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[WEBMASTER] Let the users edit our own post


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Again, unfortunately the person in question that ruined it for everyone (and occasionally continues to) has many, many posts. I've thought of a number of solutions through the forum software. But frankly, the only way to solve the issue is for Pilgway to decide to remove the person from posting at all. I doubt this will happen.

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Again, unfortunately the person in question that ruined it for everyone (and occasionally continues to) has many, many posts. I've thought of a number of solutions through the forum software. But frankly, the only way to solve the issue is for Pilgway to decide to remove the person from posting at all. I doubt this will happen.

Still sore, are you, Javis? So, let me see if I get your logic, here. Carlos wanting to be able to go back and edit his posts (after 10min or so) can't do so because I did what he's asking for? :blink: Maybe it's because some hyper-sensitive person, like you, complained about it, when the proper solution is to put the offending poster on their ignore list, eh? The problem is, you and those of your political persuasion think that they can just shut down other peoples right to voice a contrary opinion. That's not how it works, here.
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Don, you are on my ignore list. Believe me. I don't know what "political persuasion" you're referring to, I consider myself a moderate that likes to be left the hell alone by idiots on BOTH sides. You just happen to be on the idiotic far right who considers me a "lefty". Go figure. I hate dragging things our publicly, but for don, I will do so gladly.

I'm tired of your shit. You're a bully and a racist. I say this with empirical experience with you, and evidence. You're a real ass hole. You've threatened me with physical violence because you ASKED me to delete your account when you got so fed up with 3DC, then after making sure that is really what you wanted, I did it. A few days later you got all pissed off, threatening me with violence, physical violence, for doing what you ASKED me to do for you. What is the logic in that? I've even given you the benefit of the doubt on that one, but then you start your shit again.

Another time you again personally threatened me with physical violence on the NT forum because, if I recall correctly, I disagreed with you about the war in Iraq.

Some of your other infractions have been deleted, by you, on this forum, so as to cover your tracks. That's why you're not allowed, and thus the rest of us, to edit posts. Others have been edited omitting your crap.

So go ahead, threaten me again. Next time I'll take legal action. Yeah, go ahead, "LOL" to that one. I know I am, don.

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Having a short time limit is a good compromise between the two extremes IMHO. I don't really know what the problem being referred to specifically was, but one good way of providing users the ability to edit their posts as far off as years later would to have a revision system much like Mantis has. The original unedited post and all edits made after that are kept on file and can be read by anybody at any time. The only people who would have a problem with such a system? Well I'm sure you can all figure that out lol. It's not like everything we do online isn't tracked already (Wayback Machine for instance). You wouldn't even have to keep copies of the entire post each time it's edited either as just the changes should suffice. Or keep it like it is which I'm fine with. Just have to make certain to proofread carefully and be sure that what you've written is truly what you want everyone to see before hitting the submit button. It's not all that difficult really, unless you're lazy and apathetic lol. :)

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Don, you are on my ignore list. Believe me. I don't know what "political persuasion" you're referring to, I consider myself a moderate that likes to be left the hell alone by idiots on BOTH sides. You just happen to be on the idiotic far right who considers me a "lefty". Go figure. I hate dragging things our publicly, but for don, I will do so gladly.

I'm tired of your shit. You're a bully and a racist. I say this with empirical experience with you, and evidence. You're a real ass hole. You've threatened me with physical violence because you ASKED me to delete your account when you got so fed up with 3DC, then after making sure that is really what you wanted, I did it. A few days later you got all pissed off, threatening me with violence, physical violence, for doing what you ASKED me to do for you. What is the logic in that? I've even given you the benefit of the doubt on that one, but then you start your shit again.

Another time you again personally threatened me with physical violence on the NT forum because, if I recall correctly, I disagreed with you about the war in Iraq.

Some of your other infractions have been deleted, by you, on this forum, so as to cover your tracks. That's why you're not allowed, and thus the rest of us, to edit posts. Others have been edited omitting your crap.

So go ahead, threaten me again. Next time I'll take legal action. Yeah, go ahead, "LOL" to that one. I know I am, don.

