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V4.1 BETA (experimental 4.1.17D)

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About layer folders:

I barely tested it ,just  merely checked how it works a little but but I can already report 4 things:



1)(as mentioned by Beat) arrow when folder is in collapsed state need to be there in collapsed position otherwize its very confusing to understand which is a layer and which is a folder...of course also adding a little folder icon (or a different color) would be great to help distinguish quickly


2)Dragging a layer to an empty folder does not work,folder need to have at least 1 layer inside it to allow dragging (like voxtree)

Its ok that voxtree work like that because parents are layers too.But folder are only folders so dragging inside empty folder should work correctly.(like PS)


3)Alt-click on layers is very erratic...layer visibility does not get singled out correctly like PS.


4)This one is probably very hard to implement,but you need to make possible to select multiple layers while holding CTRL  for actions such as :deletion,changing blending mode,merging selected layers,changing opacity ect...and most importantly dragging. Im pretty sure its as hard to implement as layer group feature itself but it is really needed. The fact that 3DCoat only allow you to select one layer at a time is a major issue as its one of the very basic functionality of PS,this really needs to be implemented one day and I think now would be a great time to tackle such a task.



I will paint a character tomorrow and report on blending modes ect...unfortunately its gonna be vertex  paint so I wont be able to report about PS interaction.


on another note:

there is 2 big issues with voxel/sf Pick tool.....

1)it still work while user is holding alt .(very annoying as it keep selecting parts while trying to navigate)


2)it even work through dialog windows....so if I click "OK" in Resample dialog window it will pick the object that is under the button and resample it instead of my previously selected object..Even worse,just moving the dialog window around makes Pick tool select objects under cursors... (Im using Stylus not mouse of course so I dont know about mouse)


Strangely it does not concern auto-pick....only Pick tool itself.

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This is really annoying..... currently retopo ing .Every new poly that is made changes ALL the colours to the previous polys that have been made!! As I do this quite fast ,it is making me physically sick....its like LSD or something. Is ther a work around to snap this back to normal or a Pref setting to reset......or anything. 

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This is really annoying..... currently retopo ing .Every new poly that is made changes ALL the colours to the previous polys that have been made!! As I do this quite fast ,it is making me physically sick....its like LSD or something. Is ther a work around to snap this back to normal or a Pref setting to reset......or anything.

Does it happen on every new add poly? Or it starts to happen randomly?
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Hi Andrew,

                  Yes ,every added poly .Here is what happened .( it has happened in the past, but it is not a regular occurrence, just every now and again.)


 I started laying down polys on a head sculpt . 1st poly =colour.....add a new poly= colour change.....add a new poly = colour change. I tried a seperate batch of polys , the first one was ok , it changed colour like it normally would do and the previous batch of polys stayed as they were . But when I added a second poly to the second group that changed colour as did the first group. So basically getting all the colours of the rainbow  giving me a headache! ( just to be clear.. ALL the polys were changing to the SAME colour , not all different colours!)

 I dowloaded the "stable" version , because I remembered this sorted out a different problem I had a while back. But this did the same. So I just cleared the polys I had done, and wouldnt you know it it worked ok when I resumed again. So I re installed the latest beta again and did the same , it seams ok now. I guess it is a mysterious 3dcoat hiccup ! ( if only I had thought of starting from scratch before all that downloading and reinstalling.....you live and learn.


Thanks for all the work you are doing Andrew. I must be difficult to concentrate with all the **** that is happening in your part of the world! 

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This is really annoying..... currently retopo ing .Every new poly that is made changes ALL the colours to the previous polys that have been made!! As I do this quite fast ,it is making me physically sick....its like LSD or something. Is ther a work around to snap this back to normal or a Pref setting to reset......or anything. 


It's always done this. Drives me crazy. I've posted Mantis reports on it a couple of times I think and even ideas on how to change it.

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I personally like the fact that the retopo changes color, as it indicates when retopo groups are separated and having one color won't always be as visibly useful with the sculpture.

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I personally like the fact that the retopo changes color, as it indicates when retopo groups are separated and having one color won't always be as visibly useful with the sculpture.

Yeah, when marking seams no when adding just polygons.  I can't say I've encountered such behavior but it would be distracting.

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Yeah it's always done this, and it's annoying. There's a long standing request in Mantis for choosing our own colours, maybe some day. :)

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Yeah it's always done this, and it's annoying. There's a long standing request in Mantis for choosing our own colours, maybe some day. :)

 If there is a god in heaven, yes please with a cherry on top... I no longer take Purple Micro Dot LSD laced with strstrychnine for better hallucinations... :crazy:

Edited by digman
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Hi Andrew,

                  Yes ,every added poly .Here is what happened .( it has happened in the past, but it is not a regular occurrence, just every now and again.)


 I started laying down polys on a head sculpt . 1st poly =colour.....add a new poly= colour change.....add a new poly = colour change. I tried a seperate batch of polys , the first one was ok , it changed colour like it normally would do and the previous batch of polys stayed as they were . But when I added a second poly to the second group that changed colour as did the first group. So basically getting all the colours of the rainbow  giving me a headache! ( just to be clear.. ALL the polys were changing to the SAME colour , not all different colours!)

 I dowloaded the "stable" version , because I remembered this sorted out a different problem I had a while back. But this did the same. So I just cleared the polys I had done, and wouldnt you know it it worked ok when I resumed again. So I re installed the latest beta again and did the same , it seams ok now. I guess it is a mysterious 3dcoat hiccup ! ( if only I had thought of starting from scratch before all that downloading and reinstalling.....you live and learn.


Thanks for all the work you are doing Andrew. I must be difficult to concentrate with all the **** that is happening in your part of the world!

