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3DCoat 4.7 (BETA testing thread)

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Of course V4 beta testing was started long time ago in 4.5 thread. Now we will continue it here.


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winicon.pngWindows [4.7.37]:

3D-Coat 64-bit


osxicon.pngmacOS [4.7.37]:


Ensure to check "System Preferences > Security & Privacy > click the "lock" > select "App Store and identified developers" (when only "App Store" is selected error message is displayed "3D-Coat" can't be opened because it was not downloaded from the App Store)

On "Retina" displays uncheck "3D-Coat > Geometry > Incremental Render"


linuxicon.pngLinux [4.7.37]:


How to create shortcut

Updated to 4.7

  • Do NOT use beta builds in production if build is not marked as [STABLE].
  • Keep backups of scenes, presets and materials.


26.08.2017 4.7.37 [beta]

- Possibility to assign fixed bump to smart material, independent from pen radius and depth.

- Fixed different problems in retopo primitives. 

- Fixed breaking UV-s in Intrude/Shell (retopo modeling tools)

- Fixed a lot of problems relater to material attaching, including crashes, undo, memory leaks, correct resizing of smart material.

- If there are too many folders in materials/stencils etc, they will be represented as droplist.

- Re-attaching material if you select other material over layer with attachment. 

- Correct displacement visualisation in ppp approach.

- Correct displacement import, scaling coefficient correctly used.

- Warning about missing cache to avoid loosing cached volumes.

07.08.2017 4.7.36 [beta]

- Fixed problem of Smart material editor.

- Snapping with SHIFT - navigation to 45 degrees instead of 90 degrees.

- Pressing CTRL in UV preview window (in UV room) shows selected islands cycled to neighbour UV tiles.

- Possibility to store camera position in preset

- Gizmo appears even if one point of the transform cage selected

26.07.2017 4.7.35 [beta]

- Custom render size restored in render room.

- Fill with gradient noise problem fixed

- Preventing duplicate split rings.

25.07.2017 4.7.34 [beta]

- square alphas complete support, even older ones will act correctly.

- possibility to change font size in Preferences->Theme. 4K monitors support. Font will be automatically changed to big size on large resolution.

- "File->Import multiple objects" to import multiple objects in diferent ways.

- Fixed memory leaks during materuals to layers attaching

- Checkbox in Underccuts/bas relief to limit effect below the plane.

- Import AO with channel picking

- Problem of laggy rotation of symmetry plane in General mode fixed. Picking point 2 is also fixed.

- Select all in tweak room

- Possibility to switch between 2 modes during navigation - around Y and free rotation. See navigation panel.

15.06.2017 4.7.32 [beta]

- square alphas distortions fixed. In some cases alphas require reimporting. Square alphas derived from 3D models supported as well.

- fixed different little problems like rotate along motion and stamp.

10.06.2017 4.7.31 [beta]

- better support of square alphas. Less clipped at edges.

- All tools are correctly compatible with layers attacments.

- merge down, apply blending are working correctly with "Replace depth" and materials attaching.


9.06.2017 4.7.30 [beta]

- Possibility to change resolution of texture, attached materials will be automatically resmpled.

- a lot of problems related to attached materials fixed

- correctly updated material ball in layer attachment preview.

- square alphas support.

- Problems of paste UV fixed.

11.05.2017 4.7.29 [beta]

- Copy / Paste / Copy reference / To materials library in RMB menu.

- Fixed problem of non-deletable layers

- Find Sun button in parameters of additional lights in Render room.

- "ReplaceDepth" may be masked by other layer.

- Fixed problem of sliders.

- Fixed problem of lag in retopo tool

- Faster painting over layers with attached materials.

- Fill whole layer with material dropped to history.

- Support of materials references (instances)

- Fixed problem of tiled import and treating materials as UV sets.

- Find Sun button in parameters of additional lights in Render room.


5.05.2017 4.7.28 [beta]

- fixed many reported issues about smart materials attaching

- Fixed UI flickering in curve edit window

- Retopo via decimation in RMB menu

- Divide blending corrected

- Render room flickering fixed

- Fill tool controls visible


29.04.2017 4.7.27 [beta]

- Important! Possibility to attach materials to layers.


- Important! History of materials usage over layer. All materials that was applied to layer are stored in history together with all settings.


- Important! Depth blending along stroke.


- fixed different problems related to bake scan depth

- possibility to render scene directly in Renderman

- additional options for masking in Angulator tool.

- "Divide" layer blending for the light compensation.

- Bigger resolution for Model->Alpha, little tapering to avoid jags.

