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V4.1 BETA (experimental 4.1.17D)

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Thanks! Crash fixed, but I still can't reproduce 1 and 2. If you have idea when it happens - please tell. Maybe it is brush dependent?

I will investigate further to find good way to reproduce.

I dont understand how it would have anything to do with brushes ,its just shader editing.Anyway,I will pay attention to brush selected.

Maybe it has to do from editing copies of copies of shaders...I use only Lamblight and Cook-Torrance shaders.


suggestions about shaders/texturing ect...


If one day we could bake the specularity/rougness of Cook-Torance voxel  to map it would be very powerful (like DDO and SubstanceDesigner)

This is really the direction texturing apps are going nowadays.

Right now 3DCoat bakes a global spec value,it would great if it could bake raytraced projection of maps neccesary to acheive same specularity in paintroom than shader display in voxel room .

Also roughness (gloss map) is missing in 3Dcoat...its very important map channel .Specular map without Gloss map is very difficult to get a lot of material properties as most game engines use those 2 maps together to recreate nice physical apparence of materials.

To be able to bake Lamblight/Cook-Torrance to maps would be very powerful feature because they can pretty much replicatte any material properties (metals,skins,leather ect..) Also to be able to load curvature maps inside Fill tools to mask out the filling would be awesome. Also,Fill tool is missing loading image file for specular channel...its there in Material tool it should be there in Fill tool too.

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I agree with everything Artman says, I also use 3d-coat a lot for game models and those would be fantastic features! Also, because of the game modeling that I do, would it be possible to export the specular map to the alpha channel of the diffuse texture? The game engine that I use (Unity) doesn't support the use of specular alphas in anything but your main diffuse texture. Although it isn't too hard to fix that in photoshop, it would be fantastic if it could be exported in that fashion from the get go! Thanks for all the hard work Andrew!

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I understand where you are going on this, but when we have 3 toggle buttons at the top (Depth, Color, Spec), I think that adds to the confusion.  Perhaps add buttons for the others?  That way we can turn on and off various combinations.  Also, when exporting models and/or baking them, those separate maps exports should be there, as well...unless I'm mistaken.


Nice work on the many updates, as of late, by the way.

Edited by alvordr
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Thank you and I do see that now, about the spec map being gloss, in fact I've been using it in this way the whole time haha.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

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I will change it in future when there will be possibility to paint all channels simultaneously (color+depth+gloss+col spec+emiss)

Andrew, this sounds very promising, but would it be possible to add support for custom channels as well?

I'm thinking any number of user-customisable channels (be it colour based or grayscale) that could be painted simultaneously with other channels and would export as separate maps. They don't need to affect 3D Coat rendering in any way.


Or if it's not possible for some reason or if you think it's not a good idea, could you at least let us mark which layers are to be treated as custom channels, so they could be automatically written to their own files on File->Export model command without having to fiddle with visibility of layers and exporting them manually one-by-one?

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Thank you Andrew for adding hiding a frozen area. :drinks:


A suggestion for further development would be to add a Un-hide the frozen selection feature in the Freeze menu which will  keep the frozen selection intact as well.


Right now you have to switch to the "SurfHide" tool to un-hide the frozen selection but it also removes the frozen selection...

Edited by digman
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0000702: Create custom channel - by Pixo


I saw that many peoples ask for many channels Glow, incandescence etc
It would be much better to let the peoples define they own channels with the way of mix it .
Mixing different channels is almost always basic mathematic operation.
In the worse case peoples will ask for different way to mix them.

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Looks like DX CUDA is missing in the x64 package for 17A.

Yeah, it was created on the 13th whereas the other three 64 bit versions are from the 15th. That's why I couldn't successfully drag a volume to the Splines.

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Im currently vertex painting  a lot on a projecte,and "merge visible" layers merge layers to layer 0,always. Even if layer 0 visibility is off.

I want to merge layers to another layer than 0....


Also,would it be pssible when importing .ply mesh with vertex color info to have color on another layer than 0.

I bake abbient occlusion in meshlab and Im not able to use it (put it in Multiply over other layers) because it stuck on layer 0.

