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3DCoat 2024 development thread

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On 11/13/2021 at 6:14 PM, Elemeno said:

would love too....

the select tool isnt needed, select and transform should be default constantly.. every time you click off the mesh after using extrude etc the tool should defauly back to select and transform, the transform gizmo should only have axis no a scale or rotation tool,

hotkeys applied to tool should make more sense, E instead of tool options should be extrude and then a menu for the extrusion, extrude should default as normaly extrude but can be over riden with the  gizmo axis,

transform movement should have a hotkey using g then zxy for the axis or use the gizmo.

scaling should have the hotkey S applied and again allow S+(zxy) s defauly should scale inwards into the face(s) slected

rotation hotkey being R allowing R+(ZXY) dependsing on the axis of rotation , R by default should rotate based on the viewpoints angle

all surface tools that use curves to generate should be in one category

splitting faces or edges should be hotkey crtl+r and based on face angle first and then using the mouse movement placement , the split shouldnt pass over the face youve decided to split

just some examples would serious speed up simple modelling to get a shape into sculpt room and add details,

alot of us i presume as used to maya,max,blender etc and these are quite universal methods and would help alot of us use the modellong tools.

i know this sounds like im asking you to basically copy what other modelling programs use or how they do things but thats because alot of these things have been years in the works and they work.. they make sense and they help with workflow so much

Select tool, I agree, should not be a tool, but a constant function. However, the TRANSFORM tool implies BASIC TRANSFORM OPERATIONS, not just MOVE. I has Rotate and Scale built-in. If this is not to your liking, you can always set it to be just MOVE or just SCALE or just ROTATE at any point, in the Tool Options panel or by using Qwerty hotkeys

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On 10/24/2021 at 6:59 PM, Carlosan said:

- Take a shirt

- Isolate the parts you need to texture, UV it.

- Import same mesh to sculpt room as surface (increasing resolution) and to paint room

- Create Smart Material with seamless texture, fill tiled with UV projection.

- Bake > Take subdivided paint mesh into the sculpt room > FlatPatches > Vertex count 3M

- Re-project


Where is this Take Subdivided Mesh tool? I have the latest 3DC on my laptop and a slightly older one on my desktop. Neither show that in the Bake menu.

Edit: OK I found it. I had to uninstall all of my 2021 versions, then reinstall the latest. Thanks!

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5 hours ago, philnolan3d said:

Where is this Take Subdivided Mesh tool? I have the latest 3DC on my laptop and a slightly older one on my desktop. Neither show that in the Bake menu.

Edit: OK I found it. I had to uninstall all of my 2021 versions, then reinstall the latest. Thanks!


In my tests, "take subdivided mesh to sculpt room" does not take into account the actual normal map layer, i see one in your layers panel.
in your original posts you said you painted the grid "on the normal map". Did you actually paint on the actual normal map layer, or on layer 1 ?
If you painted on normal map itself, did that carry over to the sculpt room ?

I tested just now and it seems impossible to paint depth on the normal map layer in 2021 even after unlocking it.
Normal map layer data still does not get baked to the subdivided sculpt mesh.
I had the idea to "export depth" from texture menu with the intention of re-importing it so that it would transfer to subdivided mesh, but I found with horror that exporting depth does not take the normal map data into account either.

Only way this works is with depth painted on other layers, or by faking depth (for example importing a 3d scan's albedo texture as depth map).

I still have not managed to find a workaround to use a normal map with this tool :(
there is one tool that should be able to do the job but when I tried it I had horrible results :
when you create/edit a smart material and insert a normal map for depth, 3d-Coat prompts you if you would like to convert the normal map to depth map.
If this worked, you would then fill a layer with that data on the paint mesh with the "uv mapping" projection method.


Example of horrible result when using smart material editor to convert imported normal map to bump/depth : image.thumb.png.e0b079d6718f05d2cd52dea7df41e536.png


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I painted directly on the normal map in the texture editor. At first I did Layer 1, but then thought that might not be a good idea so I made a new layer. It transferred to the Sculpt room just fine. I did discover that I have to make the brush strength very very low, like 0.3. Or else it gets seriously blown out in the sculpt room. Now I just have to figure out getting it transferred to the original sculpture.

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25 minutes ago, philnolan3d said:

I painted directly on the normal map in the texture editor. At first I did Layer 1, but then thought that might not be a good idea so I made a new layer. It transferred to the Sculpt room just fine. I did discover that I have to make the brush strength very very low, like 0.3. Or else it gets seriously blown out in the sculpt room. Now I just have to figure out getting it transferred to the original sculpture.

impossible to paint directly on normal map layer on my side.

to tranfer to original sculpture use reprojection tool.
it has a button to reproject the whole mesh but that can take a long time and fail, best to use the brush which works fine.
think of it like the baking tool in retopo room. depth of brush represents scanning distance.

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I can't launch 3d coat executable file on linux in 2021.70.  Has anyone experienced the same?  

I just re-downloaded 2021.31 and it was fine with 2021.31.


Update: I replaced the "LinuxLibs" folder with the one from 2021.31, now it works.  The "LinuxLibs" folder in 2021.70 only has 2 files and the "LinuxLibs" folder in 2021.31 has 7 files.  I guess that's why.  

Edited by animk
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2021.70 Linux

Auto retopo just hangs forever, the program basically freezes.

Update: In fact, it just takes very long time to finish because the best quality option is chosen, the result looks amazing.

Edited by animk
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On 11/25/2021 at 4:05 PM, ebitz said:

Still crashing when baking.

Thanks for the report! No, we don't know that. It is working on my Ubuntu 20.04 with all updates. And we were hoping that it would work in newer distros because there was a lot of rework in that code (to make it more quick and portable).

