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3DCoat 2024 development thread

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13 minutes ago, Andrew Shpagin said:

So, you imported mesh as retopo mesh, not as the reference?

From the New Menu---- Choose Perform Retopology.  

Choose top left selection marked in Red.  Reference mesh. 

The problems I described you will see. 

The strokes tool worked in 4.9.71 plus the reference model was imported into the retopo room not the paint room. 

I should have mentioned reference mesh in my bug report. I will be more careful in the future.



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9 hours ago, Gorbatovsky said:

Currently, the 3DCoat can only make sections for sculpting meshes.

Windows version: 2021.36

Now Perform Retopology for a reference mesh places you in the correct room but the strokes tool still does not work correctly.  4.9.71 windows version, the strokes tool worked. 

Is what Gorbatovsky stated correct we can no longer use the strokes tool starting first in open space for Perform Retopology using a reference mesh and it is not a bug. 

Not questioning Gorbatovsky answer just making sure I am reading right.

Edited by digman
added more info.
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Windows version 2021.36

When you go to the Help menu---Send fire to support at 3dcoat.com you are taken to the main 3DCoat site.  

No longer can you upload your file to support right away and leave a few notes about it as it was in past versions.  Today I found about the problem because I was going to send a file to support. 

I instead used my regular email account to send the file. 

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Surface Patch tool change geometry size from draw curve .  And it seems only happen when I change scene scale.

At current,, if we change scene scale, modeling room curve tool generated meshes cause issue. 

1. Open new scene with default setting.

2. Change sculpt room > scene scale as you need (eg set as 10) without change other setting.

3. In Modeling room draw closed 2d curve (rectangle etc)  then change tool as Surface Patch, you may see virtual poligons generate mesh >> generated mesh change mesh size along with scene scale setting.

(so if we set scene scale as 10,  3d coat generate mesh size X10 from curve size) 

As reported already, same thing happen for profile first mesh, or Surface swept cap (start) meshes.  These tool only change start geomatry size, but about surface patch  tool,  it not work practically when user set scene scale. 


Edited by tokikake
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:( I really hope 3d coat team test again about scene scale and mesh (retopo or modeling mesh) relation in modeling room.

Now I test with new Array of copies. but find 2 issue with scene scale setting. so anyone who may change scene scale and use modeling room, test please too. then you will notice, it is important.

1. virtual copy mesh (temp view mesh)  are auto re-scale what I generated. 

2. generated mesh return as default scale, but the path where mesh follow change scale .


At current I often see Scene scale wrong used for modeling room mesh un-expected way...  Though I can avoid issue by keep scene scale as 1.00, but if so it need to be described so.

if we need to keep scene scale as 1.00, it  change  import export with other units work flow.    I know many user have used 3d coat for sculpting, or painting so it have not show clear issue.

But about modeling room with Scene scale setting , it effect many new tools.  I think, dev need to test and may decide how it should be about scene scale. 

Edited by tokikake
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There is a tool suggestion that when using a round or square stamp, you can move the position by space. In the stamp mode, sometimes you need to adjust the position and you need to constantly debug to find a suitable position. Therefore, can the stamp mode also use spaces to adjust the position? Achieve precise adjustment of the position without repeated experimentation to adjust the suitable position

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Windows version. 2021.36 

I sent a simple 3DC file to support.

Possible Curvature Panel bug.

Import a model for Per Pixel Painting.

Select Calculate Curvature.

The calculation for Curvature begins right way. 

The Calculate Curvature panel does not appear for you to set your Curvature settings first.

Edited by digman
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37 minutes ago, Tubor said:

There is a tool suggestion that when using a round or square stamp, you can move the position by space. In the stamp mode, sometimes you need to adjust the position and you need to constantly debug to find a suitable position. Therefore, can the stamp mode also use spaces to adjust the position? Achieve precise adjustment of the position without repeated experimentation to adjust the suitable position


You can use 'Stamp Drag mode'.
You can rotate the brush alpha with '8, 9, 0' at the top of the keyboard.
8 : Quickly rotate brush alpha
9: Rotate Alpha counterclockwise
0 : Rotate Alpha clockwise

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59 minutes ago, Yousung said:


You can use 'Stamp Drag mode'.
You can rotate the brush alpha with '8, 9, 0' at the top of the keyboard.
8 : Quickly rotate brush alpha
9: Rotate Alpha counterclockwise
0 : Rotate Alpha clockwise

I mean the stamp can be moved directly like a square or round tool to change the position at any time


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6 minutes ago, Yousung said:


It has the features you've been looking for.
Isn't this what you wanted? 

