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  1. HI,how to export normal map?and when i edite all layers in ext.edit(ps),why no normal map?it is empty.
  2. I'm still getting use to 3DCoat, I wanted to know if there was a way to keep multi-part textures together when using the copy tool. It's for repeatable textures with a albedo map, normal map, specular (even metallic) map together so I can keep the details like leather texture or skin texture together and don't have to recreate it.
  3. I have sculpted a model with high voxel density. After sculpting, I did manual retopology with fair amount of polygons. After the retopo, I uv mapped the low poly model manually. After I bake the normal map I see some horizontal lines just above the blade. I used default shader for baking. At first I didn't even notice these but when I calculate the curvature map and turn the curvature map visible, the horizontal lines become more noticeable. There is also some other distortion around the model in the curvature map. I tried calculating the curvature map with default settings and I also tried different settings but the distortion around the model is still visible. These distortions also affect the smart materials, so this is why I would like to solve this problem. I tried baking using Blender and Unreal presets and in 4k and 2k, but nothing changed. (I noticed when I hid the low poly model and I recalculated the curvature map on the high poly model the distortions were gone. I tried to bake the better looking curvature map from the high poly model and apply it on the low poly model, but the look of the curvature map is again distorted.) Here is the high poly model. I applied the metal shader for showcasing that there isn't any distortion on the model. Here is the low poly model with uvs applied Here you can see the horizontal lines above the blade after I baked the normals. Here is the curvature map applied. You can see all kinds of distortion around the model and now the horizontal lines are more noticeable.
  4. See images for the sculpt and the bake. Only problem is the normal map, it is SUPER noisy, like the value for each pixel is highly contrasted. Crazy thing is I've done this like 200 time sand haven't encountered this issue before. in fact I did it with an older version of this mesh. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Tiling Engine 'Sandbox Tiler' - Fill with Voxels ***Please support this idea on Trello*** I have had this idea of a system whereby we can create easily Tiling textures using Voxels ever since Andrew started working on the Alpha for V3. The easiest things to compare it to are Zbrush's Tiling Canvas or Corel's Painter Pattern making function where you paint and your brush will go off the edge of the canvas and wrap around to the opposite side. Therefore creating easily tiling textures without worry. The difference here being that you are using actual voxel geometry in 3DC instead of on just a 2D canvas. I mocked up 3 images using Silo & photoshop to help demonstrate what I mean by this. It should work in theory very much like the Tiling Grid from the start up screen if you've ever used it. Advantages for using Geometry instead of painting bump (the two can be used in conjunction - paint high detail bump at the end of the process) -You can get a much nicer normal map that works better with game lighting engines. -You can extract an exact tiling 32Bit Displacement map for high resolution rendering. -Visualising the placement of objects in 3d space (e.g. overlapping bricks, grout, moss in cracks on different layers etc.) -works with Merge Tool -works with all Tools & Brushes -exactly replicates states of point cloud & surface that wrap around at the extents of the sandbox. Let me know what you think as I can imagine this would be of a lot of use to artists creating Tiling textures for games/film. p.s. Just realised how 'Tomorrow's World' this request is. Maybe by 3DC V4 or V5
  6. I made a model in Blender and baked a normal map for it in the same program. When I looked at the model in blender with the normal map on it everything looked as it was supposed to, but when I imported the object into 3D-Coat and put the same normal map on it I noticed that the smoothing on a few parts looked quite a lot different than in Blender. I then tried the same thing with a simple cube and noticed the same thing. Cube without Normal Map in Blender: Cube with Normal Map Blender: Cube with normal Map in 3D Coat: The import settings and the normal map settings are both set to Blender, but it still looks different in both programs. Is there a way to fix it or does the smoothing in both programs just work different and I should avoid smoothing my low poly mesh as much as possbile? Thanks in advance.
  7. Hey guys, I've been using 3D Coat for a little while now but I am tearing my hair out with this problem. I import baked normal, albedo, roughness and metallic maps then overpaint them. However, when I try to overpaint the normals, the imported normal map always seems to blend through. How can I prevent this? I am trying to paint a smart material over the top to give some variation to the brick pattern, so I am using the same material but scaled up. So how can I paint this smart material on to the model without the imported normal blending through the painted area? Many thanks, Matt (See in the image below, The smart material preview shows how the larger bricks normal map blends into the smaller bricks normal map)
  8. I stumbled upon this article and thought I should share it here as it maybe of interest to some of you, especially those new to texturing.... Elliminate Texture Confusion: Bump, Normal and Displacement Maps Cheers Ken
  9. How a thing looks in 3d coat, how it looks in unity. and the normals. What am i doing wrong? Is it that it get's weird when relying on normals rather than sharp edges cause unity can't handle that well? This is only weird on the normals i baked in from a high res model and also only on some of the places.
