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Updated to V85[RC] (only Win)

I was working over bugfixes, acutually not all reported was fixed, only what I was able to fix during the day.

Other changes:

1) Zoom/rotation speed in options

2) Pin icon in all "Space" menus

3) Retopo menu was essentially changed - I have got rid of params panel

... and much small interface tweaks...

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It's funny, I really meant to actually get some sleep... But instead I stayed up playing with 3DC on my laptop in bed again...

Anyway, I have created for you a custom navigation scheme that is exactly what you're looking for. No longer must you deal with the nagging brush sizing and intensity with the RMB. :)

Download the attached file. RMB will now simple zoom in and out. 'Nuff said, bub. [/wolvie]

Thank you very much,it works perfect :)

I was yet on 75 version(without the interface changes,because some time ago there was the hidden bug so I decided not to update every time),probably it would be much better for me jumping before on new versions.


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Updated to V85[RC] (only Win)

I was working over bugfixes, acutually not all reported was fixed, only what I was able to fix during the day.

Other changes:

1) Zoom/rotation speed in options

2) Pin icon in all "Space" menus

3) Retopo menu was essentially changed - I have got rid of params panel

... and much small interface tweaks...

Thank you! The Retopology tools now function normally. :)

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I'm using an old pen tablet.

I tried your NoBrushSizing.navigation.

I can zoom in and zoom out a camera with floating a pen above a plate and holding RMB of a pen during a 3DC cursor is on an object.

I can pan, rotate, zoom in and zoom out without moving a pen to a navigator and an object up and down with that.

Very nice.

I appreciate it.

Thank you very much,it works perfect :)

I was yet on 75 version(without the interface changes,because some time ago there was the hidden bug so I decided not to update every time),probably it would be much better for me jumping before on new versions.


No problem. It was my pleasure. I'm glad it was useful for you guys. :)

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Would be great if we could apply the shaders in voxels to imported reference mesh. ???

Can i set the symetry plane to any possition in world space.???

Great work on interface. (great program)..

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Can i set the symetry plane to any possition in world space.???

Yes, hold Tab and you can slide it around with your mouse. To put it back go into the menu Symmetry > Reset Symmetry Planes

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Woo.. Just downloaded a85. Haven't done any texturing in the last few days. A few new UV tools is perfectly cool with me. I'd love to see more uv Tools. I think 3dc has the right idea for handling uv mapping. Just needs some expansion.

I haven't sculpted anything in a while. I know the rapid tools were added a few months ago. I like em.

New UI is also nice.

Andrew, amazing as usual. :drinks:

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Latest .85 release works much better! thanks Andrew. I just used the retopo tools and got exactly the results i were looking for :)

Good job man!

/ Magnus

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Here is the bug where if you clone degrade/ increase resolution the brushes will begin to behave in this manner.


Also clay brush with rotate along motion direction seems that the symmetry malfunctions.


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I tried to reproduce, but unable... Does it works for some simple object like sphere?

1. Clone and Degrade default sphere.

2. Hide old sphere.

3. Turn on Symmetry of 2nd sphere.

4. Sculpt on 2nd sphere for a while using various brushes, pens.

5. Increase resolution on 2nd sphere.

6. Begin sculpting on 2nd sphere.

It should now reproduce this bug.

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v.85 RC


  • after clicking in "to default settings" in Preferences 3DC changes color scheme to some beige colors and text to white making it very hard to read
  • when object is loaded and you can texture size for UVsets - global size option is needed to set same texture size for all UVs sets
  • when object is loaded and you can texture size for UVsets - when changing width height should change itself to same value as weight by default because it's unlikely anybody would use non square texture sizes.
  • in subpatching adjustment - global option is needed to switch subpatching on for all UVs sets

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Hi everyone, first post here. Ive been running the alpha version since the beginning. And man Andrew you are doing such a fine job with this app, really awesome! Thanks. It feels so good not having to care about a lowpoly version before the actual sculpting. Thumbs up. I will write down some thoughts I have and post later this weekend or beginning next week. Cheers :)

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In Alpha 85, i imported a model with overlapping Uvs, and the Uv preview was much largre than expected :)


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In Alpha 85, i imported a model with overlapping Uvs, and the Uv preview was much largre than expected :)

That's actually a feature... and you don't even need to wear special 3d glasses! =]

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In Alpha 85, i imported a model with overlapping Uvs, and the Uv preview was much largre than expected :)

That can happen in 84 too. You just have to scale the pieces.

BTW, andrew, the distortion visualization is perfect!. Can't wait til version 85 hits the mac.

Edit: I replicated your problem. It seems when the manipulator is outside of the UV box, it can't be manipulated (the model rotates instead). This can be done by moving a piece outside the UV box. It can't then be moved back.

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Sorry for this dumb question

Is the Cuda version only for the 64bitts Windows XP version?

I use the Cuda version on my desktop which is Vista 64 and my laptop that is Vista 32, so that should answer that question.

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I just installed the new alpha 85 and it got me to demo mode, no more trial! Hasn't been the trial restarted? I was testing happily the alphas so far, and now that I was hoping to use the direct paint feature - that my copy of 3db 2 does not have - for an actual work while I wait for the official 3.0 release , I can't! Any sugestions?! Thanks!

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I don't want to start a new topic,so I ask a qustion here,

I know pick color use "V",but when I am painting depth map,how can I pick depth value just like pick color?

Right click and drag up and down. Right click and drag left and right changes brush size. Very fast and efficient.

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That's a good point I had thought V did it and didn't really question it. RMB dragging isn't the same as picking like you would with an eyedropper. That would be like saying you don't need to pick colors with the eyedropper when you can just use the color palette.

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That's a good point I had thought V did it and didn't really question it. RMB dragging isn't the same as picking like you would with an eyedropper. That would be like saying you don't need to pick colors with the eyedropper when you can just use the color palette.

Good point. I misread what he was trying to do.

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Maybe Andrew could cook up something like a shift-v for picking depth? I smell a feature request- but wouldn't be surprised to learn that the ability to use an eye-dropper to select depth wasn't already requested...might as well add selectable sample size averaging in there too!

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Maybe Andrew could cook up something like a shift-v for picking depth? I smell a feature request- but wouldn't be surprised to learn that the ability to use an eye-dropper to select depth wasn't already requested...might as well add selectable sample size averaging in there too!

That's a darned fine idea there. I like it.

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