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Hi, i'm a french hobbyist 3d modeler currently in formation for a future career in the 3D film industry. i am a retro graphics enthusiast and mainly do work resembling these eras (ps1,Ds) but i also enjoy doing realistic.


I havent explored all the features of 3Dcoat yet, but it keeps suprising me on how handy it can be for the job. 

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  • 5 weeks later...
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Hi! I've had 3d-coat since last Christmas deal but now finally getting down and trying to learn it. I'm also subscribing to the Unreal Engine 4 development, so I'm hoping to make nice game assets with 3d-coat :)


Quick question since I'm here, some parameters you can use a slider to change the value, others you can only input through keyboard, or am I missing something? Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi ! I'm Nir from Holon (Just south of Tel Aviv)  ISRAEL ,  Almost 48 , Married + 2 kids.  I am a professional architectural visualizer.

Although I have heard the name 3D COAT before - I alway thought it was a 3ds max plugin until by chance I discovered it was an amazing Sculpting tool. In the last 10 days I have been watching almost every 3D-Coat video on YouTube.

I am struggling with some issues (mainly exporting textures + many bugs crashing it) but once I resolve them (hopefully with your help) I am buying it since it will be  amjor workflow enhancement.




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Hello, again...sort of. :unsure:


I originally joined here in 2009 and started learning 3D coat v3 but due to a load of other issues I've been away from 3D graphics for a few years. Im back now though so thought Id say hello to everyone. :hi:

From looking at the posts and updates I have a lot to catch up on and re-learn.


I assume the best place to start is still the "From Scratch" series of video tuts?

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Thank you and thanks also for the link carlosan, they will keep me occupied for many hours to come :D

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Hi all,

Just checking in, I'm from Minnesota, USA. I work as a jeweler. Been playing with Rhino for several years now. Also had a brief affair with Sculptris, kind of a love/hate deal there.


Anyway, recently had reason to look into 3D-Coat and liked what I saw, so I am here running with the 30-day trial. Wish me luck!




PS - tried to upload an avatar, apparently a no-no. Maybe tomorrow

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Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Sergey Molchanovsky, I live in Tver' (a town near Moscow), just graduated from Technical University with honors and Master's degree in Informational and Computing Technologies. Now I'm searching for a new job or freelance. My previous job was a creating military objects in 3ds Max for a tank simulator, and it was damn boring. I'd like to make funny characters and vivid landscapes for games or movies.

I go to dance battles at leisure time. I dance popping and locking styles well, and even teach children.

I've selected 3d-Coat, cuz it has more convenient user interface, painting toolkit, voxels and live clay, compared to ZBrush.

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Welcome to the forums Sergey. I lived in St. Petersburg, Russia for a year (1992-1993) as an exchange student. It was a great experience!

3D-Coat is a very nice tool, I hope you will enjoy using it as much as I do!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hey guys, I'm Red Rogers (Rkhane), from California/USA. I have been a computer graphic artist forever and a day, I always wanted to make miniature/board games. Got into 3d with Sculptris late 2010, eventually needed ways to edit, cut and piece together my models for 3d printing, tried the demo of 3d Coat in early 2013, glorious, bought it a year ago and am now moving more and more from Sculptris to 3d Coat to create my work from the ground up, paint it, display it and render it.

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Hey guys, I'm Red Rogers (Rkhane), from California/USA. I have been a computer graphic artist forever and a day, I always wanted to make miniature/board games. Got into 3d with Sculptris late 2010, eventually needed ways to edit, cut and piece together my models for 3d printing, tried the demo of 3d Coat in early 2013, glorious, bought it a year ago and am now moving more and more from Sculptris to 3d Coat to create my work from the ground up, paint it, display it and render it.


Like Malo said, Hello and welcome!  Feel free to ask if you have any questions.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Greetings, all...


I kept on hearing about this program from the good folks at the 3dPrintingToday podcast and downloaded the trial. The 30 days have come and gone; getting the real deal was a no-brainer decision for my adventures in 3d printing. Lots to relearn, but fun.


Nice to see a good community to help me find my way...many dumb questions may be forthcoming.

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No question is a dumb question :)


Ha, ha!  Just wait & see...


This is such a feature-rich program that I suffer momentary brain freezes, but I shall maintain.  The online tutorials and this forum are a great help...I'll do more digging before I betray my ignorance.  It doesn't help that I'm running it on a laptop with 8GB of RAM; a few hiccups have occurred.


Going back and reviewing the new user introductions, I was pleased to see so many Amiga folk.  Turbo Silver on the A1000; patience is a virtue!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi all! I'm Umberto, i'm a computer consultant/programmer for a living but a caver, photographer, 3d modeler and vfx addicted for hobby. I'm from Italy and just grasped a 3D-Coat license with the ltest Black Friday discount. I'm very excited in using 3DC and trying to acclimate myself with the interface. Cheers!

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Longtime LightWave user here!  LW forum members will recognize my overuse of formatting controls.


