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V4.5 BETA (experimental)

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Just wanted to say how great the bundled pbr materials are :)....its really a very complete and nice set to start doing some very cool texturing straight out of the box,also very instructive once you start looking into them.Great job from Mr. Davyd Cryunreal ,I hope more of those will pop up as updates or purchasable libraries.

One annoying issue tough is I still have some problem with previewer sometimes it feels it is not refreshed or does show properly when scaling/moving the cubemapping.

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For PBR:

Is this right: The masks are not working as long as I have no ambient or cavity pre calculations?


Should not the overall pbr layer masks work always?


Or did I made a mistake in the settings?


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Am I correct in thinking that only the DX versions of the new 4.5 BETA are to be used, as when I try the GL CUDA version it still has an .exe from version 4.1.7D in the download and install (from the latest link at the beginning of the thread)?




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Am I correct in thinking that only the DX versions of the new 4.5 BETA are to be used, as when I try the GL CUDA version it still has an .exe from version 4.1.7D in the download and install (from the latest link at the beginning of the thread)?




Yes,use DX....GL build is on its way,Andrew needs to update shaders.Should be soon now.



For PBR:

Is this right: The masks are not working as long as I have no ambient or cavity pre calculations?


Should not the overall pbr layer masks work always?


Or did I made a mistake in the settings?


Seems like a bug to me. Masking should work whether Cavity/Occlusion layer is there or not.

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6.01.2015 4.5 BETA4

- Important!! fixed critical problem related to broken export.

- Compatibility/GGX/Blinn-phong shading. Compatibility shading preserves colors as well as previous coat's shading but is able to use advantages of PBR.

- PBR preview in paintbrush mode

- new materials

Thanks, Andrew. :good:

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now with proper Udim support, will be this request resolved too ?


0001482: Ability to switch from Single to Multi-UV Tile in the Texture Editor

Trello vote card


ty ! :)


That would be nice. :) ...And not to rain on the UDIM parade (because it's really awesome to have, and more than helpful), but it still doesn't address the bigger issue of editing, painting, etc. multiple UV tiles for one UV map.

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PBR is great. There is a bug when filling with leaks material, with LMB. It is destroying metallness of base material. See below - fill with button press vs fill with LMB:


Try a different brush tip. Maybe it works then. If your brush tip is transparent in the tip center than it could result in this problems. If so then this is an old issue. If you know it, then it is not problematic.

If it still happen with different brushes, then it is a bug.

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Anyone confirm this crash before I file a mantis (4.5b4)


Steps to Repro:
1. New Voxel Scene (any model will do)
2. Pose Tool...draw Selection
3. Click "Use Free Form" to enable
4. Click "Use Free Form" to disable
5. Resize or Move
6. Press CTRL + Z to undo
7. Crash With Memory Error.
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can anyone confirm his one?


-Select Fill tool (with or without pbr material active,it does not matter..)


-Select Add Custom from Pattern Type roll out menu.


:3Dcoat crash instantly  on my side if I try this..

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can anyone confirm his one?


-Select Fill tool (with or without pbr material active,it does not matter..)


-Select Add Custom from Pattern Type roll out menu.


:3Dcoat crash instantly  on my side if I try this..

Yap. Confirmed.

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  • Advanced Member

6.01.2015 4.5 BETA4

- Important!! fixed critical problem related to broken export.

- Compatibility/GGX/Blinn-phong shading. Compatibility shading preserves colors as well as previous coat's shading but is able to use advantages of PBR.

- PBR preview in paintbrush mode

- new materials


It appears in this release that Help>3D-Coat Manual is now online. Not sure what to think of this.


Here's the link to the online Manual:


Edited by bisenberger
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And embedded videos. :) Also keeping a manual up to date, and then distributing is very difficult with a PDF. Everyone has to download it to have the latest version. With an online manual, you're almost always going to have up to date information for the current stable/near stable build. That said, I've actually got it up to speed for 4.5 Beta 2. So it's pretty up to date.



I don't expect everyone to like an online manual (but all of the feedback I got was very positive) It's definitely better in a lot of ways, with a few drawbacks (being it's online, and not on your disk). I have a solution for converting it to PDF, but it wont contain any videos at all, and may be different in a number of other ways.

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We started translating new HLSL shaders to GLSL. It means that GL vesion will work soon. And it will make possible to make Mac/Linux build.

AWESOME!!!! :) Very much looking forward to teaching 4.5 in my classroom-  Anyway for me to get a notification when its available? Or should I just keep checking this thread?

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now with proper Udim support, will be this request resolved too ?


0001482: Ability to switch from Single to Multi-UV Tile in the Texture Editor

Trello vote card


ty ! :)

Where is a good source for me to understand what these UDIM things are? I know it has to do with UV tiles, would just like a proper explanation of why they are useful and why I should adopt them into my workflow

Edited by vjanomolee
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Where is a good source for me to understand what these UDIM things are? I know it has to do with UV tiles, would just like a proper explanation of why they are useful and why I should adopt them into my workflow


Here's the long version:




The quick version:


Each UV Row is identified by 1000, 2000, 3000, etc.. Each UV Column is identified by the trailing digits from the thousands. So the first column of the first row will be 1001, the second column of the second row will be 1002. The two hundred fifty ninth column of the seventh row will be 7259. After texturing and exporting your textures, each texture image will be assigned a number based on those coordinates in the filename. Then upon importing your images, assuming the program supports UDIM, will look at those assignments and automatically put it in the right proper place in UV space for you.


