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Twitter discussion: What Andrew is currently doing.

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to make 3DC at least partially opensource



I think he means opening up the SDK a good deal. Not sure that making much of 3D Coat Open Source would be beneficial at all. 3ds Max's SDK contains most of the code, but not enough to just give away millions of $$$ worth of development for free. It's to give 3rd party vendors enough access that they can create innovative add-ons (plugins). Pretty sure that's what Andrew has in mind. To open it up enough that he doesn't have to generate all the tools himself.

Pixologic has a similar model, if I understand it correctly. Have been the beneficiaries of cool 3rd party plugs for years.

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It's to give 3rd party vendors enough access that they can create innovative add-ons (plugins). Pretty sure that's what Andrew has in mind. To open it up enough that he doesn't have to generate all the tools himself.


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I would most certainly have to agree with what he has said. Patents, particularly coming from huge US company's, are getting out of hand. There is a small medical research company here in Australia that are developing a cure's / treatments for some cancers, yet their efforts looked like they will be stymied by patents on human genes by companies that discovered the genes. Here's a link on whats happening; http://www.abc.net.a...verhaul/4010612 Surely, at some point, common sense will prevail and laws will uphold what is the right thing to do, not what is most profitable. I really hope so, though I'm not getting my hopes up just yet.
I've always found it bizarre that genetic patterns can be patented. Plants and animals of all sorts patented. I cannot believe it's true, to be frank. It's a hugely busted system when you can patent something that occurs naturally. Now if someone came up with something completely unique, maybe, and only then (still a big maybe) do I feel like it could be patented. Anyway, it's a huge discussion. I hope in Oz things change there, as it should globally.

i dont think, that natural genetic code can be patented,

because you can access all the (at least human) code for free.

There are only code sequences patented, which are more or less artificial,

because they are maybe rearranged from

different species'code, to a get a new functional genetic code.

edit: ok, i actually have read the link just after.

Thats truly no innvovation, when patents are allowed to be granted for a discovery of existing items.

So if youre honest, there are alot patents out there (which also use basic code)

that are rearranged to have a new function, but which existed in seperate parts free before.

But the new constructed/rearranged complex or system (idea) is patented.

if you say the implemented parts are free by nature, so make the whole idea free.

Then all software should be free. And all constructed genetic code should then be free.

But I agree, that not all patents are that innovative that they need to be restricted, but thats

not the problem of the companies. It is the problem of not having experts in the dicision-making process

when granting a patent.

Edited by chingchong
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Don't get me wrong. I truly respect the clever people and companies that put in the all the work to discovering these things and I think they deserve credit for it. But if it is being more important than saving peoples lives and or reducing real suffering, for me its a no brainer.

I don't think that anyone is to blame. More so it is the nature of business. We all no where that can lead, and I personally think it is starting to have all the hallmarks of what went wrong with the financial sector a few years ago. It will inevitably get so out of hand it will become untenable and go full circle.

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on the other hand there are some public genetic sources with are not allowed for commercial use.

there are extremes in both directions.

I work in a biotech company. We produce diagnostics for tumors and sell it to laboratories.

And we would really be happy to pay for using that public source (Cosmid- Clones), but its not possible, they would not sell it to us.

So in the end, these sources are only for public research institutes, which are not able to produce so high amounts of diagnostics the labs demanded.

In this case the "commercial" diagnostics producer is kinda marked infamous.

Their opinion is like, better to have no diagnostics than make money with the genetic source?

ehhh? B)

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If we are talking about what has practically been proven to work - regarding the development and distribution of ideas for the purpose of creating new technological items - then it is, historically, the commercial (for profit) endeavors of inventors that have made the knowledge "universal", in the long run.

It is strange that there seem to be two classes of innovators in this world - those who are altruistically driven and those who are capitalistically driven. The global spread and adoption of technological ideas, however, is owed to those interested in making money from their efforts.

And, those capitalists who seek to benefit financially from their labors don't seem to have any scruples about freely using those ideas which were freely published by their polar opposites, the altruists. The result of this phenomenon is the obscuring of the true source of the ideas and the obscuring of the altruists, themselves.

Not a very "fair" paradigm - but that is the way the world works today.

If nobody cared about how they live and by what means they live - the opposite situation would exist.

Greg Smith

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The whole notion that using a specific hand/fingertip gesture to perform a simple function...such as spreading your finger tips to zoom on a touch screen...is patent-worthy, is ridiculous. That would be like Autodesk trying to patent keyboard shortcuts. I think Apple just got fed up with all the other companies mimicking/copying their money-makers and this was some form of retaliation.

