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Oh, I will have to try it Zbrush.... also I think I know what you are talking about....taking note ;)

Its the "distance" parameter that makes all the difference.It's there in Zbrush,Mudbox and LazyNezumi.

This is what allow to follow complicated curves on long distances.


(In LazyNezumi the distance parameter Im talking about is called "radius".)

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Radial symmetry will be very useful with these new tools, i had a quick idea which would be a Branch symmetry.

By that i basically mean one where it moves/rotates the reflection point/axis to the current mouse location with a bit of extra calculations when drawing. So basically with Snake brush etc you would get a nice tree branch effect quickly rather than having to make each part or moving things around manually. Just a idea really but i think that could be quite a useful feature to have.

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I found a pretty good description of the missing element I'm talking about.

LazyRadius: When the LazyMouse feature is on, LazyRadius sets the length of the 'string' connecting the mouse cursor to the drawing point.

The longer the string, the more precise the stroke, but the further you'll have to move your hand to make it.

One of the problem of course is to make sure it works well with Alphas image,meaning not noisy details on overlapping alphas if spacing is very small.

That is the difficult part to obtain,but its essential for making Hard Surface details like lines you can see on this model I'm working on.

Also very difficult to obtain is uniformity of alphas spacing when 3dCoat's "rotate along stroke" option is activated,this feature works well with big spacing but gives ugly results when using very small spacing.To achieve good hardsurface lines, uniformity of stroke is essential even with very small spacing values.

This is why I had to use Zbrush on this model for small lines,except that this model is 95% 3dCoat,straight voxels exported as Dense Quads from file menu.

I think "interpolate" and "spacing" and "rotate along stroke" (in pen option) should be merged in one setting window.


There is same thing in Mudbox's Steady Stroke (its called "distance" instead of Lazyradius).

Here is an alpha image for you to experiment if you ever feel like working on this issue.

Its a difficult image to make work with spacing and "rotate along stroke" options.Its a challenge for you and Andrew. :D


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I found a pretty good description of the missing element I'm talking about.

One of the problem of course is to make sure it works well with Alphas image,meaning not noisy details on overlapping alphas if spacing is very small.

That is the difficult part to obtain,but its essential for making Hard Surface details like lines you can see on this model I'm working on.

Also very difficult to obtain is uniformity of alphas spacing when 3dCoat's "rotate along stroke" option is activated,this feature works well with big spacing but gives ugly results when using very small spacing.To achieve good hardsurface lines, uniformity of stroke is essential even with very small spacing values.

This is why I had to use Zbrush on this model for small lines,except that this model is 95% 3dCoat,straight voxels exported as Dense Quads from file menu.

I think "interpolate" and "spacing" and "rotate along stroke" (in pen option) should be merged in one setting window.


There is same thing in Mudbox's Steady Stroke (its called "distance" instead of Lazyradius).

Here is an alpha image for you to experiment if you ever feel like working on this issue.

Its a difficult image to make work with spacing and "rotate along stroke" options.Its a challenge for you and Andrew. :D


thanks Artman, I have this already in my todo list ;)

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Well, where are the new builds? This 0 depth issue is of great priority. For LC and in voxels mode.

I was trying grow tool in voxels mode. Even 0 is tooo much.

BTW there isn't any basic shaping tool in vox mode. The basic brush for adding or reducing, where is it? Grow works more like sphere tool.

The 'build' tool works fine though, especially using a sharp mask. The vox equivalent of sculptris crease tool.

Someone could say that I'm addicted to sculptris and zb tools. But to blender as well. These other devs can't be wrong, they're listening carefully and they're probably artists themselves.

About the UI in sculpting mode.

sculptris and blender have the spontaneous way (simple letters as tools shortcuts) D for draw, G for grab etc. ZB and 3dc don't have this. Shortcuts like E in 3dc could change to something like alt+E. More logical IMO.

I'm not sure that I'm in topic but it's time to start a sculpting tutorial for developers LOL. OK, I'm not as good artist but to have a sculpting app for just simple animation or VG figures won't help me in the near future.

The only real close to art tool in 3dc is these broad cuts (E panel) and the booleans. The essence of voxels.

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OK artman, I'm relaxed. Most of nice works posted in this forum came from workflows involving zbrush or MB or some other app.

There're a few regular users like you and me remaining here. Even fewer are posting their artwork.

I'm not the first that noticed this. This community doesn't help developers much.

We're talking about digital sculpting and its future.

What I see is some users believing that a low quality VG or animated cartoon will always be the only valuable art concept.

But the majority of digital artists are waiting for zbrush r2. I can guess why. A great tool set, an after retopo sculpting on hi def meshes, a decent displacement maps export.

