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3DCoat 2024 development thread

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8 hours ago, Andrew Shpagin said:

I am not able to reproduce.All works as expected. I tried on the head from the start menu. Please show the full screen to see the tool settings and vox tree.

Thanks Andrew, I've been using .61 so far without issue.  If it crops up again I'll let you know. 

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Thu Oct 14 22:14:19 2021

- If you import the mesh for the vertex painting and it has textures, all of them will be applied to the mesh (color, gloss, metal, displacement)

- Now you may transform paint objects to sculpt objects, textures (color, gloss, metal, displacement) will be transformed to vertex paint layer.



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The minor update of the .62 version is great, but it cannot be accurately matched when the depth of the painting room is converted to the carving room. It is necessary to draw a very small depth to ensure that the conversion to the carving room can ensure relative stability. I hope that the depth problem can be appropriately matched.

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On 10/12/2021 at 11:50 AM, Allabulle said:

news on the Linux builds

Hello, Allabulle! Some time ago after updating Ubuntu 20.04 it stopped booting on my laptop (on which I was building "3DCoat 2021" for Linux). On my desktop, Ubuntu 21.04 was installed. But because of several building problems, I am currently unable to build "3DCoat 2021" on it. So my plan is to eliminate the gap between Linux builds by installing Ubuntu 20.04 on my desktop. Then build and upload the current "3DCoat 2021.6x" (hopefully in the nearest days). The global plan is to migrate the "3DCoat 2021" building onto the new Ubuntu 21.10 and make more regular semi-automated builds.

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3 hours ago, SERGYI said:

Hello, Allabulle! Some time ago after updating Ubuntu 20.04 it stopped booting on my laptop (on which I was building "3DCoat 2021" for Linux). On my desktop, Ubuntu 21.04 was installed. But because of several building problems, I am currently unable to build "3DCoat 2021" on it. So my plan is to eliminate the gap between Linux builds by installing Ubuntu 20.04 on my desktop. Then build and upload the current "3DCoat 2021.6x" (hopefully in the nearest days). The global plan is to migrate the "3DCoat 2021" building onto the new Ubuntu 21.10 and make more regular semi-automated builds.

Thanks for the heads-up, Sergyi.

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4 hours ago, Mystical said:

This issue is still persisting in 2021.61, if you you apply a decal with stamp drag brush option it is more pixelated and lower quality and the default brush option:


Left: Stamp Drag mode, Right: Default click once brush

What is the nature of the decal? Is it brush image or stencil?

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13 hours ago, Andrew Shpagin said:

What is the nature of the decal? Is it brush image or stencil?


6 hours ago, Mystical said:

Imported PNG image

Mystical, please clarify if it's imported into the Brush Alpha pallet or the Stencils. I assumed you were referring to a Brush Alpha, but perhaps you meant it was a stencil or Smart Material Decal. In either of the last 2 scenarios, you would not want to use the stamp draw mode, but a brush alpha. Thanks for posting the issue, though, because it needs to be fixed ASAP.

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Yeah it is imported PNG image to the Brush Alpha Palette. I had used Alpha Brushes and stamping them with decal option since v48 and v49 of 3D Coat just fine and worked good up until 2021 version they became jagged and lower resolution.

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When I have a complex model in the scene which consists of many objects I wish we had a frame or an outliner which layer I have selected. Simple said: if I have 10 Cylinders in the scene and select the layer "cylinder_1" I don't know which one it is in the 3D Viewport. A simple yellow outliner or something which indicates the selected one is neccessary. 

I really can just focus out how importent it is to make 3D Coat more pipeline friendly and also focus more on make it more simple to work with complex scenes. At the moment it is a nightmare. It works with the default cube but not with a scene with over 100 objects. I hope this changes, that would be awesome!

Edited by Marlo
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2 hours ago, Marlo said:

Когда у меня есть сложная модель в сцене, состоящая из множества объектов, я хотел бы, чтобы у нас была рамка или контур, какой слой я выбрал. Просто сказано: если у меня есть 10 цилиндров в сцене и я выбираю слой "cylinder_1", я не знаю, какой из них находится в 3D-окне просмотра. Простой желтый контур или что-то такое, что указывает на необходимость выбранного.

