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  1. Site What is Krita? Krita is a FREE digital painting and illustration application. Krita offers CMYK support, HDR painting, perspective grids, dockers, filters, painting assistants, and many other features you would expect. Check out the gallery to see what other artists have done with Krita
  2. I have retopologized and baked my objects individually. Name correspendence is on. I can paint on one object at a time and export the maps, but the next time I open the file, only one object seems to display correctly in the Paint room. All the others are dark and transparent. Also, my paint objects keep disappearing. For example, I can paint an object and export it. I save the file and exit 3D-Coat. Next time I reopen the same file, the paint object I exported isn't there anymore. Everything looks fine in the Retopo room. In the screenshot here, all paint objects and surface materials are visible. I turned off "Show voxels in paint room". I can't tell where I am going wrong. The file is too large to share here. I'm getting frustrated. Can someone help? Thank you!
  3. Does anyone know a way to paint in without crossing over to another Vox layer or sculpt layer? Im not sure where I can find this solution and would appreciate it if anyone can mention a way to lock my painting affects onto a single layer rather than crossing over and continuing on to another adjacent layer. The only thing that seems to work similar to the result i want is by using the fill tool but i wish i had more control with a brush.
  4. painting - first layer, smart material with texture; second layer, smart material with no/smooth texture Problem: I want the second layer to not have the texture of the first layer. Currently is just paints over the old texture but using the new color. I want the new layer to remove the texture from the base coat and just be smooth Thank you
  5. So I have tried to use my tablet stylist to paint, but it just spins the model around. How do I use my Xp-pen tablet? I have tried changing the preferences for it, but nothing happens! HELP!
  6. Sometimes Alt+Click layer shows only that layer or shows all layers and sometimes it only shows and hides that layer. It's repeatable, but not predictable (seems intermittent). Version 2021.92 on Windows 10, 64-bit.
  7. I'm having an issue with 2021.70 where when I paint depth onto the body or legs of this model it goes sideways instead of out from the mesh. You can see that one part worked fine, but the other looks like it has fur on it going sideways. It's not a brush rotation or an axis change, as I've tried changing those and the problem still exists. Has anyone else had this issue?
  8. I have this problem since the last version of 3D Coat, When I tried using the curves, most os the time they fail to stroke all the way around. Like the example below: I'm missing some settings? Or doing something wrong? Most od the time I just need to create loops (both painted or sculpted) this is the best way to do it? Cheers! Thank you!
  9. symmetry.mp4 I'm completely new to 3DCoat, when I try to paint it only works sometimes. When it doesn't work it seems to be when I can't see the other side of the model in the viewport. Can anybody please explain this?
  10. So, I just installed the Beta, want to go into the painting room to try it out and immediately I get these artefacts that you can see all over the UI. It grows in size as I hold the pen pressure or left mouse button. Am I the only one experiencing this? Hope this post was useful!
  11. Hi, I'm working on my first model in 3d coat and i'm to the point where i'm in the paint room. I did the retopo, seams, and unwrapped the uv. Then I baked with normal maps and went to the paint room. My model definitely has a lot of flaws but I am stuck on something that is unclear why it's happening. My model has had different objects all on different layers in the paint room and some of the objects overlap. I have a layer for the head and a layer for the ears. When I try to fill in the color for the head, where the ears overlap, it paints it a lighter color. I can fill in the head with a color using the bucket tool and when I go to hide the ears layer in the paint objects tab, i'm left with a circle of a different color where the ears are supposed to be. What is happening here? I attached some pictures here: https://imgur.com/a/5MBLiN8 Any explanation would be a huge help. Thank you!
  12. Hi, I feel the fill tool is just too slow to be really useable in the paint room with anything above 4k textures. I have a 45k tri scene, all one material and selecting polys to paint on regardless if its a smart material or just a colour with disabled normal/roughness, its taking about 10 secs for it to complete each fill. This gif shows how sluggish it is. Any ideas? thanks.
