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Garagarape sketchbook


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To tell the truth... I bake in Xnormal (I like its Ambiant Occlusion).

But I get more artifacts than in 3dCoat, for I'm too lazy to make a cage

for each part...

Oh! Funny!

We have the same post number!

I have one more than you now. He he!

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Hello there Craigf!

I'm happy to see someone from Scotland here.

I'm from Brittany and away from home.

Went once in Scotland before going to University.

Inverness, Kyle of Lochalsh, Turso and many other places

seemed so magic to me.

Good luck for your CG work (and also for the 6th Nations tournament if you like rugby!).

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Hey Garagarape, Scotland can be a nice place, weather is terrible though. I'm from just outside Glasgow so its a pretty rough area. Not a rugby fan im afraid, more football and ufc.


Very cool stuff you have in here, the unwrap on that robot is insane must have took a lot of patience.

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Oh! Funny!

We have the same post number!

I have one more than you now. He he!

I'm catching up. :D

To tell the truth... I bake in Xnormal (I like its Ambiant Occlusion).

But I get more artifacts than in 3dCoat, for I'm too lazy to make a cage

for each part...

Me too, unless it's vertex colour, gloss and metalness. xNormal isn't capable of baking the last two as far as I know.

Speaking of xNormal, do you bake your objects one at a time and comp the map later, or do you do an exploded bake?

I've noticed that when I do exploded bakes (with cages), sometimes a projection of some object is baked into a UV island of another object, especially if the object that causes the projection lies somewhere nearby on X or Z axes from the object whose island receives the projection. Exploding object on Y axis seem to minimise the problem. It's really weird. Are you familiar with this xNormal issue by any chance?

Edited by ajz3d
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Craigf > Yes, I remember that weather was terrible there. It is the same in Brittany, but it match the place

and makes it mysterious. This robot making took a little time, but it is still far from perfect for I get

some stains here and there during the baking... I'll fix this with Photoshop.


Ajz3d > I saw a making of video of a weapon made by Epic staff for an Fps game once.

It seem to be the best way to get rid of artifacts. Unfortunately I haven't tested this method yet.

I baked each part of the robot separately and did a composition of the whole in Photoshop

by using each Uvs island shot as a guide to cut the empty area around them. That is time

consuming and surely not the best way. But, because I have a dead line to respect, I didn't

want to start walking in hazardous ways.

If you like to use vertex color, you may know the plug-in "Vertex Chameleon" made by RenderHeards?

It is very handy, and I use it for scenery at work.



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Looking really good! That Retopo and UV unwrapping looked like it was a lot of fun (I don't mind doing that kind of work, believe it or not).



On Scotland, I have not been, but I really want to visit there some day. It is (most of) my ancestral home, and some more recent family from there too since the war (one from Wales too, but neither here nor there). The weather is very much the same where I live now as there. Wet, foggy, cold. Home. :)

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I'll drink to (all of!) that.  :friends:


My girlfriend and I are talking about visiting Scotland in a year or two. We'll see how it goes, but I'm hoping we can make the trip.

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Thank you for the kind comments.

I'm happy to finish this robot on time; but still I always

fail rigging properly the model. This is where

I always lose against laziness... No animation handles,

no constraints, only bones and a smooth bind skin to

give it a pose... I bought Chris Maraffi great book a long

time ago, but never managed to integrate its concepts

in practice.


Anyway. I tried to promote a bit 3dCoat on 3D Squirrel's forum

during that contest by talking about the sculpt techniques.

3D Squirrel's community is really friendly. I hope some people

will join us here in the future.


A big thanks to Carlosan for having taught me about this contest. When he gave me the info about it, I was really

tired by the work at the company and hesitating a lot about getting involved in this contest.

But he pushed me a bit, and now I'm really thankful for that. I would have done nothing without him!


Here are the two last shots of the robot. I'll also put them in the finished work gallery.




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I'm glad you push onward for this contest entry, fine workmanship all around. Good tools in the hands of a very good artist give us the viewing pleasure of seeing such great craftsmanship... :drinks:

Edited by digman
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Pantarius took the first prize in 3D Squirrel contest!

There will be an interview for 3DArtist magazine.

I won't forget to talk about 3dCoat :)


Congrats man... all your hard work paid off!

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