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That true, LJB, orthographic + ctrl border cuts is true power, i use it every moment. Thats why i requested b-splines instead of current cubic splines in feature request, cant wait Andrew add them (i hope).

Sketch - its tool to speed up process. Its nice to use Sketch greebles as a blank for next cutting, merging, mask+posing etc.

Chr1, grain depends on voxel space resolution. Dont forget - you work with little cubes. And you cut them with other cubes (raster image). Not strange you get cubes as result :)

I just use some smooth. And antialiased images as Philnolan3d said.

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I've found a solution to optimize CPU load. There's a little tool called CPU Control. You can assign CPU(s) to running processes easily:


how is CPU control different than going into taskmanager > going into processes TAB > right clicking on exe or process and clicking "SET AFFINITY" to choose which processore(core) to use w that exe?

is CPU cntl just faster to setup.. or it lets aplications that cant take control of multiple cores only see 1 core (is this called virtulaziation?)

and i dont see anything about working w/ xp64 althought it prob will..

I will check out cpu cntrl later once i get some stuff finished for deadline..

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I may be wrong, but from what I understand 3DC only uses one core and CPU Control would allow it to use more than one. I don't think setting the affinity can do that. Actually I just tried it and I can't set the affinity for 3DC, it gave me an error "access denied".

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I may be wrong, but from what I understand 3DC only uses one core and CPU Control would allow it to use more than one. I don't think setting the affinity can do that. Actually I just tried it and I can't set the affinity for 3DC, it gave me an error "access denied".

3D-Coat tries to utilize all cores whenever possible. But it is not always possible...

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3D-Coat tries to utilize all cores whenever possible. But it is not always possible...

Ok that's what I thought, but I think someone said something that may have made me think otherwise. Good to know for sure.

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Where I can find the voxel masking tools??? :unknw:

I think it was mentioned regarding the mask that the pose tool creates, Not actual Voxel maasking I dont think thats even Featured yet?

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how is CPU control different than going into taskmanager > going into processes TAB > right clicking on exe or process and clicking "SET AFFINITY" to choose which processore(core) to use w that exe?

is CPU cntl just faster to setup.. or it lets aplications that cant take control of multiple cores only see 1 core (is this called virtulaziation?)

and i dont see anything about working w/ xp64 althought it prob will..

I will check out cpu cntrl later once i get some stuff finished for deadline..

I don't know how CPU control works exactly. All I can say is that especially surface Brushes in Voxel mode are three or four times faster than without it, move brush too. On my system with Core2Quad and CUDA running. When I'm using 3DCoat without it, 1 Processor is reaching 100% load while the others are at 30 or 40%. With CPU control all processors become the same load while heavy sculpting..never reaching 100%. Check it out! :D


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I don't know how CPU control works exactly. All I can say is that especially surface Brushes in Voxel mode are three or four times faster than without it, move brush too. On my system with Core2Quad and CUDA running. When I'm using 3DCoat without it, 1 Processor is reaching 100% load while the others are at 30 or 40%. With CPU control all processors become the same load while heavy sculpting..never reaching 100%. Check it out! :D


I've uninstalled CPU control because I had a blue screen, my system crashed. I suppose, it was because of CPU control. Now I am using the regular task manager. It is not as comfortable as CPU control, but I've no problems since the unsinstall. The acceleration in 3DC is the same, like in CPU control.



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Taros - Did you not try Process lasso? I find it stables out a whole bunch of other applications too?

At least then you diont have to set the afinity manually using the Task manager.

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Taros - Did you not try Process lasso? I find it stables out a whole bunch of other applications too?

At least then you diont have to set the afinity manually using the Task manager.

No I didn't tried it. The only application here is 3DC which is not completely supporting multiple cores. And I don't like to buy "Process lasso", for now. :)

Maybe a off topic question: Do you have experience with 2D applications and Process Lasso? Like photoshop or indesign? I use them very often in my daily work.

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Updated to 3.00.08K


- possibility to run brush along the curve in curves tool

- possibility to limit rotation by space navigator around Y-axis for convenience. Look preferences.

- hide tool is pressure dependent - radius and depth of penetration will depend on pressure

- possibility to separate hidden part of volume as separate volume (Voxels->Separate hidden)

- fixed : Undo after unhide all eliminates hidden volume

- fixed: rough or obsolete erasing at the bound of the frozen area in DP

- fixed: crash in sketch tool (very often on OSX and rare in Windows)

- fixed: picking&deleting vertices in Points&quads mode

- fixed: undo in retopo with hidden faces

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K 3D Conexxion works predictably but we do have a bug. When Yaxis is locked it will only rotate at one speed (Slow) all modul;ation settings have no effect until you unlock the Axis then graded movement is possible. Lock the axis again and back to slow rotation. Pan, zoom are not effected. I Can video if it helps?

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Updated to 3.00.08K


- possibility to run brush along the curve in curves tool

Thank you sir!!! I will test this feature extensively. :)

I'm trying to use this new feature but it doesn't seem to want to work. The spline curve changes shape to a very small tube when "Run brush along curve" ticked, but you cannot brush along it as it adds points to the curve. What am I missing here?

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Thank you sir!!! I will test this feature extensively. :)

I'm trying to use this new feature but it doesn't seem to want to work. The spline curve changes shape to a very small tube when "Run brush along curve" ticked, but you cannot brush along it as it adds points to the curve. What am I missing here?

press enter.

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Yeah...I found using the lock Y axis disables roll and tilt...as well as the bug you discovered.

Tilt works see me tilt in the video? (Nod head)

[Edit] What i mean to say is tilt works for me

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Tilt works see me tilt in the video? (Nod head)

[Edit] What i mean to say is tilt works for me

I stand corrected...tilt does work as slow as rotate (with Y axis locked), but the roll is totally diabled. When I spin (Y unlocked), it seems to flounder any which way it pleases. That's what you originally brought up. When spinning/rotating around the Y axis, both X and Z should be auto-constrained, no?
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check your 3d connexion settings seems that you have Dominent axis toggled ON, Turn off and re test. ;)

I mean your 3d connexion control panel.

I did that, and it's still Willy-Nilly. It's like working with splines in Max...you have to be careful to constrain your tangent handles when making adjustments. Somehow, the Z and X axis are not constrained when spinning/rotating around the object's axis. That's why it's floundering...if they were auto-constrained, it would be a perfect 360. Even when you spin and tilt (or roll) simultaneously...the non-activate axis is supposed to be auto-constrained.
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