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3rd Challenge - Sculpt and texture your hero/heroine


Sculpt and texture your hero/heroine winner  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. The best entry was done by:

    • ajz3d
    • BeatKitano
    • carlosan
    • chingchong
    • ebitz

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Basically blocked in... just working out some proportions to closer match the concept.


chingchong and beatkitano, looking good keep pushing it.





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Doubt I'll get time to finish this, but tinkered for a little while coming up with this. Always wanted Wolverine to wear his costume in the movies, trying to find a look that a movie producer might sign off on. Still annoyed they haven't put him in his costume yet.



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Final block in and established proportions. On to weapon (axe instead of sword), and beginning primary, and secodary details.



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Awesome work everyone !


@ebitz: Looks VERY nice, clean, accurate and the concept is cool to begin with so :)

Can't wait to see him textured !



Glad you're entering the contest, even if you're just starting with 3dcoat it looks nice so far, keep going !

One suggestion I would give you is: look from every angle, and try to make the silhouette interesting. It's what every 2d artist would do, and how it should help you get a feel for the character.

For instance righ now using this approach would help you on the legs: they look to straight in front view, try to angle them a bit at the knee, it'll add a bit of dynamism to the character.




Good progress on the character pose and clothe. You may want to pay attention on the feet though: I don't understand on which plane he's standing on at the moment.



Nice ! It's no big deal if you don't make the deadline imo, if you still do it even after the end of the contest it'll be an interesting piece :)

Of course I think everyone would love to see it completed on first january ;)

In any case keep going I like the realistic approach so far :)

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Good progress on the character pose and clothe(...)



(...)You may want to pay attention on the feet though: I don't understand on which plane he's standing on at the moment.

That's probably because I didn't even touch his jackboots yet. ;) I want to block the schirmmütze (peaked cap) first and only then proceed with forming the boots. Some previous screen shots of the mannequin illustrate the idea.

Or is it something else you had in mind?

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Nearing end of sculpting, a little more things here and there but texturing will be next I guess. 




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I can't really say from your stills, but this is definitely a question of mass/spine orientation vs ground force.

I leaned him a little forward and to the right and adjusted right leg slightly to point inwards (with foot slightly rotated outwards). What do you think of this? It should make sense now.


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Shaping very nicely Chingchong, it'll look awesome if you do the accessories right. with a proper paintjob it can kick asses.


I've a little nitpick to make though, mostly about the pec/shoulder joint: it looks frail, it doesn't match the overal build imo.


Found some time to proceed with sculpt

Thanks  for the tipps BeatKitano, i worked over the body like you suggested, i like it more now :)


Also did some accessories (gloves.), that was really  ....cumbersome o_O, i guess a little boxmodelling would be helpful, if you want to stay in 3DC for all parts, but i had also the idea to  do "boxbodelling" via retopo, not tried yet.


Also changed the lionshead, first one was too much, "The lion king" - style ^^, i guess it will need further work, i have a angry look in mind for the lion. Worked also on lions Hair.



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Final sculpt, I swear this time. Don't hold me to it though. Changed things like the axe, worked the hands more, yada yada yada.




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im reaching the final steps of the sculpt, finally

Ive no idea what to do with the left hand. ^^ (maybe dragging cerberos along ^^)

Mace seems to be too long.


so now, im afraid of coloring...lol



Edited by chingchong
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Looks awesome. I don't know what to tell you about the hand, I'm sure you'll figure something out :)


Thanks learned alot from you :),  there are some quirks left here and there, but im leaving the sculpt for now, preparing for the coloring.

Found a solution for left hand btw.



Maybe a maiden or two...? ;)

That would be some Amazons, i guess :D


Gone for the light version, only the weapon (without the women ;) )



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Hello fellas,

great challenge & great work everyone!!, I'll try to do something even if it's been a while I didn't sculpt, I chose the character as Uruk-hai but SF Version (alternative version). Is this in accordance with the rules?

or if the existing version...






Edited by chris_solo
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I'm done with low details. Time to clean the scene up, merge some stuff together and add thickness to boots and cap. Shoulder boards need to be tweaked too.

I'll probably start adding medium details and begin vertex painting this weekend.


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