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3DCoat 2024 development thread

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When opening the Layers.psd file to edit Metal layers externally, sometimes photoshop says "Some groups were found corrupted and repaired".
By "repaired" photoshop actually converts the group to a blank layer, and add a <end> layer under the layers that were in the group.
(groups are a recent features in 3DCoat layers I think ?)

Edited by liok
did not see the group was now a layer.
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-When exporting object/textures, upon re-opening your file, your preset gets reset, I was exporting in blender applink, and now it's set to 3DsMax.
-Also when re-opening 3dCoat, the size of panels gets reset around 20% of the time, so if you have 3 panels in a column, sometimes they occupy each a third of the column again, while you slided one to occupy just a tiny bit. (like the proxy slider for example.)

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I installed last week on a fresh computer with a 3090 hehe, I'm on 2022.05.
I saw that the way preferences are named and organized totally changed after I suggested it really deserved some cleanup last year, so it seems that now installing a new version of Coat should preserve things and make it easier to restore prefs when lost, so I might be less fearful of installing version more regularly (the space mouse losing all preferences after each update was an absolute nightmare too as 3DCoat.exe was named a bit differently each time or something so it was detected as a new software by 3DConnexion/space mouse, crossing fingers it won't be the case anymore.)
But it's still quite painful to customize alphas ect.. what I do is deleting all the user prefs content from the instal location in Programs, (because I don't think any, apart from materials, deserve to stay, they're super outdated textures ect..) and just cultivate the user prefs in the document folder (So only 1 location that I need to keep an eye on and backup on dropbox.) So in Coat the default tab (in alphas ect..) has the alphas placed in the root of the alpha folder, and each fodler inside becomes a tab in the alphas panel in Coat.

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Hum, all my sculpt object bake layers found themselves inside the group I have for smart materials upon file re-open (after the auto update closed crashed Coat when clicking on it.) Layer 0 is in the group too, maybe that's why Phostophop says the group is corrupted, but when trying to grab Layer 0 and placing it outside the group, the UI totally bugs and the layers slides wayyy downward the layer stack, and stays there ...

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This kind of old sliding/no-snapping issue still happens today with tools in the sculpt quick menu (space-bar) where if you click drag some tools, they kinda hang out in the air instead of snapping inside the 1-9 slots at the top. It also kinda happens sometimes in the tool presets. Ah yes the tool presets kinda works when sliding them, they snap in place between two other presets, but then upon re-opening Coat their place gets randomly shuffled, every time I open Coat I have to drag my move tool preset back from a random position to the bottom of my presets.

I realize this is bad timing to give issue reports though, I hope all the Pilgway team and family is safe.

Edited by liok
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First, I hope everybody is healthy wherever they are. 

1. These tools are double in symbol mode. Clay and Lute. They are even double highlighted when selected.

2. In the Retopo Room, I have a Model with hundreds of edges marked as sharp. Sharp edge tool in 'Tweak' section, does not support Rectangle Selection (I think it should). Then I found in the 'Selected' Tools there is a clear sharp tool, which works fine.

Thank you!


Edited by Ctc_nick
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It feels wrong to give feedback given the current situation. However, since there has been a new build, I guess it is alright ?

I tried to see what changes were made to the automapping method without success. What I found is that what seems to me to be the most problematic aspects are still there :
-imagine a mesh of a statue with a crown on the head. All of one piece : automap will necessarily fail in that area where there are two distinct surfaces close by facing the same direction. There will be a large island with overlaps.
sometimes 3d-coat will make separate islands for the part of the head that is directly behind the crown, but there will still be overlaps in the deepest corners.
-after automap, if you edit an island manually, that is, if you add seams to cut it up further, when you unwrap that island, you are not given the choice to use the same unwrap method as the one automap uses.
The method automap uses is able to unwrap complicated islands that no other available method can unwrap correctly.

On another subject, namely quality of life, I think it would be good to add something to the layer blending panel :
-right click on a value to reset to default

in the layers panel, it would be good to be able to scroll through the color blending modes, as opposed to how it currently works : click on the scrolldown menu each time you want to try a different option.

Same thing goes for the panoramas : the ability to scroll through them would be nice. (also, having the current one highlighted, and the panorama name visible).

Edited by Silas Merlin
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1 hour ago, Andrew Shpagin said:

As I stated in Twitter, I can work 8-10 hours (it is a bit less than before), sleep 6 hours and the rest time spent to solve all different war-related questions around. So, we develop, place is safe, we are very thankful to community that helps to Ukraine and helps us personally buying the licenses.

I may not be on the forum much these days due to my current job, but I never stop using 3DC in my work and think about you guys frequently. I pray this soon ends and for you, Stas, Oleg, Daniel, Vladimir and all your families.

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About automap again.
Aside from the crown example, here is another one :
A statue with a lot of folds in cloth and a high polycount (900k)

3d-Coat will create big complicated islands that follow the folds and intersect with themselves.
Also, for some reason, in some areas it will create one island per triangle.



Also, in this case, a separate island is placed over the big island, with overlaps.



I have tried automap on this model both in 4.9 and 2022.07 with exactly the same result.

I believe this model will eventually be available for download on a friend's account, so I think it can be used for testing and hopefully improve the automap feature.




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23 hours ago, iRadovsky said:

@Andrew Shpagin

Что у вас происходит? Где вы? Вы в безопасности???