My first couple noobie questions!!:


  1. How does one turn off the IMAGES in the buttons?  In the "Rat From Scratch" tutorial videos I note the UI has a blessed lack of images (like LW) in the buttons, making for a compact UI.  I'd prefer that.
  2. Is there a compiled document for 3dCoat hotkeys?  That'd be immensely helpful.



Thanks and I gotta say, the power apparent in this application is amazing, and I've heard nothing but good reports from other users about the responsiveness and innovation of the producer.  Very much looking forward to using 3dCoat!




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Hey Jeric! Long time no see and glad to have you here. :) I haven't been on the LW forums in a long, long time.



Anyway, to answer your questions:


  1. On the top left of the left tool panel, there is a small icon that toggles between the different iconic/texual looks.
  2. There is, but it is old and pretty outdated, but some of it still applies. It's near the back of the manual. For what it's worth, I'm working on the new documentation, and that is on my docket. :) (Shant be long now before it's released)
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My name is Bob James. I work for Spaceport Systems International at Vandenberg AFB, CA. My modeling program is SketchUp Pro and my rendering program is Solid Iris Thearender. I've purchased 3D-Coat because, as I understand it, Solid Iris and 3D-Coat are in the process of reaching an agreement on an app-link between the two programs and I need all the help I can get to generate realistic materials.

My modeling is almost exclusively creating new or modified spacecraft processing and launch facilities and associated equipment.

I've been using SU for 7 years and Thea for 5-years.

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Hi.  My name is Tim.  I live north of Toronto in Ontario Canada.  I've been involved with 3d modelling for about 5 years.  I "have some experience with XSI, but mostly with Daz3d, Poser, Hexagon, Carrara and Vue.  I have certainly discovered that there is no single solution, but I am hoping that I am wrong and that 3D-Coat will become that for me.


I have only very recently purchased the software and I am taking my time with the tutorials.  I'm finding that I don't have a frame of reference for 3D-Coat just yet.  Everything I have done has been from polygon modelling and I am trying to start from there.


I have tried importing an object to try to smooth it using 3D-Coat, but I'm having trouble with some of the tools.  I would love any suggestions on which tutorials might make my transition smoother.


Here is a sample of what I am fighting with.  This hull came from Hexagon, exported into Daz3d.  From Daz3d it was exported as a Collada file which I then imported as a mesh into 3D-Coat.  I have added resolution, but not been able to smooth.  I "painted" with the smooth option on, but I didn't see it doing anything.








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Hi.  My name is Tim.  I live north of Toronto in Ontario Canada.  I've been involved with 3d modelling for about 5 years.  I "have some experience with XSI, but mostly with Daz3d, Poser, Hexagon, Carrara and Vue.  I have certainly discovered that there is no single solution, but I am hoping that I am wrong and that 3D-Coat will become that for me.


I have only very recently purchased the software and I am taking my time with the tutorials.  I'm finding that I don't have a frame of reference for 3D-Coat just yet.  Everything I have done has been from polygon modelling and I am trying to start from there.


I have tried importing an object to try to smooth it using 3D-Coat, but I'm having trouble with some of the tools.  I would love any suggestions on which tutorials might make my transition smoother.


Here is a sample of what I am fighting with.  This hull came from Hexagon, exported into Daz3d.  From Daz3d it was exported as a Collada file which I then imported as a mesh into 3D-Coat.  I have added resolution, but not been able to smooth.  I "painted" with the smooth option on, but I didn't see it doing anything.



There is a SUBDIVIDE button in the IMPORT (used to be called the MERGE tool) tool's Tool Options panel. When bringing the model in, you may want to subdivide it in your host 3D App or in 3D Coat's Tool Options panel. Just as with any 3D app, before you subdivide, you want to add some extra geometry/edge loops in areas you want to preserve the shape/detail.

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My name is Bob James. I work for Spaceport Systems International at Vandenberg AFB, CA. My modeling program is SketchUp Pro and my rendering program is Solid Iris Thearender. I've purchased 3D-Coat because, as I understand it, Solid Iris and 3D-Coat are in the process of reaching an agreement on an app-link between the two programs and I need all the help I can get to generate realistic materials.

My modeling is almost exclusively creating new or modified spacecraft processing and launch facilities and associated equipment.

I've been using SU for 7 years and Thea for 5-years.

Welcome aboard, Bob. I use Thea as well, and I don't know if an Applink is indeed in the works or not. Andrew typically contracts someone to prepare and maintain the Applink. So, I think someone like Nigec over on the Thea forums would be such a go-between. He asked about 3D Coat's SDK, so we'll see. I'll ask Andrew about this and maybe we see if Nigec is involved or not. I hope so. A Thea Applink would = ZBrush's Keyshot bridge. It's the most inexpensive GPU/CPU render in it's class (competing with Octane, Arion, Redshift, Furryball, etc.), and would be a great rendering option for 3D Coat users.

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