Wow. Not only do you come unglued at the drop of a hat, but you certainly have a vivid imagination. A racist? Threaten violence? Because I used a FoxNews article regarding Cuba's relaxing of it's visa requirements, and don't adhere to your liberal ideologies, I'm a racist? That's just pure lunacy. :wacko:

Covering my tracks? Good grief. And in regards to asking you to remove my forum account, 3-4yrs ago, you sure have a twisted recollection of those events. You were the first, trying to have me banned then...well BEFORE I asked to have my acct removed. Myself and another regular here, were persistent in our forum requests to have Multi-threading in the Voxel Room, so it didn't take HOURS to switch from Voxel to Surface mode. You can thank me and XFS (sp?) later...for being a pain in the bum, because that is precisely what it took. Here we had this gaping problem, and yet folks kept asking for this feature and that feature, and this and this and that. All I did was repeat a few times that I didn't think it was a good idea to keep pushing for low hanging fruit, when we had this huge problem in the app. You tried to ban me all on your own. Later, when I got so fed up with the state of affairs and nothing appearing to get done (on top of a lot of bugs), THEN I threw in the towel. You have things backwards....as usual.

As for threatening you...please show some evidence, as I don't recall a single instance. Whether it be here or the NT forums. Again, what a vivid imagination you have, or perhaps it's a typical liberal habit of throwing all kinds of accusations against the wall, hoping something will stick to it.

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Don, you have threatened me. I'll show it in court, when and if it comes to it. I've already shown it where it matters, toPilgway, and they didn't give a crap.

BTW, thanks for the "report". One good turn deserves another, right?

I knew you'd do more name calling, "liberal", yada yada. Keep it coming. I like this fodder. :)

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Don, you have threatened me. I'll show it in court, when and if it comes to it. I've already shown it where it matters, toPilgway, and they didn't give a crap.

BTW, thanks for the "report". One good turn deserves another, right?

I knew you'd do more name calling, "liberal", yada yada. Keep it coming. I like this fodder. :)

If you consider being called a liberal a slur, then maybe you're having feelings of guilt. I never consider someone calling me a conservative, a pejorative term. It just helps describe common positions held among a group. And what court would you presume to sue me in, Javis? :wacko: Kangaroo Court. Judge Judy? On a slightly serious note, though...you've done nothing to implicate me in any wrongdoing, other than to make a bunch of crazy, absurd accusations. As before, YOU started the verbal jousting...with your provocative remarks. Not something a Janitor should be engaged in. And you know that. Yet, instead of taking the foul language to a private conversation, you choose to break forum rules (you are supposed to be enforcing), openly. Your whole rant = 1 big Fail Dozer.

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Oh man, I was going to skip on posting here, but it's just to good to pass on... I don't know what is going on with this two going at each other but it's pretty funny that you let it aggravate you so much that you make it public. "War in Iraq", "physical violence", "legal threats", etc...? Man, why do I pay for HBO!? (Actually I don't, but it sounded appropriate). Please guys tomorrow I will be reading this post again and I will have some popcorn with me so YOU TWO better NOT work things out or I will be the one getting violent!! LOL That!

EDIT 1: You can take this guy Don, besides Judge Judy is off this week so you're on the clear!

EDIT 2: Hey, Hey!! No reporting!

EDIT 3: Oh man, I really love being able to edit my posts! Good call Carlos.

EDIT 4: Oh yeah almost forgot, webmasters please DO let us edit our posts.

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This is one of the forum's break from the usual. Presumably, the Webmaster will excise this carbuncle, hopefully after a decent period that allows for many a grin. Both of these men have contributed enormously to this forum and to the developement of 3D-Coat and I hope they wont be penalized for the occasional lapse.

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This is one of the forum's break from the usual. Presumably, the Webmaster will excise this carbuncle, hopefully after a decent period that allows for many a grin. Both of these men have contributed enormously to this forum and to the developement of 3D-Coat and I hope they wont be penalized for the occasional lapse.

I'm not worried. If don can insult customers, threaten folks, crap on Andrew's work and so on, and Pilgway stands by doing nothing, I'm confident I can be just like don, to don, and nothing will happen. If don doesn't like how he's being treated (ie, how he treats others, taste of his own medicine), he can either shape up or ship out. Apparently he has never understood the whole "treat others as you wish to be treated", thing. I don't give two craps either way because at least now some one is standing up to the bully, and it's amusing. :)

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Editing posts the way Don did in the past no trivial offense.