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On 11/28/2021 at 6:53 PM, animk said:

I can't launch 3d coat executable file on linux in 2021.70.  Has anyone experienced the same?  

I just re-downloaded 2021.31 and it was fine with 2021.31.


Update: I replaced the "LinuxLibs" folder with the one from 2021.31, now it works.  The "LinuxLibs" folder in 2021.70 only has 2 files and the "LinuxLibs" folder in 2021.31 has 7 files.  I guess that's why.  

I couldn't launch it either. There was a missing library "libomp5". Simply installed it and fixed the issue.

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16 minutes ago, ebitz said:

I couldn't launch it either. There was a missing library "libomp5". Simply installed it and fixed the issue.

I am on Linux mint, it shows some other files are missing.  I think in the future I probably just leave that folder alone when updating. 

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Quickly testing the new version the results are incredible, thanks for your hard work !

@Andrew Shpagin Mimic ZBrush settings, could be added Curve strength as new feature/option to strokes ? Thanks !

The Tool >> ZRemesher >> Curve Strength slider lets you control how you wish your curves to be used to more or less rigidly guide the flow of the polygons.

The lower the Curve Strength slider value, the more flexibility ZRemesher will have when calculating the new topology. In this case, the curves serve as guides. The higher the slider value, the more rigidly ZRemesher will adhere to the guide curves. In this case, the guides become rules.


- After Autopo mesh show all faces selected.



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Before the release of the version, the automatic topology could not correctly identify the small rhizomes. After repeated automatic topology tests, it still failed. Finally, the automatic topology of zbrush was used to solve the problem. After the new version was released, the re-testing still did not work properly.1637620429_R6)MMSSN4T4O__A8RCFLI.thumb.png.9fb83fa3e5c1669ed1ccd6ee2491eaca.png

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Просто супер спасибо за вашу работу  . Профиль кривой и масштаб  прямо в графике . И не надо создавать лишних кривых , все на лету . Вы реально облегчили мою работу по создании декоров .!


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2 hours ago, Tubor said:

Before the release of the version, the automatic topology could not correctly identify the small rhizomes. After repeated automatic topology tests, it still failed. Finally, the automatic topology of zbrush was used to solve the problem. After the new version was released, the re-testing still did not work properly.1637620429_R6)MMSSN4T4O__A8RCFLI.thumb.png.9fb83fa3e5c1669ed1ccd6ee2491eaca.png

Is is possible to share the model. I would like to run a few test also. Pm with a link to download.

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Problems :
-Second time you run autopo the retopo mesh of the first object is deleted.
-Third time you run autopo, the new geometry is on the same polygroup as the geometry of the second iteration.
-Name of sculptree layer does not carry over to the name of polygroup after autopo

Steps to reproduce :
-Create three simple sculpt objects on separate layers.

-Run autopo on first object (call autopo either from sculpt room or retopo room, it does not matter) : Polygroup called "Mesh" gets created containing the geometry generated by autopo.
-run autopo on second object : geometry on polygroup called "Mesh" gets deleted, and a new polygroup called "Surface" gets created containing the geometry for the second object.
-run autopo on third object : geometry of third object is generated on the polygroup called "Surface" alongside the geometry of second object.


Edited by Silas Merlin
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Если бы еще можно было цеплять , масштабировать  примитивы к поверхности (нормали)  полигонов  при построении кривой , профиля , полоски (которую можно всегда расширить ) . то это был бы в обще мега инструмент , чем то похож на нано меш в Zbrush но более гибкий  . Это то так к слову .   


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24 minutes ago, Евгений said:

цеплять , масштабировать  примитивы к поверхности (нормали)  полигонов  при построении кривой , профиля , полоски

Интересная идея, спасибо.
А как их цеплять? К центру  каждого фейса в каком то диапозоне? Или задать диапазон вдоль направляющей и частоту вдоль U/V.
Тут нужно еще подумать как обрезать примитив и стыковать к новому мешу.

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18 minutes ago, Gorbatovsky said:

Интересная идея, спасибо.
А как их цеплять? К центру каждого фейса в каком то диапозоне? Или задать диапазон вдоль направляющей и частоту вдоль U/V.
Тут нужно еще подумать как обрезать примитив и стыковать к новому мешу.

В Zbrush к центру фейса привязка , но можно масштабировать потом примитив , смещать , вращать и тд. 


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3 hours ago, digman said:

Is is possible to share the model. I would like to run a few test also. Pm with a link to download.


6 hours ago, Tubor said:

Before the release of the version, the automatic topology could not correctly identify the small rhizomes. After repeated automatic topology tests, it still failed. Finally, the automatic topology of zbrush was used to solve the problem. After the new version was released, the re-testing still did not work properly.1637620429_R6)MMSSN4T4O__A8RCFLI.thumb.png.9fb83fa3e5c1669ed1ccd6ee2491eaca.png

Uncheck "Hardsurface" and try again. 

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On 11/25/2021 at 9:05 AM, ebitz said:

Thanks for the Linux upload. Still crashing when baking. Your probably already aware of this.

Same here. If you install it with Lutris you can bake as expected, but its a mess. Hope this helps. I started using Z Brush and Marmoset Toolbag instead which I recommend you do as well. Good luck!

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Carlosan Andrew Shpagin  digman

The model file has been uploaded and can be tested

ps:At that time, I tried to increase the density of the rhizome selection area, and the result was slightly better, but it was still not completely effective. If the number of topological grids increases, the software will stop working. In addition, the "instant mesh" has been tested. The speed and quality are better than the quality of automatic topology, but the rhizome head still can not give the correct result. . Looking forward to your test


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