Я действительно могу просто сосредоточиться на том, насколько важно сделать 3D-покрытие более удобным для конвейера, а также сосредоточиться на том, чтобы упростить работу со сложными сценами. В данный момент это настоящий кошмар. Он работает с кубом по умолчанию, но не со сценой с более чем 100 объектами. Я надеюсь, что это изменится, это было бы потрясающе!

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3 minutes ago, digman said:


Possible bug.

The highlighting function for sculpt models does not appear to be working. I have the function enable but there is no flashing that appears for a moment around the object when hovering over it.  

Please test and confirm if happens on your end.


Did you read my post? =)

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5 hours ago, Marlo said:

When I have a complex model in the scene which consists of many objects I wish we had a frame or an outliner which layer I have selected. Simple said: if I have 10 Cylinders in the scene and select the layer "cylinder_1" I don't know which one it is in the 3D Viewport. A simple yellow outliner or something which indicates the selected one is neccessary. 

I really can just focus out how importent it is to make 3D Coat more pipeline friendly and also focus more on make it more simple to work with complex scenes. At the moment it is a nightmare. It works with the default cube but not with a scene with over 100 objects. I hope this changes, that would be awesome!


There is a highlighting function but it appears to have a bug atm with Mat_Cap shaders, the other shaders work.  Confirming Sprayer findings.  For now hover over an object press the "H" key in the viewport. That object will be selected and the correct layer will be selected and it will take you to that layer even if the layer is far down in the stack. 

The highlighting function works with the shaders but atm not with the  mat_cap shaders, Sprayer pointed that out in his post. 

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- If you import the mesh for the vertex painting and it has textures, all of them will be applied to the mesh (color, gloss, metal, displacement)

- Now you may transform paint objects to sculpt objects, textures (color, gloss, metal, displacement) will be transformed to vertex paint layer. 


The above works but a possible bug. 

When the normal map is converted to real geometry, the depth becomes reversed. 

This is with hand painted depth and my testing of some of my personal smart materials did the same reversing of depth.

I do nor know if this due to the type of normal created in the paint room but expected behavior would be any norrmal map preset should work correctly. 

This is a new feature so I expect some problems in the beginning.  Open beta testing we have. 




Fixed on .63

Edited by Carlosan
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Did External 2D Editor options in Paint Room disappear? In previous versions if you were in paint room and went to Edit in the menu bar there were several 2D External Editor Options to export the current layers + model wireframe to an external 2D Editor (would open file automatically in your paint program). In preferences in/out options the 2D External Editor option is still present though: image.png.07095526a9822d5e7e29e7754395179f.png

Options looked like this:


Edited by Mystical
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11 hours ago, nobackup said:

Is there a way to turn off these axis around the cursor?  They appear when I hold ALT to navigate.  Sometimes when working on a small object they can appear pretty large.  


I looked but did not see anything to turn it off. Though I could be missing it. I believe it is hard coded. 

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This post was recognized by Carlosan!

digman was awarded 1 points.

3 hours ago, Mystical said:

Did External 2D Editor options in Paint Room disappear? In previous versions if you were in paint room and went to Edit in the menu bar there were several 2D External Editor Options to export the current layers + model wireframe to an external 2D Editor (would open file automatically in your paint program). In preferences in/out options the 2D External Editor option is still present though: image.png.07095526a9822d5e7e29e7754395179f.png

Options looked like this:


Windows version 2021.63

I still have those options on my end. 

You do have to setup your own hotkeys for them now I noticed.


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@Andrew Shpagin version .63 - Render Room resets after switching to other rooms. If you change exposure, switch on space reflections and illumination or any other setting, it goes to defaults after you switch to other rooms.

Flat shading still doesn't work as it should... visible intersections. It doesn't work correctly in 4.9.72 and all versions of 2021.


3DCoat 2021.63[floating, used 2 of 5] 18.10.2021 14_34_18.png

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