Someone has to fine tune these tools, farsthary may do this. Andrew did a great work in depth but I understand, he may find my requests a bit boring.

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will always be the only valuable art concept.

The only one, I didn't say that this isn't art. Artman, please, have a more spherical opinion on what I'm posting in zb or sculptris forum.

Remember WE are Beta team

Of course, how many? Where is our artwork?


All of this WILL happen,but not right now.

I'm not sure about it.

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I think Artman meant "WE" as general 3dcoat user who make frequent use of the forums.

This is correct, my answer still stands though. How many are we? Where is our artwork?

We need better sculpting tools. A better and more effective UI.

For example:

What about properties on the tool like: pinch behavior(+-), Above/below surf +-value , flat/planar flat/smooth flat

Imagine a simple draw tool with some flat smooth value, above, pinch 0. Here we have a clay tool.(add some mask on it)

Simple draw brush, a little pinch behavior, a little above/below (+-), and a sharper mask, we have a crease tool.

The pinch tool, above/below value= a really helpful pinch tool.

All these on properties of the A, D, G, P etc tools (direct shortcuts)

Other properties (like the E key) should change to alt+E or similar.

Brushes need shortcuts, other tools like merge, curve, etc, don't

Why the basic draw tool doesn't follow the masks? BTW

Why the lock to camera view tool size works like crazy? Always broken.

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This is correct, my answer still stands though. How many are we? Where is our artwork?

We need better sculpting tools. A better and more effective UI.

I can say for certain that both of those thoughts are coming.

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So sorry, you're right.

We were talking about the quality of tools, about the need of UVs and some retopo in any case.

When we'll start seeing triangulated artifacts on normal and displacement maps, then this private conversation will stop to considered as private. LOL

But you're right, it's out of topic. Sorry again. Polyxo actually started a new thread about these in a more appropriate topic.

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Hi :)

Sorry for my lack of posts, I'm onto something very interesting that was sucking ALL of my time, thank's the Lord and Andrew :) I'm finishing it so after that we will release updated LC builds :)

I mean really soon :)


No worries man! Take your time. I heard from Andrew about new interesting thing, people are going to love it. :)

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Moved the off topic discussion to holger's thread.

This was not a private or an off Topic discussion - it in fact discussed possible implementations of Farsthary's

LiveClay and opportunities for GUI Develpment. Some may not have discovered this.

I have never ever seen that moving posts makes Forums any more readable.

The outcome is always a break in sequence and contributions which refer to posts which are no longer in place.

Now my Workflow-Proposal- Thread starts off not with my proposal but with a Comment of Michaelis on some recent

addition of Farsthary's. I could as well say you have ruined my Thread...

Now leave it as it is.

But why can't you let things flow and just delete Spam?

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Now leave it as it is.

But why can't you let things flow and just delete Spam?

And that's exactly what happened. Shall we start another off-topic now? You can always Private Message the Moderator if you disagree with a decision. Or do you consider the importance of your personal matter sufficient to keep hi-jacking the topic? I thought you already agreed above that the matter was not appropriate to the topic of the discussion?

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And that's exactly what happened. Shall we start another off-topic now? You can always Private Message the Moderator if you disagree with a decision. Or do you consider the importance of your personal matter sufficient to keep hi-jacking the topic? I thought you already agreed above that the matter was not appropriate to the topic of the discussion?

Please do not call my postings Spam. Further please refrain from speculation on my motivations.

Thank you.

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What a mess.

Now my Workflow-Proposal- Thread starts off not with my proposal but with a Comment of Michaelis on some recent

addition of Farsthary's. I could as well say you have ruined my Thread...

Better delete my moved posts Javis. We won't miss them, nothing really serious. :drinks:

Is this thread, a way to communicate with farsthary?

In this case it can go out of topic as it's difficult to explain artistic needs, personal feelings.

Yes, it looks like we started a private conversation with polyxo. But not really. My fault, when I tried to explain issues with new render engines.

Extremely on topic though, when I mentioned a well known baking problem-tri artifact.

Because the only way to bake decent maps on cages goes through the AfterRetopo sculpting room. In this room, I'm expecting to see these Farsthary's new tools.

Here we're talking about the behavior of tools. It isn't weird to mention zbrush or sculptris. In fact 3dc devs better copy them.

Imagine a traditional brush maker trying to invent a great watercolor brush. He isn't god, he will just copy a great older brush. It took hundred of years to fine tune them.

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Hi Raul,

I hope you still read this thread despite the weirdness going on in the last few posts.

Is there any ETA on when we can expect a new beta release which includes the latest Liveclay updates? I would like to give it a proper testrun to decide whether its worth partaking in beta feedback.

Kind regards,


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