- possibility to bake ligh in light baking tool separately for each object in scene.


10.03.2017 4.7.26 [beta]

- Retopo->Bake->Baking scan settings - fixed crash, save/load available, symmetry works.


- Fixed problem of slow switching between tools after long time.

- Update islands issue resolved too.


8.03.2017 4.7.25 [beta]

- Retopo->Bake->Baking scan settings gon very important addition. You may paint baking depth with brush.


- Autopo problem fixed - if no mesh generated, hidden retopo mesh will not be corrupted.

8.02.2017 4.7.24 [stable]

- Textures->Calculate curvature got important update. Now you may mix loacl curvature (usual) and long-range smoothed curvature (sampling based). It allows to get much better quality for Smart Materials usage because many things depend on cavity quality.

- Transform tool in paint room got "Scale around center" option.

- Connector with PS works correctly with layers folders.

- Tweak room's selection now visible (there was longstanding problem).

25.1.2017 4.7.23 [stable]

- Pose gizmo: undo returns gizmo to correct place, nunerical input works correctly.

- Import for ppp rare hang problem fixed.

23.1.2017 4.7.22

- Import tiles as UV sets fixed problem with negative tiles

- Warning about incorrest scene scale.

- Polished, improved retopo primitives

- curve / line drawing problems corrected.

9.1.2017 4.7.20

- Line tool fixed (Line in E-panel)

28.12.2016 4.7.19

- fixed problems related to "Lines/curve chunk" drawing mode in E panel (line was invisible).

- Critical fix. Correct curves correction in export dialog.

- Possibility to drag sphere primitive by connector line (like cube and transform gizmo).

22.12.2016 4.7.18

- fixed several instabilities, including crash when switching from paint to render room that happens in 4.7.17

- Retopo primitives polished, new primitives included. UI in primitives polished.

- Free form primitives from RtpModels palette working correctly in Retopo room.

- Transform gizmo may be moved using not only arrows, but connector lines as well.

- Fixed smooth over seams problem in multi-UV scene.

5.12.2016 4.7.17

- Proxy slider. Windows->Proxy slider allows to change proxy density  on the fly.

- Correct inverted mask preview in cube/cylinder/etc mapping modes.

- Edit in external editor padding problems fixed

- PSD edit in PS padding width increased in correspondence with settings

- A lot of new shaders for concept disign (not for baking).

- Fixed buggy merely visible glow around the stroke with gloss/metallness

- Instant Light preset included

20.11.2016 4.7.16

- Spline points are in 3D in almost all cases (except manual detouching). It means you may rotate curve in 3D even if points are outside the model.

- Export Depth along Y problem fixed, now sader baked more correctly, transform of object correctly treated for shader baking, painted color correctly blended with shader.

- Borderline for VoxExtrude etc visible again

- right align of read-only numerical controls

- A lot of polishing in retopo primitives


11.11.2016 4.7.14

- Export Depth along Y correcly exports PBR compatible result. Shader will be baked to the textures as well.

- Fixed crash in primitives tool

- Possibility to overwrite depth of current layer over bottom ones, see layers options - see Replace depth and Layer height

- Gizmo in Bas-relief visible again


3.11.2016 4.7.13

- Video hints! The example


The list of controls covered by video hints will be updated automatically online.

- Retopo cube primitive has correct topology, without zero-sized bevel.

- Correct freeze with conditions 

- Correct icons for retopo primitives

1.11.2016 4.7.12

- New primitives in retopo room - cylinder, torus, cube, ellipse, spiral.

- Layer picker fixed (does not pick invisible, AO, normalmap layers)

- Numerical values in gizmos are moving ojects as well (for pose/transform). It was broken in 4.7.11

- Draw spline stroke in a single pass, each next stroke in strokes bunch uses initial normals and surface placement.

- Whole spline movements works correctly with 2d/3d snapping.

- more safe fbx export for non-english user name

29.09.2016 4.7.11 [beta]

- Primitives for retopo room. This is rather template than complete toolset. Only one primitive present there, list will be essentially extended in next update.

- Coat tool. This is non-destructive and precise version of VoxLayer. This is important step, it opens family of nondestructive tools in 3D-Coat.

- Imput decreased (the time between human's action and visual feedback on the screen).

- Enable VoXRay in surface tools, Backface culling will be turned off in VoXRay tool.

- Correct normals sampling usage in Live Clay based tools.

-  Fixed crash related to extrusion using "Initial vertex normals".

- Everywhere in primitives edit boxes replaced with sliders.

