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The video here says:

The video demonstrates the use of 2 new tools in the Modeling room with the help of imported .iges curves (the extra module for export/import of .iges curves will be available after the 3DCoat 2021 release):


Only seems to import EPS at the moment? What does it mean by 'extra module' and what time frame can we expect this?


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2 hours ago, insignet said:

The video here says:

The video demonstrates the use of 2 new tools in the Modeling room with the help of imported .iges curves (the extra module for export/import of .iges curves will be available after the 3DCoat 2021 release):


Only seems to import EPS at the moment? What does it mean by 'extra module' and what time frame can we expect this?


I also had questions before, but no one has responded to me at the moment. It is estimated that the development schedule has not yet included these.

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25 minutes ago, bocs said:

Noise Brush bug

1. New -> Surface Sculpting

2. Select Noise Brush

3. Paint the mask

4. Enable Realtime

5 Undo (CTRL + Z) 



Noise will be applied twice inadvertently, and it will be necessary to withdraw the command twice or apply the noise once and then turn off the tool. The real-time preview and application of the noise problem did not get the feedback of the previous feedback setting.

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Retopo room select path , I often use this tool , but it isreally difficult to select points, when the point locate in inner shell mesh. like ths pic.


Though I will pick points with rotate around view , but it often miss select other points. It really need try and error to force 3d coat pick the points. sometimes I give up to just select points with this tool (to easy seam etc)

and need to change tool. 

on the other hand if I use Select tool > edge or vertices it can pick these inner mesh point correctly.  Hope it will be solved. 


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16 hours ago, jimhatama said:

I dunno if its  a  bug or im doing something wrong. New RGB curvature cant see small curvatures at all even when adjusting cavity width. This is smallest cavity


Compared to old method



Looks like degree of cavity usage is too high. Decrease the overall cavity modulator for the material. 

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Unlinked Sculpt Mesh now works as expected. Thanks a lot for this :) 

I discovered two more bugs that limit my work a bit.

Move Tool

In my 2021.21 version I still had the checkbox for "steady stroke" which was always checked by default. That was pretty annoying but I could always deactivate it.

The problem with the steady stroke in the move tool is that the "move along normals" function that you trigger with the Ctrl key behaves strangely. It trembles and moves randomly.

The basic move also behaves imprecisely while the steady stroke is activated. The steady stroke box in the move tool has now disappeared for a few versions. But I suspect that it is still activated in the background because the tool continues to behave strangely.

For me this is a big problem because I use the move tool most of the time in the process.

Pose tool

The function "through all volumes" works, but if I have selected several objects, I cannot invert the selection with ctrl-shift-I.

I also asked myself whether it wouldn't make sense if the freeze tool also gets the "through all volumes".

I hope this helps you. :)

Edited by Daffyd
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17 hours ago, insignet said:

Only seems to import EPS at the moment? What does it mean by 'extra module' and what time frame can we expect this?

1. Currently, the functionality of the 3DCoat Curve Editor has already been improved.
2. Curves can be imported in file .Iges in be an extra module, and curves can be created by hand inside 3DCoat 2021 of course.

See example, please


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3 hours ago, Andrew Shpagin said:

Looks like degree of cavity usage is too high. Decrease the overall cavity modulator for the material. 

it just baked that way. I played with cavity modulator and width but cant make RGB cavity thin

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3 hours ago, Andrew Shpagin said:

Looks like degree of cavity usage is too high. Decrease the overall cavity modulator for the material. 

tested this on other meshes and it worked fine. i dunno something is confusing it on one particular mesh. it is baking fast and looks like this. Same mesh bakes fine with old method


Edited by jimhatama
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4 hours ago, Gorbatovsky said:

Curves can be imported in file .Iges in be an extra module

When you say 'Extra Module' do you mean another 2D/3D program that generates IGES curves? If so I can generate IGES curves... but 3DC only has Load Curves >  EPS option ( unless Im missing something ). Even if you select Load Curves and have an EPS file it does not appear in the browser dialogue ( as a recognised EPS file ), you have to select from the drop down menu where you can see the file. 

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In Linux. Symmetry fails when using stamp and stamp drag. It will only work on the opposite side and does not work on the cursor side. This appears to only fail in surface mode. Voxel mode works. Open new large sphere voxel scene from start menu. Enable x symmetry. Change to surface mode. Choose extrude tool and either stamp or stamp drag. Works on mirrored side but not cursor side. Build ....31.

Edited by ebitz
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Frame in viewport display header tip says "Frame scene or current object in viewport". However this function only works for selected objects. It does not frame the scene for all objects in scene unless you select all the objects in the sculpt tree. I believe that we should be able to frame the whole scene without having to select all of the sculpt tree and independent of which object is selected. A global "Frame All" no matter what sculpt tree object is active.

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4 hours ago, insignet said:

When you say 'Extra Module' do you mean another 2D/3D program that generates IGES curves? If so I can generate IGES curves... but 3DC only has Load Curves >  EPS option ( unless Im missing something ). Even if you select Load Curves and have an EPS file it does not appear in the browser dialogue ( as a recognised EPS file ), you have to select from the drop down menu where you can see the file. 

Currently only (.spline) and (.EPS) can be loaded, no other  'Extra Module'  were found

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On 8/26/2021 at 1:38 AM, insignet said:
On 8/26/2021 at 1:38 AM, insignet said:

The video here says:

The video demonstrates the use of 2 new tools in the Modeling room with the help of imported .iges curves (the extra module for export/import of .iges curves will be available after the 3DCoat 2021 release):


Only seems to import EPS at the moment? What does it mean by 'extra module' and what time frame can we expect this?


The extra module for export/import of .iges curves will be available in approx several months. Another extra module will be Moulding tool - the tool for preparation of Moulding forms from the 3D model.

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I have strange bug like as if some small ammount of steady stroke applied to cursor. See small movements dont move yellow circle.  I dont have this problem in 4.9. Also why there is some kind of cross inside circle instead of only dot? I cant see anything in options



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1 hour ago, Carlosan said:

Yes, 3DC only accept one UV map, not multiple.

Is that a spec?

Exporting can put multiple UVs but Importing means, sadly, that we can't re-paint the model after once writing out.:(

Edited by Carlosan
Typo error correction
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