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Improved CloseHoles tool



Recent developments into QuadFill tool, proving its bulletproof  robustness I found a must to also port a similar algorithm into our closing holes arsenal. The result is quite preomising and equally robust. Our previous tools for the task where quite good, but there was still some remaining “difficult” cases to handle, like the ones I show here. Well, soon that will be the past ;)


Previous closing holes algorithm where non optimal for this case


Convex contour partitioning based


Yet better using flat interpolation for this case.

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Edit:  Sorry I wrote down my thoughts in point form and forgot to explain!  Here goes...I would love to see the following Raul. 


Something where we could define the underlying geometry with an advanced move tool that would allow the user to create, points, lines or shapes in conjunction with the move tool to manipulate the sculpt.  It would work as follows.


(User)draw an arbitrary line along the surface of the geometry

(software)conform underlying topology to match line

(User)optionally define points (bezier control points) along the line

(User)move line or points and have it move the underlying geometry as defined by the size and alpha of the brush tool


(User)Optionally create closed lines(shapes)

(User)ability to extrude/bevel these shapes and affect underlying geometry

(User)ability to define points/lines/shapes within a shape

(User)move said point/line/shape and have it move the underlying geometry constrained to the boundaries of the bounding shape


Is that clear?  This would really open the door for doing precision sculpts with relatively low poly counts

Edited by gbball
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Hi guys!

Thanks a lot for your comments and shared ideas, yes, those approaches seems very interesting to me, in the past I was focused only on the sculpting tools but now that I have more resources I will start tinkering in other areas as well like retopo ;)

Keep it up!

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Thanks for updates farsthary.  I wonder what happened to this feature from your blog post http://farsthary.com/2014/05/06/simplicity-is-the-key/.

I was really excited to try new simple triangulation algorithm because of this image you posted. But there is no option for division type in LC brushes yet. Topology for simple division seems way cleaner than old method, and from what I understand it is also faster because algorithm is simpler.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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When can we expect to see this feature implemented into the betas? And keep up the great work! It's looking fantastic!

Edited by GeneralAce55
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A closing holes tool for the re-topology room, with similar flexibility and power as the LiveClay closing holes tools.

YES! Adding these kinds of features to the Retopo Room is a great idea! Partly automatic retopology is exactly what we need! Please continue to work in the Retopo Room!

Also, will the retopo polygons still snap to a high density voxel mesh? Snapping is very important. In your demo video it does not show that happening...

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Thanks for updates farsthary.  I wonder what happened to this feature from your blog post http://farsthary.com/2014/05/06/simplicity-is-the-key/.

I was really excited to try new simple triangulation algorithm because of this image you posted. But there is no option for division type in LC brushes yet. Topology for simple division seems way cleaner than old method, and from what I understand it is also faster because algorithm is simpler.


Oh yes, I'm working to bring it back, somehow it didn't got merged while I was in Cuba so I will try to rewrite this again.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Raw subdivision

Posted on June 1, 2015 by Farsthary


Some time ago as requested by an artist, I have implemented a subdivision type useful for low polygon models or hard edges geometry. At that time I was in Cuba and by some reason I can’t remember seems that code wont get into the main trunk. Since I have left all my previous work “behind” I had to re-implement again. but like a painter, the second time you do your artwork it will be different, now I have more experience so the rewrote feature is way better than the lost functionality  :) Hope you like it.


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Posted on June 4, 2015 by Farsthary




finally I’ve added more interactivity to improve the workflow of CloseHolesRTool in Retopo room, soon will be added surface snapping 


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Hi Raul,

I'm curious about the pinch brush - does holding cntrl change the behavior?


It's hard to tell what holding cntrl is doing with the Pinch brush if anything?

I always feel that it would be good if holding  cntrl when using Pinch could perhaps introduce the ability to lay down a sharper line  to exaggerate planar/ angular changes of a form.

In other words that holding the cntrl key with Pinch applies a crisp linear scoring of the surface - similar to using the draw brush then applying pinch.


Try creating a stroke using the Draw brush - settings -68% focal shift, 14% falloff , depth 34%. After applying that stroke run over the stroke with a Pinch brush at 21% falloff and 3% depth. Doing so will give you a clear idea of the kind of scoring line I am talking about.



Out of curiosity is there a brush that is the opposite of pinch i.e one that expands out the distance between polys under the brush radius?

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A full blown polymodelling room in 3dcoat please.




LIke the zbrush poly tools I would love the sculpt room turn into a real polymodel room for 3dcoat 5.

You mean merge the Retopo Room and the Tweak Room together? That would be a good idea. Been asking Andrew for soft/gradient selection in the Retopo Room for a few years, now. But the Tweak Room is slow, doesn't have the consistency of tools that you see in other parts of the app...such as Transform tools. They are still the old legacy ones. And you cannot multi-select different mesh with the gradient select tool. That means it's nearly impossible to pose parts of a character that have different parts. Such as the head having eyes, teeth and tongue, or the arm having clothes draped over it, or braclets, chains, armor, etc. It's been wholly neglected.


If Raul could unify the Retopo Room with the Tweak Room and add the surface mode brushes + Transform and maybe Pose Tool to it, that would be huge.

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A full blown polymodelling room in 3dcoat please.

That's one of my goals soon :)

I'm currently beta - ing those tools ;) starting by the pillars, alternated with the more urgent Retopo improvements :)


@Candy Floss

I will check that soon :)


Cheers all

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That's one of my goals soon :)

I'm currently beta - ing those tools ;) starting by the pillars, alternated with the more urgent Retopo improvements :)

@Candy Floss

I will check that soon :)

Cheers all

Wow, this is exciting!

Will you be adding subdivision surfaces too? If you do, I recommend the Opensubdiv method.

Also, if you add subdivision surfaces, then sculpt layers will be easier to make. Sculpt layers are a big request from many users of 3D-Coat, and sculpt layers will attract many new customers as well.

Thank you Farsthary for all of your hard work on such great new features!

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That's one of my goals soon :)

I'm currently beta - ing those tools ;) starting by the pillars, alternated with the more urgent Retopo improvements :)


@Candy Floss

I will check that soon :)


Cheers all

Interesting. If you really plan to do this then take a look at industry leading modeling tools like modo. But I guess you already doing it... :)
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Interesting. If you really plan to do this then take a look at industry leading modeling tools like modo. But I guess you already doing it... :)


No please not modo as inspiration for modelling. Too clicky, no mod stack, not flexible. This is from modo 301 to 801 user who is still waiting for modo to catch up to max. :rofl:

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