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In 17 and 17A, I keep getting a hard freeze (have to reboot, no cursor movement) when I go to the Render Room.  In 17, it was when I turned on "Real-Time Lighting," but in 17A, it's when I turn on wireframe and then try to turn the model.  Anyone else getting that?

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In 17 and 17A, I keep getting a hard freeze (have to reboot, no cursor movement) when I go to the Render Room.  In 17, it was when I turned on "Real-Time Lighting," but in 17A, it's when I turn on wireframe and then try to turn the model.  Anyone else getting that?


I tried all of this in 17A and had NO problems at all on Windows 8 64bit, GTX 570, 32GB RAM

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In 17 and 17A, I keep getting a hard freeze (have to reboot, no cursor movement) when I go to the Render Room.  In 17, it was when I turned on "Real-Time Lighting," but in 17A, it's when I turn on wireframe and then try to turn the model.  Anyone else getting that?

GL/DX? 32/64?
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I'm attempting to twist a vertice in the Curve tool. I select "Rotate" and following the hint, I hold down the Shift key to twist, drag and nothing happens. Since my spline comes in with the wrong orientation (in spite of being created in the correct orientation) I must rotate it. Any suggestions?


Edited by Tony Nemo
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I'm attempting to twist a vertice in the Curve tool. I select "Rotate" and following the hint, I hold down the Shift key to twist, drag and nothing happens. Since my spline comes in with the wrong orientation (in spite of being created in the correct orientation) I must rotate it. Any suggestions?


I tested and confirm you can not twist the curve by holding down the shift key as the tool tip tells you to do...  Appears to be a bug...

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This would be less of a problem if the spline came in with the same orientation as when it was added to the Spline window. :(


Unfortunately, the curve disappears when you exit the tool in spite of "Apply" or "Enter" used. Happily, it reappears when you reselect the tool which allows saving it for use when the matter is corrected. I don't envy Andrew when chasing a bug might involve creating others where things worked properly before.

Edited by Tony Nemo
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This would be less of a problem if the spline came in with the same orientation as when it was added to the Spline window. :(


Unfortunately, the curve disappears when you exit the tool in spite of "Apply" or "Enter" used. Happily, it reappears when you reselect the tool which allows saving it for use when the matter is corrected. I don't envy Andrew when chasing a bug might involve creating others where things worked properly before.

 I might have somewhat not understood your first question. You can rotate the whole curve using the "Add Rotation" in the curve tool's panel to correct the orientation only twisting the curve does not work...


Also you can select just one control point do a twist function using the same "Add Rotation"



Edited by digman
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17A shows this tool panel:


Oh, and it still disappears when you exit the tool. :wacko:

Ok, I see your problem now, turn off translate brush along curve, that is what's messing it up, I've run into the same problem, what that does is it makes it act like the curve function in the e-panel instead of creating actual geometry, hope that helps!

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

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Bingo and thanks! It begs two questions, one is the function you describe and two, why is it the default?


I will attempt to answer the first question as best I can, but as for the second, unfortunately I can't help you there Tony haha. As for your first question, in the first picture I've uploaded below, you can see just a test curve drawn out with the conform option as well as the Translate brush along curve option. You can also see the brush that I have selected on the side and the options panel beside that where I have enabled spacing. In the second screenshot you can see the results I achieved with those settings where it essentially applied the brush with the options that I set along the curve's profile. In the third screenshot it just gives you a more clear picture of what actually occurred and the results that achieved. This option is mainly useful when you want to change the profile of the stroke, say muscle 2 for instance where it tapers on both ends, but you want to just use a brush in the brushes panel instead of new actual geometry. If I wasn't clear please just send me a pm and I'll try to help as much as I can! Hope that was enough of an answer to help!




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Bingo and thanks! It begs two questions, one is the function you describe and two, why is it the default?

I saw both questions but sometimes it is best just to figure out the functions...  Some selection boxes are context sensitive, by selecting one or the other you revel other settings or hide some...  In all areas of 3DC play around with functions and see how they operate...

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