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V4.1 BETA (experimental 4.1.17D)

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I use 4.0.14A CUDA/DX/64 bit, Windows 7 ...


I'm soryy dear AbnRanger, but my Internet is to worst for sending large files. :cray:

I had some issues with a cached layer recently and sent the file to Andrew. I think he tried to address it somewhat in either 4.014B or C

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Ok, I have two paint room bugs that I've found, if they've been mentioned before I apologize in advance. The first one is that is very easy to test, bring an model into the paint room, use the text tool, and try to use any of the oblique fonts. They get cut off and you don't get to see the end of the last letter. The second one, and I don't know if this happens consistently yet or not, have not yet had the chance to thoroughly test this. If I have a cylindrical type object in the paint room and use the draw with splines tool and have it wrapping at least somewhat past the point at which you can see the nodes of the spline itself (see first image below), and then I hit enter (or click apply in the menu, neither one works), the object is randomly moved off of the screen and I then have to recenter it (see second image). While neither of those are as huge in importance as some of these other bugs, they can get to be annoying. Can anyone else confirm these bugs?


P.S. I have tried this in all of the 4.0.14 versions as well as the 4.0.11 version, just to see if a more legacy version had it working, but none that I've tried do. 




Edited by GeneralAce55
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Ok, I have two paint room bugs that I've found, if they've been mentioned before I apologize in advance. The first one is that is very easy to test, bring an model into the paint room, use the text tool, and try to use any of the oblique fonts. They get cut off and you don't get to see the end of the last letter. The second one, and I don't know if this happens consistently yet or not, have not yet had the chance to thoroughly test this. If I have a cylindrical type object in the paint room and use the draw with splines tool and have it wrapping at least somewhat past the point at which you can see the nodes of the spline itself (see first image below), and then I hit enter (or click apply in the menu, neither one works), the object is randomly moved off of the screen and I then have to recenter it (see second image). While neither of those are as huge in importance as some of these other bugs, they can get to be annoying. Can anyone else confirm these bugs?


P.S. I have tried this in all of the 4.0.14 versions as well as the 4.0.11 version, just to see if a more legacy version had it working, but none that I've tried do. 


attachicon.gifscreenshot of spline bug.jpg

attachicon.gifscreenshot of spline bug2.jpg

Did you posted this issue into mantis? If not please do it. Thank you.

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Thanks Taros and ajz3d, I'll post the oblique text one in mantis if after searching around a bit I don't find it mentioned. Sorry for posting something you've already mentioned ajz3d

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

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Little question.




Is there a way to exclude the child layers on baking?

I dont want to destroy my voxtree hierarchy. But if i dont do it, the correspondence wont works correctly.

Any ideas?


I am on 4.13a is this fixed in newer Versions?





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Now way? This sucks.

There should be an option for Correspondence baking, that only works with names and not with names and children.


Anyway, i have brake up my voxtree in single separate layers.

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I already reported this almost a year ago:



I too, have been experiencing this intermittent, odd spline drawing problem - Particularly the part where from some angles it doesn't draw around the object, but instead draws as if the spline is projected onto the viewable polys of the current view.


This happens only occasionally and from some angles.  The only way to fix it is to undo the bad drawing, erase the spline, quit the tool, rotate the view slightly some where else, and then try again.  This problem has been there for a long time - maybe since 3.5 or at least since the early beta 4 versions.  It's not easy to recreate ALL the time, but in a given painting session it does usually happen once or twice. and it is quite annoying, because you don't notice the mistaken projection painting until you've already done a few more steps and then you have to undo all of those too in order to undo the erroneous bug paint stroke.


Hopefully your mantis will get some traction. :)

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When using line select mode in pose tool if you stop the line before the end of the object, it will not rotate scale or transform any part of the model that was not directly within the line of selection. It is fixed by hitting smooth selection. If you fix that then the new additions are absolutely fantastic!! They increase the effectiveness by 100 times at least in my opinion great job! :D

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

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When using line select mode in pose tool if you stop the line before the end of the object, it will not rotate scale or transform any part of the model that was not directly within the line of selection. It is fixed by hitting smooth selection. If you fix that then the new additions are absolutely fantastic!! They increase the effectiveness by 100 times at least in my opinion great job! :D

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

Try increasing border width in E panel

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Try increasing border width in E panel

I just tried doing this, but even when I set my border width up to 100 it had no effect on the breakage, but whenever I use the smooth selection afterwards it works fine? Is there something else I can try? Thank you for helping me!

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Cant rotate as example below using REGULAR GIZMO


i duno whats im doing wrong, but... in front view the red arrow is set in Z axis...  until i Reset axis and it change to X axis

is this ok ?


This pics happend with and without Adjust transition area ON and OF


The test was done using the default Tube object in voxel mode.






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Cant rotate as example below using REGULAR GIZMO


i duno whats im doing wrong, but... in front view the red arrow is set in Z axis...  until i Reset axis and it change to X axis

is this ok ?


This pics happend with and without Adjust transition area ON and OF


The test was done using the default Tube object in voxel mode.









Is there way to reproduce? I tried to play with cylinder, but it always works as expected.

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Voxel mode

Add primitive Tube


place in Front view


Pose tool


Select with Pen

paint with draw contour

(ignore back faces = off)


Regular gizmo = on


pressing shift... move the gizmo center in X to any object side


rotate in Z




New version installed at work computer


same test, same result





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Такая же проблемка с инструментом


Cant rotate as example below using REGULAR GIZMO


i duno whats im doing wrong, but... in front view the red arrow is set in Z axis...  until i Reset axis and it change to X axis

is this ok ?


This pics happend with and without Adjust transition area ON and OF


The test was done using the default Tube object in voxel mode.










. Артифакты появляются


Edited by schetinind
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Works so far




As far as i see, this problem only occurs if the gradient of the selected area is very sharp.




If you use a normal brush modi in the E panel for selecting, it works fine.

With a rectangle it wont works.

Edited by Malo
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If you use a normal brush modi in the E panel for selecting, it works fine.

With a rectangle it wont works.


Not necessarily.








True Carlosan.

So I suggest an alternative:


Btw the previous one still apply to non beta ;)

In the meantime I'll stick to bumping 3-4+ years old bugs on mantis, if that helps (AHAHAHAHAH).

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Updated to 4.0.15A


- Very important UI improvement. Now you may  press RMB and get properties window 


- Pose problems fixed.

- Strokes in surf mode will be even more uniform and precise. Any bumpness removed that was possible with soft stroke mode. Brushes depth generally normalized to produce adequate result under medium depth values.

- Specular works correctly in clone/smudge for vertexpainting in Paint room.

- A lot of mantis problems solved

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