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The rapid2 brush has been over time the biggest offender of creating tears or black holes. A number of users including myself have report the same problem Artman talks about with the rapid2 brush.


Do you mean a setting we would adjust (detail setting) if we wanted Tsmooth to decimate the surface and smooth at the same time.

I know I would not want an automatic decimate for the Tsmooth brush. The way relaxation works now is very good for getting rid of stretched areas and poles without decimation. Great for relaxing the mesh after you use the pinch tool without remove stretching enabled on each side of a pinched ridge.

+1 on the e-panel splines to be used for decimation as well.

Filling and adding as a new setting in the drop down list for Tsmooth, since we have no LC fill brush this is a good suggestion..

I sure have been enjoying testing the new features out. The ability to smooth or relax the mesh using the Tsmooth brush with the new routines and under the Cleanclay brush to average your mesh is a tremendous step forward... :D

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The rapid2 brush has been over time the biggest offender of creating tears or black holes. A number of users including myself have report the same problem Artman talks about with the rapid2 brush.


Do you mean a setting we would adjust (detail setting) if we wanted Tsmooth to decimate the surface and smooth at the same time.

I know I would not want an automatic decimate for the Tsmooth brush. The way relaxation works now is very good for getting rid of stretched areas and poles without decimation. Great for relaxing the mesh after you use the pinch tool without remove stretching enabled on each side of a pinched ridge.

you would just need to set decimation to zero (for example) to use it without decimation....

TS smooth has very different powerful flattening effects on surface depending on the resolution, I use it for all my hardsurface work,

having built in decimation in it is essential to me as I always need to decimate surface to a specific level prior to using it.

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Here is a black hole made by sculptingwith Rapid2 brush with remove stretching on for just 2 minutes.

That looks exactly like the holes I was seeing when using Crease Clay, then Pinch. In fact it's repeatable. I did that to the cheek bone of the voxel head included in V4 and it's happened several times in the same spot.

I had to try a few times this time but it did appear albeit small and only one, I had a couple of them around that spot last time.


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Hi guys!

thanks for starting using mantis to repport bugs and surely I will tackle them all, forgive me my absence from the forum, I'm just struggling with an algorithm implementation that is a bit tricky so cannot be done is few days like most of the tools you are used to ;) as soon as I move forward from this, I will review all requests! Also Andrew is coming back soon


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  • Applink Developer

Hi farsthary ! I have a question. Now there is these 3 modes in shift mode. (reduce, detalize, detalize more) but could it be good idea to combine these into

one action. Detail parameter <1 would reduce and >1 would detalize the surface?

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Hi Thanks to all :)

yes, this tool will be the foundation of a another major tool and very powerful too, things can just get better from now on.

I will first take a breath and focus on some mantis bug reports and few user requests :)


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Hi Thanks to all :)

yes, this tool will be the foundation of a another major tool and very powerful too, things can just get better from now on.

I will first take a breath and focus on some mantis bug reports and few user requests :)


Hey Raul, can you get Andrew to use those Shader thumbnails you used in that video? Much nicer looking that the current. No other app has a floor/plane beneath the shader balls. Looks a bit on the tacky side, currently.
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Hey Raul, can you get Andrew to use those Shader thumbnails you used in that video? Much nicer looking that the current. No other app has a floor/plane beneath the shader balls. Looks a bit on the tacky side, currently.

I would even ditch the black background as black background change visual tones as a preview. The neutral grey background of the ui would be nicer (as in "transparent").

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@Bridge tool:

I've already commented it at your blog site: This tool would became really powerful when it would follow a path.

Means: I mark the source area, I mark the target area and then I draw a line into the space and the bridge tool follows my path then. THIS ist real bridge tool power. :)

But to have a direct bridge tool is nice too.

Best wishes


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@Taros Wouldn't you just use Curves for that?

Absolutely. No need to re-invent the wheel. However, one thing I've asked Andrew for repeatedly, is the ability to dial up or down number of instances (repeated) along a curve. I've tried every way I can think of...just trying to do cloth seams with the curves tool. Also, if you use the Curves tool to apply Brush strokes, you CANNOT see the result when you hit ENTER. You have to exit the tool just to preview the result. Both of these issues make the Curves tool just too much of a PITA to work with many times, and I end up having to try a different method.
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I think is very possible to implement that in the future, It will not be significantly harder and can be added on top of current code, because, and this is what an artist cannot see, this tool required a significant research work and some powerful algorithm that makes the "curved guide" bridge, just a variant, a particular case, of the general code achieved here ;)

Meanwhile posing tools can be used to change the curvature of the bridge, not to mention Move and other sculpting tools :)

thanks for the suggestion and cheers

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Good to see you testing out the brushes more thoroughly! I recommend that you also try sculpting in Zbrush for a while. Compare. A really great brush in Zbrush is the Clay-Buildup brush. If we had a brush like that in 3D-Coat, I would be very happy!

Right now the closest brush to that is the Mud2 brush with no noise, similar, but it isn't quite the same...

Thank you so much for all the great work you have done so far!

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I think is very possible to implement that in the future, It will not be significantly harder and can be added on top of current code, because, and this is what an artist cannot see, this tool required a significant research work and some powerful algorithm that makes the "curved guide" bridge, just a variant, a particular case, of the general code achieved here ;)

Meanwhile posing tools can be used to change the curvature of the bridge, not to mention Move and other sculpting tools :)

thanks for the suggestion and cheers

Great. I am shure it was not that easy to implement the basic routine. I didn't wanted to debase your work for the new function.

@Phil: Of course the curve tools would be perfect, The possibility to rotate the individual curve joints would extends the the function extremely too...


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  • Reputable Contributor

Hi guys!

Solved a very annoying bug, some random black spots or "fake holes" that appear sometimes after long sculpting session in LC

Nice. That's probably the best way to root them ugly suckers out...take some time each day or week, to work in the app to see for yourself where these things pop up and some of the inefficiencies/bottlenecks in the app. I would like to use LiveClay more, but I generally try to avoid it as much as possible, because of all the problems encountered with it.
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Hi guys!

Solved a very annoying bug, some random black spots or "fake holes" that appear sometimes after long sculpting session in LC


Brushing on those creates spikes/explosions right ? If you get them (if you still can get them) and try to merge back to voxels you get the artefacts !

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