 3dc settings.

I'm not sure if they work on official 2.67b, I don't use it. It's not the revision, officials are not as the experimental buildbot ones

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OK, to have some not connected texture nodes at once isn't bad at all. I'm very fast on cycles node editor. One of the few I learned in blender. I just stay tuned from the first day cycles came up. Else, see what's happening, search for a good tutorial, a dated and wrong one.

Cycles is a wonderful render engine, that's why we'll start a thread. To stay tuned. LOL

For instance, a very interesting new toon shader these days. Always a fan of nice NPR renders.

The shader has two modes, diffuse and glossy. So, different connections.

Here's one. Render times are extremely short, ~2-6 sec, Hi def output. Using millions of poly actually.


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  • Applink Developer

Wait........ telling haikalle to stop, Nooooooooo... :p: He's got some free time, press on man... :moil:

:rofl::rofl: LOL

Well if you want to script code and hope it works, it means that you don't script for blender. Blender API changes so much that it really makes my head hurts

sometimes. But I'm really loving this node system and you can access into it really easy with python. I can see that this can be very powerful feature.

Michalis, Yes I think that ubershader really helps here. So I will see how it looks like when it released.

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Hello man!

I found some issues with axis rotation. Model id exported/imported with incorrec rotation.

If i change this in your scrip i got ok in 3dcoat.py:

LINE 237: bpy.ops.export_scene.obj(filepath=coa.applink_name,use_selection=True,

use_mesh_modifiers=False,use_blen_objects=True, use_materials = True,
keep_vertex_order = True,axis_forward='-Z',axis_up='Y')

LINE 371: bpy.ops.import_scene.obj(filepath=path_object,axis_forward='-Z',axis_up='Y',use_image_search=False)

LINE 482: bpy.ops.import_scene.obj(filepath=new_applink_name,axis_forward='-Z',axis_up='Y')

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Today i found this info in the polycount forum



Exporting to obj should convert sharp edges to smoothing groups. It probably could use some testing just to make sure it's playing nice with everyone though. FBX export is planned to have similar functionality before 2.68 but I don't believe it is in yet.

Any revision after 57455 or so should have the new option. You can check for builds here (these are "portable" and run out of the directory without need to install btw):
- Buildbot
- Graphicall

When exporting, make sure the smooth group option is checked. Also if you have an Edge Split modifier either disable apply modifier or remove it before exporting or it'll probably split geometry.


Also it should import back into Blender with the edges marked sharp, though you'll need to manually add an Edge Split modifier back on it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I cannot contact to @Journeyman. I sent him PM and also sent him a message through vimeo. No answer. :(

So, i decided to fix the axys issue by myself. I did the fix for 3DCoat4+blender 2.68 (Ideasman_42(Cambell Burton) reviewd it):


Now axys exports correctly. I also can continue the applink development if someone wants it. I can add more features. Just give me feedback.

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  • Applink Developer

Hi mifth!

Nice to hear that you are interested to develop applink code. Thanks for fixing this axis problem. Working really well now :) If you need any help to understand the

code contact me and I try to help. My summer holidays are over so it can take some time before I reply thou.

Also when there is more than one coders there is a fear that both are coding the same thing. So when you start to code something could you let me know what you are

coding so I'm not doing the same thing.

I have raw version about cycles node support so that something that I'm already coding..

If you add some extra settings to applink. I hope that you first add this checkbox "Use advanced settings" and if user checks that it will bring extra settings on screen.

There reason for this I would like to keep UI as simple as possible and if users wants to see extra settings then they can click "Use advanced settings".

Hope this helps and I'm excited to see what you bring into table :)

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I would like to be able to export new free form primitives directly from Blender to 3D coat...that would be great!

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Hi mifth!

Nice to hear that you are interested to develop applink code. Thanks for fixing this axis problem. Working really well now :) If you need any help to understand the

code contact me and I try to help. My summer holidays are over so it can take some time before I reply thou.

Also when there is more than one coders there is a fear that both are coding the same thing. So when you start to code something could you let me know what you are

coding so I'm not doing the same thing.

I have raw version about cycles node support so that something that I'm already coding..

If you add some extra settings to applink. I hope that you first add this checkbox "Use advanced settings" and if user checks that it will bring extra settings on screen.

There reason for this I would like to keep UI as simple as possible and if users wants to see extra settings then they can click "Use advanced settings".

Hope this helps and I'm excited to see what you bring into table :)

Hello man!

Thanks you answered. I PM you. At present i want to add better export/import of meshes. As I cannot transfer models to the same place form/to blender/3dcoat. Especially if i have a complex character with many parts. But I also need to talk to Sergey Shpagin so he would add export of transformations from 3dCoat.

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Hi Journeyman and blenderheads again!

