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Painted wood or cardboard with edge wear.

I'm wondering how that work though. I mean this obviously detect angle to apply wear or there's masking involved. Meaning substances are already in ? Or masks are ?


I'm not sure yet - I'm still trying to figure that out. I'm hoping some kind of masking system in 3DC, personally. Something similar to dDo, but in 3DC, would be excellent.

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It are not substances, it are conditional multilayered materials that detect cavity (and other conditions - like AO will be supported probably too).

Complex materials organised as set of layers with conditions. It is less powerful that node editor (in general) but more understandable for artists and generally same quality may be reached as using nodes.

Substances may appear as well, we started discussion about that.

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Pretty cool. I'm liking the sound of that. Nothing wrong with an easy to use interface with good features, I think dDo is a great example of that.


Do these parameters have a way to be adjusted via a numerical input/slider? Can they be effected with a clip mask or similar?

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If you can detect cavity then you may use it to make brushes constrain (with a treshold) to "planes" ? That would be very usefull for edge based planerizing brushes (for those who know: mah brushes like edger are super usefull for hard surface stuff in zbrush, and those are based on angle detection).

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I don't know about refraction but I thought about transparency the other day and Andrew needs to address this issue. It's completely broken under certain conditions ,shadows don't work properly in the current render room for instance, sometimes even in the paint room,  and sometimes the z-order is completely wrong.

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I remember rendering a semi-transparent glass geo of my alien creature from one of the challenges, and at certain camera angles the geometry behind that glass (modified lamblight shader IIRC) had a tendency to disappear. Not sure if it was the lamblight shader's issue or Render Room's in general. There's also a matter of visualising transparency and cut-outs correctly in the Paint Room, which AFAIK is not possible at the moment. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though.

Edited by ajz3d
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Andrew I just hope you can add those conditions to the height/color limiter conditions so we can use them not only to paint using materials(now called stamps) it would be very useful to paint clip masks ect....

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Andrew I just hope you can add those conditions to the height/color limiter conditions so we can use them not only to paint using materials(now called stamps) it would be very useful to paint clip masks ect....


Exactly what I was thinking. :) You could do some really cool dDo-like stuff real quickly.

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I like the the cavity icons (should be added in top menu), I like the customization amount. I hate the layer stack in a modal dialog.

Can it be associated  to the current layer system  with a dedicated panel to show the settings each time we select a layer ?

Right now it seems extremely confusing/without cohesion with the systems already in place, not even talking about redundancy.

In any case modal is a big no-no.

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i was about to post the answer andrew gave me, but thx carlossan  you had been faster :)


i agree with beatkitano, this must to be merge into just one panel.

but i think that andrew with refont this panel and the UI as it make more sense to regroup all those layer stuff on the same place. but it 's cosmectic detail that would logically be achieved when the viewport renderer and the layer system will be enought stable to refont the app with all this new feature.

The alignment of the texture types on the left, and the options on the left side, make me think that "specular" has been renamed into "gloss".


something that i not quiet about is the specular /gloss channel, that can always be use on non pbr game engine, and  because it can be use on the shader to make some area looks wet in additional of the metalness workflow.

ont the very top of the shader settings we would have to choose the workflow we want to work with, it should look like that  :


old style :

diffuse,height, specular


metalness :

albedo,height,metallic,roughness with the possibility to add a specular channel for in special cases you need that)


reflectance :

albedo, height, gloss, specular_color


here you force people to use the best practice, and you must to paint the metal color onto this type of textures map you would output when you are done.

prevent user to use the color onto the albedo if you have a specular color map linked with that shader type.


also that would be perfect if we could add additional textures types like AO, opacity, emisive, mat_id,  but also bake AO and curvature map.

we just need to define if this output will be RGB, RGBA or only grayscale texture. 3d coat can or ca


But anyway, the screenshot demonstrates that Andrew is not working only on the pbr rendering, but shadering improvement.


I keep my fingers crossed and I strongly hope for the next stable build why not the version 4.5, that could be shipped with a full revisions of the UI fondamentals, adding a main outline from the one you could switch transparently from any the the current room system.

it could be a render pass layer, so the viewport display the proper stuff into the viewport.

if you select a retopo mesh you acces the proper tool on the ui.

