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Юзаю 32 бинтную без cuda с /3gb

Репорт ниразу не получилось сделать, просто закрывается после долгих раздумий.

Вобщем ситуация возникновения бага приблизительно следующая: создаю несколько объектов разной плотности сетки (ну это нормальное состояние для любой модели) и когда использую toothpaste, начиная строку на 1 объекте и продлевая дальше по поверхности другого происходит этот креш гдето в 1 случае из 10. Особенно если конец кисти "проваливается" между объектами далеко от исходной точки, сильно вытянувшись. С muscule tool и snake такого не происходит.

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There are three different muscle types you can select in top menue...second one is what you want...

Thanks, I will have a look! :)

"Rasp-file tool done. It looks closely to 2D-paint nut acts as rasp-file. Inverse action - filling holes under plane."

about 9 hours ago from TweetDeck...

Andrew would it be possible to give us a preview of the new tools/functions you create (like rasp tool) by taking a screenshot and posting it here. :)

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Юзаю 32 бинтную без cuda с /3gb

Репорт ниразу не получилось сделать, просто закрывается после долгих раздумий.

Вобщем ситуация возникновения бага приблизительно следующая: создаю несколько объектов разной плотности сетки (ну это нормальное состояние для любой модели) и когда использую toothpaste, начиная строку на 1 объекте и продлевая дальше по поверхности другого происходит этот креш гдето в 1 случае из 10. Особенно если конец кисти "проваливается" между объектами далеко от исходной точки, сильно вытянувшись. С muscule tool и snake такого не происходит.

Это другое дело :)

Щас найду и пофикшу.

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Oh wow I didn't realize that tool's name is rasp-file, I thought it was just Rasp until I checked my Twitter feed. I don't think that works at all. It sounds like it does something with the .3B file or something and I think would be confusing. Perhaps Sliver or Slice?

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Maybe Vox Plane would be a more appropriate Name, A Rasp is a course Grating file that would not create a smooth surface like that.

True of course! But in 3DC it is all dependent upon your pen alpha, so you could have a rough surface or smooth.

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Also with that tool the abillity to align the Axis plane to a flat point on the surface of the sculpt would make a lot of sense, No? I dont know if that is possible?

Or if you could use it with the curve tool. You could do some very complex hard surface carving that way, by first drawing the curve on/around the object, and instead of adding or subtracting it with other brushes, this one flattens, perpendicular to the surface.

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All the muscle tool variations (M1, M2 and tendon) can not adhere to the surface fully, especially if the surface has high curvature, like a sphere... I tried with full to zero levels of smoothing and smoothing speed, the result is always the same. The muscles sink into the surface after a certain length. Only really short muscle strokes can adapt to the curvature of a surface...


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  • Advanced Member

All the muscle tool variations (M1, M2 and tendon) can not adhere to the surface fully, especially if the surface has high curvature, like a sphere... I tried with full to zero levels of smoothing and smoothing speed, the result is always the same. The muscles sink into the surface after a certain length. Only really short muscle strokes can adapt to the curvature of a surface...



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All the muscle tool variations (M1, M2 and tendon) can not adhere to the surface fully, especially if the surface has high curvature, like a sphere... I tried with full to zero levels of smoothing and smoothing speed, the result is always the same. The muscles sink into the surface after a certain length. Only really short muscle strokes can adapt to the curvature of a surface...



Your answer lies here:


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Updated to 3.1.03 (Linux build - tomorrow)


- Rasp-file tool done. It looks closely to 2D-paint nut acts as rasp-file. Inverse action - filling holes under plane. It is extremely useful for hard surface modeling and jewelry. In rasp-file tool you also will be able to cut off voxels with rectangle not through all object but with back plane limitation. Rasp-file tool will respect all combinations - pen/rectangle, positive negative. Nigative rasp-file will produce very interesting results.

- Muscles will be thicker in inner direction if muscle is about to be too thin. It will prevent muscles to be too thin.

- Stick to ground checker in Muscle tool

- Two new checkers in Spikes tool - "Dive into surface" and "Fit object only once" to be able to fit mesh only once along the snake.

- Button About->Check for updates will actually work as it should.

- fixed: incorrect display of symmetry plane in voxel tools after merging external object in scene.

- Problem with Cloth tool <-> Retopo workflow solved. Problems appeared after I made possibility to preserve scale of the merged model.

- New button in merge tool - Make mesh closed. It is important if you want to merge unclosed mesh.

- Old, forgotted welding of vertices during OBJ import removed. It will help to preserve amount of vertices while OBJ import/export

- Selected volume will be visible much better in VoxTree

- Opposite point with symmetry enabled will be displayed correctly in voxel sculpting mode even if object is transformed.

ps: Rasp-file tool will be renamed. Best suggestion will be taken as new name. I called it Rasp file only because I used vocabulary :) I mean this:


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