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V4.5 BETA (experimental)

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Thanks for the quick reply Javis!

That makes alot of sense. What are the advantages of creating multiple UV tiles for your mesh within the same UV map?

Ive always just used seperate maps if needed.


If you're doing models for games, then having one UV map for a complex object can really help from a performance standpoint, as well.  Loading multiple UV maps for one object can really cost, but allows for greater control over fidelity of the textures.  The trick is learning to determine when and when not to create a single or multiple UV maps and/or figuring out how best to approach that fine line between fidelity and performance.

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I assume you're referring to the manual? If so, I did mention that I'm working on a PDF version, but It might be a while. :) The online version is the focus right now.


Yep, I was referring to the manual.  Sorry.  Thanks for the reply.  I think it's reasonable for people to expect the pdf version to be out-of-date compared to the online version.  Should be easy enough for folks to figure out which is more necessary.

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4.5 BETA5

- Fixed crash in pose tool

- Fixed crash in fill tool

- GL version works!

- snake fixed

- fixed problem with sliders numerical input in Layer blending palette

- panoramas updated

- different small stuff like default hotkeys

Thanks, Andrew. :good:

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Yep, I was referring to the manual.  Sorry.  Thanks for the reply.  I think it's reasonable for people to expect the pdf version to be out-of-date compared to the online version.  Should be easy enough for folks to figure out which is more necessary.


I agree. It shouldn't be too much of a big deal.


Seems DX 64 SIMPLE executable is not valid, other ones are good. I will reupload build.


Thanks Andrew. Will this be on Google Drive too?

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  • Reputable Contributor

Ok, Time to watch Javis's PBR video again as now I can run 32 bit Windows GL with PBR support using "Wine" under Linux while I wait for the official Linux 64 bit version of PBR.

Edited by digman
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Correction. Each row is 1000, 1010, 1020 (and up to 9999). Apologies for the error.




Well from a working stand point, it's generally easier to deal with one UV map per object, character, etc., and use UV tiles instead of multiple UV maps. If you've got a lot of work in front of you, it's better to have one UV map per object, rather than a whole bunch. You still get the same effects.


Texturing with any kind with procedurals or other similar effects when applied to UV maps can be done more easily across an entire object with one UV map. Whereas if you have multiple UV maps for the object, you need to instance or duplicate your procedurals for each UV map you have.


From a performance stand point, most render engines (unsure of game engines, but it's probably pretty comparable) deal with 1 UV map better than a bunch.


Shaders can sometimes be weird when using multiple UV maps.  And actually that is the reason why Andrew has 3DC set up the way it is. He told me that it would require a rewrite of 3DC to handle multiple tiles because of some shader issue. If I recall correctly.


That's just some of the reasons. Hope that helps.

That is VERY helpful thank you.

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4.5 BETA5

- Fixed crash in pose tool

- Fixed crash in fill tool

- GL version works!

- snake fixed

- fixed problem with sliders numerical input in Layer blending palette

- panoramas updated

- different small stuff like default hotkeys

Awesome!  *anxiously awaits Mac build

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problem with slider numerical input at BRUSH Option, TOOL Option, Layer Blending... remains


need to LM click over a right right boxarea to popup the numerical input box


if you LM click box at middle = no action


post-10142-0-67584500-1420810260_thumb.j post-10142-0-31877200-1420810460_thumb.j post-10142-0-17087100-1420811389_thumb.j



- fixed problem with sliders numerical input in Layer blending palette

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problem with slider numerical input at BRUSH Option, TOOL Option, Layer Blending... remains


need to LM click over a right right boxarea to popup the numerical input box


if you LM click box at middle = no action


attachicon.gifsquare is small.jpg attachicon.gifTool Options.jpg attachicon.gifLayer Blending.jpg

Is it really BETA5 ? I checked and all works as expected on my side.
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  • Advanced Member

Andrew, in latest release, UI color of all the value boxes is not themable any longer. So now I got dark font on dark background and it is hard to read. Any way to fix this? Prevously it was ok - see how it looked in previous builds (before beta5)- http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16870#entry114615

Edited by JoseConseco
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Little question


Some PBR Materials need a Ambient Occlusion Map.

If i use the normal way, Sculp, Retopo, UVs and Baking. I get a nice AO.

But if i start directly in Paint Room, the AO gets createt, but i dont get the same good result as i get if i bake it from Retopo Room.


Long story short, what is the correct baking option in Paint Room to get the same result as get from Baking in Retopo Room?

Any help would be nice.

Edited by Malo
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Little question


Some PBR Materials need a Ambient Occlusion Map.

If i use the normal way, Sculp, Retopo, UVs and Baking. I get a nice AO.

But if i start directly in Paint Room, the AO gets createt, but i dont get the same good result as i get if i bake it from Retopo Room.


Long story short, what is the correct baking option in Paont Room to get the same result is get from Baking in Retopo Room?

Any help would be nice.

its because its creating the occlusion from the low poly wich is not interesting for occlusion...unless in some cases when using lowpoly simple hardsurface elements,

Unfortunaltly you need to still bake from retopo but you can export map and use it anytime you want or even bake externally using another app. What I mean is anyway you do it you still need to bake from hipoly to lowpoly.

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Thanks for the reply.


As you say, i have a hard surface object, from Blender.

Is there a way to bake a correct AO map in 3d coat from the lowpoly?

I could bake it external, no problem, but it would be nice to know.

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  • Contributor

Thanks for the reply.


As you say, i have a hard surface object, from Blender.

Is there a way to bake a correct AO map in 3d coat from the lowpoly?

I could bake it external, no problem, but it would be nice to know.

i never baked from lowpoly I dont know what best route is.... there is probably some good tutorials on the net.

Personnally I always use Xnormals but I bake from hipoly , I dont know how results looks like when baking using lowpoly mesh...anyway calculation must be pretty fast so making  a few test should not be an issue....

I also recommend looking into Knald it seems like a pretty cool app to generate Ao maps.


Edit:Ok,from 3DC personally I would merge to voxels to hi polyount....bake AO from paintroom to vertex paint then use  lowpoly as retopo mesh  for baking.

Advantage of this method is you can bake multiple rays/settings to different layers and choose what is really the best for your intents.

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Could the old Texture Baking tool help in some point ?



once the ao is baked to vertex as diffuse it can be baked to lowpoly using that tool.

But you cannot generate Ao maps from texture baking tool unfortunately....

Maybe importing to SF mode wihtout voxelisation and then bake...but I never tried it,I really dont know if Ao map is gonna look nice...

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Aomaps from surface looks nice, except from the shadown that gets generated by overhanging parts (arms of character over hips for instance).

I never understood why Andrew chose spotlights to generate ao. AO shouldn't have anything to do with lights.
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