  13. Is there a fast way to select a Paint Object from the 3D view? I want to single out a spesific object to paint on it, but finding it in the Paint Objects pannel takes way too long. I know you can hit H and it will automatically select a voxel layer but that doesn't work with paint objects. Is there a way to convert paint objects to voxel layers Another possible workaround would be if I can somehow see the Paint Object's name when I hover over it in the 3D view. Even naming the layers won't help btw because there are way too many of them.
  14. I sometimes (often) get asked “why don’t you use zbrush” and honestly I don’t care too, 3dc has an amazing set of tools for my specific workflow when working with 3D scans. Anyway, here’s my Oreo colorway Nike flight cleaned up painted Sculpted retopo’d and UV’d in 3DC. CAA16F70-3F3C-490A-94DB-4FFF10461895.tiff 26FCE1CD-B153-4252-A244-97B5E82208C4.tiff
  15. I recently started to get back into 3d coat, and decided to go back into my 4.5 version, but after fooling around and having my cat stupidly run across my keyboard after being spooked, I can't seem to paint on the models I'm using anymore? Whenever I go to draw or color on any part of the model, it erases instead of coloring. I've looked through the settings, tried all the keybinds, uninstalled and reinstalled probably about 10 times, restarted my computer about 4 times, unplugged and even restarted my tablet drivers, and nothing. Can someone help out?
  16. Hi! I have a problem with my model from 3ds Max. When I imported it, a face of the mesh in 3D Coat not match with the UV that I created in 3ds Max. Why!??.Exist any way to marge the face with the green island?. Thanks!
  17. With the default brush settings, the brush alpha is incorrect (Sharp shape: OFF). In the screenshot below i used an alpha with smooth edges & when "Sharp Shape" is OFF, the result is incorrect because it has hard edges even though it's supposed to be a soft edged brush. When "Sharp Shape" is ON, the brush has smooth edges like it's supposed to, but when the brush stroke intersects with itself & you don't lift up the pen, it creates weird looking corners. With "Sharp Shape" OFF, the self intersect result is correct but the edges are hard even though it's a soft brush. There is no way to get the correct result, either the brush alpha has hard edges even though it's supposed to have smooth edges or the self intersect result is incorrect. (All strokes in the screenshot are drawn with the same alpha & same brush size, using the "depth & opacity" brush)
  18. I know this is the wrong section, but the feature request was disabled for posting? I'm working on mapping some bread to low polly loaf shapes, I've been shooting photos of each side stitching together onto a 2d plane and then mapping orthogonal views to each side and then stamping (cloning) out seams, they look really good (SEE ATTACHED SCREENSHOT OF FINAL). I've been jumping back and forth between substance and 3DC bc technically for what I'm doing they pretty much do the same thing, BUT when I need to tweak alignments and such I have to jump to photoshop and liquify and then bring back in and I know substance has live layering and 3DC also does from projected views to use this a work around. Ultimately, it would be awesome to see a liquify toolset in 3DC and i would never use another program again! Affinity Photo has an even better live liquify capability and dozens of other photo softwares out there have the included toolset, so to think an added plugin to 3DC wouldn't be too unrealistic. With a UV set it could easily bring in the UV set to a separate window with the generated pixels from the specific layer selected (Merge all could be used to capture entire work area, or isolate a specific layer selected) and liquify tools to help adjust would be simply amazing and very functional. Smudge and other tools just deminish quality completely, but to have a functional less diminishing option similar to photoshop liquify would be magic! In addition, TRANSFORM would be amazing, to take a layer and transform it to move across the 3d plane on an object, scale, rotate, etc..would be equally as great.. If 3DC did nothing else between now and V5 that would be an amazing add on that would just be texture paradise in my opinion. I come from 15 years of retouching, and I may be bias, but ultimately textures are super important and to add a few essential retouching tools to the 3DC toolset would be a great overall improvement, and leave SP in the dust in my opinion. Now that Adobe has their future in their hands, it's not long before similar strides are probably met on that end. Ultimately, these may just not be able to work into the program, but in my head they seem to and I would love to know why they wouldn't if so. LASTLY, I know there is the TRANSFORM/COPY tool which isolates a selection to transform and copy again, which is nice and does come in handy, I am proposing a transform layer option in addition to that tool, which essentially you take the current layer and can rotate and transform live across the 3d plane, for example you paint a smily face with height and color so you have a bit of a raised smily face, you can then freely drag it rotate it scale it across the plane while still keeping that layer isolated and nothing changes except the UV coordinance. I know a work around and similar method would be a smart object with an alpha mask and then painting in, which is nice and works. But if I'm cloning small pieces and want to slide up or over or copy and move again and have these all isolated to layers individually, this is my goal and dilema. Thanks! I love 3DC and just want to keep making it more awesome. SD
  19. Hello. I have a situation that seems to arise with 3D coat, where I've modeled something in the Voxel Room, and right clicked on it to send it to the Retopo room with Autotopology...tweaked the topology and even UV unwrapped in the Retopo Room. The problem is that the UV set doesn't show up in the UV Room, nor can I see anything in the Paint Room. What am I missing in the workflow? Thanks.
