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Twitter discussion: What Andrew is currently doing.

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If this direct voxel paint is as good as it sounds with no need to ever do UVs etc then some of the current painting/texture options would definitely be obsolete. Though if that is the case it might mean the GUI could be optimized a lot i guess.

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UVs will definitely NOT become obsolete with that feature. Image you have to export your painted textures to another application - you will definitely need to bake your textures onto a layed-out uv map. The main use of direct paint on voxels will be to postpone the retopo and uv process to a stage past the initial design, so you can get faster feedback from your client/director. It will also be great for illustration and rapid prototyping.

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I just wanted to mention I am working on a feature length documentary intended for IMAX and in stereoscopic. Some of the shots we are doing involved digitally recreating skin at the microscopic level. We have scanned referance from electron microscopes, Art Director wanted 40+ million poly resolutions to get incredibly detailed inter cellular structures.

The work would be impossible to do without Voxels in 3d-Coat. I was working with 100 million points often enough, with instances and layers so I found perfomance acceptable at these resolutions with an intelligent use of caching and downsampling. Also, I quickly discovered that 24gb of RAM is not enough to export a 100million triangle mesh so there was no point in trying to work in higher resolutions.

Because of the nature of interlocking cellular structures i was creating, doing any retopology work would be impossible so creating UVs was not an option. Exporting as quads is an awesome feature that proved really useful for simpler assets, but still required cleanup of non-manifold geometry.

Just want to say that painting on voxels would be the perfect logical step forward, but how is the color data going to translate into other applications?

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I think this is the first time I've ever seen Andrew tweet something that wasn't a software update.

I think that Apple's patent about pinch to zoom and using it against Samsung is just theft from humankind's knowlendge base.

It just stops technical progress. I am frustrated and angry that such things may even happen.

Patenting obvious things and using them against competitors is just moral crime.

This really pushes me to wish to make 3DC at least partially opensource. Things are really not on the place in this world.

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I would most certainly have to agree with what he has said. Patents, particularly coming from huge US company's, are getting out of hand. There is a small medical research company here in Australia that are developing a cure's / treatments for some cancers, yet their efforts looked like they will be stymied by patents on human genes by companies that discovered the genes. Here's a link on whats happening;


Surely, at some point, common sense will prevail and laws will uphold what is the right thing to do, not what is most profitable. I really hope so, though I'm not getting my hopes up just yet.

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I would most certainly have to agree with what he has said. Patents, particularly coming from huge US company's, are getting out of hand. There is a small medical research company here in Australia that are developing a cure's / treatments for some cancers, yet their efforts looked like they will be stymied by patents on human genes by companies that discovered the genes. Here's a link on whats happening;


Surely, at some point, common sense will prevail and laws will uphold what is the right thing to do, not what is most profitable. I really hope so, though I'm not getting my hopes up just yet.

I've always found it bizarre that genetic patterns can be patented. Plants and animals of all sorts patented. I cannot believe it's true, to be frank. It's a hugely busted system when you can patent something that occurs naturally. Now if someone came up with something completely unique, maybe, and only then (still a big maybe) do I feel like it could be patented.

Anyway, it's a huge discussion. I hope in Oz things change there, as it should globally.

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