- Better quality for 3D lasso selection

- Undo for renaming layer

- a lot if small stability fixes.


30.08.2016 4.7.10 (stable)

- Unify UV command to drop all faces to the current UV set

- "Editt points" in Lathe tool shows coordinates in more logical way.

- Correct stencil mapping and preview, there was problems with object scale and preview

- Warning shown if texture in smart material missing

- Correct preview for stencil/materials in navigation mode for cylinder/sphere mapping.

- Correct UnhideAll command in UV/retopo room (was not working in Mark Seams mode)

- Cone primitive got "USe sector" option compatible with bevel. 

- correct Ptex export with LWO files using Export menu.

- Seed value for smart material noise


17.08.2016 4.7.09(stable)

- Stencil painting with lasso corresponds to preview
- Extrusion with 3D Spline supports stencils and works in voxel mode as well
- "Retopo->Apply symmetry to current layer" really applies symmetry to current retopo group only
- Export normalmaps without gamma correction (even if specified in export constructor) to avoid confusion with normalmaps rendering
- Click to place issue solved 

15.08.2016 4.7.08 (stable)

- Top/bottom/left/right views adopted to industry standard.

- Extrude with 3D lasso (choose 3D lasso in any brush in surface mode). Edge shape follows brush shape. 

- Better visibility of selected retopo faces.

- Reference images quick access.

- Added "Click To Place" actions to all new primitives.

- Better look of wireframe for Ptex "Increase resolution" tool.

- Correct export with Export constructor with MV/Ptex approach.


1.08.2016 4.7.07 (stable)

- Still image gizmo got pivot/rotation controls.

- Stencils/materials gizmo got possibility to move rotation/scale pivot. RMB over material navigation gizmo will reset corresponding position/scale/rotation.

- Fixed crash in unwrap (zero squared triangles)

- Possibility to assign hotkeys to rooms switching.

- Disable auto-deleting point in retopo on almost straight line.

- Save/Load camera stores camera/stencil/material correctly.

- Correct preview of smart material's textures when you are navigating with material navigation buttons.

- Freeze/pose bugs related to undo + brushing fixed.

-  Fixed snapping of invisible vertices problem when mesh imported in retopo room.

- Retopo->Bake->Bake normalmaps with dithering option for better noralmap baking.

- Added the NGon primitive with outsider fillet.

- Disable "Vertical sync" in OpenGL to avoid FPS dropdown for OpenGL builds.

- Edit "Colors" in retopo updates colors over mesh immediately after choosing color, not afetr OK pressed.


4.07.2016 4.7.05 (beta, close to stable)

- completely transparent pixels on exported color textures will be black instead of grey.

4.07.2016 4.7.04 (beta)

- Antialiasing tuned to work correctly for text, rectangular fill.

- Share item/folder works correctly for smart materials

- sliders adjustment tweaked to be more convenient

- Retopo->Select path works correctly

- shaders/panoramas/export presets adjusted for better correspondence with standarts

- upload to Sketchfab corrected. Pay attention that if after upload you are getting "Upload screenshot" instead of model - click "Change API key" in upload dialog and re-enter the key.


28.06.2016 4.7.03 [beta]

- Mouse wheel may be used to switch droplists items and to adjust sliders.

- Undo in primitives when sliders used to adjust values

- set of crashes fixed

- selecting of faces from other uv sets fixed


18.06.2016 4.7.01 [beta]

- fixed crash

18.06.2016 4.7.00 [beta]


- Migration master adopted for 4.5->4.7 transition.

- Folders for Shaders! You may organize shaders in more convenient way!

- Large amount of presets for rendering in different applications and offline renders.

- Measure tool allows to measure angles between lines.

- Sliders in almost all primitive numerical controls.

- Draw on plane supported in clone/split/cut & clone.

- Fixed problem related to "On palne" mode in Sculpt room - depth of drawing was shown not exactly.

- Retopo->Clone will clone faces ino new retopo group

- Older bas-relief functionality restored - Bas-relief squashing coefficient works as expected + density control.

- Numerical input in "Import" tool.

- Clicking on faces from different UV set will select current UV set in retopo/uv room.

- Other UV sets are shown in retopo room as well, you may operate over vertices/faces not only in current set/group but in other sets/grups as well.

- Symmetry options panel got "Pick from bound Box" button - "Pick symmetry center from the bound box of the current object. Axis directions will remain unchanged."


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I think there was a  huge amount of add ons / fixes and improvments on 4.5 to get only a 4.6 , plus 4.7 sounds better ;) lol. was a

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Noticed the export bar in the paint room.



