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3DCoat 2024 development thread

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could we have by default... any primitive added would be automatically a new layer?

i forget way too many times and i get into the sculpt and then realise its under a layer i need access too....

or... apply.thumb.jpg.22b775ca8056c0cc53d049ca22ba5513.jpg


add a apply to new layer button below...??

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After 3 weeks of work and several unsuccessful tries to notarize 3DCoat for macOS (there were problems with code signing and notarization because of USD file format support integration), the build for macOS has been uploaded to FTP. USD import in 3DCoat for macOS works as well as under Windows: 3DCoat imports geometry from USD, USDA, USDC, and USDZ. Export under macOS works for binary USD and USDC. Export under macOS distorts geometry in textual USDA and USDZ. This problem will be investigated this week as well as I will try to build 3DCoat under Linux with USD support.

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There was this very interesting behaviour in 4.9 :
You could assign keyboard shortcuts to vox layers, and these shortcuts would depend on the order of the layers in the sculptree.
Which means that you can replace, reorder the layers and the shortcuts would update to the new order.

In 2022 this is lost. the shortcuts are now for specific layers. Which not only breaks this cool behaviour, but also does not make sense, because you have shortcuts to specific layers in a given .3b file. Shortcuts that will not work in other projects.

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I have finally decided to switch over to 2022 (I was still using 4.9 up till now and only using 2022 to check out the new features).

The reason I am switching over now is Volumetric Painting.

The reason I have not switched before is that there is loss of functionailty between 4.9 and 2022 and the things lost were essential to me.
I wish those things could be restored of course.... but I'll try to adapt. I have talked about those issues here before, repeatedly, to no avail.
Mainly these two things :
-Grow was a powerful, magical tool in 4.9 now it is mostly useless.
-you can't use CTRL+Extrude to carve into a volume because the sides of the alpha become a solid block image.png.03e0123467349038216a7c9860a5c64d.png

Moreover, there are new annoyances. the most important being the dropdown menu to switch rooms as opposed to visible buttons in 4.9

Anyway, I am now willing to try and switch to 2022 because of volumetric painting.
I am also glad to regain access to awesome features like translation symmetry. (projector kept working for me in 4.9 despite being disabled).


I notice that decimate works differently now. I think it is much better but need to test it some more.
However, there is something very annoying about it :
If you decimate a second time, the target is... the current polycount, so, you have to enter a new target each time, and click on OK instead of pressing enter key on keyboard, because enter key does something else.

Another point about decimate : This is a tool that would be very useful to have in retopo room, but sadly it has always been missing there.
It would be nice if you had decimate in the "selected" section of the retopo room. So that you could decimate only a selection of the retopo mesh, like you can presently do with the relax tool.

One problem I had with 2022 before was suddenly fixed when I re-associated .3b files to 2022 :
when I opened 4.9 files with 2022, all the shaders would look black.

Now that I have reassociated the .3b extension, here is the behaviour :
If I double click on an old .3b file to open it, the shaders display correctly


However, if I use File>open, I get this :


Edited by Silas Merlin
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hello.  I have a question.

I want to know How to change "Eraser Transparency" on Brush tools.

I can use Eraser tool in Brush tool  when I press Ctrl key.

but, I can't find "eraser transparency" on Brush tool.

if there is a way , I want to know how to use that.  

if it is not implemented,  I want you to add it.


thank you reading. 

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16 minutes ago, alexn007 said:

when you have the eraser brush selected you control it from here. I might have also misunderstood your question. 


hi, alexn007. response thank you.


that advice need 3 steps.  

1 - switch  from Brush to Eraser. 

2 - change Eraser Transparency. 

3 - switch from Eraser to Brush.

this process is inconvenient.   if I can do that just 1 step without tool switching, that is convenient.

(when I press Ctrl key in Brush tool, I can use brush as eraser.  my question is about that .) :D

Edited by jene
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Thanks for clarifying. That makes sense. 

Something that I ended up doing is creating a hot key for my most used brushes, and I use Ctrl+E to quickly switch to my eraser.  This doesn't solve your problem but might help to create a temporary workaround.

Similar to how there are predefined functions like Ctrl and Shft to invert and smooth, it might be nice to have a Ctrl+Shft to act as an eraser, that way your alpha will be the same as the brush tools alpha.  Might be a nice feature to suggest.


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Aces looks very good!  Navigation with Spacemouse does not work if it is activated. Maybe put Aces Tonemapping Option in the Nav Bar.

Usd import from self 3dcoat export is missing some textures.

3dcoat usd export to unreal and also blender usd branch is working well.


Edited by Ctc_nick
found the texture-editor
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The Sculpt Room Surface mode uses layers to paint. If a new layer is hidden during the operation, the tool will automatically draw to layer0. This action is misleading and often results in the inability to undo and adjust layers. (ps: When drawing a new layer, closing the current drawing layer should not make it work, instead of drawing directly to layer0, which is not suitable. The above is personal feedback, please ignore it if it is not suitable)

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In Sculpt room, with "conform retopo mesh", the retopo mesh is quasi invisible to me. Is there a way to make it more visible ? I did not find an option.

Also, would it be possible to make the edges of the retopo mesh thicker ? Thanks.


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This post was recognized by Carlosan!

Ctc_nick was awarded the badge 'Helpful' and 1 points.

Hi! I fiddled around with usd IMPORT. The test usd is also created in 3dcoat using 'usd preset'.

The metallic channel becomes glossiness. But you can fix it by using the copy channel tool on the 'metallic' layer.

Set Metallic Opacity back to 100 in 'Layers' settings

Additionally, if you use Blender you can switch the normalmap output to tangent for proper normals. 

I think it is working pretty well.



Edited by Ctc_nick
forgot the layer settings
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When sculpting in voxel mode, after using the vox hide and make sure deleted the hidden; Surface brushes sometimes believe you still have hidden geo and warn you :D

Not a major bug but needs a fix :) 

Edited by Koray
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I have noticed that in userprefs/stencils folder, a .json file gets created for each stencil.
When opening the file, it seems to store scale and things like that.

However, when clicking  on such a stencil in a new project, nothing seems to be recalled (scale, tiling, locking, etc...)

My questions are :
What is the purpose of the .json file ?
Could it be made to store parameters for a stencil so as to recall them later in a new project ?


Thank you.

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19 hours ago, Ctc_nick said:

Hi! I fiddled around with usd IMPORT. The test usd is also created in 3dcoat using 'usd preset'.

The metallic channel becomes glossiness. But you can fix it by using the copy channel tool on the 'metallic' layer.

Additionally, if you use Blender you can switch the normalmap output to tangent for proper normals. 

I think it is working pretty well.



Do you mean USD (PBR Standatd) export preset? And this is PPP?

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Silas mentioned export Constructor. I turned it off, for usd export, with these settings.

Then Coat imports the metallic usd layers right in ppp.

@Silas Merlin In paint room there is export constructor for gltf. I think its always activated, so there is just no option to deactivate. (IMHO)



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2 minutes ago, Ctc_nick said:

Silas mentioned export Constructor. I turned it off, for usd export, with these settings.

Then Coat imports the metallic usd layers right in ppp.

@Silas Merlin In paint room there is export constructor for gltf. I think its always activated, so there is just no option to deactivate. (IMHO)





Yes, I am sorry, what I meant is that there is no preset selection, no saving of preset....
Which means you have to construct the textures every time you export in gltf, which is very painful.


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Split Tool behaves very strange in surface mode. When symm is on, if you split say hands of a model from the front it creates two different tools for each hand, if you split a head from the side it still creates two tools one has the head, the other is either empty or has some artifacts. 

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