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  1. Hi All, This is part two of how to build quick and easy terrains in 3D Coat. I go over working with higher quality Height Fields (4k) along with using adjustment layers to balance out specific areas or features that are added to the terrain design. Cheers.
  2. painting - first layer, smart material with texture; second layer, smart material with no/smooth texture Problem: I want the second layer to not have the texture of the first layer. Currently is just paints over the old texture but using the new color. I want the new layer to remove the texture from the base coat and just be smooth Thank you
  3. There is so much power working in this new way. I know it's still early, but it has changed how I think about building up a textured surface in voxels. The only drawback is if I want sharp details in my textures, I have to increase the voxel density quite a bit. I might be missing something, so if anyone has any suggestions to capturing high levels of detail in the texture, but not go too crazy on the voxel density, I would love to hear how I can achieve that. Anyway, here's an example where I constructed a simple board but put it together with voxel paint depth and started adding wear to it in a very, natural and non-destructive way. Thanks to the 3D Coat geniuses for adding this feature. can't wait to see where you take it next!
  4. Sometimes Alt+Click layer shows only that layer or shows all layers and sometimes it only shows and hides that layer. It's repeatable, but not predictable (seems intermittent). Version 2021.92 on Windows 10, 64-bit.
  5. Hi, Is shift select option ever going to be introduced? The lack of that option in Zbrush forced to be buy a 3rd party plugin that helped to manage subtools. But I don't think anyone has done any 3rd party scripts here. But this is a "goes without saying" option. I don't even know how you can develop a modern application without the ability to select layers or files. Please!
  6. I am following a tutorial in which a guy moves a sculpt( with multiple layers\subtools) from Zbrush to 3Dcoat as one single OBJ. On import into 3Dcoat, he gets all the subtools as layers and can turn them off or on individually. I followed everything exactly but when I import the sculpt into 3Dcoat, it merges everything into one mesh, and I have no idea how to prevent that. We also have the same versions of the programs. I also do not think the problem is with Zbrush as I literally followed the same settings he used. Does anyone know how can I fix this? Thank you
  7. I'm currently texturing a character, and between the torso and the arms, there's a big ugly seam I want to get rid of. I've tried painting/blending over it in 3DCoat, or gone over it a bit to then carry on back in Photoshop. However, exporting the texture out and loading it in Photoshop just gives me a single image file and I lose all of my layers. What would be ideal is loading up my Photoshop file in Coat with all my layers and then exporting it back into Photoshop with all the layers in tact. Is this possible at all? Because when I tried doing it, I get this weird mess in 3DCoat... :-\
  8. I would like to know if 3D Coat has sculpt layers that allow you to perform tweaks/moves on a layer and then control the layer strength with a slider. I want to work on a head object with final topology / UVs and create a number of facial expressions. I want to make them on separate layers and control the strengths to preview the animation (similar to sculpt layers in ZBrush or blendshape envelope in Maya). This will also be useful when painting hard-to-reach areas when doing texture painting. For example, painting inside the mouth cavity or inside deep facial folds and creases. Thanks!
  9. Is it possible to animate materials within 3DC? It would be pretty amazing to have a small timeline to keyframe material & layer properties and output the animated textures.
  10. I was working in 3D coat last night, got to a stopping point, saved and closed. Today when I loaded the file up, my bottom layer is completely grey, all of my painting is gone. The other layers seem to be fine, it's just the bottom most layer that was affected. What could be causing this? It happened before to me when I was using the trial version, closed it to put in the registry key, and then on opening all of my layers were grey or messed up somehow. I thought at the time it was probably just a bug from the file going from a trial to a full version, but now I'm not so sure. On an unrelated note, but still an issue that is very annoying is that I don't see the nodes that tell me where my points are for the gradient. When I pick 1 and pick 2, the points are put in the world (because they have coordinates) but there's no visual representation of where they are. I only knew there was meant to be nodes because I watched the tutorial, but nothing in the tutorial mentioned (that I heard) a way to toggle these nodes on or off, so I'm not sure where they are.
  11. Hi I am new to 3DC and at present working in the paint room is there a way of locking individual layers. Best Regards George
  12. Hello, I have problems exporting objects WITH layers from C4D to 3DCOAT for UVpainting or voxel sculpting. I got a model of a robot which is rigged and animated, and want to import each part for detailing and such in 3Dcoat. Right now i have to export each part as its own file which is very tidious, i'm sure there are a better way of doing this I've tried OBJ and FBX with no luck. Anything i've missed during the import process?
  13. I saw somewhere that it is possible to perform Boolean operations on Volume layers, but haven't been able to discover how. 1) Is this possible? 2) What is the procedure? Specifically, how is Boolean SUBTRACT performed between layers? Tnx! +++ EDIT: I found the function (don't know why RMB on layer name didn't show it up b4, I did try), but the actual subtraction is resulting in some sort of disk caching where the target, subtracted FROM layer is downsampled and converted to a Surface layer??? WUWT?