  10. Hi guys, I am normal baking my mesh and have some questions. What method does 3d Coat use for normal baking? Is it the projection method or is it the explicit surface normal method? It seems, that 3d Coat always smooths my normals when baking, even when I activate lock normals in baking menu. Then after the baking process if I deactivate the normal map (painting room) one sees that alle hard edges are smoothed. But unfortunately because of this you have way more gradients in the normal map. The only way to get rid of that is to bevel hard edges in the low poly model before normal baking. Is there some better method ? And how on earth can I prevent that 3d Coat smooths my hard edges?
  11. Hello guys I hope this is not a stupid question but Is there option to have smart material effect on textures when painting normal map? I noticed that material properties like for example rust on concave/convex etc are not showing on normal maps? Or is there need for any specific order of smart material and normal map in layer tree?
  12. Здравствуйте. У меня есть готовые хайполи и лоуполи варианты модели для текстуринга. Я сделал авторазвертку, загрузив лоуполи модель через стартап-меню "UV Map Mesh" Как мне запечь теперь нормал мап и затекстурить? Я загружаю хайполи модель через Import Reference Mesh и лоуполи модель пропадает из UV Room. Гружу ее в Retopo Room поверх хайполи модели, нажмаю Bake-ничего. Пишет нужна развертка. Какой тут процесс вообще, может надо импортировать по-другому? Можно ли вообще запекать текстуры на импортированных моделях?
  13. hello, as I continue my 30-day trail and having spent some more time in 3D Coat, I start to like it more and more. I discovered the baker just yet (baked out a normal map) and was very impressed, of how this is done. Normally, I bake in Substance Painter and or designer, (xnormal before that) but there is no visual feedback, of what your settings will look like. 3D Coat does have visual feedback - like showing ray-distance to inner and outer shell and you can define areas, that have different distance setting, which is great. In older versions, AO baker was not that good, I´ve read - was there an update already to this baker? Does it bake curvature map from normal map or from hight/low poly? Is there some GPU acceleration implemented already? Could you bake "by matching name", so you do not have to explode everything to get clean bakes? For normal map, 3D Coat seems to be really good, so I am amazed that I´ve found so little statements of users saying "I use 3D Coat for baking" Please tell me your experience and opinions on that. Maybe some dev got answer to my questions, regarding the bakers? Cheers
  14. Столкнулся с такой проблемой. При запекании карты нормалей появляются искажения на ней, если не использовать размытие, с размытием же появляется много шума. Перепробовал все что только можно, разные программы (3dcoat, 3ds max, blender, xnormal, sp), форматы, битность, качество рендера, даже пробовал менять топологию, все тщетно. Некоторые отличия есть, но они не существенны. Если кто-то сталкивался с такой проблемой подскажите в чем дело. Вряд ли дело в программах. Использую CPU , видеокарта не потянет. Конкретно на картинке результат, который соответствует формату .tga 32 RGBA и png 24 RGB. Даже обычный куб запекается плохо. Видны полосы, причем чем сильнее форма отличается от плоскости, тем более выраженные они. Куб без сглаженных углов запекается нормально. 1. Высокополигональная модель куба. ( углы прямые) 2. Низкополигональная модель куба с несколькими группами сглаживания ( 6 полигонов), применена карта нормалей. 3. Низкополигональная модель куба с 1 группой сглаживания ( 6 полигонов), применена карта нормалей. 4. Высокополигональная модель куба. (сглаженные углы) 5,6 Низкополигональная модель куба с несколькими группами сглаживания ( 6 полигонов), применена карта нормалей.
  15. So not sure why I can't find any docs on this. Im just trying to bake to an obj that I brought in from and external package. 1. sculpted high poly (Vox mod) 2. exported high poly 3. made retopo in external package 4. imported into paint and auto UVed. 5. put low poly in one VoxTree layer and High in another layer. 6 In retopo room went to Bake>Bake w. normal map (per peixel) does nothing Im not sure how to transfer the high and low poly to a Retopot group..do I need to do that? .
  16. Hi there! I just created a tutorial about texture baking on 3D-Coat. It's pretty simple actually and it's in portuguese, but maybe it can help someone here. I wish to be fluent on english to help more people. Link to the tutorial
  17. Hello, I need help about this: as you can see from images, the normal map created in Substance Designer creates a nice result, I tested it also in Blender. In the first image you can see the normal map imported in 3DC, in the smart material slot, but the result is totally different: why? Thank you.
