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So is this the default Retopology room thread atp?

If so, I'm just wondering if we'll ever see a proper relax brush? All these other features look nice, but I'd settle for just being able to quickly relax parts of the mesh...(the request has been on Mantis and Trello for some time: http://3d-coat.com/mantis/view.php?id=1572)

I'm not sure if this is what you are talking about, but if you select the Brush Tool, and then hold down the SHIFT key while brushing, it will relax the mesh.
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I'm not sure if this is what you are talking about, but if you select the Brush Tool, and then hold down the SHIFT key while brushing, it will relax the mesh.


That method is useless in its current implementation, hense the mantis/trello request.

It should be extremely easy to implement a proper brush relax, since all the algorithms are all already there for proper relax and the brush. I have no idea why the current brush relax is using such a broken method as is details in the mantis/trello post.

Edited by PolyHertz
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I will be working around retopo room for some time now, as soon as I finish and polish a family of tools I'm working on as was posted before here I will make sure to add a proper relax/smooth tool to this room as requested if I have a clear vision of it, but currently I'm really busy with the 80-20 rule: the polishing part, that remaining 20% of the code, will demand the 80% of your time ;)

Cheers to all.

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That method is useless in its current implementation, hense the mantis/trello request.

It should be extremely easy to implement a proper brush relax, since all the algorithms are all already there for proper relax and the brush. I have no idea why the current brush relax is using such a broken method as is details in the mantis/trello post.

Wow....useles? That's pretty harsh. Does it work like you prefer? Obviously not. But I've found it to be VERY useful. You can brush or lasso select ANY group of Verts, Edges, or Polys and hit the RELAX button. The Brush tool SHIFT to relax option does exactly what it's supposed to do. RELAX or average the geometry under the brush. It's works the same way in Maya and 3ds Max, with their relax brushes.


I'm sure there are improvements that can be made, but just because a tool does currently work the way YOU want it to, that doesn't qualify it as useless. Remember, the developers are people like you and me.

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The Brush tool SHIFT to relax option does exactly what it's supposed to do. RELAX or average the geometry under the brush.


That's the problem, it -doesn't- relax the geometry, it distorts it to look as if its been relaxed from the cameras (and only the cameras) perspective, but as soon as you navigate around the mesh even slighty you'll notice what its done is completely wrong.


To illustrate: Take the default head mesh or sphere (a nice curved surface), do a simple grid retopo over part of it, and then use brush relax on some points. Now rotate the camera a bit and try relaxing those same points again. Notice how they go in a completely different direction then they did before? Instead calculating and averaging the positions of verts on all 3 axis based on their proximity to each other, its only relaxing them on 2 axis and based on their position relative to the camera (which shouldn't be a factor at all).

Edited by PolyHertz
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That's the problem, it -doesn't- relax the geometry, it distorts it to look as if its been relaxed from the cameras (and only the cameras) perspective, but as soon as you navigate around the mesh even slighty you'll notice what its done is completely wrong.


To illustrate: Take the default head mesh or sphere (a nice curved surface), do a simple grid retopo over part of it, and then use brush relax on some points. Now rotate the camera a bit and try relaxing those same points again. Notice how they go in a completely different direction then they did before? Instead calculating and averaging the positions of verts on all 3 axis based on their proximity to each other, its only relaxing them on 2 axis and based on their position relative to the camera (which shouldn't be a factor at all).

I still don't see what you are talking about. It's relaxed just fine for me for years. And whether it's relative to the camera or in world space, it is constrained along the normal due to Auto Snapping. Maybe it can be improved, but it's always relaxed properly for me, but my use case may be much different than yours.

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my use case may be much different than yours.


Yea I'm going to assume that's the case, I just don't know how else we'd have such divergent thoughts on this otherwise.

farsthary already said he'll take a look at it once hes got time, that's good enough for me.

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Farsthary @Farsthary 

Renamed CloseHolesRTool temporal name by RFill (Retopo Fill)

Added the blend parameter that controls if the added mesh will be smoothed


or blender into surrounding mesh, for organic patches or not if is a hard surface.

