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V4.1 BETA (experimental 4.1.17D)

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Thanks Andrew,

it seems to me though that RMB isn't an ideal choice for the Menu. It works with a mouse but I can't hold my

Pen quiet enough to trigger the menu (I only get the Pen resize function offered here). Offering free remapping probably

made sense. Also some sort of a collapsing mechanism for the context menu might make sense, it's damn large and contains

quite a few entries which not everyone needs regularly.

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Протестил pose. Отлично. Кручу верчу, туда сюда!!Все отлично пока. Спасибо, Андрей!!

С меню-отличная задумка!!!И  пипетки крутые)Отличный билд!


Это то что должен делать pose tool!!!Да да да!!! B)  этот pose в разы удобнее и интуитивнее того что был, этот pose, для меня, утер аналог в ZB.  отлично!!!


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Ty Andrew



Some entries which not everyone needs regularly -from my point of view-

i vote to remove this ones






Save Volume to 3B

Save volume with subtree as 3B file

Merge 3B file

Edit shader settings



After some time I will do items collapsable. It will solve problem.
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After some time I will do items collapsable. It will solve problem.

Good and thanks. I have used both Save Volume to 3B and Save volume with subtree as 3B file recently to enable working on parts of a complex scene that overtaxes my RAM.

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Maybe I understood this issue in not right way. Could be good to get short video.

ps: Of course stamp applied, but but it should not trigger anything wrong.


stamp should only be aplied 1 time on drag release.

Currently its applied tons of times while dragging...like a brush stroke.

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Some entries which not everyone needs regularly -from my point of view-

i vote to remove this ones



Save Volume to 3B

Save volume with subtree as 3B file

I use those 2 exhaustively... please do not remove,,,



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Updated to 15B

- better compatibility with tablet's RMB - it is easy to distinguish RMB click over object and pen params variation.

- stamp problem solved

- merge tool problem with multiple objects solved

- FolderDialog command in script to choose foldeer



Can this new RMB feature be disabled somewhere or be assigned to a custom key?...Its really cool and useful feature but  it keeps

popping out whenever I try to zoom in/out of model (I never hold alt when I work)..its super annoying because now I need to have my finger constantly on Alt button while before I could zoom in/out while pen was over model without need to hold alt,also sometimes it pops when I try to resize brush radius...it makes it very difficult to sculpt with this...please make it optional in preferences or navigation settings.




Edit:Been using it for only 20 minutes and I already accidentally cloned my volume 5 times,and involuntarily tried to detect/close holes multiple times.... :rofl:

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Updated to 15B

- better compatibility with tablet's RMB - it is easy to distinguish RMB click over object and pen params variation.

- stamp problem solved

- merge tool problem with multiple objects solved

- FolderDialog command in script to choose foldeer


Thanks Andrew! I like the new menu, but as Christian says:


Can this new RMB feature be disabled somewhere or be assigned to a custom key?...Its really cool and useful feature but  it keeps

popping out whenever I try to zoom in/out of model (I never hold alt when I work)..its super annoying because now I need to have my finger constantly on Alt button while before I could zoom in/out while pen was over model without need to hold alt,also sometimes it pops when I try to resize brush radius...it makes it very difficult to sculpt with this...please make it optional in preferences or navigation settings.





It's definitely getting in the way of things. It would be good to have a way to assign it to a key somehow, and not hardcode it to RMB. It's hard to navigate now.



Anyway, off topic, but... It is obvious you are safe or you wouldn't be posting software updates amid the chaos, but I just want to say, stay safe and I hope things calm down.

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Updated to 15B

- better compatibility with tablet's RMB - it is easy to distinguish RMB click over object and pen params variation.

- stamp problem solved

- merge tool problem with multiple objects solved

- FolderDialog command in script to choose foldeer

The RMB option is a great feature for me!! It would be nice if options for "select volume", and "assign shader" were added to the RMB menu... or is there another easy way to do these things without navigating the VoxTree?

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Would it be possible to integrate an option to deactivate the new right-click menu? Or is this already possible? If so, how?


This feature really interferes with the viewport brush radius/ intensity when using a Wacom (also in 4.0.15B).

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Thank for making the UI more robust,Andrew, this is a point that might be improved on 3d coat, i will wait before to update, currently I am on 4.013A that is the most stable version to work with.


1.I also noticed another problem with my wacom, at some point 3dcoat switch from the native wacom driver to the stylus and tablet provides by window.

it make the pan navigation, unable to work, i have to switch on any other app, like Chrome, and then come back on 3dcoat so the pan is enable again.


2.Another problem with the viewport and tha tablet, is about the two icon on the top of the viewport , to PAN and rotate, it acts exactly as light wave modeler, when you have the input device set to mouse, and you are using the tablet with the naviguation icon on the top right corner of the viewport.


3. can you update the steam version , because the steam_api.dll is missing and steam work is enable to link the app to the community hub, steam is a very nice place with a lot of game developers, it would be great to maintain an activity and posting some guide and video and some better screen capture, that do not give an good feedback of the app, with the noob work that are displayed on the hub.



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Updated to 4.0.15C

- RMB tuned a bit to avoid random appearance. Hot key may be assigned in Windows->Popups->Trigger volume properties window

RMB feature may be turned off in preferences at all.

- Scripts may operate with Objects/Materials, arrays in UI got indexing (Ligths list, points in splines points table).

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After upgrade... all the layers -in old proyects- were renamed to ROOT




cant be renamed in Voxtree




if i press RMB over the model part and apply RENAME... the names are ok




... arrays in UI got indexing (Ligths list)


Please how do you list light color ? ty

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I have same issue as Carlosan where all volume layer names are renamed ROOT.


Also about preferences option to turn off RMB properties:

I would like to disable new RMB properties ON MESH .....not in the whole program, :)

(btw with new changes accidental pop up happens much less,I dont know how you did it but it works great but I still want to disable

On mesh feature as I dont use voxtree properties tons of times when I work,just using it from voxtree is enough for me.)


What I would like though is that Picking/pick tool would open closed voxtree branches when selecting a children...that would be very cool.

Would that be hard to implement?


also there seem to be some other serious issue with this build I get weird grid artifact when trying to sculpt.

(could it be related to .xml files ??.should we do a clean instal?)


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Thanks Andrew.

ui element check to get array size

 How to use it? There's no entry on it in the scripting manual (except of materials and objects).

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