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Problem 1 (video): I'm testing the new subd levels method, but I founded the algorithm is weird, I tested the subdivision with a simple cube, here I'll show you the subdivision method in maya compared with 3dcoat method, the same result in maya is the same in zbrush, blender, 3dsmax. 

Problem 2: I have assigned a matcap material, when I increase the subdivision, 3dcoat automatically changes the assigned material for a default material.

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7 hours ago, MJonathan said:

Problem 1 (video): I'm testing the new subd levels method, but I founded the algorithm is weird, I tested the subdivision with a simple cube, here I'll show you the subdivision method in maya compared with 3dcoat method, the same result in maya is the same in zbrush, blender, 3dsmax. 

Problem 2: I have assigned a matcap material, when I increase the subdivision, 3dcoat automatically changes the assigned material for a default material.

Hi MJonathan, I don't have the test builds, so cannot test this, but it looks like the first cube in your video is made up of quads, while the second cube in 3DCoat is composed of triangles.

This will certainly account for some difference between the two results. Would be worth testing with straight quad cubes in both for a better comparison.


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we've pointed this out before .. the benefits of quads over tris..

but these are separate .. dont use voxels.. voxels will be triangulated and give strange results but they are amazing for getting results fast

try the primitives in modelling room , but i believe 3dcoat doesnt use catmull clark SD ... so its their own way ...

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Still baking errors in displacement. No edges marked sharp on retopo mesh. Can anyone else confirm? Simple male model with a pbr shader set to "No Flat Shading" and simple sculpt detail. Used autoretopo and simple uv. Baked with per pixel displacement from retopo room. Bake of just normal map per pixel works just fine.

Screenshot from 2022-12-27 11-18-27.png

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Multires sculpting doesn't work well (at all) with smoothing brushes. Might already be a known problem because its really obvious, didn't check all the postings here.

Created a simple sphere as a test (didn't use multires sculpting feature before), added some bottom levels, switched to top level, sculpted something using some standard brushes, stepped down and up the levels, everything in order. 

As long as I don't use smoothing brush (SHIFT key). When I switch to top level, use the smoothing brush, then step down the levels, geometry is destroyed. Deep holes are produced (like some vertices merged into one vertex, then projected into the center of the object, see screenshot).



Edited by wilson66
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1 hour ago, wilson66 said:

As long as I don't use smoothing brush (SHIFT key). When I switch to top level, use the smoothing brush, then step down the levels, geometry is destroyed. Deep holes are produced (like some vertices merged into one vertex, then projected into the center of the object, see screenshot).



Hey, I think I had this exact problem
I had by accident enabled the "simplification" or "reduce" or something on the smooth tool, which decimates the surface to in a sense "smooth" it.
Could you check that you haven't enabled it?
Wish I was sat by pc with 3dcoat then I could show

If that's disabled then this is definitely not a desired behavior, if it happens by default

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4 hours ago, Gorbatovsky said:

Tool Smooth using catmull clark

ahh amazing! ... even though how much time ive spent playing with 3dcoat theres alw3ays still more features lurking about


hope your Christmas was as good as it could be .. families are all safe .. lets hope 2023 ends all this nonsense soon

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Yes latest version and Windows. Here is a sample. AO pass this time. I only ticked the screen space reflections. 

I reported this before (didnt know why it happened though) but then my license expired so I couldnt follow up :D


Edited by Koray
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10 hours ago, Koray said:

Yes latest version and Windows. Here is a sample. AO pass this time. I only ticked the screen space reflections. 

I reported this before (didnt know why it happened though) but then my license expired so I couldnt follow up :D




Yes me too. The 'Cast Shadow' option also seems to be related. It looks cool, though.

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2 hours ago, Elemeno said:

because you can use them as carving tools ...

I know but you can use most brushes as vox hide. The brushes I mentioned are a bit more special at what they do. Their default option should not be carving. May confuse new or inexperienced users.

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... nurbs working??

man... 3dcoat is getting seriously confusing these days ... went to use a lattice tool expecting the traditional lattice as manipulating the box ... no, it adds volume to a selected edge...  so strange , 99% of 3dcoat is so damn confusing , and ive used it for 3/4 years ...

could we please not get any new features of anything ... just a cleaned up ui .. with clear tool usage .

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@Andrew ShpaginHey Andrew. Still getting baking errors with displacement in .56. It seems to bake with hard/sharp edges. No edges marked sharp on retopo mesh when baking. No issues with Normal map baking. Seems to be present in older versions as well. File attached. Default male head in scene, autotopo'd, automapped, baked w/ perpixel displacement. Hard edges following mesh/edges. Using hard normals instead of smooth normals? On windows as well as linux. All drivers are up to date and so is system.




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@Andrew ShpaginHey Andrew. Still getting baking errors with displacement in .56. It seems to bake with hard/sharp edges. No edges marked sharp on retopo mesh when baking. No issues with Normal map baking. Seems to be present in older versions as well. File attached. Default male head in scene, autotopo'd, automapped, baked w/ perpixel displacement. Hard edges following mesh/edges. Using hard normals instead of smooth normals? On windows as well as linux. All drivers are up to date and so is system.


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@CarlosanHey Carlosan, I don't Understand. 3DCoat does bake displacement. Does it not? We can export Displacement Maps. These hard edges don't seem to be in the two videos below.


Edited by ebitz
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can we have one layer system... so our mesh in sculpt room can instantly be changed in modelling room visa versa ... no polygroups ... just good old layers , you can find the wireframe for your sculpted mesh also .. and only then would you import from modelling or sculpting into painting room ... once its in painting room its remove from layers in sculpt... you can then bake to a selected mesh in the sculpt rooms and just choose the required name ...

"polygroups" are confusing..... they arent needed .. the only thing that cant be minipulated in modelling would be voxels... unless you can do that ... that would be nice :D

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