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    • Elemeno, I understand its just a click. However when bringing in multiple assets it becomes more tedious. For me personally I'm not worried about topology being ruined most of the time, as I'm bringing things into 3DCoat to not worry about topology. Different use cases, so that's why I asked about having an option.
    • just change it, its one click from S to V, the imports come in surface so any objects don't automatically get merged and shape/topology gets ruined
    • Thank you Andrew, 24.27 seems to have fixed the save issue! However, the imports still come in as surface instead of voxel for me. Is there a way to change it back, or potentially the option to set the import type in the future? Thanks!  
    • Please check if it still happens in this build: https://pilgway.com/files/3dcoat/2021/3DCoat-2024-27-01.exe If it still happens please make short video and post there. Also, if you switch the room, will you be able to save? If you will make changes to scene, may you save?
    • the ui and ux is the hardest on this software ... things are hidden all over and some things do the same as others .. im hoping they are working on it and a stable build ..
    • Okay, if they live beside but there are too many tools, an option in 3d coat to share some functionalities should be a significant margin time for better, faster, and more pleasant work with few tools, not multiplied that so often like right now it happens.
    • This just happened to me after using the Applink.  Version 2024.26 and using applink version 5.0 in Blender 4.2.1 So Carlosan, this will be fixed in version 2024.27?
    • this issue was solved on latest version
    • Did you ever find a solution to this? This has been happening to me since 3DC 24 came out. It imports it as a surface object through the bridge (instead of voxel like it used to) and then turns the file to an fbx which cant be saved. I have just opted for traditional import since.
    • Thank you!. At least HOME and PATH problem has been solved.
    • Try this: sudo apt install adwaita-icon-theme-full
    • i Dont know if it tooo late , but i believe the answer can help some body else . To make it work in voxel  you need to turn off the "voxelize immediately" option in the "Tool option" Panel.  With  Surface sculpting is working nicely , no issues for me 
    • Two shortcuts for binding, Because editing a vertex and a tangent vector are different things, sir.
    • Here is what i found myself. The goal of this test was to analyze the stability and memory usage Steps taken: GDB: 1. Launched 3DCoat with GDB to capture the backtrace of any crashes. The program encountered a segmentation fault at xmlDictFree (dict=0x96e4540) in the librsvg module, specifically within the GTK icon loading system. <- i tried to open a project 2. GDB backtrace showed that the crash was triggered when handling SVG images, possibly during GTK theme loading. Valgrind Memory Analysis: Run 3DCoat under Valgrind’s memory checker (Memcheck) to detect memory errors. 1, Valgrind reported multiple warnings regarding unsupported compression types when reading debug symbols from system libraries like libgtk-3, libcairo, and others. This limits my ability to provide detailed memory analysis for these libraries. 2. Several errors related to conditional jumps based on uninitialized values were detected. One of these errors stemmed from the calculate_path function, which is involved in Python’s path calculation in the application. The program attempted to read invalid memory, causing segmentation faults. This was traced back to the calculate_path function and ultimately tied to the handling of Python configuration initialization.   The tests were done hastily. I’m not sure if this will help anyone or provide the developers with new information (probably not), but I can send the logs if needed.
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