Pretty stable reliase i must admit  , cant find a bug so far , only when i change to normals it doesnt update to viewport sometimes.

Edited by Michaelgdrs
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1) Is this going to be another paid update? (noticed it doesn't recognize my 4.5 license) I was under the impression it would have jumped straight to 5.0...
2) Is there a list of what 4.7 will focus on and or what is (if any) the main development focus for the 4.7?

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No this is not a paid upgrade , its FREE.

For license you can take it from 4.5 folder in your documents or just re enter the serial as ussual. 


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31 minutes ago, Michaelgdrs said:

No this is not a paid upgrade , its FREE.

For license you can take it from 4.5 folder in your documents or just re enter the serial as ussual. 


Thanks, I figured that out not long after I posted... the edit button went missing. I have no idea why.

Edited by RabenWulf
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Hmmmmmm , i see the edit button.


Next to + and quote. (after you made a post)


Edit (just made an edit to show you) 

Glad you figured the license issue lol

Edited by Michaelgdrs
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You are using a different skin / theme , maybe thats the issue.

I am using the default one.

Edited by Michaelgdrs
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I doubt it. Its available for my other two posts. Only that one is missing. Anyways this is a diff topic altogether and we are going off track.

Is there any mention on what 2.7 will mainly focus on development wise?

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Ok , just a wild quess from my side.

For 4.7 dont know the roadmap sorry.

Edited by Michaelgdrs
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On 6/21/2016 at 2:50 AM, Michaelgdrs said:

Noticed the export bar in the paint room.



Pretty stable reliase i must admit  , cant find a bug so far , only when i change to normals it doesnt update to viewport sometimes.

I've had a rash of crashes, recently. Just now, I opened an older (Pre-PBR) file changed the spec layer to standard blending mode and tried to fill with glossiness only > CRASH. RESET SYMMETRY also causes instant and repetitive crashes. I had a few others occur randomly, and the crash reports were uploaded, if Andrew wants to investigate.


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Anybody else having issues with 3D Coat crashing when you've left it open/running > take a break and come back to it (clicking on the minimized instance)? It's happened to me at least 4-5 times this past week, regardless of what scene I had opened.

Also, has anyone noticed that 4.7 beta has a nasty problem selecting UV islands that aren't even selected/visible?


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is related to this ?

- Clicking on faces from different UV set will select current UV set in retopo/uv room.

- Other UV sets are shown in retopo room as well, you may operate over vertices/faces not only in current set/group but in other sets/grups as well.

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  • Reputable Contributor
36 minutes ago, Carlosan said:


is related to this ?

- Clicking on faces from different UV set will select current UV set in retopo/uv room.

- Other UV sets are shown in retopo room as well, you may operate over vertices/faces not only in current set/group but in other sets/grups as well.

I asked Andrew about allowing users to be able to work on a mesh, even if it have one part on another UV set. For example, when a user puts the UV's for the head on one, and another for the body....it seems rather silly to block the user from being able to work on one part just because the other part has a different UV set.

If this was his answer, it's not implemented correctly. You don't have to select anything to have this problem, mentioned in my previous post, occur. If you are working on a given UV set, 3D Coat will select UV islands from other UV's and make it hard for you to select what you want. It's a mess

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I had the same problem as Don, where I left it for a little while and when I came back after my computer went to sleep and to made 3d coat the active program, it froze and I had to restart my system.  I didn't experience any issues other than that.  But I didn't use it extensively.  I wouldn't call this one stable yet.

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Just wondering,

it was mentioned in another thread, but I couldn't find a definitive answer.  Can I work on a file that has several UDIM tiles from Mari?  If so, how do I import properly?



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27 minutes ago, gbball said:

Just wondering,

it was mentioned in another thread, but I couldn't find a definitive answer.  Can I work on a file that has several UDIM tiles from Mari?  If so, how do I import properly?



When you import the object, there is a checkbox in the IMPORT Dialog for IMPORT UV TILES. This converts them to UV sets in 3D Coat. If you need to get those back into UDIM form, on export, there is a similar option in the EXPORT dialog, to convert them back to UDIM

3 hours ago, gbball said:

I had the same problem as Don, where I left it for a little while and when I came back after my computer went to sleep and to made 3d coat the active program, it froze and I had to restart my system.  I didn't experience any issues other than that.  But I didn't use it extensively.  I wouldn't call this one stable yet.

My system didn't even go into sleep mode or anything. If I took a break to eat something, check e-mails and such, etc....and come back and un-minimize the app, it would crash

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