  18. I export my normap inti maya,but there is many black lines,why?in 3dcoat,there good beautiful line.
  19. Hello, I made 1m cube in modo, a standard one with standard cube UVs, and painted it in 3DC using the cartoon wood smart material. Then I tried to duplicate it as a normal map but the sides are using different shades from each other. But when only colour is displayed the sides are OK. Please help my box. While I'm here, the text boxes for renaming and numbering do not work with the on-screen keyboard, at least on OSX. Is it possible to fix this? Thanks, greglo
  20. Добрый день! В двух словах - модель-болванка была предварительно создана в 3dsMax, доделана в Zbrush, а Нормал карта перенесена с хай-поли на лоу-поли в программе XnNormal. Разукрасить решил попробовать в 3D Coat (разработчикам отдельный респект). Так как у меня была карта нормалей, я попробовал её импортировать, но почему-то её качество сразу падает, пропадают детали, как будь-то не хватает разрешения, но при импорте модели указывал нужное разрешение. Скрин:
  21. Содержание видео: Нажимаем на ссылки и вас сразу перенесет в эту временную шкалу. 00:00 - 00:08 - Интро 00:08 - 00:13 - Инфо-партнеры 00:13 - 00:20 - Название урока 00:20 - 02:23 - Вводная часть. Приветствие и загрузка дополнительных материалов 02:23 - 05:30 - Обзор инструментария для создания цветовой карты под NDo 05:30 - 07:08 - информация о слоях, которые нужны для цветовой карты. Обзор уровней вогнутых и выпуклых деталей. 07:08 - 17:01 - Рисование слоев вогнутых и выпуклых деталей. 17:01 - 17:08 - Экспорт цветовой карты в Photoshop 17:08 - 17:30 - Заливка всех слоев белым цветом и объяснение причины этого действия. 17:30 - 19:00 - Работа с картами нормалей в NDo 19:00 - 19:10 - Экспорт готовой карты. 19:10 - 19:57 - Проверка карты в Marmoset Toolbag 2 19:57 - 21:17 - Загрузка ее в 3d Coat и анализ работы с PBR материалами. 21:17 - 23:17 - Борьба с ошибками симметрии в Zbrush 23:17 - 23:57 - Концовка. Предыдущий урок. Кнопка подписки, а также кнопки моих магазинов. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ► Модель для урока - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/YbWT/tE69MjWpJ ► 3d coat интерфейс - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/MsBx/ZbouWFnN9 ► Блог с уроками - http://charlytuts.blogspot.com/ ► Моя группа с уроками в ВК - http://vk.com/charlytuts
  22. I have a gun model High Poly loaded. I have a retopologized Low Poly mesh. I created my UVs on the LP. Now I want to simply bake the Normal Map info while in the retopo room. I cant find a way to do that. But when I am in the UV room I can export the model and check the box for Bake Normal map. But there is No HP in the UV room so the normal map is flat with 0 data.??? Why have the Normal map bake option in the UV room when there is no way to import the HP? It would seem that if the LP that was the retopo mesh is still in the retopo room along with the HP mesh it should be a simple solution to bake from there. Am I missing something?
  23. So I came across something that is a bit frustrating. If I fill an object with a smart material and then fill it with another that has bump in the normal it adds any addition bump to what is already there. I don't see an override for "replace" ie I want it to be smooth again.. Then I thought well I'll just clear the whole normal channel.. can't figure out how to do that will fill? Oh even erase just digs a big hole in my object. Thanks
  24. I can't find any info on this so forgive this potentially noob question. Is it possible to paint the Flat normal colour on a new layer and see the results in realtime? I don't want this to be a destructive thing, so new layer is essential. As far as I can determine the only way to paint flat normal information (RGB 128,128,255) is to do it with the Normal Map in the diffuse blending modes, which isn't ideal as you can't see your results of the normal map in realtime.
  25. I post this here for visibility instead that the specific forum because I think is important... The default "Normal Map Software Preset" in Preferences is "Unreal Engine" And the default value for "Normal Calculation Method" is "Angle Weighted Normals" That produces this normal map (first image) for a simple box kind of panel. That seems to be ok in UE4 but some artifacts appears when a "build lights" is performed there (I made sure this is totally unrelated to the infamous secondary uv channel need of unreal light-maps) as you can see in the left panel in the third image. If I change the "Normal Calculation Method" to "3D-Coat Normals" then it works perfect! as you can see in the second image and in the third, in the right panel. So I suggest that you 3d-coat developer/staff change that setting ("Normal Map Calculation Method") to default "3D-Coat Normals" if/when the "Normal Map Software Preset" is set to "Unreal Engine" so people like me don't waste time trying to figure out things, please Thanks
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