  20. Hi people, I just painted some textures with normal maps and others layers in one Genesis 3 Female and now I want to repaint it in Genesis 3 Male, how can I copy all those layers over the new object?
  21. Hi ! I am a noob here... I started painting this after I model it in surface mode. In some points including all the grass the texture is very bad looking. The images that I am using to texture are 2048x2048 pixels or bigger. The preview looks awesome... I read the topic about the preview and understand that they will not look the same. But as you can see there are some points with very big difference. I marked the with red. I want to obtain the quality from the preview if possible or at least the good zones (marked with blue). Is a bad mesh surface or something ? (for me it looks like the surface is the problem, what s the best tool to divide the surface ?... or something like that). I imported it from rhino exported as .STL and has over 50 million triangles. Thank you !
  22. When i import my 3d model as .obj i only can paint one part of them, is this a bug or i should import the model as other extension (.dae) (sorry for my bad english)
  23. Hello! I am on the last 3 days of my 3dcoat trial (which unfortunately I only just started using a few days ago) and was really liking it, but ran into some trouble. First of all I can not figure out how to apply the Spline Images. I am following the official 3dcoat youtube tutorial on painting. In the video he says to press "enter" to apply the image, yet for me nothing happens. The other issue I have is the horribly ugly paint strokes. With pen pressure activated it creates horrible shoe lace ends (a problem often seen on photoshop) Also the strokes themselves are just bumpy and not smooth. Here is an example Thanks!
  24. Hello, I have multiple issues possibly stemming from my custom texture size but who knows. my entire game project is at a texel density of 0.72, putting a 1x1m texture at 144pixels squared. This is a huge problem for the reasons outlined in 3dCoat. 1. Custom texture sizes dont stay. If i set a custom texture size, although it sets, if i then go back into the texture size dialogue, it automatically switches them all to the closest power of 2, so if i then make a change to one texture and save, all the others will revert back to the closest power of two. 2. changing to custom texture size refreshes dialogue to top of screen. I am working with multiple objects, changing the custom texture size will reset the dialog and revert to the top of the dialogue, forcing me to scroll down to find the texture again. btw because of u,v i haveb to do this twice a texture. definately needs to be fixed. 3. at 1:1 resolution in UV mapping paint on a smart material, the top pixel is always skipped. doesnt matter what i do, the top pixel is always broken, it will never paint over it. However, if i change the scale in uv mapping to anything other than 1, it will paint?! 4. In the texture editor, non power of 2 textures do not work in smart materials in UV mapping mode. Please help / Fix these issues. Ben Swinbanks
  25. Hey For some reasons my lines are pretty jagged whenever i paint them from further away, resulting in a less-than-desired effect. I've drawn 2 strokes with the exact same brush, only difference being that i drew one up close to the model, and one further away. Anyway to prevent this? I really like the program, but this is pretty deal-breaking tbh.
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