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  • Advanced Member
Careful Adobe's lawyers don't come a knockin' That's starting to look a little too close to Photoshop me thinks.


It is looking really nice, but I hope it will be customizable enough to match other applications also.

I really like the quick access panel too (as long as it is fully customizable and context sensitive).

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  • Advanced Member
Careful Adobe's lawyers don't come a knockin' That's starting to look a little too close to Photoshop me thinks.

Yes, at least icons/ scroll bar style need to redesign to differs from Photoshop. But well done Shadow! Keep on! :good:

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Does adobe really have some kind of copyright on the photoshop interface? If so, how does paint shop pro get away with having a very similar interface to that of PS?

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Does adobe really have some kind of copyright on the photoshop interface? If so, how does paint shop pro get away with having a very similar interface to that of PS?

I assume they do, PSP's may be very similar, but not exactly the same. GIMP is also very similar, not the same though. That brings up a good point about GIMPShop though, I don't think anyone has been sued over that and it's specifically designed to look and feel just like PS. Of course nobody makes money from it so maybe Adobe isn't worried about it too much.

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Hey Phil. :)

Yeah I suppose that's true. Not quite the same...

GIMPShop is a good point. No money being made, and no worries I assume on adobe's end.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing what the interface redesign brings us! I'm sure Andrew wont disappoint. :)

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  • Advanced Member
Careful Adobe's lawyers don't come a knockin' That's starting to look a little too close to Photoshop me thinks.

I agree too.

Furthermore, 3Dcoat could use a interface similar to photoshop, but not the same. I think that 3D coat, as a professional software , needs its own identity.

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I like it all! The dark interface is much more pleasing for my eyes.

Love the radial custom menu.

The placement of "modes" is great.

I'm hoping we get an interface that is something like this.

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I've never used a radial menu before. How does that work, exactly? Is it similar to the popup menu in Maya and C4D?

Assuming it works the same way as Sketchbook Pro you can click or hold a key the the menu pops out showing all of the options and you can just pick one. Or once you get to know the location of each item you can quickly flick in the direction of that item and get the item without even having to wait for the menu to appear.

Here's a video of it in Sketchbook pro:


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mock-up is looking good. some things to consider:

- layers palette will need to have ability to access all manipulations currently possible (things like

specular brightness, contrast, etc. would have to be considered as well in terms of icons/accessibility).

- would be sweet to have unique masks per layer (editable) similar to how Photoshop currently does it (along

with the ability to edit/create masks in 3D window or UV window). Also like the hierarchy of Groups addition.

- pie menu: can either take it or leave it, but if it's integral, then allow for user customizability of any items in it

along with choice of 'hotkey' with which to activate it.

- panels should all be totally drag-n-dock (or floatable) for any panel available (if I want to dock the color panel, or

sub-object panel, or presets panel, etc.). Support for multi-monitors is most appreciated!

- issue of interface being too light or too dark shouldn't be an issue at all if the user can choose all colors (along with

viewport background color/gradient).

- docking to any edge/region (top, left, right, bottom) would similarly allow for happy customers since they could set

up the interface however they wanted.

- it would actually be great to see a Profile Curve editor in the brush/pen palette as well! (this is actually a very old

request, and would have to be a feature added since it's currently not possible for the user to edit the pen profile

aside from custom alphas)

- a Camera palette should also be available that would allow for FOV and clipping plane customization --- this may

also be a handy place to allow for custom reference image import/export for each possible camera view (pulldown

menu for view type). Was thinking that camera animation controls could be here too, but probably a better idea

to have them on the 'Render' menu

P.S. I'm just using panel/palette as an interchangeable word...means the same thing to me ('that thing that docks') :)

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- issue of interface being too light or too dark shouldn't be an issue at all if the user can choose all colors (along with

viewport background color/gradient).

The problem with allowing the user to control the color of the interface is the icon color. If you have dark icons and then make the interface dark it wouldn't work very well. I believe this is addressed in the current UI by having a custom icon set for each of the two UI styles.

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I was just looking at this again and noting the VTree and layers tabs. There's really no reason to have tabs, because when you're painting there's no need for VTree and when sculpting there's no reason to have Layers. So that area should just automatically toggle between the two depending on when mode you're in.