It's a pretty handy way to work, cuts down on a LOT of time, at least for me because I always use a number of UV tiles on meshes.



The big issue for 3DC is that it only supports one UV tile at a time, and if it sees multiple UV tiles it converts those tiles to UV maps instead of properly importing the UV map with all of it's tiles and letting you edit, paint, etc. on the entire map with all of the tiles. Having this UDIM compliance at least helps solve some of that issue.

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Here's the long version:




The quick version:


Each UV Row is identified by 1000, 2000, 3000, etc.. Each UV Column is identified by the trailing digits from the thousands. So the first column of the first row will be 1001, the second column of the second row will be 1002. The two hundred fifty ninth column of the seventh row will be 7259. After texturing and exporting your textures, each texture image will be assigned a number based on those coordinates in the filename. Then upon importing your images, assuming the program supports UDIM, will look at those assignments and automatically put it in the right proper place in UV space for you.


It's a pretty handy way to work, cuts down on a LOT of time, at least for me because I always use a number of UV tiles on meshes.



The big issue for 3DC is that it only supports one UV tile at a time, and if it sees multiple UV tiles it converts those tiles to UV maps instead of properly importing the UV map with all of it's tiles and letting you edit, paint, etc. on the entire map with all of the tiles. Having this UDIM compliance at least helps solve some of that issue.


Thanks for the quick reply Javis!

That makes alot of sense. What are the advantages of creating multiple UV tiles for your mesh within the same UV map?

Ive always just used seperate maps if needed.

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Anyone else having problems using Snake Clay from the Live Clay tools? sR5Wz1z.png Apparently it's been 'broken' for a long time... I hope it can be patched in the beta releases because it is a very important tool (in my opinion) and it's currently unusable for any serious modeling. 


If you play with the tool for a bit you'll see what I mean about "broken" (especially using symmetry) It sometimes sticks to the surface of the object, at other times it jumps randomly and it follows the mouse cursor in very odd ways. 

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Here's the long version:




The quick version:


Each UV Row is identified by 1000, 2000, 3000, etc.. Each UV Column is identified by the trailing digits from the thousands. So the first column of the first row will be 1001, the second column of the second row will be 1002. The two hundred fifty ninth column of the seventh row will be 7259. After texturing and exporting your textures, each texture image will be assigned a number based on those coordinates in the filename. Then upon importing your images, assuming the program supports UDIM, will look at those assignments and automatically put it in the right proper place in UV space for you.


It's a pretty handy way to work, cuts down on a LOT of time, at least for me because I always use a number of UV tiles on meshes.



The big issue for 3DC is that it only supports one UV tile at a time, and if it sees multiple UV tiles it converts those tiles to UV maps instead of properly importing the UV map with all of it's tiles and letting you edit, paint, etc. on the entire map with all of the tiles. Having this UDIM compliance at least helps solve some of that issue.


Correction. Each row is 1000, 1010, 1020 (and up to 9999). Apologies for the error.



Thanks for the quick reply Javis!

That makes alot of sense. What are the advantages of creating multiple UV tiles for your mesh within the same UV map?

Ive always just used seperate maps if needed.


Well from a working stand point, it's generally easier to deal with one UV map per object, character, etc., and use UV tiles instead of multiple UV maps. If you've got a lot of work in front of you, it's better to have one UV map per object, rather than a whole bunch. You still get the same effects.


Texturing with any kind with procedurals or other similar effects when applied to UV maps can be done more easily across an entire object with one UV map. Whereas if you have multiple UV maps for the object, you need to instance or duplicate your procedurals for each UV map you have.


From a performance stand point, most render engines (unsure of game engines, but it's probably pretty comparable) deal with 1 UV map better than a bunch.


Shaders can sometimes be weird when using multiple UV maps.  And actually that is the reason why Andrew has 3DC set up the way it is. He told me that it would require a rewrite of 3DC to handle multiple tiles because of some shader issue. If I recall correctly.


That's just some of the reasons. Hope that helps.

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Anyone else having problems using Snake Clay from the Live Clay tools? sR5Wz1z.png Apparently it's been 'broken' for a long time... I hope it can be patched in the beta releases because it is a very important tool (in my opinion) and it's currently unusable for any serious modeling. 


If you play with the tool for a bit you'll see what I mean about "broken" (especially using symmetry) It sometimes sticks to the surface of the object, at other times it jumps randomly and it follows the mouse cursor in very odd ways. 



I can confirm, it's broken. It almost always sticks to other surfaces for me. There used to be an option that allowed you to control it and what it did, but it appears to have been removed?

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...and if you're offline....no help?


I assume you're referring to the manual? If so, I did mention that I'm working on a PDF version, but It might be a while. :) The online version is the focus right now.

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