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Farsthary ‏@Farsthary 

Renamed CloseHolesRTool temporal name by RFill (Retopo Fill)

Added the blend parameter that controls if the added mesh will be smoothed


or blender into surrounding mesh, for organic patches or not if is a hard surface.



Really nice work. Great.

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Farsthary @Farsthary


Developed 2 quadrangulation methods that excels at different ends cases... will explore a hybrid between both....


Implemented several variants of Advancing front quad tilling, problem with quad tilling algorithm is finding one that produces optimal flow


I have also improved the current one, still cant find one method that tile with good polygon flow in every possible geometrical case. :(


Anyway, I wont give up so easily, and every day I seems to get closer

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 Farsthary ‏@Farsthary


Need to stay away from heavy post-process based indirect methods as real-time or near real-time is highly desired.

Testing a LOT different algorithms for quad tilling arbitrary contours...I'm not satisfied and actively researching yet.

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- Will clean up all my code and will commit soon for full release, getting a good polygon flow will be added in subsequent releases

- as it will take longer than expected, so code is structured in a way that can be easily improved in the future.

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Aweosome , thank you very much.


Raul can you kindly read this message and do something if possible.


We really need to tools at some point


Michaelgdrs, on 13 Sept 2015 - 10:25 PM, said:snapback.png

Hey , greetings to all.


Is there an every other commend in 3d coat.


For example delete every other edge loop.


I am quite sure that there is , there is no way that such an important commend is missing.


Thank you.

I've been asking for this for a long, long, long time. In 3ds Max, it's called DOT LOOP/RING. Could help reduce Auto retopo meshes very quickly. It's been listed on Mantis (along with a handful of other retopo requests....like holding the SHIFT key with the TRANSFORM tool will extrude edges on the fly) for ages. Maybe Raul can add these soon, since he is working on the Retopo room.

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Raul this (Dot Loop/Ring) is just one of the handful I requested about 2yrs ago and none have been added. Because of this and other Mantis requests that have gone ignored, I have long-since stopped using Mantis and Trello. I see more things added that aren't even on Mantis or even in the forums....so, I have pretty much given up trying to go through the formal request channels.


The SHIFT to add new edges/edgeloops when the TRANSFORM tool is active is probably the one new tool that can add true poly modeling functionality more than anything else. It basically allows the user to extrude/bevel on the fly, while using the TRANSFORM tool. The EXTRUDE tool is VERY, VERY wonky when working on tapered objects, and it only works with EDGES. The Free EXTRUDE tool only works with FACES. Neither is as versatile as the SHIFT w/TRANSFORM tool option is. This is one of the "Bread and Butter" modeling tools in 3ds Max.



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....this video demonstrates this functionality. It extrudes not only when you MOVE edges, but rotate and scale. It's SO handy, you'll use this ALL the time


Watch from the 2:25min mark:



Wrong link, and I can't edit, so here's another try:


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I hope it helps in some way...been at this for the past 2yrs, and getting nowhere. :D

There are a lot of very interesting feature requests in mantis hidden "deep below the old dust" since 3.x...

Maybe the guys should first look there before wasting time for seeking new ideas?



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There are a lot of very interesting feature requests in mantis hidden "deep below the old dust" since 3.x...

Maybe the guys should first look there before wasting time for seeking new ideas?



First of all, if they are buried in the dust, that = ignored. So, a request the is posted today, too, has a high chance of being ignored and buried under the dust. So, let me rephrase my last post this way....."I've been trying MULTIPLE TIMES for the past 2yrs or more, and getting nowhere." ;)

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...Just like I've tried MULTIPLE TIMES in the past 2yrs to get SCULPT LAYERS implemented in the Sculpt Room. It's one of the most voted on requests and yet it keeps getting pushed to the back of the line, in favor of a ton of tiny, easy to implement newer features....just because they are low hanging fruit.

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