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Holy @$@#$! :yahoo: This is looking stellar! Everything seems so easy to use. I love the layout. Its clear and understandable. I cant wait for 3.0. It will be like standing in line at midnight for a new release for me. Eagerly awaiting a release.

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First off I'd say this UI proposal looks very good. The fact that it looks like it's based around a professionally recognised app like Photoshop is going to be a major selling point to businesses who might be put off from investing in something unfamiliar. I like the areas where you've unifed tools - such as the brush / airbrush toggle options. I also like the easy access to the symmetry controls and also the gradient back ground looks cool :good:

However there's a specific little thing I'd like to suggest to make it more friendly and that's not using 'T', 'D' and 'S' to label controls. And I'm sorry in advance if this seems like a petty criticism - but it's only because I want this app to be friendly!

I've got no issue with the look - it's very clean and compact and the uniform tablet and lock switches next to it are very clear. The problem is at first glance I was genuinely struggling to think what each of the letters could actually stand for.

I suspect D is depth, but there's a good icon for that already which works in all languages.

T must be transparency - but that's actually the wrong word (and has been for ages) - it should be opacity (ie. A larger value is more opaque, not more transparent).

S - I had to load up 3d-Coat to make a guess that it's smoothing. But it could be specular ...

Sorry if I seem overly critical of this seemingly small thing, but IMHO abbreviations are ten times less friendly than real words and practically they don't work as well with localisation. You've got plenty of space on the toolbar to keep real words for these features - it'd be more helpful to keep these and use terms from photoshop where possible so that you don't need to learn so much when you switch between these apps.

The good thing is though: we have tooltip 'hints'-- these are the best thing ever when it comes to learning an app. So I'm not too worried :drinks:

ps. I would also suggest either moving the mode buttons ( sculpt, retopolgy, etc ) from the left if you've also got tabs for them -- but maybe keep the nice graphics as icons to the left of the tab labels. My reasoning is that where they are seems unnecessary and it just look like you've got more tool functions. It seems like clutter to me.

pps. What is the 'browser' ? is it a built-in image viewer like Adobe Bridge -- that would be nice, especially if you could right click an image and say "make brush", etc.

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  • Advanced Member

David Walters, Thx for feedback :drinks:

However there's a specific little thing I'd like to suggest to make it more friendly and that's not using 'T', 'D' and 'S' to label controls. And I'm sorry in advance if this seems like a petty criticism - but it's only because I want this app to be friendly!

I've got no issue with the look - it's very clean and compact and the uniform tablet and lock switches next to it are very clear. The problem is at first glance I was genuinely struggling to think what each of the letters could actually stand for.

I suspect D is depth, but there's a good icon for that already which works in all languages.

T must be transparency - but that's actually the wrong word (and has been for ages) - it should be opacity (ie. A larger value is more opaque, not more transparent).

S - I had to load up 3d-Coat to make a guess that it's smoothing. But it could be specular ...

Sorry if I seem overly critical of this seemingly small thing, but IMHO abbreviations are ten times less friendly than real words and practically they don't work as well with localisation. You've got plenty of space on the toolbar to keep real words for these features - it'd be more helpful to keep these and use terms from photoshop where possible so that you don't need to learn so much when you switch between these apps.

The good thing is though: we have tooltip 'hints'-- these are the best thing ever when it comes to learning an app. So I'm not too worried :drinks:

I agree to the 'T', 'D' and 'S'... but I have not thought of these buttons should look like :) I had planned to redraw most of the icons

ps. I would also suggest either moving the mode buttons ( sculpt, retopolgy, etc ) from the left if you've also got tabs for them -- but maybe keep the nice graphics as icons to the left of the tab labels. My reasoning is that where they are seems unnecessary and it just look like you've got more tool functions. It seems like clutter to me.

I agree... must be either icons or tabs... it all depends on what decision will Andrew... as long as I left both versions :)

pps. What is the 'browser' ? is it a built-in image viewer like Adobe Bridge -- that would be nice, especially if you could right click an image and say "make brush", etc.

yes, like Adobe Bridge yes.gif

PS sorry for my english :pardon:

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