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3DCoat 4.9 BETA testing thread

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22.09.20 4.9.62 (stable)

- Cutoff with curves stability improved.

- Corrected mapping parameters dialog.

- Tools panel in Tweak room restored.

- Re-enabled very old option (Prefs->Beta->Treat retopo groups as materials) in settings that allows treating retopo groups as materials instead of objects. This is just for tests, I way not guarantee that it will be kept in the future.

- Correct Presets panel in the Activity bar.

- Correct saving settings in the Brush Engine

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Thank you for allowing us to test the Retopo groups as materials. :)

I will test over the next few days and report back.  

I noticed one thing...

Windows Beta version 4.9.62 GL

Preferences/ Beta

The Treat Retopo groups as materials is enabled by default but does not work. 

When you disable it, then the beta setting of Treat Retopo Groups as materials works as expected. 

Somehow it appears that the check mark got put in the wrong order at least in my version... 

Others could check to confirm...


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1 hour ago, digman said:

Thank you for allowing us to test the Retopo groups as materials. :)

I will test over the next few days and report back.  

I noticed one thing...

Windows Beta version 4.9.62 GL

Preferences/ Beta

The Treat Retopo groups as materials is enabled by default but does not work. 

When you disable it, then the beta setting of Treat Retopo Groups as materials works as expected. 

Somehow it appears that the check mark got put in the wrong order at least in my version... 

Others could check to confirm...


Oh, seems text is wrong... I will correct.

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Windows Version Beta 4.9.62 GL

"Corrected mapping parameters dialog"  Confirmed... You can now move both the cube mapping parameters dialog panel and the preview window.

"Tools panel in Tweat Room restored"    Confirmed... The Selection and Transform tool panel now appears correctly when Selection and Transform is selected in the tweak room.

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On 9/21/2020 at 5:13 AM, Carlosan said:

Fill tool:

Trying to fill Object, tool ask to fill layer.

object fill layer.jpg

 I do see that a selection window should appear even if there is only one object in the paint room. 

Do you have more that one object in the paint room?

Windows beta version 4.9.62 GL.

When I have more than one object I get a selection window that comes up.


Edited by digman
Added information. Corrections.
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12 hours ago, Andrew Shpagin said:

22.09.20 4.9.62 (stable)

- Cutoff with curves stability improved.

- Corrected mapping parameters dialog.

- Tools panel in Tweak room restored.

- Re-enabled very old option (Prefs->Beta->Treat retopo groups as materials) in settings that allows treating retopo groups as materials instead of objects. This is just for tests, I way not guarantee that it will be kept in the future.

- Correct Presets panel in the Activity bar.

- Correct saving settings in the Brush Engine

Thanks all efforts and thanks test^^  

I may see how it work, when I tarnsfer mesh , retopo <> texture room frequently. (I still request, to keep material group in retopo room separatley as same as paint room, but you may need more user request,, I suppose)

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(Sorry for posting this question on the forum rather than in a private message, but it is because I feel it would be a waste to answer just to me when the answer could benefit others)

@Andrew Shpagin Could you please spare a few minutes to explain the nature of voxels in the context of 3d-Coat ? In a few words ?

My understanding is that in the following picture, One voxel is the whole space inside this white cube. Is that correct ?

I have always believed that we are sculpting into each voxel.
that is, if we set a tool's depth to say 0.01, then we are affecting 100th of a voxel ?

Edited by Silas Merlin
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Things that cause a crash for me but for which I can't seem to be able to produce a file to recreate the crash on another system :

-Calculate curvature (separate objects ticked)
-calculate occlusion (separate objects ticked)

-painting right after baking
-fill layer with projection (when the current view is not alligned with the original camera position for the projection (from stencil)

knowing these things may cause a crash, I always save incrementally before calling the task, and after.
when reopening my file after such a crash, it is possible to perform the task without crashing.

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I've installed the latest version but I have an old installation V 4.9.17  It does not show up in windows uninstall.. is there a utility  to wipe it? and would this get rid of all my custom smart materials that have shown up in just about every other version since?



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9 hours ago, Ascensi said:

I've installed the latest version but I have an old installation V 4.9.17  It does not show up in windows uninstall.. is there a utility  to wipe it? and would this get rid of all my custom smart materials that have shown up in just about every other version since?



The smart materials are in your user folders and don't get uninstalled. However, to make extra sure,  you can make your own backup of your user folder containing all your custom settings and things.

Personally, I use Glasswire to uninstall 3dCoat. I don't use the OS uninstall because it is not enough : the registry needs cleaning too.
I don't know if it is the same for everyone, but if I simply uninstall, the .3b files remain associated with the old version, and thus will not open automatically with the new.
So, I need to uninstall, then clean registry several times until all is wiped clean. Then I can install the new version and associate .3b files with it.

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1 hour ago, Silas Merlin said:

When you press "clone" in the Vox Slice tool, is it supposed to create a copy of the visible voxels ?
Because... it doesn't. it clones the whole vox layer.