The brushes options panel should also be revised, i just want that menu displayed when you hit the spacebar to fit my needs, cause in that current state, it's a tool that i never use.

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It are not shader settings! It are rather material/stamp settings that as usual may be applied to whole layer or just painted somewhere.

I plan to add possibility to assign stamp/material to whole layer using it's alpha/color as modifiers. It will open way to almost infinite resolution of layer. But now it works as complex stamp/material.

All this takes more time than usually. But I think it really worth the final desired result.

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Bulba_bigger.pngAndrew Shpagin ‏@AndrewShpagin

And it is done via layer-based system, not node based. It is more suitable for understanding by artists.


Wow that looks confusing!

When it is released I hope they also release some demos on how these new features work.

When I try these betas out for myself I always miss something and I only learn about it from an AbnRanger video months or years later.

Edit: Actually, after looking at it a bit longer, it is making sense. But still, some demo videos would be nice!

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Wow that looks confusing!When it is released I hope they also release some demos on how these new features work.When I try these betas out for myself I always miss something and I only learn about it from an AbnRanger video months or years later.Edit: Actually, after looking at it a bit longer, it is making sense. But still, some demo videos would be nice!

It doesn't look confusing to me. It looks very similar to dDo in fact. I am already tasked with doing some videos for this. Should be finished shortly after I get the final build with these features AND fix the UI text. A lot of those bits of text in the screenshots are run on sentences, I'll also change some of the terminology to match the rest of the new terminology.

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I like the the cavity icons (should be added in top menu), I like the customization amount. I hate the layer stack in a modal dialog.

Can it be associated  to the current layer system  with a dedicated panel to show the settings each time we select a layer ?

Right now it seems extremely confusing/without cohesion with the systems already in place, not even talking about redundancy.

In any case modal is a big no-no.



Agreed. Even if all we can get is a popup like the layer blending on each layer, I would be fine with that, but the giant modal window is cumbersome looking.

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It doesn't look confusing to me. It looks very similar to dDo in fact. I am already tasked with doing some videos for this. Should be finished shortly after I get the final build with these features AND fix the UI text. A lot of those bits of text in the screenshots are run on sentences, I'll also change some of the terminology to match the rest of the new terminology.

Awesome! Thanks Javis!

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i was about to post the answer andrew gave me, but thx carlossan  you had been faster :)


i agree with beatkitano, this must to be merge into just one panel.

but i think that andrew with refont this panel and the UI as it make more sense to regroup all those layer stuff on the same place. but it 's cosmectic detail that would logically be achieved when the viewport renderer and the layer system will be enought stable to refont the app with all this new feature.

The alignment of the texture types on the left, and the options on the left side, make me think that "specular" has been renamed into "gloss".


something that i not quiet about is the specular /gloss channel, that can always be use on non pbr game engine, and  because it can be use on the shader to make some area looks wet in additional of the metalness workflow.

ont the very top of the shader settings we would have to choose the workflow we want to work with, it should look like that  :


old style :

diffuse,height, specular


metalness :

albedo,height,metallic,roughness with the possibility to add a specular channel for in special cases you need that)


reflectance :

albedo, height, gloss, specular_color


here you force people to use the best practice, and you must to paint the metal color onto this type of textures map you would output when you are done.

prevent user to use the color onto the albedo if you have a specular color map linked with that shader type.


also that would be perfect if we could add additional textures types like AO, opacity, emisive, mat_id,  but also bake AO and curvature map.

we just need to define if this output will be RGB, RGBA or only grayscale texture. 3d coat can or ca


But anyway, the screenshot demonstrates that Andrew is not working only on the pbr rendering, but shadering improvement.


I keep my fingers crossed and I strongly hope for the next stable build why not the version 4.5, that could be shipped with a full revisions of the UI fondamentals, adding a main outline from the one you could switch transparently from any the the current room system.

it could be a render pass layer, so the viewport display the proper stuff into the viewport.

if you select a retopo mesh you acces the proper tool on the ui.

The brushes options panel should also be revised, i just want that menu displayed when you hit the spacebar to fit my needs, cause in that current state, it's a tool that i never use.



I agree with everything you have said here. So +1. :)

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