I found the reason of this. Fixed, I will upload build today.
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I personally like the fact that the retopo changes color, as it indicates when retopo groups are separated and having one color won't always be as visibly useful with the sculpture.

Isn't this on purpose so that unconnected polys act like different sections of a mesh and are easy to distinguish from each other and move from layer to layer.


I like it and it works as expected when say the eyes are one color and the nose is another until as I retopo until I connect the polys then they have the same color.


Please dont change this. But, I see your point if you create a whole bunch of unconnected polys in a row - having the color change then might be weird - but I never work that way creating individual unconnected non touching polys sporadically across a retopo... (unless I dont understand your problem)...

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Isn't this on purpose so that unconnected polys act like different sections of a mesh and are easy to distinguish from each other and move from layer to layer.


I like it and it works as expected when say the eyes are one color and the nose is another until as I retopo until I connect the polys then they have the same color.


Please dont change this. But, I see your point if you create a whole bunch of unconnected polys in a row - having the color change then might be weird - but I never work that way creating individual unconnected non touching polys sporadically across a retopo... (unless I dont understand your problem)...

I agree. I don't typically work that way either, but it can be very annoying when you do.

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Andrew Im currently trying to vertex paint a character in 4.1.06A and Textures-Adjust- Hue/Sat/lightness ,Brightness/contrast,RGB,CMYK ect do not work at all.

Its very difficult (nearly impossible actually) to properly paint a character without those functions.


Also when I choose "Edit permanent shader setting" I expect all the objects using that shader to be affected/updated by the edit .It only affect the current voxel layer....it makes it very difficult to tweak a shader that has been applied to multiple objects across a character.


Also it would be good if someday we could save/load externally shader setup to a file (shaders correspondence to objects)

Its easy to revert to a sculpting shader by applying it to all visible but its impossible after that to revert to the previous shaders that were applied to the different parts without clicking on each object again and reassign each shaders...its very counterproductive....

With save/load shader setup user could switch between a sculpting shader and colored shaders for final render easily.

Im sure its not hard to implement since .3b files already store shaders allocation.


Edit: also it seems old issue with  Stamp Mode is back,it leaves tons of trails while dragging....I'll stop texturing for now until it is fixed,stamp mode is really my main texturing tool....


Good news is layer group seems to work fine :)  (but I did not make an exhaustive use of them,a lot of things need to be tested further ex:specular modes ,lots of untested blending modes ect...

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- dragging layer inside layers folder works correctly

- ALT+layer click works correctly

- stamp mode in paint room and Texture->Apply-> works correctly now with multiple volumes (stated by artman, but it seems to be longstanding problem)

- VoxTree RMB -> Put on ground, Lay on ground (Object will be moved and rotated to get physically stable position on the ground.)

- found and fixed retopo merging problems - one crash and one major slowdown while merging retopo -> paint room. Last one - longstanding problem, relatively highpoly meshes from retopo room was producing huge lags while merging in paint room. 

- Inverse function for Chiesel tweaked to produce less wavy surface.

- retopo groups random color change fixed. Now you may edit retopo palette 


- Pen rotation interpolation tweaked to avoid inintial rotation of the brush - no more this - twistedstroke.png


[upload will be finished in 15 min after this post]

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"retopo groups random color change fixed. Now you may edit retopo palette"


Yahoo!! Thank you very much the ability to edit our retopo palette.

First on my list will be to get rid of the bright green as when it is used you can barely see your uv seams.


Also good to hear the pen rotation at the start of your brush stroke is fixed as well. :D


I will wait to try it out when the Linux version is released.

Edited by digman
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(I noticed Pick tool is fixed too :) )


Texture-adjust functions works ok but I dont get preview window .... :(

(anyway,preview should be onscreen like mudbox not in floating window with weird shader,that would be invaluable help when texturing0

Current workflow with adjust functions is mainly guesswork

-adjust to approx random value

-Undo if result is not good

-Try another setting....and so on...

...so its not very good and steal a lot of time out of texturing process


What would be even better is if all those things (mainly hue and saturation) were inside Blending tab of Paint layers instead.

Now THAT would be very helpful...currently there is only brighness/contrast available. What do you think?


other suggestions that would help a lot texturing (vertex paint):


-Drag shaders to objects

-Double click on object with Fill tool to fill continuous object (same thing with paintroom/sculptroom Freeze tool)

-a way to get shaders tweak updated on multiple parts when editing shader settings

ex:I make brass metal shader,I assign it to 12 objects...now I find out I want Roughness to be higher,currently if I change roughness to the shader I need to reassign it manually to each 12 objects...and I need to do that each time I change a setting inside the shader,lot of productivity loss

-it would be very useful for vertex painting that Freeze -Freeze subobject would work for voxtree volumes

or Double click on object with Freeze tool to fill continuous object ( paintroom/sculptrooml)

(also Sculptroom Freeze tool should have "show/hide freeze" in "freeze options"  just like paintroom Freeze, it is missing)

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0000800: UV-manager disappear after merge PPP from retopo room



Andrew (administrator)
2012-12-04 14:48

It is not a bug. UV manager is intended only for MV painting, not for PPP. In PPP it has no useful function because UV manager is intended for export, but in PPP you are exporting as is - as you see them in Texture UV editor.
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I redownloaded and reinstalled 4.1.07 and the button finally showed up . Either my install was corrupted or there are two completely different 3D Coat 4.1.07 versions available.

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I redownloaded and reinstalled 4.1.07 and the button finally showed up . Either my install was corrupted or there are two completely different 3D Coat 4.1.07 versions available.

For some time (before my announcement of 4.1.07) there was other 4.1.07 without all that features. That is the reason.
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