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@Jax_Cavalera: What you are describing is currently possible with the Pose tool (now available within both voxel and surface modes). Take note of the different Pose tool modes (line, select with pen, select object), and also the "use free form" checkbox. All of these modes can be used simultaneously with the various selection modes in the E panel. Also take note of the "ignore back faces" check box inside of the E panel. Combinations of these modes give you powerful control.


Here is a helpful video (by AbnRanger) about the Pose tool and how to use it effectively:



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Oh, Thanks Timmy.


I thought that the pose tool was 3D Coat's alternative method of pre-testing animation stills without having to rig your character up yet.  Didn't realise that the changes it made were able to be set as permanent... ahh that would really help to get a character into the T-Pose 

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The Pose tool can (and should) be used as a sculpting tool in addition to simply "posing" a character mesh. If you play with it enough you can see how amazing and useful it really is!


I think the name "Pose tool" isn't really accurate in describing it's multiple uses. Abnranger more accurately describes it as a "Swiss army knife".

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Very impressive. A little magic! 

However, I wonder. How useful this tool really is? 

It isn't for foliage, hey Tony. You need separated leaves, not joined to a single mesh. 

Seriously, I'm trying hard to imagine a workflow based on this amazing tool. Cloning a whole hand? A nose or an eye, creating some monster? In such cases, booleans is the best way to go IMO. 

A gismo, adding elements from a library... etc etc . We have it already. 


Better have such assets separated and clone them (instancing) in your favorite massive 3d app - renderer. 

Zbrush offers something similar. "insert brushes". It is a much more sophisticated method though. Because it is based on their multires sculpting - baking workflow. Quite different. 

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You can actually clone without merging, like instancing or scattering across the surface (I will add random orientation and stuffs) so still work for foliage.

Perhaps if you want an exact copy of hands, etc, booleans will do the job better, but cloning fish or dragon scales for example, may be better with this. This tools introduces cloning with slight variations, deformation so is not aimed at perfect symmetry  Look at Meshmixer, is currently a subset of its main feature but eventually it will get there.

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Merge on pen is similar but this tool is more like 2D photoshop but in 3D, no need to clone entire objects, just parts you're interested in.

Also the merging is more organic instead of the hard merging of booleans.


This supports also arbitrary topology, for example, mesh with holes wich merge on pen does not support. though it will adopt the merge on pen interface eventually. I was showing only a first test, UI/workflow is not reaady yet.

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Very useful feature. Seems similar to what meshmixer does. Thanks for implementing it.

btw. Farsthary is there any chances for unification of  surface brushes with LC brushes?  I find it to be quite important to have one set of brushes that would work with or without dynamic tessellation. Right now my favorite surface brushes (rapid1 and 2, buildup etc.) are not allowing to tessellate geometry in 'live mode'. 'remove stretching' in not  the same as realtime tessellation. Some global checkbox for all brushes Enable/Disable tessellation would be awesome.

Edited by JoseConseco
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Thanks for repplys to all!


@Carlosan. Probably yes in a derivative tool, because current is more like a clone stamp tool like photoshop clone but apply to 3D :P

@JoseConseco: hmm, I will look to it, those tools where code before LC and they don't have a unified structure but adding dynamic tessellation for them should be possible too.


Added to my todo list :)

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Nice tools that you are adding Farsthary! They will all be useful at some time when I am working.


Unfortunately we are still having some problems with mesh explosions and undesired mesh holes. The problems (and some solutions) are described in this interesting thread here on the forum:




Thank you for your time and commitment to creating such a great product!

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  • 1 month later...



Long time without posting! I’m doing a lot of maintenance and polishing work so, while is important for 3DCoat internals it seems to me not very interesting for public announcements since most of the things are technical related to 3Dcoat only XD

There’s a famous 80-20 rule (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_principle) that says that most of the time you will spend dealing with things that can be considered “the confetti” on the code…and boy that’s so true!

Most of my time spent this month is sunk in final implementation on features I quickly drafted and implemented overnigth!

Stay tunned


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