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3DCoat 4.9 BETA testing thread

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 basically when we paint with Smart material,  it  overwrite the pixels with current material RBG and alpha value?  (with keep gloval color opacity as 100 %)

then it remove the pixel color which already painted,, with current smart material opacity value.. (so smart material do not alpha over (layered) in same layer)

I understand, attach smart material may need to work so... but when I do not attach material, I had thought  smart material will alpha over on painted pixel....

I tried to make stencil material (just for test), but smart material can not do same thing as stencill, (try  with color map opacity, or set mask)

it remove already painted color with the smart material alhpa. on the other hand stencil can paint over (alpha over) . then remain base color (for black part of stencil)

on same layer..  I just hope to know if it is expected behavor or not. (smart material made so, then it can not use as stencil without add another layer)




Edited by tokikake
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22 hours ago, Carlosan said:

24.11.20 4.9.67 (stable)

- fixed particular seams problem - painting over geosphere produces seams in the middle of the big UV-island.

- Just checked it on the default robot, issue is still here

I think it would be better to test if this bug is gone based on this default robot file and not the geodesic sphere or any "big & clean mesh" since the bug seems to occur easily on smallest UV islands and since we have to paint more often heavy UVSets/characters than geometry primitives.

To reproduce and ensure painting/fill works well, please use this default robot file instead of a sphere or any mesh which has perfect/big UVs. If painting on this default robot file works, I think this will be a good sign that bug is gone for good.

Look close to UVs, try painting and filling islands and see how pixels are painted (test on tiny islands). Idealy when you paint/fill an island it would be nice to get back a strong/plain/solid paint under your brush to match what you've painted/filled and no longer leave grey (unpainted) pixels. If UVs overlaps, I personnaly expect to have pixels replicated as many times as I have stacked my coordinates

I feel like this is a hard one to fix, take your time (texturing can still be done in older builds, so it's fine ;))

for those who wants to texture without this issue, use the 4.8.44 here : 


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Yes even though I use 8K textures, and try direct paint in UV/texture editor, if I use default UV it remain place I can not paint the pixel.


Of course I know there is resolution problem,  but at least I expect it need to fill those area as blocky. (so we need adjust mergin)  

I tried many blush tool option (select poligon fill, or lasso etc), problem area can not painted (some non color area remain)

Interesting thing (and it seems improved), when I simply fill material, the problem area now paineted (fill) . but manuall paint (not fill) can not fill some poligons with those tiny (or layered? ) area.



mm,, no, it still remain only some part... (not perfectly fill) (though as for me,, I am not pro vendor so do not care ^^;)


Edited by tokikake
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Hi No one answered this when I asked before, but since there's 57mins left on the sale, do existing 4.9.67 pro users get 2021 for free?  If not which is the right upgrade to do?



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Yes, it will work and has been written in bold when announced ;)

Edited by Vexod14
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Here is the reason I would want to do that :
I am working with a large mesh that has one 8k texture and bits on several 4k textures. I need to unify the uv's

-If I edit the uv's in uv room and apply uv set, 3dc will fail to update the paint layers and the result will be all scrambled.

-If I edit the uv's in retopo room and update paint mesh with retopo, the paint layers will also be scrambled.

-If I edit the uv's in reetopo room and export the result, then use the texture baking tool, there will be baking errors (The tool works fine for simple objects, but for some reason it fails on real cases)

So, my remaining option that I know will work for sure is to store the colors as vertex color on a high poly.
The trouble is that I am unable to generate a copy of the mesh with 64 million vertices  or more outside of the 3dCoat sculpt room. (Blender crashes)
The imported mesh needs to have the desired number of vertices before it is imported, because if you subdivide at import, no color will be baked to the imported mesh from the textures.
My latest idea was to resample an unpainted copy of the mesh in the sculpt room to have the number of vertices I need, and then bake the color from the paint mesh by making it visible in the sculpt room and using the "bake color from visible volumes" tool. It doesn't work.

I also discovered that the paint room tool > bake menu > paint mesh to sculpt mesh with (or without) subdivision does not bake color !


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8 hours ago, Andrew Shpagin said:

3.12.20 4.9.68 (stable)

- Dbl click in UV texture editor in the Hide tool hides the whole island.

- Fixed transform tool problem when transform was applied twice if both - parent and child were selected.

Andrew thanks many-update I am trying to save money for 2020  ^^; (I do not know how it will cost when up-grade as pro version)

Then about the smart material alpha, how you actually designed it? that means,  everytime paint smart material with color opacity on same layer, it wiil be overrwritten with current opacity value, so not layer over?   I found some cases, if I can layer over opacity of smart material on same layer, it make more flexible. 

eg, I make new smart-material as decal (only use color alpha), then I hope to manuall paint the decal around the mesh. with change size or rotation etc.   But at current it not work.