However, when any company has to spend/invest good money to hire a developer to create something truly innovative, then they have every right...both ethically and legally, to recoup those costs and reap whatever dividends may come of it. If some people decide to be generous with their time and money (in this case OpenSource their technology), that is their prerogative. But it's never to be mistaken as a right or entitlement.

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The moving of one's fingers to make the gesture of a "pinch" certainly is not a patentable thing, but developing a screen and an algorithm that responds in a sophisticated way to that simple gesture is certainly worthy of a patent and a legal fight - if someone can be proved to have copied it, wholesale.

Greg Smith

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  • 2 weeks later...
@andrewshpagin: At least new start menu is close to be done - http://t.co/ofCc8FID
@andrewshpagin: You may set any subpage to be start menu. And experienced users may customize it on own taste and change it look and functions completely.

I'm not sure how much customization there is but I suggested that the image shown is a little dry and could use something like the 3DC logo on it.

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  • 2 months later...

INCREDIBLE !!! :blink:

could the spline points be hidden behind the object when we rotated it ? :huh:

using this mode to paint a dense point curve around an object will be a little difficult to handle :wacko:

ty !! :)

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  • 3 months later...

Bringing this thread back from the dead.

From Andrew's twitter:

Very good news! At least main problem of PPP solved. Now it is possible to paint even deep displacement without artifacts.
Before you was able to paint only snall bump-like displacement, now normalmap calculated correctly for deep displacement too.
It opens possibility to bake voxels->ppp with displacement and of course improves paint quality a lot.
Painting quality comparison - http://pilgway.com/f..._comparison.png

So the question is-- Is there any reason to have MV painting anymore? After this has been thoroughly tested of course.

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  • 2 months later...

From Andrew's twitter:


If ptex scene has multiple objects, it is now possible to export ptx files separately, one ptx file per object.

Colored specular/emissive export for ptex done too.

Rendering of voxels with alpha channel in render room improved, now faces are sorted from back to front without essential slowdown.


Very nice and convenient grids and snapping improvements! Look there




New major feature (Split&Joints) in 3D-Coat for 3D-printing:




Primitives functionality and UI improved, now you may choose boolean operation type

Primitives/Models may perform intersection or splitting of objects in scene



Spherical/Cylindrical mapping introduced for masks and materials


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Working over brushing improvements.


New principle of pinching introduced - "Angulator" tool. See there


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  • 3 weeks later...

- Reviews in 3D World: @AndrewShpagin 3D-Coat; @autodesk MotionBuilder '14; @Gnomon_Workshop ZBrush for Concept Artists http://bit.ly/1aLiSL9

- Brushes in surface mode got a lot of refinement, it is other world now.

- Sync with Photoshop/other psd editors keeps correct visibility of layers exchange. (You may use any editor that supports psd - http://paint.net , krita, paint shop pro, painter)

- Additional 2 mouse buttons may be used for navigation if need.

- Baking is more clean now, especially on thin surfaces and harsurface geometry.

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  1. 4) Very accurate retopology in case of symmetry enabled.

  2. Still need some work to get all done accurately and fit properly in retopo room.

  3. 3) Im most cases there will be quads, no ngons or triangles (but this still requires some work).

  4. 2) Retopo of open meshes, retopo of meshes directly, without voxelization

  5. 1) Almost always edge loops, no spirals

  6. Decide to spend a week for autoretopology. Already got some success.



    Yeah!! Seems like autoretopology is getting some love. :)


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The ANGULATOR TOOL looks amazing!   :D


If this does what I think it does...


Will it actually create a machined looking, symmetrically smooth surface area

as marked by the FREEZE TOOL?


...meaning, will this give you surface areas as if they were created using PRIMITIVES?

Flat, symmetrically smooth surfaces...

Is this like a modified PRIMITIVES TOOL that you can draw the border outline on an area surface?


I hope so, I've been trying to find a way to achieve this, with mixed results.


The SMOOTH TOOL is fine and all, but I'm looking for a way to get a PRIMITIVES TOOL looking surface

onto an already worked area. 

Edited by Voxelapocalypse
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The Angulator and Smooth tools are in the current beta version, you can try them out for yourself if you like. 

...I have V4 and I can't find the Angulator Tool.  (...or CRAZY DRAW or LUTE, or AAWWEE either.)    :(

In Voxel Mode or Surface Mode.


Please heeeeeeeeeeeelp! Where is the Angulator Tool?



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