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Volumeric sculpting -> Merge -> On pen

There should definitely be defined normal of the object (which should be aligned to surface). Whats the point of easy way of placing an ear or button, when its always rotated in some unusable way. I know about Transform button, but its very unconfortable and hard to use.

Easy way is to add new sliders next to Shift - Rotate.

Harder way for programmer (and easier for user) is to add some normal to object defining "bottom" of the object.

Or did I miss something?

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Maybe this is here and I'm not seeing it. A way to merge an object into the VS and mirror it. For example, I have an ear as an LWO file, so I can merge that in and attach it to the head. But now I need to put it on the other side of the head. I don't see any way to flip it. I tried scaling it to negative values but the polygons get their normals flipped and VS doesn't like that.

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  • Advanced Member
Maybe this is here and I'm not seeing it. A way to merge an object into the VS and mirror it. For example, I have an ear as an LWO file, so I can merge that in and attach it to the head. But now I need to put it on the other side of the head. I don't see any way to flip it. I tried scaling it to negative values but the polygons get their normals flipped and VS doesn't like that.

you should be able to just merge into scene, align, then turn on symmetry in x-axis (or whatever symmetry works for your model)

and hit 'return'...

at least that's what worked in versions previous to 47

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you should be able to just merge into scene, align, then turn on symmetry in x-axis (or whatever symmetry works for your model)

and hit 'return'...

at least that's what worked in versions previous to 47

Normally I would but my model is not symmetrical.

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ah, well a workaround might be to just mirror it in Lightwave then merge in the mirrored part?

You could export out a poly version of your sculpt for rough alignment so you didn't have to fuss

too much when you try to merge the mirrored version.

Otherwise, it sounds like a request for the ability to set a symmetry line on a VS sculpt that would

allow for any 'angle' ... so select point 'A' on the forehead, then put point 'B' on the chin and that

sets your symmetry line? (but then how would you know along which XYZ vector to mirror across?)

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ah, well a workaround might be to just mirror it in Lightwave then merge in the mirrored part?

You could export out a poly version of your sculpt for rough alignment so you didn't have to fuss

too much when you try to merge the mirrored version.

Otherwise, it sounds like a request for the ability to set a symmetry line on a VS sculpt that would

allow for any 'angle' ... so select point 'A' on the forehead, then put point 'B' on the chin and that

sets your symmetry line? (but then how would you know along which XYZ vector to mirror across?)

I would've been happy with mirroring across X and then using the gizmo to move it into place. I did end up doing it in LightWave, I just felt like I shouldn't have to open another program to do something simple like that.

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1) When cutting away at a object with the line tool, instead of deleting part of the model, have a option to keep it as a subtool. This way I can cut off arms or section a model for 3d printing.

2) Allow the use of planes to slice up a model, especially ones with a bump or 'key' in them. So I could slide the plane into place, choose 'cut', and then then I get 2 parts that are keyed to fit each other.

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I was looking through some patents and I came across this... I don't if this means anything or not.

"A system and method for providing an intuitive and efficient mechanism to select areas of interest on a 3D model, and modify a pose or shape of the 3D model. A masking module allows an artist to interactively mask portions of a 3D object and leave other portions of the object unmasked. A posing module provides various tools to allow the artist to apply a posing or reshaping action on the unmasked areas of the 3D object. The computer artist masks portions of the 3D object by clicking and dragging the user input device on an area of the 3D object. All vertices whose topological distances are closer to the vertex associated with the initial click position than the final dragged position are masked. The artist then draws an action line on or partially on the 3D object to define a coordinate system. The artist clicks on a point on the action line, and drags the user input device for corresponding transformations of the unmasked portions of the 3D object."



So does this mean that there can't be any masking features in 3dc? Seems like it's a patent for masking in 3d. I do have respect for Ofer Alon and everything he has done with Zbrush but this patent seems very simple and general in nature. I don't see how one can patent such a simple idea of masking in 3d. Maybe I'm overlooking something, I'm not a patent expert.

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Curves feature requests.

-A button to delete all curves, at the moment new curves have to deleted manually. Also to add to the problem curve information is still retained when creating a new file. I actually don't mind curve information being maintained in creating a new file just as long as I have an easy way to delete the curves instead of manually selecting each curve and deleting them.

-Save curve profile so that the user can still keep the curve and modify it. Currently the user makes the curve and the curve is discarded when the user closes the program. Although you can save it in voxel form it's not as malleable as when it is editable in curve mode.

-Save the curve as an obj that could be used for curves?

-History mode for curves. This would extremely helpful. But no doubt it would be difficult to implement with voxels.

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Curves feature requests.

-A button to delete all curves, at the moment new curves have to deleted manually. Also to add to the problem curve information is still retained when creating a new file. I actually don't mind curve information being maintained in creating a new file just as long as I have an easy way to delete the curves instead of manually selecting each curve and deleting them.