(because it remove already painted area, with current alpha value)  you may see, what I mean,

in the pic smart material viewer as if the buttefly green image  can layered over on already painted ones (alpha over) ,


but actually if I paint, it remove with alpha 0 about already painted butterfly. so it not work..

If we can only use one Smart Material with one layer, it seems somehow limit possiblity of smart materials,, or every butterfly I may need to add new layer, then loate new one..

(it is somehow tedious work,, I hope to paint many butterflys without change layer,, with one decal, (change size, rotation, use color modulate etc)





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13 hours ago, Andrew Shpagin said:

3.12.20 4.9.68 (stable)

- Dbl click in UV texture editor in the Hide tool hides the whole island.

- Fixed transform tool problem when transform was applied twice if both - parent and child were selected.

What I love with 3DCoat is the huge number of unexpected yet purely awesome features coming out of nowhere. Every update feels like christmas, with its pack of excellent surprises

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Harmless but annoying bug(?), very confusing to new users :

-Open 3dc with splash screen.
-Choose voxel sculpting with a sphere or something
-save the file
-reopen the file
-Go to paint room
-open the paint objects panel : there will be an empty object bearing the file's name
-go to uv room : you will see an empty, unnamed material was created along with the empty paint object

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Oh !
You know, often you will have colors on a vox layer that was never in surface mode, indicating that it has either stored vertex color or sculpt layer information image.png.04b7f6734ca1ed6b36b41cb85c51324a.png
Except... it was never in Surface mode, so maybe like me you always wonder what on earth is happening, what does it mean ?

I realized just now why this happens. Is it a bug ?
if you use a surface tool, or even the move tool (with or without voxelize immediately), this happens.

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@Andrew Shpagin  Hi andrew I thought I'd check in with you about the displacement bug to know a possible time table for a fix ,  for me this is SOS level and I believe I posted the issue there long ago but that was when I didn't have a strong sense of what was causing it or a model and procedure to reproduce the issue.  Thanks for your help. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/9/2020 at 4:28 PM, Ascensi said:

@Andrew Shpagin  Hi andrew I thought I'd check in with you about the displacement bug to know a possible time table for a fix ,  for me this is SOS level and I believe I posted the issue there long ago but that was when I didn't have a strong sense of what was causing it or a model and procedure to reproduce the issue.  Thanks for your help. 

I want to fix it, but you provided me sphere with pole as example. This is really extreme example for seams, I can't use it to reproduce and fix the problem.



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Does anyone else here use import object on brush ?

I have been having an issue lately, sometimes I would find myself unable to save a scene.
there would be no real crash, but when autosave kicked in, 3d-Coat would just freeze, and it would keep spinning endlessly. In the task manager, it would say "not responding".
It has been happening more and more often lately so I thought I'd revert to an older build that I know didn't have that issue.

The thing is... I am still having the issue with the older build.

So, I did some thinking and experimenting, and I believe I have found the issue, but I'd love to know if anyone else has encountered this, and it might be something else ?

Anyway, I realized that this did not happen at all most of the time. I think it only happens when I have used import on brush. Part of the issue may be that I use an alpha with jitter to make the strokes more random.
Here is what seems to be the problem : while brushing wildly, an object is sometimes imported very far in the distance. So far that it is not visible on screen.
When this happens, 3d-coat either can't save the scene, or it just takes too long (I've always ended the process after a minute or two).

I found it difficult to reproduce the issue in a way that the issue can be shown. In the following screenshot I managed to spot a spec of geometry in the distance just before autosave kicked in and 3d-Coat froze. In this case the spec of geometry is not that far from the scene, but it was enough to cause the issue. Usually, the isolated piece of geometry will be much, much farther away.


I believe that a solution to the issue could be to restrict the importation of an object on brush to an area of maybe 110% of the size of the current bounding box of the objects in the current layer ?

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On 12/22/2020 at 11:34 AM, Andrew Shpagin said:

I want to fix it, but you provided me sphere with pole as example. This is really extreme example for seams, I can't use it to reproduce and fix the problem.