I looked at the applink again and found that it would be better for me to make a fork of your scrpt. As I don't need textures and i redesigned some things.

I called the fork "Simple3DCoat"

Here is my introduction: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtVkmh2UrnI&feature=youtu.be

Here is download: https://code.google.com/p/blender-addons-by-mifth/downloads/detail?name=io_simple_3dcoat.zip&can=2&q=

I fixed many bugs and exceptions. This fork works without any issues and can be used in production.

Changes against the official Applink:

- Fixed many bugs and exceptoions. Optimized code.

- Textures support is removed as it is buggy and most artists use PSD files. It's better to use Textures->Export menu.
- The fork now works through "Exchange" folder instead of "Exchange/Blender" folder(As it's in the official Applink).
- Export/Import woks through only one OBJ file called blenderExport.obj.
- Exchange folder will be always set manually. The code for the applink will be simplier...
- Apply Modifiers checkbox.
- Export Materials checkbox.
- Transforms do not changed during exporting.

Please, test my fork and give me some feedback. Thanks.

Edited by mifth
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Hi Haikalle! Sorry, I called you as Journeyman. I thought that's your nick.

I refactored my fork again to v0.2:

- Exchange folder is set in Addon Preferencies. It will be set only one time and the path will work for all blend files.

- Export/Import files will be in Exchange/BlenderSimple3DCoat.

- blenderExport.obj and blenderImport.obj files only used for transfering. There will be less garbage.

Download here: https://code.google.com/p/blender-addons-by-mifth/source/browse/#hg%2Fio_simple_3dcoat

Here is a screenshot of the Exchange folder:


So there is a matter: I talked to Ideasman_42(Cambell Burton) to put my script to blender repo. But he said that there should be only one script. So the question is: would you like to work with my fork and put it to blender? You can add textures support to my fork. But there should be a bit different way that you already have. As names in 3dCoat are different. And User can change names of objects/UVsets in 3DCoat too. Or user can simply remove half of models/UVsets.

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  • Applink Developer

Hi mifth!

These updates looks great. I have some freetime this coming weekend so we can talk about applink. I will contact you on friday or saturday.

I try to arrange that you can have access to change the applink code into blender trunk. See you soon :)

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OK! I PM you. Waiting you in IRC. Just give me your coordinates.

I did new version v0.3. New features:

- Copy exported textures to a custom path.

- Clear Exchange folder.

Here is my commit: https://code.google.com/p/blender-addons-by-mifth/source/detail?r=12f3c4b1aa05a6a536a8db0765d240bb27552aea


I guess i did almost everything what I wanted to implement. Waiting your review and talk on IRC.

EDITED: I have an access to the blender trunk and i can commit.

Edited by mifth
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You don't really need the applink to export to cycles, not you, or me. If it is a final render anyway.

But reasonable enough to have a direct nice cycles preview when working in 3dcoat, right?

I mean, we have to wait for this "ubershader". Still waiting. Some changes on the cycles nodes UI were needed first. Devs working as we speak. Patience.

If a direct link of the basic exported 3dcoat maps is possible, then, that's it.

You have a basic scene, a template, with some lighting setup.

Then, just preview render, fine tune the values and... render.

A couple of months ago, we weren't sure what kind of normal maps cycles loves.

Even now, with the existing applink, if we have a nice template, a ready made material node tree, the only needed is to select the texture on the appropriate tex node. Already in the blender data base.

One day, cycles will be capable to bake its nodes (noodles LOL) to a tex map. Then, we can come back to the applink, because a nodes system is endless in possibilities, multiply these with the layer based 3dc system. Well, ... any approach will be possible.

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I just think.. why do you need import shaders? All you need is meshes and textures.

I oftenly make complex nodes setup. So all i need to update is only textures and meshes. I prefer to make shaders by my own.

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Import shaders?

Do you mean to link textures to a ready made "ubershader" for instance? Or to a ready made typical cycles nodes tree, diffuse, glossy, bumps etc?

Well, I don't care much, what we have now is all I need. Textures are already in the database of blender, just assign them to the appropriate tex node.

What about the opposite? Assign a texture under cycles, on a object. How to jump to 3dcoat for painting? Does the appling supports assigned textures by cycles?

BTW, the tex painting in blender is under development. It still sucks a bit. And, I'm afraid, it will be so for long. So, Jumping to 3dcoat, for painting textures is always a pleasure for blender users. I wouldn't say the same for zbrush, for many many reasons. lol

A question: Blender supports multiple vertexpainting sets. Unfortunately, I haven't find a way to support it via the 3dcoat vpaint system. One set only, is all I can do.

Vpaint sets are very useful under cycles, as can be used to colorize or to control other textures, bumps, or whole shaders etc.

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