I never need to manually delete each curves, I just press "escape"

-Save the curve as an obj that could be used for curves?

there is an "export-export curve profile" option in voxtree rmb menu. :D

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I'm in the middle of another project right now so I can't check, but doesn't the Esc key clear all curves?
Curves feature requests.

"-A button to delete all curves"...

Isn't it what he is asking for?

edit:lol :lol: you're not talking to me are you? you are replying to Ninja Taco.

We must have pressed add reply around the same time.

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Not sure if thats technically possible, but it would be great to have the snake/spike tool also as a polygon version (non voxel). Because in some cases you are better off with the original topo sizewise. Of course boolean operations wouldnt be possible then.

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a invert the whole selection in Transpose

a checkbox to lock transpose/transform gizmo to the object (follow as it moves)

use E panel for transpose selections

hide/unhide,delete at once of multiple objects in voxtree

(maybe it's impossible to select two object in the tree at the same time but

maybe trough a fake parallel selection system (using another color highlight) that wouldn't actually select the

objects but would only tag them for deletion or hiding/unhiding.)

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  • 4 weeks later...
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1-Pretty basic feature for sculpting:

When selecting brushes 3DCoat already remember brush size,depth,faloff previously used with the brush.

....it would be good if it could also remember the pen used.

Also if it could remember the last pen used for smoothing it would greatly improve sculpting workflow

,people don't always use the same pen for sculpting and smoothing.

( both zb and mb have this feature )


For proper painting of vox shaders as material on the lowpoly object it is essential

that camera shortcuts hold both scroll and zoom information.Otherwize it is very hard to match the lowpoly object position

with the exported snapshot of the highres vox sculpt with shader.

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  • Applink Developer

I would like if the rendered picture would stay on screen after finishing. Sometimes it renders the sculpt quite fast so I don't have time to see

the final render. I have to go to folder and see it. It would be nice if there is a option like "Show last render" or something. Thanks.

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My requests

- Change the word Transparency (brush strenght) to Opacity, since increasing the value it make the brush result more opaque.

- Better spacing in the brush, More photshop like and not so slow.

- Use Morphs to better paint and sculpt some already distorted areas.

-The 4th tool (for color operations) is very good but could be better. You cant use smooth (shift click) while you are on it.

And theres a thing missing here for a good painting. Smuding ! You got to have smudge on this.

Another thing that would be cool would be blending modes on strokes. Screen, Color, Hue, Luminosity, Multiply.

This 4th tool could have 3 input channels (instead of depth, color, specularity. what makes 3dcoat famous), like Modulation (blur, smudge, sharpen) Light (darken, lighten) Color operation (Saturate, Desaturate, Increase Hue, Decrease Hue). All in one stoke and it could substitute the other inputs, since depth and specularity are desactivated in this 4th tool.

- Bezier brush tip, for better control of the center and the border flow of the brushes.

EDIT: ups can you move this to normal requestes? didnt saw it was just for VS :\

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Add another flavor of hidden VOX Object ...

Hidden on DISK

as opposed to

Hidden in Memory.

Hidden on DISK items should have the option of being rendered as a LOW-RES Proxy version of what is hidden.

Which brings up a related subject ....

Aren't VOXEL Objects the perfect candidate for implementing PROXY or STAND-IN objects of much much lower resolution ???

Much simpler than in polygon space.

Why not develop a Version of a VOXEL Object that is more or less "FINISHED". Meaning it would be in a less immediately maliable state where it would contain a few levels of PROXY Objects. You could implement as a 3D version of MIPMAPS in voxel space. If the user wants to edit ... then there is a pause/penalty for changing his mind back to unfinshed. Simple.


If you were careful about putting all these ideas together ... you could probably give users 200 million to 1 billion polygon rendering capability with very little extra technology beyond what you already have developed.

A simpler but less inspiring way of saying all the above might be ... Why Not have a way of having only PART of the scene in memory at a given time ... like not so much of a scene ????

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Add another flavor of hidden VOX Object...

If I understand you right, I've been thinking along similar lines.

It would be nice to be able to "unload" certain voxel layers, but still have a 2x, 4x or more decreased res proxy. this proxy would not be sculptable until it was reloaded. this would allow larger scenes and objects would still have size, position relation to each other.

An import, export selected voxel layers as voxels option would be nice too.

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I think that 3DC is very to having a working sketching system similar this..


I think that 3DC could have a similar 3D sketching feature by adding the following:

note: I imagine the sphere tool in voxel sculpting being the best candidate for this..

