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3DCoat 2024 development thread

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I am still working over auto-retopo. It appeared harder than I expected, but I developed algorithm to detect sharp edges even over smootehd geometry (based on the solid angle definition), like voxels, where you have no exactly sharp edges. It may be really helpful not ony for retopo, but also for bevel, manual retopo. I still need some time to finish and polish it. So everything is OK (even if there was no updates last week), I work harder than ever before, the brain is boiling, it is far not easy. Also, I got new, better PC, now development will drive faster.

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Здравствуйте . А , что сужение кистей теперь не работает для инструмента паста ?  И на кривых , что на старых и новых , тоже не масштабируется контролем радиуса точки ? Раньше ведь  все работало .! 


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Hi when I run 3DC I no see the amount of free memory at the left bottom corner like in older versions in 3DC! It is possible to enable the view of the memory usage in the preferences section in the new version of 3DC? And I like to know what part of memory the program using GPU MEMORY OR SYSTEM MEMORY. It is very difficult to working with this software because is crash on all my pcs all the time. Workstation 32 gigabyte memory, AMD Ryzen 5 3600X Processor, NVIDIA Quadro P2200 5GB graphics card, 64 bit Windows Pro, crash and freeze. Nitro 7 laptop 32 gigabyte memory, 64 bit Windows Pro, Intel I7-10750H-2.6Ghz CPU, NVidia GeForce RTX 2060 graphics card, crash out of memory nearly all the time. I don't know where is the problem.

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Is 3dCoat working as its supposed to finally?

I dont see any new versions for a while and I check here almost everyday. Does it mean that its finally done as much as you can for now?

or did everbody quit reporting bugs like I did because you developers break more than you fix?

I truly regret upgrading to pro. Funny thing is when I mentioned I upgraded through steam you (probably Andrew) took it off steam right away because its cheaper there.

I still have hopes for this software, that one day I'll be able to totally sculpt in it or import a sculpt and texture and render right here.

if its working.

is it working? 



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Yes, Coat now remembers render room settings, however.... it does so in a totally wrong way in my opinion.

That is, it remembers globally, from last session, regardless of the lights and settings saved in a .3b file.

Expected behaviour would be for Coat to load the render room settings written in a .3b file when opening it (and yes, even 4.9 settings appear to be compatible).

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33 minutes ago, Carlosan said:

Save render settings is not helpful ?


yes it is, and that is how I see that lights from 4.9 can be imported into 2021.

However, it is such a nice thing in 3d-Coat that all sorts of things like lights, baking settings, export settings, etc... all get saved into the .3b file.

So, when something doesn't get saved all of a sudden, it feels very wrong.

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Well no this thing is NOT working properly still.

at around 50mil polys move tool didnt work so I tried to switch to voxel typed in 20 mil.


F* this. I cant start a project in a software I dont trust one bit.

I didnt buy Pro to help you guys develop this forever. I dont have to know all the hicks and workarounds. 

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I shared everything with you many times before Carlos. You are the only one who is trying to help.

And today I thought maybe I was too hard on the developers so I decided to give it another go;

then ofcourse around 3 min into the sculpt, the Absolute brush crashed a 3mil voxel test :angry:

attached the crash screen grab.


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Yes, your computer specs are enough.

Have you previously uninstalled the previous version and deleted the related folders in program files and documents before installing the new one ? (or rename first documents/3DCoat-2021 if need to backup personal stuff)

is it installed on disk C:/ ?

Sorry, I don't know how to help you, I don't have crash reports when sculpting 3 million poly in voxel mode.

Have you sent mail requesting support directly to andrewshpagin@gmail.com ?

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2 minutes ago, Carlosan said:

Yes, your computer specs are enough.

Have you previously uninstalled the previous version and deleted the related folders in program files and documents before installing the new one ? (or rename first documents/3DCoat-2021 if need to backup personal stuff)

is it installed on disk C:/ ?

Sorry, I don't know how to help you, I don't have crash reports when sculpting 3 million poly in voxel mode.

Have you sent mail requesting support directly to andrewshpagin@gmail.com ?

When 2021 was released I installed uninstalled every version for a while trying to help. On C drive ofcourse. I did delete the folders at times. I have the 4.9.05 installer still saved in a do not delete folder :D. My registry is probably full of friggin 3dc versions. Since Andrew is the main guy I didnt want to bother him. I come here everyday and see people discuss rocket science no the main basic problems. I check youtube daily for updated proper tutorials. Waiting for Anton to make more advanced tutorails. He is covering the basics at the moment. 

I am also aware of the fact that voxels are though to work with.

So if you are asking me to format the C drive and only install windows, wacom and 3dCoat I can for sure. But then if anything goes wrong with 3dc again I reserve the right to go berserk all over the internet :D

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4 hours ago, sprayer said:

Freeze isn't enough? 


You actually illustrated what the problem is.

You're 100% right Freeze is probably exactly what milhouzz is looking for. However, the name itself is just, well, terrible. Intuitively, most people look and reach for a tool specifically named Mask. It's common, basic terminology that's been used in ZBrush, Photoshop, and elsewhere for nearly 2 decades.

I'm sure that there's a very well reasoned out internal logic in naming it Freeze. However, when it's functionally equivalent to what users want/expect from a Mask tool, it's a frustratingly counter-intuitive naming convention. So, if you're a n00b and you're looking for Mask, posts like milhouzz's get created.

3DCoat has always danced to the beat of it's own drum. Y'all think and do things a little different. Respect. Still, it's something like this - opting to call basic Mask functionality Freeze instead - that SO many non-3DCoat users see the app as weird, quirky, or just plain clunky.

It's fine to dance to your own beat, but at least stay on the dance floor when people expect you to. :) Freeze functionality should just be named Mask. Even if it has some added perks beyond stock masking tools, it is EXACTLY what users are looking for when they fail to find Mask in  their menu or tool palette.

Edited by cookepuss
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3 hours ago, milhouzz said:

oh ok it actually works but only if you stay with clay/draw tools

maybe if you describe what you trying to do we will help, maybe you trying to make it wrong way. But better create another topic for that.


@cookepuss Yes, some names in 3dcoat not very intuitive, i am also suggested to rename some windows, but i think that's not big problem, all software have own way). For example in affinity photo there is also some tools have own name and mask works just different compare to photoshop and you have to google how it works. 

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2 hours ago, sprayer said:

maybe if you describe what you trying to do we will help, maybe you trying to make it wrong way. But better create another topic for that.


@cookepuss Yes, some names in 3dcoat not very intuitive, i am also suggested to rename some windows, but i think that's not big problem, all software have own way). For example in affinity photo there is also some tools have own name and mask works just different compare to photoshop and you have to google how it works. 

just trying to use it the same way i use it in blender or zb, just as a basic mask where i can apply any tool. I never tried to use it in 3d coat before but was just looking into it see if it was there as its a very common feature when modelling

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