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    • Let me add my humble opinion Interchange of CG assets has long been an industry-wide challenge, with different renderers and 3D engines each using different shading systems, languages, and pipelines. OpenPBR or Open Physically-Based Rendering housed by Academy Software Foundation serves as an open standard capable of accurately modeling most CG materials found in typical professional VFX and animation workflows.   Integrate an Industry Standard means integrate into an ecosystem that allows interaction with other software used in the production line. And this is not only to have import/export options, BUT to use the same standard.   OpenPBR, MaterialX, OpenUSD... if the new render engine it is not based on these standards would be a waste of time.
    • Well if 3D Coat does do this  route (and it seems to me to be an immense labor, though what do I know?) then I hope that in typical Andrew Shpagin manner it's not just something old rehashed but rather new, advanced and cutting edge.   1. Path tracer not ray tracer 2. XPU render like Karma; uses GPU  and CPU with an eye on the approaching end of X86 and the advent of ARM (Advanced RISC Machines) like Apple's M1, M2, M3, M4 etc. Windows 12 will have a Qualicom Snapdragon ready version. Intel and AMD are in trouble and NVIDIA is already beginning to abandon the GPU market both because of lucrative AI contracts and also the advent of SOC's (System On a Chip) that AMD and Apple are creating with increasing power.  ARM SOC's are the future it appears.  Cooler and lower energy costs are driving this change as well as the efficiencies of not having separate cache memories for the GPU and CPU and data transfer problems inherent in them. https://wccftech.com/snapdragon-chipsets-within-3-years-account-for-qualcomm-oem-60-percent-sales/   3. Is fully USD/Solaris compatible with a lighting engine that's more than just HDRI, with actual  point/spot/soft box/realistic simulated sky and sun  lights at the very least for analyzing sculpted surfaces the way serious sculptors require. After all, fundamentally render engines are all about light and how it physically works so 3D Coat as a sculpting program definitely needs a pro lighting engine to go with its rendering ability.  That's not to denigrate the HDRI lighing in 3D Coat now but it does call for individual lights that professionals require. The ideal graphics 3D program should be like entering a huge warehouse studio with a black matte interior where sound stages are erected by movie designers with meticulous and powerful control over lighting rigs.  We need to build stage sets.     4. It should render height maps/displacement maps  and Vector Displacement maps.   5. And yes with Andrew's  pioneering efforts in openVDB along with Houdini FX it should do hair and particles and clouds and fluid shaders and caustics too..so glass and other fluids with light refraction and attenuation using real scientific substances like Maxwell Render. If he can do all that then he should sell 3D Coat for the same price as Zbrush.  (or more?) Of course you could just download UE5 for free and use that. I mean it's cinematics are insane.    I don't see how Andrew can come up with anything that approaches Unreal 5.1 at this point. He should be setting up 3D Coat to synch in with Unreal Engine closely, like he did with Photoshop. Use Unreal Engine and then save up for a RTX 5090.  
    • I don't think this is a proper comparison, because Octane can handle some pretty dense scenes, too and it has a free version (Octane Prime w/ the main limitation being 1 GPU used...which is basically the same limitation for Arnold in Max and Maya) for multiple 3D applications, as I mentioned before. Why not use that as your basis for comparison, instead of one of the most expensive render engines on the market? I think the Concept Art market is rapidly trending away from Keyshot, as more and more concept art posted by Pilgway on social media, shows Blender and Octane as the most common render engines used. It used to be Keyshot for a number of years. Now that 3DCoat has this simplified export toolset, Concept Artists can export models that are not so heavy (because of Auto Decimation > Auto UV process during export), anymore, and thus there is little need for a $1k+/yr render engine just to handle high poly counts. Having a world class render engine INSIDE 3DCoat could change the whole game...at least in terms of serving the Concept Art/Design market, which 3DCoat has the biggest foothold in, currently. Know where your bread is buttered...and go there. I agree that it would be nice if 3DCoat had a good rigging system for posing characters/creatures, but IMHO, that would be much less useful than a superior render engine and material system. Mileage may vary, but if non-3DCoat users saw an article or Youtube video saying "3DCoat 2025 now comes with Octane (or VRay/Vantage/Lumen/Renderman/Maxwell, etc.) render + materials fully integrated," that would generate a lot more buzz and sales than "3DCoat 2025 now includes a Rigging system for Posing." Why? Because it would appeal to a much broader audience. I know most Concept Artists would certainly upgrade their licenses after seeing that. They would not feel so compelled to if it had a better rigging system...which I hope will get added at some point in the near future. But, for me, personally, I would prefer to see a top notch render engine inside 3DCoat, so I almost never have to leave the app to make a high quality model and render a model sheet, turntable, etc. with great looking glass (cannot do that so well currently) and or volumetric FX (Open VDB), and see perfect SSS, fur, cartoon shaders, etc.  
    • That would be a negative, I havn't gone down the Character Creator route yet. At the moment creating DAZ Studio content is my main source of income so most of my time is invested into developing that. Another reason to refine and define my workflow, time is money. 
    • I'll try. Besides Daz, do you use Character Creator ?
    • radial symmetry 1mil 20 points  lags with all brushes ... never used to happen , i could have 40/50 million before with 100 points and it wouldnt lag? anyone noticed performance?
    • It's been really great to tidy up this workflow...thank you If you wanted to try an experiment in the opposite direction....try exporting Genesis 9 out of DAZ and importing 3DCoat for the following: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Import into Modelling Room. Using the Tweak < Brush Tool with symmetry on in X direction : create some very large ears for Genesis 9 by moving the existing mesh and then re-exporting the mesh. The idea behind this is to create a morph file for Genesis but because the Vertices Order changes, DAZ produces this message: WARNING the Geometry did not match failed to create morph. During this experiment, I got some very interesting results trying to move the mesh around in 3DC (as attached ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Import into Poly Painting Room for texturing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm thinking with a Bridge, 3DCoat could be great for character creating DAZ figures.  Sub-D Levels would be important for HD Morphs though.  
    • Monitor/Projector: ASUS ROG Swift OLED PG34WCDM (LG WOLED gaming monitor) - Guru3D Monitor/Projector: Titan Army P27A2R 27- Gaming Monitor Review - Neoseeker. Case: Cooler Master MasterBox 600 Review - APH Networks. Case: Cooler Master NR200P V2 - OCinside (German). Mouse: CHERRY MC 9620 FPS RGB Gaming Mouse - Mad Shrimps.
    • Thanks for the answer. It was a temporary tool. I even removed it from my menu.
    • Confirmed FaceGroup works fine after importing the model exported from Modeling Room to DAZ (is the original demo soldier w/polygroups exported from zbrush)
    • Crash replicated and reported. Thanks for point it up
    • Hi - with this tutorial the 'Build Surface' is cool. However on build 2024.19 if you go to the Nurbs room and use the 'surface to mesh' I get a instability warning and immediate crash every time. This is a really cool feature, please look into it. I create the surface and select surface to mesh and click ok. The instability warning and then the crash dialogue. 
    • Yes please add it!!!!!  Don't forget 3Dcoat is not just a modelling&retopo tool, it's extremely popular among concept artists and designers. It would be super helpful to have a better render engine as part of whole workflow. Current 3dcoat render engine is ok for single object rendering for clients, but can't produce very realistic renders.   With it's own shader system a more powerful engine I can even do whole environment concept art inside 3Dcoat. 
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