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V4.1 BETA (experimental 4.1.17D)

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can i ask how retopo colour work ? :blush:


i adding color to new retopos

adding colors to selecting faces

applying color over islands after unwrap


no luck


any help is welcome



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Is anyone else having download issues? The download speed for build 4.1.07 is incredibly slow, and eventually stops when the file reaches about 9MB. It's happened a few times, yesterday and today.



For good measure, I tested other files on other sites. No problem.

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No trouble downloading it here. I started the download, walked to the bathroom and back, and it was done.


I just tried the new Primitives for the first time and while the icons looks nice I have no idea what half of them are. Really needs a tool tip with the name for each one.

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No trouble downloading it here. I started the download, walked to the bathroom and back, and it was done.

I just tried the new Primitives for the first time and while the icons looks nice I have no idea what half of them are. Really needs a tool tip with the name for each one.

Agreed on all accounts

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can i ask how retopo colour work ? :blush:


i adding color to new retopos

adding colors to selecting faces

applying color over islands after unwrap


no luck


any help is welcome



Colors are colors of UV clasters. It is palette that is used by coat to pick uv-islands colors.
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(I noticed Pick tool is fixed too :) )


Texture-adjust functions works ok but I dont get preview window .... :(

(anyway,preview should be onscreen like mudbox not in floating window with weird shader,that would be invaluable help when texturing0

Current workflow with adjust functions is mainly guesswork

-adjust to approx random value

-Undo if result is not good

-Try another setting....and so on...

...so its not very good and steal a lot of time out of texturing process


What would be even better is if all those things (mainly hue and saturation) were inside Blending tab of Paint layers instead.

Now THAT would be very helpful...currently there is only brighness/contrast available. What do you think?


other suggestions that would help a lot texturing (vertex paint):


-Drag shaders to objects

-Double click on object with Fill tool to fill continuous object (same thing with paintroom/sculptroom Freeze tool)

-a way to get shaders tweak updated on multiple parts when editing shader settings

ex:I make brass metal shader,I assign it to 12 objects...now I find out I want Roughness to be higher,currently if I change roughness to the shader I need to reassign it manually to each 12 objects...and I need to do that each time I change a setting inside the shader,lot of productivity loss

-it would be very useful for vertex painting that Freeze -Freeze subobject would work for voxtree volumes

or Double click on object with Freeze tool to fill continuous object ( paintroom/sculptrooml)

(also Sculptroom Freeze tool should have "show/hide freeze" in "freeze options"  just like paintroom Freeze, it is missing)

I made textures->adjust to have realtime preview.
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This might be more of a server issue but I just tried uploading a turntable and it rendered fine, then showed me the temp one and it looked fine, so I clicked upload and after a few seconds it took me to my page of uploads but the turntable wasn't there.  Normally it takes you directly to the finished upload.  Can anyone confirm trouble uploading turntables?


Edit: The same thing happens when I try uploading for YouTube. Instead of uploading it just takes me to a page of my previous uploads.

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I made textures->adjust to have realtime preview.

 awesome!!! its gonna be very helpfull, it may not seem like it first glance but its very important improvement for paint room.

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Hello !


Is there a way to get a "flat" preview (without shadows) with the tools [ Textures -> Adjustments -> Brightness/Contrast, HUE, CMJN, ... ] of the painting room ?


Because, with the shadows in the preview windows, it is difficult to see some changes (such as a slight reduction of brightness) :/


Tested and confirmed.

Working with Flat Shade display (Key 2)

When perform Text>Adjust>... the preview option switch automatically the display to Smooth Shade


No preview = Flat Shade

Press preview = Smooth Shade


Will be great to see preview using the display mode selected



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Request to solve lines mode fill gradients issue with vertex paint.


Andrew would it be possible to fix the pixelated aberrations issue when using fill with lines mode?

It's an issue that's carried over from V3.

I've posted a comparison image between a vertex painted gradient by brush and a lines mode fill gradient.




NB: this issue occurs when using , fill by layer or objects mode but not when a gradient is applied through a paint with rectangle e-panel mode.

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  I wonder if any one can help me with this, I have  not a clue how to fix this. The normal map is reversed  after I merged to normal map? It is likely a setting is wrong, but  other parts of the same model seem to work ok. Could the sculpt be "broken"  I have used  a retopo mesh done by hand in Coat and also imported a mesh for retopo from zbrush...same result.


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  I wonder if any one can help me with this, I have  not a clue how to fix this. The normal map is reversed  after I merged to normal map? It is likely a setting is wrong, but  other parts of the same model seem to work ok. Could the sculpt be "broken"  I have used  a retopo mesh done by hand in Coat and also imported a mesh for retopo from zbrush...same result.

Fast walk-around is to set Depth Modulator to -1 in Blending tab of normalmap Layer. Hard to say what happened in your case. You're importing this normal map or bakeing it from Voxel?

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Thank you so much Creator that did  the trick! It sure is a mystery this one . The normal map was baked in Coat.( I did surface and vox to make sure) I've retried other models and they were baking fine. I've also tried repairing the mesh using various methods. I really think the mesh got broken during a "re sample" along the way. Unfortunately I had deleted a really earlier version so I could not regress to try it again.

Thanks again ! This project was ready for the bin, but now I can attack it again with renewed vigor! 

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I just sent it a crash report but someone might like to test if VoxExtrude crashes 3DC for them.  I just draw some freeze on, then press Enter or click Apply, either way 3DC crashes.

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Ok.... I have sought of got a decent normal bake of my head,though with A few anomalies I will suffer through... but now everything else has a reversed normal map?? ,after I made the blending mode -1 for the head . I think I will just have to paint things separately  for this one ,which is not the perfect solution.


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Both you'ts guys seem to have a buggered up Options.xml file or scene file. I was helping someone else try to figure out why he couldn't get Symmetrical Copy to work in the Retopo Room...I tested just the Mannequin model in a new scene and Symm Copy worked fine. So, it was something awry in that scene file.

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Ok.... I have sought of got a decent normal bake of my head,though with A few anomalies I will suffer through... but now everything else has a reversed normal map?? ,after I made the blending mode -1 for the head . I think I will just have to paint things separately  for this one ,which is not the perfect solution.


Separate head UV from other parts (i mean UV sets, not UV groups) and before baking of other parts export head normal map texture to file. Delete Normal map layer and bake other parts, afterwards import head texture . Should work.

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I think the head model has developed a fault some where. Thanks for the advice Creator. ( though  uv stuff does fry my tiny brain!) I found a work around before I saw your reply. I finished painting the model with half of it reversed ,then did the -1 thing that you said then painted the other bit. I imported it to Carrara and there are  " Flip x and y "  buttons for the normals ,that seemed to work. I will stick it in my gallery in a couple of days .

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I have another paint room bug to report that I would love if somebody would test :) If I select subtract from the layer blend mode dialogue, and then I come back at a later time and attempt to change the layer blend mode, it automatically selects whatever mode my mouse happens to be over and closes the selection menu :( This only seems to happen with the lower blend modes

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I have another paint room bug to report that I would love if somebody would test :) If I select subtract from the layer blend mode dialogue, and then I come back at a later time and attempt to change the layer blend mode, it automatically selects whatever mode my mouse happens to be over and closes the selection menu :( This only seems to happen with the lower blend modes

If you can reproduce it, post it to mantis please.


Thank you


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