As helpful as Don may be - those who would like to see a change clearly have not yet encountered his Mr.Hyde coming out.

What the furious counterpart posts and then quickly removes again is nothing anyone wants to read.

Probably not even Don himself, after getting calm again.

There's no way around the limit in editing-time.

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Editing posts the way Don did in the past no trivial offense.

As helpful as Don may be - those who would like to see a change clearly have not yet encountered his Mr.Hyde coming out.

What the furious counterpart posts and then quickly removes again is nothing anyone wants to read.

Probably not even Don himself, after getting calm again.

If someone wants to edit a typo, add more to the post (to keep from having a number of successive posts), or even go back and rephrase a segment, in order to take the tone down a notch...what in hades is that to you? What skin is that from your nose? Put the person on your ignore list, if you don't like it. Its'...just...that...simple. Funny you should join in here, when you are a major instigator/contributor in the occasional kerfuffle. You, like many sharp-tongued individuals on internet forums, like to throw your own barbs, then cry foul when the other swings back. How dignifying of you?

I grew up, being quick to call a bully's bluff...and there was never a shortage of them. In short, I have never been one for taking anyone's crap....including yours, polyxo. And after 6yrs in the Army, in the Airborne Infantry, you bet I have combative personality. I never look for trouble, but I will do my level best to return the favor, if you push me. Yes, I bite back. No Mr. Hyde here, buddy. I'll be as nice as you allow me to be. Take a verbal sucker punch and I'll dish it right back to you. That's how I am. I'll be as diplomatic as I can be, but not at the expense of taking one on the chin.

Again, if I want to edit my own posts, it's not your place to dictate whether or not I/we can. And it's not your place to determine the "severity" of the matter. You are merely a poster...not a webmaster. YOUR RECOURSE...if indeed so grievously offended, is to simply place those who chaff your tender sensibilities on your IGNORE list...especially if you can't seem to refrain from insulting or making a sharp-tongued remark toward them, yourself.

There's no way around the limit in editing-time.
Really? And on who's authority do you make such a claim? Last time I checked, you ain't running a single thing around here. Seems to me you have you have a perspective problem. Confusing your shoe carton with a soap box. All Hail, Lord Polyxo Farquaad!

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I'm not worried. If don can insult customers, threaten folks, crap on Andrew's work and so on, and Pilgway stands by doing nothing, I'm confident I can be just like don, to don, and nothing will happen. If don doesn't like how he's being treated (ie, how he treats others, taste of his own medicine), he can either shape up or ship out. Apparently he has never understood the whole "treat others as you wish to be treated", thing. I don't give two craps either way because at least now some one is standing up to the bully, and it's amusing. :)

Javis, you are so full of crap, little man. Go back and review this thread from start to finish. It was YOU who started in. I hadn't even made a single post, beforehand. You could have easily PM'ed Carlos with your little rant. But no, you chose to throw your tantrum, publicly. Your comments were totally uncalled for. As a Janitor, you know it's blatantly violating forum rules to instigate trouble and using profanity. Just like the last dust up you started, it was totally unprovoked...so, stop it with the little make believe Barbie's Playhouse routine. No one bullied you into making uncalled for remarks, early in this thread and others.

You know what's funny. You and Polyxo keep trying to villify me. Maybe it's you two. I haven't had a cross word with long-time members, like Phil, Leigh, Tony, BeatKitno, Taros, Digman. But then again, even if they have issues with the software from time to time, they have never gotten ill with me. Never took a verbal jab at me. That's why things have been civil between us. Maybe you and polyxo should get off your high horse and practice some civility, yourselves, before demanding it from others.

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That was a fantastic

, Javis. Thanks for posting it. B)

As for editing/deleting posts, there needs to be a limit of some sort. Not saying there should be, only that there needs to be. If only we lived in a world where such things weren't necessary.

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I wasn't going to get into any of this at all, but I think at this point for Andrew's sake, can we please just close this? I personally am thankful to both Javis and AbnRanger, as both have been very helpful to me on this forum.

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I will break my resolve to avoid this mess in order to echo user alvordr's request: can everyone involved please now put this to bed and return to an air of professionalism on the boards?

Many thanks in advance.

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