The reason why I suggest you use it that model because it is the easiest model to show spikes exist and the best example model to get rid of random spikes even if you were to fix up to 50%.   As I've shared with you, it doesn't give me *any* problem working with displacement in the other program (and I can post a comparison video of this if you like) but the other program , doesn't use rapid swapping smart materials and is my main reason why I choose to use 3DCoat. If it's just something you're not able to fix,  I understand, no problem but it's sad as I invested in 3DCoat but  I will no longer be able to fully trust/use 3DCoat anymore or at least not safely.. because like I've shared here that, I've spent days or weeks working on a project then these dam spikes randomly show up and you can't get rid of them and you then realize you can't use it for film, games or sell. That sphere I've sent you is pure gold, if you are able to solve that issue then random missing paint artifacts for others & displacement issues should finally disappear -3DCoat would be very solid... The additional rendering Candy in your 2021 release and all the extras are  awesome but first take care of one of the core reasons why you have a paint room.. at this time  while I love 3DCoat and the work you put into it, the program is not functional as intended.. as beta testers & regular users we've spent countless hours & find these critical problems at our own expense to help you improve 3DCoat.  That sphere "DOES NOT" create spikes everywhere although you might think it will just looking at the islands, so yes although it looks like an extreme example it's actually what pros use for seamless planet, asteroid, moon textures etc.   I hope you didn't just look at the islands and gave up, like I said it's not many spikes.. there might be a total of 10 spikes.  Even if you were to tweak it to reduce spikes by 50%   (down to 5 spikes on that model) we'll have  more than a 50% chance on less extreme models that a spike will ever occur.   I hope you don't see this request as unreasonable or pestering you, this is to your benefit as well as your other customers, there is a problem that obviously exists.. every model that I've used so far even with less islands has created this spike issue.. I've managed only to escape this issue  on creating a model with only one island even on a closed model but done very carefully and isn't ideal due to potential for stretching. I hope you will give it a shot and maybe your tweak will at least make all other less extreme models work. In the meantime, Merry Christmas, happy holidays and wish you the best for the new year!

Edited by Ascensi
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2 hours ago, Carlosan said:

Yes. Some users reported issues with autosave activated.

For me it's not just autosave though.
Save is being very slow in general. Even after reverting to an earlier build.
I suspect maybe it could be a windows update causing this ? Or another software I have running, maybe ?

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Yay!  The Linux version is out!  :)  Although I'm having issues with it.  :mellow:  When I first tried to run 3D-Coat, I got the following error...


./3dcoat: error while loading shared libraries: libomp.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

So I installed libomp5 onto my system and that allowed 3D-Coat to start, but then it dies with this error...


libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
connect failed: No such file or directory
*** buffer overflow detected ***: terminated
Aborted (core dumped)

Maybe I installed the wrong version of libomp?


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2 hours ago, Grimm said:

Yay!  The Linux version is out!  :)  Although I'm having issues with it.  :mellow:  When I first tried to run 3D-Coat, I got the following error...

So I installed libomp5 onto my system and that allowed 3D-Coat to start, but then it dies with this error...

Maybe I installed the wrong version of libomp?


you can try installing libomp-dev and spacenavd and possibly libcanberra-gtk-module

We made it work, solving some other issues that were found, here: --> Link to thread <-- 

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Would it please be possible to make it so that when you drag and drop stencils, alphas, or strips in their respective panel, existing files with the same name do not get overwritten ?
a string _001, _002, etc could be appended, surely ?

Also, would it be possible to drag and drop a paint layer into one of those panels instead of having to export first ? This would make alpha creation much easier and faster. Anything that requires export/import seems like a waste of time.

Edited by Silas Merlin
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@Andrew Shpagin Just adding to what I said previously.  The point of the sphere in the first place proves that displacement spikes exist.. all the UV islands may seem problematic but approximately 10 spikes manifested from that "extreme example" .  Displacement can be sculpted and painted with other programs using that exact sphere without problems (Zbrush) for example but PBR painting is not Zbrush's focus and I'd like to work with 3DCoat's painting & smart materials etc. So again maybe if you could try to eliminate all error or incremental by a % of error if possible on something so extreme, the spikes are less likely to appear -better fix towards some than none.

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I found strange bug in several latest releases, when I bake model from retopo to paint room and do curvature calculation it runs forever. Goes beyond 1000% and more and you must kill app to stop calculation.

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1 minute ago, dexsoft said:

I found strange bug in several latest releases, when I bake model from retopo to paint room and do curvature calculation it runs forever. Goes beyond 1000% and more and you must kill app to stop calculation.

Try this : Disable "separate paint objects" in the curvature dialogue.

If you do have several objects, leave it ticked on, but hide the paint objects and make the high polys visible instead for the curvature calculation.

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I miss the option to pan with the MMB while holding the Alt key. Somehow I had the feeling this was possible in the older versions.
It is much easier for the muscle memory if all viewport navigation is in the more similar style.
Is there a setting where I can switch this on that I haven´t found so far?

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20 minutes ago, puntoit said:

I miss the option to pan with the MMB while holding the Alt key. Somehow I had the feeling this was possible in the older versions.
It is much easier for the muscle memory if all viewport navigation is in the more similar style.
Is there a setting where I can switch this on that I haven´t found so far?

Click on the Camera menu at top right of screen > customize navigation
then create an entry something like this :


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