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Hey Andrew!

Yea its still creating the export.txt file in the 3D-CoatV4 exchange directory, just not in the 3D-CoatV45 exchange directory.

I hadn't even noticed the new universal folder exchange folder, but that will be much nicer going forward :)

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Does any information exist on how to use Raul's new tools?



Ops, forgot to update the hints:


0-Right click a vertex allows to smooth and move the stroke.

1-Hovering a vertex and DEL , remove the vertices

2-DBL+ Click a vertex, will pin it so you basically created a new edge freely to move.

3-DBL+ Click a segment, between 2 vertices will insert a new point, provided that the radius is smaller than the segment, otherwise will capture the closest vertex an pin it

4-Ctrl + Click a vertex will split the stroke into 2 strokes.

5- Pressing + over a stroke will increase vertices count by 2

6-Pressing - will decrease by 2

7-Overlapping 2 vertices will merge them

8-Overlapping a segment will intersect them.

9-The numerical hint tells the number of vertices between 2 pinned points (inclusive)

10-Moving a vertices very far, after release will insert new divisions, moving them too close will merge them to maintain an average distance.


Sometimes the preview snap to surface incorrectly, but the final result will be much better because more smoothing and post process is used at execution time.

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Good to see you back, David! 

Not quite back yet... stopped by to see the updates... Lots of questions I see, some the same old ones or complaints without knowledge, sigh... years of being spoon fed information at public schools robbing the brain of an inquisitive nature.


C.S. Lewis---- Chronicles of Narnia

 "Why don't they teach logic at these schools?" 

Edited by digman
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C.S. Lewis---- Chronicles of Narnia

 "Why don't they teach logic at these schools?" 

My first brush with logic was in 9th grade algebra and 10th grade geometry class. I didn't get into real logic until exploring programming in college (paid for by NAFTA for displaced workers). What I learned would have been easily grasped by a preteen kid.

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My first brush with logic was in 9th grade algebra and 10th grade geometry class. I didn't get into real logic until exploring programming in college (paid for by NAFTA for displaced workers). What I learned would have been easily grasped by a preteen kid.


I'm one of the people that believes Math classes in public school should always be taught together with programing classes. Seems like it could happen too given how so many schools seem to want to replace books with computers.


But yea, off topic.

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So I'm doing retopo now with a lot of polys, about 3200 right now. Which isn't really even that many. I notice that the brush tool has gotten so slow it's basically unusable. When I try to use it i hear my CPU fans going into high speed. Everyone else noticing this?


v4.5.39 DX64

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No , did high poly retopo several times.


300 poly to 12k poly retopo and feels and works the same.



Lately i had to boost my case turbines and fans due to heat coming up (summer is hot in Greece lol).



Check your temps issue may be there as well.

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I'm still getting a very frustrating situation where I try to add a model 'On Brush' and it's offset from the centre of the brush. The semi-transparent brush cursor is also huge compared to the primitive model and makes the whole process laggier than it needs to be. It makes accurately adding models to surfaces useless without spending an age tweaking the offset. The Pose tool is also broken and all I can get it to draw is a tiny square regardless of which method (Line, Ring, etc) I choose. Anyone else having these issues?


Win7 64

3DC 4.5.39

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No problems here with on brush.


Pose works too.


For your problems , on brush please check your pivot (pivot of the imported geometry , test it on an external app , max maya etc)


For pose check your scale.

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I'm just using the base primitives that ship with 3DC. I'll try uninstalling and reinstalling.


Edit: Okay, it looks like the primitive is centred but I wasn't flattening the brush depth. However, the placement seems odd, where the model doesn't apply at a tangent to the surface, or you have to be very picky about where you position the camera (and I mean very picky). I'm sure it used to be much easier than this, but I may be wrong. The transparent Alpha cursor is massive, though. Is it even necessary to have that visible while applying models?

Edited by Tarby
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I'm just using the base primitives that ship with 3DC. I'll try uninstalling and reinstalling.

Edit: Okay, it looks like the primitive is centred but I wasn't flattening the brush depth. However, the placement seems odd, where the model doesn't apply at a tangent to the surface, or you have to be very picky about where you position the camera (and I mean very picky). I'm sure it used to be much easier than this, but I may be wrong. The transparent Alpha cursor is massive, though. Is it even necessary to have that visible while applying models?

Did you try adjusting the settings in the Tool Options panel? There are a lot of settings there which will help you orient the model's rotation, offset, etc. for "On Brush". Also you can turn off view of the brush alpha in the User Preferences. Not sure if you tried all of that already or not, but I thought I'd mention it just in case...
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In regards to this placing on brush issue, it was mentioned on the forums before (No idea where, sorry), I know this because I chimed in as it was affecting me too. I do remember it not affecting others who tried to re-create it, and tinkering with my brush settings didn't alleviate the issue.


The only redeeming thing I do remember, is that starting a new project with a different mesh did not have any issues with the "On brush" feature. So, it was something in our work files, or something we'd done along the way that had caused it, but starting a new project with the exact same settings seemed to "fix" it.

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Sculpt Room: I'm Drawing and Extruding onto both surfaces and voxels using completely circular brushes, and the results are oval/stretched. The brushes are being drawn onto smooth surfaces, one of which has little if any curvature on the area I'm drawing on (although there is a rise close by), while the other has a bit of convex curvature and is fairly close to an edge. Or is there any way to tell a brush to sample the normals over a tighter/smaller area?


Win7 64


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Thank you very much for the support.


Both links refer to 39 version in the first page of this thread.


I downloaded from here http://3dcoat.com/files/3d-Coat-V4_5-40-64.exe



1) Issue with paint and projection solved , much appreciated.

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Can someone please verify that AO is working?

I bake AO from Paint --> Textures --> Calculate Occlution and allthough it does calculates it , it gives up nothing as a result.




Did some tests , Sphere mode  is working , semisphere has the issue on my side.

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23 minutes ago, Michaelgdrs said:

Can someone please verify that AO is working?

I bake AO from Paint --> Textures --> Calculate Occlution and allthough it does calculates it , it gives up nothing as a result.




Did some tests , Sphere mode  is working , semisphere has the issue on my side.

It should work fine.
Please more information:
1. Version 3D Coat
2. The resolution textures
3. Model graphics card
4. Operating system

Since version 3D Coat 4.5.38, AO calculated entirely on the GPU using shaders, no choice between OpenCL and GPU.

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