Confirmed.  Appears to be a bug


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On 9/25/2020 at 11:53 PM, Carlosan said:

Voxel Mode

Surface tools > Freeze

Is working fine ?


i wrote and showed video about this bug couple month ago =( it's not only for freeze tool but for selection and for subdivide for example there you select area black artifacts appears after deselection

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Someone confirm please,.  Freeze with single poligon mode, often miss freeze (only freeze some parts of the selected poligon) or not color as 100 percent freeze.

 when I set "Single polgion" brush mode, 3d coat stop to change brush alpha.  So I suppose it should freeze as 100 percent. (do not use brush alpha) with freeze setting value.


but  it often can not freeze as 100 persent. (even though I set Freeze degree as 100 percent)

And  when paint with "single poligon" mode, it seems still try to use brush size.(so I need to set brush size large than  poligon) to full paint the poligon.

But it not offer brush size as visuall anymore. (so to see brush size, I need to exchange brush mode  then cofirm brush size, return "single poligon mode"

Same problem happen with Ctrl Freeze (to  remove Freeze area) with use "single poligon brush mode",  I often use the poligon select mode (brush) then recently it is really annoying to paint freeze or erase area strictly.


(it often remain freeze part,  or not remove freeze as 0 percent etc) :(   

eg  1.  set Freeze tool, then select brush mode as "select polgion" ,  then freeze one poligon.

2. just use Ctrl with Click same area.. it not remove freeze perfectly. then remain as 30 percent etc. So I often need to ctrl click twice or three times. to remove the freeze from poligon.

Edited by tokikake
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13 hours ago, Andrew Shpagin said:

28.09.20 4.9.64 (stable)

- Solved possible crash during the scene opening (rare).

Thanks you really often update and solve issue everytime.

Then I hope one more request, if you can.. about new option (use material group when export mesh from retopo >> paint room)

I know it is not default option, but I hope to do same thing, when "use visible paint objects  as retopo"

That means,,, I import mesh with UVset (material surface group), then when import the paint mesh for retopo room, "use visible paint objects  as retopo"

I hope 3d coat auto divide them as each retopo object group with UV set (UV tile ) too. At current 3d coat simply gather all material group as one retopo group.

so even though I use  new option, it can not keep material group which have set when I import mesh for paint room.  I hope these steps.

1. import paint room with " Import tiles as UVset". (= material group)

2.  use visible mesh in retopo room. (and use new option , which will auto divide each UVtiles (UVset = Material group)  as retopo group)

3. edit something

4. bake retopo object ( with use Treat retopo gorups as Object (disable) (so 3d coat use retopo groups as material groups (or UVset)

Can I expect it?  :rolleyes:

Edited by tokikake
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Windows Beta Version 4.9.63

Using the single polygon  mode.

Try the settings shown in the picture for freeze to work correctly.  

Brush size I choose a very large number. Might not need 40 but it works.

Increased opacity to 200 percent (manual typing in the amount). Might not need 200 percent but I play it safe.

Choose connective picking. 

Freezing and Un-Freezing both work.


I did some more testing. The most import setting is connective picking and brush radius size. Changing the freeze degree beyond 100 percent seems not to effect it as much.

Play with those settings but connective picking needs to be chosen and at least 1.0 brush radius or higher but this also would depend I believe upon the scale of your model, for brush radius size. Make the brush radius large enough to fill the inside of the model's polygons completely.  Of course you will not see the brush radius yellow cursor when using the single polygon mode. 

New Test :The Monkey ( not the one shown in the picture.)

Connective picking.

Brush radius "7.0"

Contrast: 100%

Freezing degree: 100%



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9 hours ago, tcwik said:

Why freez mask is so fkin black?!!  is almost as annoying as voxel hide with no preview of hiding part at all,, this is  like 'working in the dark' :ph34r:

whyyo why.jpg

Not sure which room you are in so I will give an answer for both.

Sculpt Room. Choose or make a shader that will revel the features underneath the freeze. I  included a shader for you. You may change the color as you wish.

Paint Room. A white freeze revels the features more but I also choose to show the wireframe which the freeze does not hide.  Under the freeze menu choose "Toogle Freeze View" to choose the the freeze view you want.

Under the file menu choose to install the extension.

Make a feature request for all freeze views to revel the features underneath it if you so desire.





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Not sure if this has been mentioned, but there are a handful of paint tools that work for pixel painting that don't with vertex paint in some way:

  • Transform/Copy tool (clones portions of a layer: ignores depth)
  • Layers > Copy Channels (transfers per-channel data between layers: only can be used with color channels)
  • Freeze > Freeze Border (does nothing)
  • Freeze > Erase Unfrozen (causes causes parts of the surface to stretch to "infinity" )
  • Layer Clip Mask (ignores depth)

Although these may be minor issues I find I need them for doing various hard surface things so it would be really nice to have!
Also, the ability to fill with inverted depth would be good!


Edited by TreetopFlyer
forgot about inverted depth
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