1. We would need a way to quickly define the axis and rotation of a plain to be drawn on.. Maybe hold a hot key, 2 clicks to set the axis and click plus release to set rotation.. Draw line.. (I'm sure there is more to it than that but its a start)

2. It would be super cool to fill the curves into a solid model but if you had kept a plain defined, you could fill it in with spheres manually..

I think that this is already possible with curves but it would be cool to see a faster version for spheres...



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  • Applink Developer

Sometimes it gets a little bit slow when you have a long voxtree and you want to see only one part how many million tris it takes.

So to do that you have to hide all other sculpt to see that. Is is possible to add indivitual count into "Show info" information too.

And Another thing is that in the sculpt mode when you have childrens in your voxtree and you clone the parent. Children aren't cloned with the parent.

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I know this may not be the perfect time Andrew since you will do some very important features first (direct painting and tabbed interface) but i really have to write this down.

I have huge problems with the hide function.

It doesnt fit in with the volumetric approach. All the tools make sense in a volumetric kind a way (not saying they are finished; im saying they make sense). The cutting, the trimming, the merging and subtracting. Everything is volumetric which makes this such an awesome sculpting app. Except for... Hiding. Hiding (at least to my appaearance) looks like a surface type deal. Instead of hiding a volume somehow the surface of your sculpt gets transparant, in ugly square chunks with a very coarse resolution.

Not only is this hide "resolution" too rough, its unpredictable too. There is no good way for me to precisely hide what i want without running the risk of suddenly losing a "patch" of something i wanted to have visible for sculpting.

Lastly its bugged as i showed you in the bugzzz thread where hidden parts of your sculpt are not isolated from sculpting operations.


Now the crazy thing is you essentially already have a super hide function in 3dcoat! The split brush you made is a hide in disguise!

What it does is it splits your sculpt and past it as another object in the voxtree.

Essentially, if you turn the visibility of the new splitted object off, sculpt away on the main object and then merge the splitted part back onto your main object you have the principles of a PERFECT hide.

Currently the split brush only works with curve selections (rectangular, polygonal, freehand etc). But when seen in a hiding principle there is no reason not to have a normal brush that just splits (hides) away whatever you subtract by it!

Can you see how perfect this will be?

Hiding resolution ALWAYS matches the resolution of your voxel sculpt.

100% predictability and control with proven curve selections and as a GREAT bonus a brush that you can subtract with that works just like a sculpting brush only it HIDES what you subtract. (seriously no app has hiding this good)

No longer a brake with the entire volumetric principle within 3dcoat because the parts you hide away will still leave a closed volume behind. Its like cutting away a part of your model to reach a place thats hard to get and then having a magic button to pop that hidden part back on; seamlesly!

Please, seriously consider this. Ive tried to use hide multiple times on my sculpts and the current version of it is just so.. well.. bad that i end up taking a different approach everytime. Hiding should be handy. Not something you want to avoid because it doesnt work properly.




It will be important to use the principle of a true voxel brush for the hide brush. For example the sphere brush would be perfect (as its used with the option to follow the surface).

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I'm still advocating for the TurnTable Render to be "Save-Able" state so that in case of

ERROR ... could be retried. This to include shaders, view angles, lighting rig ... camera

position, etc.

For example ... I hit the "SLEEP-BUTTON" on my keyboard a few times recently during render

and this completely kills the render. I know I should not hit that dumb button ... but it can happen.

Anyway ... not a priority I'm sure, and would not want it to be unless it was super easy to do.

But considering the substantial effort put into making 3DCoats turntable render as cool as it is ...

it certainly could be "dressed up" a bit if made more "self-sufficient", "repeatable".

Can't rely on user not accidentally knocking one property out of line after a failed render.

Then restarting only to find it is a bit different.

This could be for version 3.1 or something. But watch for the reasons for doing this ... there are plenty.

HMMM ... perhaps I just need to do a FILE-SAVE just before I do a render ???

Will there be any properties that don't get serialized to the 3DCoat file ????

If there are all saved ... then that's a great answer and I'm sorry for being dumb.

I'll double check. I just had this overwhelming intuition that some render setting were transient/volitile.

I really should double check. I should not be such a doubter.

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I was sculpting a head last night and realized that if i had a "deformation lattice" option, that would make it alot easier to do some overall reshaping. by using a low-poly lattice object either loaded into the scene or created in retopo and then working with faces, verts, and edges to reshape the overall structure. or use it for local deformation by retopoing only the areas to be deformed.


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I was sculpting a head last night and realized that if i had a "deformation lattice" option, that would make it alot easier to do some overall reshaping. by using a low-poly lattice object either loaded into the scene or created in retopo and then working with faces, verts, and edges to reshape the overall structure. or use it for local deformation by retopoing only the areas to be deformed.


I think control points handle that. Although control points do not work in voxel sculpt. I made a feature request for that in the feature requests section. But haven't received a reply about it though.

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