Oh Yousung Yes, this tool is exactly what I want, and the randomness of the drag size was also considered at the time. Random drag size does not contradict the brush size adjustment, Thanks again

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7 minutes ago, Tubor said:

Oh Yousung Yes, this tool is exactly what I want, and the randomness of the drag size was also considered at the time. Random drag size does not contradict the brush size adjustment


If you want to change the brush size while stamping
You can use [, ] on the keyboard.

If you want to change the brush depth during stamp
You can use - and + on the keyboard.

If you want to change the brush rotation during stamp
You can use 8, 9, 0 on the keyboard.

It is inconvenient to have to move very slightly, but you can see that it changes in real time during stamping.

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2 minutes ago, Yousung said:


If you want to change the brush size while stamping
You can use [, ] on the keyboard.

If you want to change the brush depth during stamp
You can use - and + on the keyboard. 

If you want to change the brush rotation during stamp
You can use 8, 9, 0 on the keyboard.

It is inconvenient to have to move very slightly, but you can see that it changes in real time during stamping. 

Thanks again, this is already good now.

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[ Toggle Popup/Docked Windows ]

Can you improve it so that it also applies to the Texture Editor?

Currently, this feature only works in 3D Viewport.
I like to spread the UVs into rectangles and quickly fill them with the Lasso function.

Of course, I can transfer it to Photoshop and work on it, but
Because I can't see it right away in 3D, I want to work on 3DCoat whenever possible.

Edit 1 )
Also can you make the Smart Material Preview work in the Texture Editor?

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4 minutes ago, Arvart said:

Hello, can somebody help me? Previously "g" key turned off or on ghost mode on layer below cursor, and not it works like "grab". What hotkey now I can use to ghost my layers in fly.


Check here

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9 minutes ago, Arvart said:

not it works like "grab"

If I remember correctly, the 'G' key is
Since 'Transform without gizmo' was added
It should be set to 'Move in screen space'.

Edit - Transform without gizmo - Move in screen space

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44 minutes ago, jimhatama said:

Curvature skips options and goes straight to baking cant select any 

Windows version 2021.36

I also posted also about the Calculate Curvature panel not appearing yesterday.  I am sure it will be fixed soon. 

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I like to say a big thanks to Andrew and to his team of developers.  I've seen down through the years , since 2007 many many powerful improvements to 3DCoat that Andrew and his team have added. I can not count them all, the features requested or suggested by the users of his program plus his own creative ideas. :clapping:

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10 hours ago, digman said:

Windows version. 2021.36 

I sent a simple 3DC file to support.

Possible Curvature Panel bug.

Import a model for Per Pixel Painting.

Select Calculate Curvature.

The calculation for Curvature begins right way. 

The Calculate Curvature panel does not appear for you to set your Curvature settings first.

If you have chosen the RGB curvature, there are no settings, it just calculates with defaults. But after calculation ensure that the cavity layer is correct.

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"Edit->Preferences->Tools->Use RGB cavity as the default cavity calculation method

Windows version: 2021.36

Here is the problem, even though it is not selected in preferences,  it runs the  RGB cavity method.

If you select the RGB cavity as default.  Go to Textures menu---Calculate Curvature, it does not run the RGB cavity method but opens the Light baking panel shows up instead of the Calculate Curvature panel. 

It appears that the selection is backwards in Preferences---Tools, off is on, On is off and the wrong panel shows up. 

Can someone confirm this as to make sure it is not happening just on my end.


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Working with the tablet on the WinTab setting, version .36 -  there is a brush offset both in painting and sculpting / masking mode with the tablet.
Only the Vertex Line / Vertex Curve drawing modes seem not to be affected.

I've tried to run 3DC with the 'High DPI' display settings both on and off.
The screen resolution is 1920 x 1080.

No issues with the 4.9 version (shown in the video, also in WinTab mode), or with any other tablet-dependent apps.

With the other tablet option chosen in Brushing - WindowsInk - there's no offset issue but all the pressure options under E panel get ignored.

Edited by kt2
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