  14. Hi, I'm kinda new to this program and after watching a few courses i got stuck here: the problem I have is that after i sculpt and then bake the objects, I dunno why in the paint room i cannot see anything in the layers, even if they are shown in paint objects. Maybe I understood wrong, but how can I get different materials if they are not separed in different layers? Thank you for the answer and the patience
  15. I have some requests. Would like to know what do you think about them. Thanks in advance. 1. Procedural noises, specially for texturing Right now, there is no (complex) noise creator inside 3d-Coat, and only on sculpt room. That would be great for sculpting and texturing, but specially texturing. Why? Because, right now, Smart Materials are totally dependent of user textures. So, if you don't have an extensive library of noises and grunge maps, you can't create anything great with smart materials at all. 2. Non destructive smart materials Smart Materials are great, but would be greater if we have a way to make changes on the material without the need to re-apply them on the layers and objects, or even without have several intances of the same smart material while creating them and testing out. 3. Quick UV Editor toggle visibily button Having the texture UV editor window fixed may take away precious screen space while have to go trough menus and dock it again can be somewhat annoying. So would be great to have a button to display some viewports on Paint Room: one with the models only, one with the UV editor, one with both side by side. Exactly like Substance Painter actually. 4. Layer maks like Photoshop I heard that this feature is coming, but would be great to know more about it in order to give suggestions. 5. A real smoothing option for painting I'm painting right now some 8k textures. There is no way for blending colors in any way while painting. The smoothing (shift) does nothing at all, unfortunatelly. 6. Sculpt layers This is a non-brainer. Cinema 4D, Modo, and many other software uses. I may be wrong, but it seems that only 3D-Coat doesn't have a feature like this.
  16. Hey folks, I am making some brushes for 3D Coat using a layered Tiff, Is it possible to affect Metalness? I can get my brush to show up colour, depth, gloss, alpha etc??? I've tried adding additional alpha channels but no joy, It'd be awesome if you could add in metalness, Cheers for any help Greg
  17. Hi Everyone, Newbie question: I had been retopoing my high poly model and realised I needed to import a newer version of my model (All the same scale etc) is there anyway to import my new model into the retopo room whilst saving retopo layers? All the best Martian Girl
  18. So i export my "All colours layer" and it looks great in photoshop but when i re import it even on the exact same model in 3d coat only a certain amount of layers show up. Ps: http://prntscr.com/b52joa Import error: http://prntscr.com/b52g7g
  19. Hi guys, Does anyone know why 3d-coat is giving me the wrong layers inside the Paint room? I exported my Obj and then imported it into the Paint room. I've tried restarting the program and selecting other meshes but nothing seems to solve this issue. It's very frustrating not being able to handle my material layers I hope someone knows the answer
  20. New Tutorial!! Hard Surface UV Mapping in 3D Coat 4.5 http://www.learn3dsoftware.com/3dc_4_vol_21_hard_surf_uv_map.htm In this twenty-first video volume of 24 volumes 3D Instructor Adam Gibson goes through a project based session of Hard Surface UV Mapping of a multi-mesh layered sci-fi vehicle. UV Mapping for a lot of 3D artists can be a frustrating task. In this course easy to use work-flow tips and concepts are discussed and demonstrated to get you UV Mapping your 3D models quickly and efficiently. *Bonus: Content Folder Included. Table of Contents for Volume #21 Chapter 1- Intro Chapter 2- What is Hard Surface UV Mapping? Chapter 3- 3D Model Preparation Tips and Gotchas Chapter 4- Breaking Up Model Layer into Easier to Unwrap Pieces Chapter 5- Importing Model Into 3D Coat & Surface Materials/Paint Objects Visibility Chapter 6- Interior Compartment UV Unwrap Chapter 7- Exterior Compartment UV Unwrap Chapter 8- Rear Hatch Plate UV Unwrap Chapter 9- Front Wing Rotators UV Unwrap Chapter 10- Front Wing Thrusters UV Unwrap Chapter 11- Front Wings UV Unwrap Chapter 12- Upper Laser Cannons UV Unwrap Chapter 13- Lower Laser Cannons UV Unwrap Chapter 14- Cockpit UV Unwrap Chapter 15- Tail Fin UV Unwrap Chapter 16- Rear Wing Thrusters UV Unwrap Chapter 17- Rear Wings UV Unwrap Chapter 18- Rear Wing Rotators UV Unwrap Chapter 19- Rear Compartment UV Unwrap Chapter 20- Tail Fin Support UV Unwrap Chapter 21- Cockpit Nose UV Unwrap Chapter 22- Top Cap Panel UV Unwrap Chapter 23- Compartment Doors UV Unwrap Chapter 24- Rear Fins UV Unwrap Chapter 25- Export to UV Unwrapped Model to Lightwave Chapter 26- Final Running Time: 4 hrs. 4 mins. High Quality (Screen-Res 1920 x 1080 pixels) Video Format: MP4 (.mp4) Level: Beginner
  21. Hi, As the title says - can I group layers like in Photoshop (in the paint room)? I tried to make a 'folder' but you can't seem to drag layers into it? Thanks Sarah
  22. Hi, all! Quick question (actually two questions): with the 'seven layer limitation' in the 'educational' version of 3D coat, this is referring to the 'VoxTree' layers, correct? And each of these layers represents an additional object added to the model (e.g., spheres for eyes when modelling a head)? I guess what my real question comes down to is this: is seven layers generally 'enough' layers for the majority of projects? $99 for the educational version is hard to pass up... Bryan
  23. Hi, can i orient my brush to camera? (for the scrape, flatten brushes...)
  24. I really wish that you could create Voxel layers like you do paint layers. I know that Mudbox and Modo do something similar, but since the sculpting is entirely different in those programs I was wondering if the same thing were possible in a 3d Coat
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