Я под Киевом, в селе. Тут довольно-таки безопасно. Электричество, интернет, вода, еда. Просто наш поселок далеко от всех "объектов". Но у нас тут в подвале ночуют большинство. Я - нет, надоело это. В доме со мной теперь живет 19 человек. Вдалеке взрывы, в Киеве падают ракеты. В городе, где я родился, в Мариуполе, вообще капец, а там брат и сестра, выехать нельзя, обстреляли даже вагон с беженцами.

Но такого единодушия я еще не видел никогда. Просто все как один. Организовываемся, как можем. Дежурим по ночам, чтобы предупредить всех, если что. Хуже то, что большинство (но не все, конечно) русских верят, что тут нацисты, а потому массовых протестов в России нет. Огромное уважение тем, кто все же решается на это, несмотря на риск. Я всегда говорил по-русски, и с этим никогда не было проблем, и даже сейчас нет. Война, которая от начала и до конца построена на абсолютной лжи. 1984 просто.

Но поддержка со всех сторон чувствуется просто невероятная. Весь мир за нас. Огромнейшая благодарность за это. Мы сделали рассылку о ситуации, что тут у нас сейчас, и только один возмутился, что вы там мне спам рассылаете со ссылкой на донаты на армию.

При этом я работаю, это помогает. И помогаю своими талантами, когда это возможно.

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Рад слышать!

Я сам с Сербии но друзья из росси говорят что СМИ врут безбожно и старшее поколение верит... и моя мать тоже.. ужас! У многих на этой почве с рдителями полный п..ц ((

Держитесь там! Мы с вами как можем!!

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On 3/1/2022 at 4:15 PM, Silas Merlin said:

About automap again.
Aside from the crown example, here is another one :
A statue with a lot of folds in cloth and a high polycount (900k)

3d-Coat will create big complicated islands that follow the folds and intersect with themselves.
Also, for some reason, in some areas it will create one island per triangle.



Also, in this case, a separate island is placed over the big island, with overlaps.



I have tried automap on this model both in 4.9 and 2022.07 with exactly the same result.

I believe this model will eventually be available for download on a friend's account, so I think it can be used for testing and hopefully improve the automap feature.




Auto-map will be completely re-made. It is an overly complex algorithm; I am moving there gradually. 

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When working with 3d scans, it is often not possible to stay below the recommended 50k triangles in the retopo room.

Much of the work has to be done in the retopo room, vertex by vertex.

I recently worked on a 1 million polygons mesh in the retopo room. The workaround I found to make this possible was to :
-move a selected portion of geometry to a new retopo object layer
-move the selected portion to a separate uv-set
-hide all other geometry.
This made it possible to work with almost acceptable lag, considering.

When you have too many polygons in the retopo room, only uv-path tool can be used of the uv tools. Which is fine, really, but the problem is that unwrap preview stops working with high polycount.
This means that it is necessary to unwrap periodically and then inspect closely each island, zooming in at the triangle level in the uv preview panel, to detect islands that need to be cut up further. then unwrap again, inspect, etc.

also, as noted in my previous post, automap goes crazy at high polycount : in areas it will create one island per triangle.

My question is : is it possible in future to make the retopo room capable of dealing with high polycounts without lag, and with all the tools working ?


Edited by Silas Merlin
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On 3/1/2022 at 9:31 AM, Andrew Shpagin said:

As I stated in Twitter, I can work 8-10 hours (it is a bit less than before), sleep 6 hours and the rest time spent to solve all different war-related questions around. So, we develop, place is safe, we are very thankful to community that helps to Ukraine and helps us personally buying the licenses.

andrew please set up a just giving page for the pilgway team please so we can donate direct to all staff,family and friends

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Thank you so much for the new Linux build.

I hope the developers, families and friends are well and safe. I certainly wasn't expecting a new build; I admire the capacity to stay focused and committed to developing the software during this trying and horrifying times.

Edited by Allabulle
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i see that the move tool is snapping to a polygon if pressing on it, is it possible to have it automatically inherit that polygon's normal direction ? 

It was one of the things i wrote in the long list of modeling improvements 

Amazing work guys, thank you


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10 hours ago, Allabulle said:

Thank you so much for the new Linux build.

I hope the developers, families and friends are well and safe. I certainly wasn't expecting a new build; I admire the capacity to stay focused and committed to developing the software during this trying and horrifying times.

Where is the new linux build?


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This post was recognized by Carlosan!

Sorn was awarded the badge 'Helpful' and 1 points.

7 hours ago, ebitz said:

Where is the new linux build?


You can find a download link in the first page of this thread.

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YEEEEESSSSS! Limited testing but Sergyi, it seems, has fixed the baking issue in linux. Thank you sir. Can I ask what the issue was in simple terms? Just curious.


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15 hours ago, ebitz said:

Can I ask what the issue was in simple terms?

When I installed the new Ubuntu 21.10 to debug "Bake w/ Normal Map", it turned out that the crash was occurring when calling "pthread_mutex_lock" inside the system library "libc.so.6". I double-checked that the std::mutex is correct (its 40 bytes are not overwritten by some code in "3DCoat"). Thousands of times "pthread_mutex_lock" was successful. But at some point, it wasn't (as I said the std::mutex is valid). This mutex was used in the memory pool class. To workaround this crash for Linux I changed memory allocation from the pool to standard "new" operator (which doesn't require mutex).

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